My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 363 Water Training And [Great Holy Light Technique]

After Harry left, Levin remained in the lounge, cooking a small meal with Hermione and Ginny.

Actually it was mainly Hermione, Ginny just happened to be there to listen,

Luna also happily ran over with Aiwu in her arms.

Levin is teaching Hermione a spell called [Hydraulic Sphere].

This is just a 2-ring evocation spell, not too complicated.

The reason Levin specifically teaches it is because it is very unpopular.

This is a spell that can only be used in bodies of water.

After casting the spell, the water around the target can suddenly gain a terrifying pressure that is enough to crush bones, just like in the deepest trench.

"When casting this spell, you should fully feel the fluid around the target, let your magic power be released evenly, and then... like this!"

For a practical exercise, Levin waved his magic wand and the girls suddenly felt the wind coming from all directions.


"I just combed my hair!"

"...Skirt skirt!"

The same spell can crush bones when released in a body of water, but can only create a little breeze in the air.

But it still caused the girls to scream "420".

"Really, where did you cast the spell? Ginny's skirt was about to be lifted up, you must have done it on purpose!"

While fixing her hair, Hermione defended Ginny.

But the rightful owner who had been wronged by her was just there giggling.

Suddenly, she saw something on her desktop.

It was a red phoenix feather with a small roll of parchment tied to it.

"Is this... Dumbledore's letter?" Hermione gave a guess after studying it for a moment.

In this world, the only person in the world who can send this kind of Phoenix letter to them, besides everyone in the Genius Club, is Dumbledore.

The phoenix letters sent by the Genius Club members are all made of Levin's feathers after he transformed into a phoenix.

According to Hermione's observation, Levin's feathers are much brighter than Fox's, and there is a hint of fire on them unconsciously.

"Want me to help you open it?" Hermione asked proactively, she was curious why Dumbledore sent the letter at this time.


Levin waved his hand indifferently. He could probably guess the purpose of Dumbledore's letter.

It was okay to hide some things from Harry, there was no need to hide them from other people.

So Hermione detached the parchment from the phoenix tail feathers, unfolded it, and read:

.....I found out that Professor Moody bought the aquatic creature madness potion in Knockturn Alley, and said goodbye to Harry Potter this morning before jumping into the Black Lake..."

"How could he do this?" Hermione was a little angry,

Professor Moody actually tampered with the next game.

After all, the competition will start in a few days, and she and other warriors will have to enter the Black Lake in person.

Now that he has done this, without any precautions, they will definitely be in big trouble.

"Actually, Moody's doing this is still good for you." Levin patted her hand comfortingly, "For example, the spell I just taught you can be used now. Among the few warriors , your combat effectiveness is considered the strongest, increasing the difficulty will make it easier for you to stand out.

"But, what about Harry?"

Although this semester, Hermione was busy studying and studying, and Harry's interactions were not as frequent as in the lower grades, but the girl could not help but worry about him. After all, they were still friends and would still be together during class.

Therefore, Levin gave a guarantee: "There is no need to worry about Harry. You think, Moody's purpose of doing this is to allow Harry to pass the competition with a high score, so he will always have a way to ensure that Harry's life is not in danger. It really doesn't work. I also prepared the final insurance for the competition, which was temporarily inserted into the arena recently. At least it can ensure that no one's life will be in danger.

"The last insurance... I just joined recently... Is it Ms. Rowena?" Hermione guessed the candidate immediately and said in surprise.

"Other than her, who else is qualified for this task?" Levin smiled and reminded, "By the way, I don't want people to know about her resurrection yet, so when the time comes, Rowena will not use her original The identity appears, remember the drama gang."

"Yeah!" Hermione nodded repeatedly.

In fact, when they heard that Levin had really resurrected Rowena Ravenclaw, no one from the well-informed Kirin Tor Archmage Jaina to Ginny, who admired Levin the most, believed it.

Please, this is a resurrected person, and the resurrected person is a person who died thousands of years ago.

The former can be managed with the Philosopher's Stone, but the latter is really unbelievable.

And when the heroic spirit Rowena, who was very similar to the statue, appeared in front of them and answered fluently about what happened thousands of years ago, they had to believe this fact.

Now Levin, who was already highly admired, became even more omnipotent in their eyes.

Even people who died thousands of years ago can be resurrected, what is there that he can't do?

After that, Rowena Ravenclaw successfully became popular with everyone.

Maybe it comes from your own wisdom, maybe it’s the effect of your inherent skill [Innate Wisdom],

Rowena mastered the arcane magic system quickly and understood the essence in less than a week.

I believe that if she continues to learn like this, she will be the first person to be able to keep up with Levin's progress in arcane magic.

Levin has already planned that she will guide everyone in the Genius Club to learn new magic in the future.

In this way, he can spend more time fishing, which is perfect.

In short, Rowena's strength has been recognized by everyone.

I was relieved to hear that she was here to protect my safety.

Comfort Hermione, Levin warned again:

"Dumbledore specifically asked not to tell Harry these things, because he has not learned Occlumency yet and can easily be seen through. Just treat it as a training for him and don't tell him."

Hermione and Ginny looked at each other and nodded.

"Then others can't deal with those crazy underwater creatures, right? I guess Fleur is going to be in bad luck, and Gabrielle will be sad about it," Ginny reminded.

"You're right, Furong still needs to be concerned about it." Levin also realized this problem.

There is no Professor Moody in Fleur to worry about her.

At her level, it would be very difficult to deal with crazy underwater creatures.

So he promised: "Then I will give Fleur special training so that she can get good results in this competition. Hermione, will you also come then?"

"Of course," the girl agreed readily, "I will not miss your special training."

In fact, although Levin already has a good relationship with Sister Fleur, she is still under investigation.

Levin has no plans to recruit them into the genius club just yet.

Therefore, benefits such as permanent attribute potions, the full version of the "Book of All Laws", and the Fairy Silver Wand will not be given to her for the time being.

In this case, all Levin can do is give her special training.

For example, help her master a series of spells that facilitate underwater movement such as [Head Bubble Curse] or [Human Transformation], as well as some underwater combat magic such as [Water Pressure Sphere].

So, starting from the next day, Klum was no longer the only one conducting underwater training at the lake.

First, Fleur and Hermione conducted underwater training under the guidance of Levin. The scene of the two girls in swimsuits attracted many people to stop and watch. No matter how they were dispersed, there were always people who stayed there shamelessly. Some even took the telescope from the astronomy class. Brought them all over.

In anger, Levin only took three minutes to create a magic [Great Holy Light Technique].

At first glance, this spell sounds like a priest's spell, but in fact, its function is completely different from what most people imagine.

[Great Holy Light: 2nd level illusion system. The cast target is protected by the Great Holy Light. When a key part is exposed, holy light will be automatically generated near the part to ensure that others cannot observe the 0.0 part. The degree of protection of the Holy Light can be adjusted freely. 】

Once this spell was used, the two girls were immediately well protected.

There are things that only he can see!

Levin's "selfish" behavior disappointed many boys, and the number of bystanders finally decreased significantly.

After all, no one can bear to be blinded at a critical moment.

Levin was very satisfied with this,

He plans to use this spell extensively in the live broadcast system in the future.

Just like the live broadcast of the next game,

Rather than letting the contestants personally enter the water with the holy light as a conspicuous bag,

It would be better to use the Holy Light on the live broadcast.

As time goes by, the secret of the golden egg is no longer a secret.

The six warriors all knew the key to the project, so they gathered at the lake. Soon, the news about the second game and the Black Lake spread throughout Hogwarts.

Pictured is Hibiscus in swimsuit

The popular swimsuit back,

I won't use [Great Holy Light Technique] on everyone, but I don't know if Shen He can bear it. .

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