As the Warriors practice day by day by the Black Lake, game day is getting closer.

On the penultimate day before the game, someone informed Levin that there was a referee meeting regarding the second game.

So Levin went all the way to the empty classroom that was specially prepared for the Triwizard Tournament.

I saw an old acquaintance of Levin, Percy Weasley, the third son of the Weasley family, waiting at the door of the classroom.

As soon as he saw him, Percy showed a flattering smile,

"Hello, Mr. Green, you are also here to attend the meeting." He took the initiative to greet Levin, "Mr. Crouch and Mr. Bagman are inside.

Don't hit the smiling person, not to mention, Levin has a good relationship with the Weasley family,

Even though he didn't look down on Percy, he still waved to him.

Just as Levin was about to go in, Percy took a step forward:

"Mr. Green, could you please take a moment to speak before I go in?"

"What's wrong, Percy?"

Levin was a little curious about Percy's sudden request.

At first, he thought the other party wanted to ask him for something, or wanted to please Jaina again or something.

The two came to the corner of the stairs,

"Percy, let me give you a vaccination first."

Levin said to him seriously: "The relationship between my sister Gianna and your boss Crouch has been tense recently. If you want to talk to me about something, you'd better think of it first."


#08If your boss finds out about your little tricks, your good days will be over. Don't forget, you are his personal assistant, and he holds the power of life and death over you.

Faced with Levin's reminder, Percy seemed not to have heard it and said to him: "Sir Levin Green, I just want to have a frank talk with you this time. Although I am Mr. Crouch's Personal assistant, but deep down in my heart, I am actually more inclined to Ms. Proudmoore’s philosophy. When I first met her, I already expressed my intention, and this has never changed until now.”

Guowen only believed half of this.

In his eyes, Percy's loyalty and preparation to jump to Jaina's side were probably true.

But to say that he truly believes what Gianna said, only a fool would believe it.

Even if he did express this view when he met Jaina - a beast of power like him would never truly believe in someone's recommendation concept except for his own status.

He may have expressed support and approval for Gianna at the beginning, but I believe his reaction was similar after meeting Crouch.

However, Levin doesn't care, he doesn't need to listen to what Percy says, he just wants to see what the other person does.

Percy took out a notebook from his arms and handed it to Su Wen with both hands:

"This is my sincerity!"

Levin took the notebook, but did not open it. He just looked at the cover of the notebook and asked curiously: "What is inside this?"

A trace of pride flashed across Percy's face: "These are just my small observations of Mr. Crouch's daily life.'

He paused and continued, "In fact, when I first came under Mr. Crouch, I always wanted to work for him seriously. Who would have thought that one time I accidentally discovered that Mr. Crouch's behavior was a little weird? , it seemed that there was some conspiracy going on secretly. From that moment on, I knew that I couldn’t leave this matter alone, and I needed to report it to Ms. Proudmoore and Mr. Fudge.”

I think you are not aware that Mr. Crouch is doing bad things, but that his status is unstable.

In fact, as early as after Sirius's trial, Crouch's status began to be in jeopardy after being slapped in the face.

It is very common for people to flatter others and suppress others in power arena.

But it was not until after World Cup night that the political alliance between Gianna and Fudge began to attack Crouch's party.

It was around that time that Percy Weasley, who had just been appointed Crouch's assistant, found that he had jumped onto a sinking ship right after the game started.

All of this right now is probably his effort to jump off the ship.

"Then inside..." Levin's fingers gently slid across the cover of the notebook.

Percy smiled mysteriously, "Here are Mr. Crouch's work notes that I recorded. Not only does it cover his work affairs, but there are also some... special clues.

Levin's curiosity was aroused, and he opened the notebook and started browsing.

After reading a few pages, he raised his head and looked at Percy in surprise.

He thought Percy was too modest.

This notebook not only records the work content of Barty Crouch Sr. in detail, but also lists his daily life and eating habits one by one, such as what time he gets up every day, when he eats, what he eats, and what he eats. How many meals, what drinks did you drink, how many times you went to the toilet...even your favorite brand of toilet paper are all recorded.

It is simply more detailed than Old Barty's own diary.

Percy looked at Levin's reaction and said with some pride: "The exciting part is yet to come, I've already sorted it out."

He said, taking the initiative to help Levin turn to the last few pages of the notebook.

Percy began to explain: "Actually, his abnormality is very simple. I found that Mr. Crouch has lacked interest in official duties recently and has left most of the work to me. But the strange thing is that even though he has no work, he behaves I am extremely busy and always frowning, making me exhausted every day.”

Speaking of this, Percy paused and continued: "Besides, his family originally had a house elf named Winky, but after the Quidditch World Cup, the elf died. I guess Mr. Rauch may have sent the elf on some sort of mission."

Percy's voice became lower and lower, but his tone was full of excitement: "I estimate that there should be a lot of people like us who are attracted by him. They must be planning some big move in secret, and this goal is very important. It could be Secretary Fudge!"

From his tone, Levin could sense deep excitement.

After all, if old Barty is really preparing to launch a conspiracy against Fudge as Percy suspected, Xi, the whistleblower, will definitely be generously rewarded by Fudge.

Unfortunately, Levin knew very well that Barty Sr. was working so hard just to find his son, Barty Crouch Jr.

However, Percy's record can indeed be used as evidence that Barty Crouch Sr. let his son go without permission and did not report the whole process.

Although the usefulness is not as great as he imagined, it is not impossible.

Levin thought so, but without stopping at all, he put the notebook into his arms.

Percy saw this and was delighted, knowing that his information had worked.

He tried his best to hide his joy and tried to act as if nothing had happened. However, his expression became a little distorted due to 663's inner conflicts and excitement.

Levin looked at Percy's school uniform robe that had turned white from washing, chuckled, then took out a bag of heavy gold coins from his pocket and placed it on the table.

"You did a good job, this is your reward." Levin said, "Here is one hundred galleons. You can take it first and go to Tuofan Clothing Store to order a decent formal suit. After that, Fudge The minister’s future assistant cannot do without a good set of clothes.”

Upon hearing this, Percy bowed excitedly and thanked him repeatedly: "Thank you Mr. Green!"

His eyes were shining with excitement, and his longing for the future was beyond words.

Is he very clear?

One hundred gold galleons was indeed a lot for a Weasley like him.

After all, his father, Mr. Weasley's monthly salary is just over a hundred gold galleons.

For a young boy like Percy, one hundred gold galleons was a huge amount that he had never seen before.

But in fact, compared to the real reward, this hundred galleons is nothing.

What Percy valued most was Levin's words.

"Secretary Fudge's Assistant"

This could be taken as a compliment, but more as Levin's political commitment,

"As long as it works out, I will recommend you to become Fudge's assistant."

Although he was still an assistant in the end, everything was different.

Because the person he is going to be assistant to is the Minister of Magic!

This is the true reward for his actions.

Sure enough, it is right to join the winner!

Percy felt deeply proud. .

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