Teachers and students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang have arrived,

At Dumbledore's invitation, everyone finally entered the warm auditorium.

Durmstrang's little wizards took their seats at the Slytherin table,

Beauxbatons was placed next to Ravenclaw's long table,

"Can I sit here with you?"

As soon as Levin sat down, Fleur's clear voice sounded in his ears,

Without waiting for anyone to answer, the girl took Gabrielle and sat on Levin's right side.

That was supposed to be Steve's seat, but at this moment his face turned red and he stared blankly at the Beauxbatons girl in front of him. He opened his mouth, but only made a vague guttural sound, as if he was stuck. Living.

"Wake up, Steve."

Levin touched his roommate, and psychic powers were injected into his body. The power of [Mechanized Mind] was like the "Ice Heart Art", which immediately woke him up.


After he finished speaking stumblingly, he immediately wanted to sit on Levin's left side.

But as soon as he took a step, he found a pair of beautiful black eyes in front of him looking at him sternly.

Senior..........Superior? What do you want?" Steve immediately understood what the other party meant and quickly took a few steps back, "You, please sit down, it doesn't matter if I sit somewhere else.

"Thank you then."

Zhang Qiu expressed his gratitude and took Luna to sit directly on Levin's left side, staring at Huang Rong.

The two looked at each other, as if some invisible force field spell had been cast. No little wizard dared to sit down for several meters around them.

This scene made Levin feel dizzy.

However, the Shura Field does not only occur on the Ravenclaw side, but also on the Gryffindor side.

"That half-Veela must have fascinated Levin." Seeing Fleur sitting down next to Levin, Ronald whispered sourly to Harry.

"Definitely not!" Hermione said sharply, "Levin060 didn't stare at her like an idiot like some people did!"

After saying that, Hermione raised her head proudly, glanced at Ronald, picked up the plate and walked away.

However, Hermione knew very well that Fleur sat next to Levin because of him.

Even though she excused Levin in front of Ronald, she still honestly chose a location that was convenient for observing Levin and Fleur.

After all the students entered the auditorium and took their seats at the tables in their respective houses, the faculty came in, and they filed into the non-guest seats and sat down.

As the three most senior people at this dinner, Dumbledore, Maxim and Karkaroff walked at the back.

When they all took their seats, there were still three empty seats at the teacher's bench.

As soon as the Beauxbatons students saw Ms. Maxim enter the arena, they immediately stood up respectfully, including Fleur next to Caiwen.

Many Hogwarts students couldn't help laughing when they saw this, but they were not embarrassed at all until Ms. Maxim sat down on Dumbledore's left hand side before sitting down again.

"This is Beauxbatons' custom. Students can sit down only after the principal sits down to show respect for them." Little Lolita Gabrielle explained in Levin's ear.

In comparison, Durmstrang's students were lacking in etiquette.

No matter how Karkaroff hinted with his eyes, they ignored it and continued to play with the exquisite dinner plates in front of them.

This caused Karkaroff's entire face to darken.

"Good evening, gentlemen and gentlemen, the ghosts have - especially - the second distinguished guests."

Dumbledore said, looking at the foreign students with a smile.

"It is with great joy that I welcome you to Hogwarts. I hope and believe that you will feel comfortable and happy here.

"The tournament will officially begin at the end of the banquet," Dumbledore said.

"I now invite everyone to eat and drink as much as you would at home!"

In an instant, the plates of all the little wizards were piled with food, and the house elves in the kitchen seemed to have tried their best to make this dinner incredibly rich.

Different from the past, Levin was surprised to find that there were many new dishes on the table, all of which were Gallic and Nordic delicacies, probably to satisfy the students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang.

Levin is excited to try new dishes,

But he soon discovered that he didn't need to do this at all.

Because Furong served him a bowl of French fish soup intimately,

Seeing Furong's actions, Zhang Qiu also handed over a piece of Norwegian smoked salmon.

Next, the overt and covert fight between the two women started on Levin's plate.

The two of them took turns bringing food to Levin, a Danish hot dog for you and French-fried duck breast for me.

Levin has never been as full as he was today.

Fortunately, Luna and Gabrielle were glaring at the side and did not participate. Otherwise, he would have to use some of his Animagus skills to handle too much food at the dinner table today.

Levin's pain, in the eyes of other little wizards, is actually the trouble of happiness.

Especially the Beauxbatons boys, have they ever seen Fleur take the initiative to pick up food for the boys?

You know, in Beauxbatons, Fleur Delacour was so cold and cold that she even set a record of rejecting one hundred boys in a row. No one may be able to surpass her in the next hundred years.

Who would have thought that in front of this Ravenclaw boy, he would be as lively as a little girl of the same age as Gabrielle, and as flattering as

What's good about that person? Isn't it just that he is more handsome than them, has a more elegant temperament, has a higher IQ, is stronger, has better Quidditch skills, is more famous, and has higher academic attainments? A little bit, the results will be a little more brilliant...?

In short, whether it is a Beauxbatons boy or a Hogwarts boy, when they see their goddess groveling in front of others, but the other party doesn't seem to buy it, they are all so angry that they want to curse.

At this moment, Professor Flitwick also wanted to curse.

At the teacher's seat, Hagrid next to him was looking at Madame Maxime with her eyes widened and her breathing quickening.

Back then, he wasn't that excited when Noble was born.

Hagrid raised his wine glass, preparing to take a sip to calm his shock.

But the oat wine did not reach his mouth, but poured all on Professor Flitwick's head.

He smiled stupidly, picked up the fork again, and prepared to cut some beef.

The fork was thrust directly into Professor Flitwick's hand.

Professor Flitwick, who has always been a good old man, couldn't help but get angry:

"Ha(chaf)ge, you idiot!"

When the last dessert was eaten, Dumbledore finally stood up again.

Everyone in the auditorium immediately became quiet and looked at him nervously and excitedly.

At this time, there were three more people around Dumbledore, occupying three empty seats.

Only then did Levin discover that Tonks had also come to Hogwarts.

The other party also noticed Levin's gaze and winked at him mischievously.

"The moment has finally arrived," Dumbledore said with a smile on his face. "The Triwizard Tournament is about to begin. Before that, please allow me to introduce three special guests, Barty Crowe, Director of the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Magic. Mr. Qi, Director of the Department of Physical Education and Sports, Mr. Ludo Bagman, and Deputy Director of the Auror Office, Miss Nymphadora Tonks!"

There was warm applause in the auditorium, and Crouch just nodded as usual.

Bagman waved happily to express his thanks.

As for Tonks, she changed from her careless attitude in private. She stood up straight with her head held high and her chest high, matching her handsome red and white Auror uniform, which made her look heroic.

She also received the most applause.

"By the way, there's Mr. Levin Green, please stand over too.

Dumbledore suddenly mentioned Levin's name.

"In the past few months, Mr. Crouch, Mr. Bagman and our Mr. Green have contributed a lot to our Triwizard Tournament. Next, they will form the referee together with our three principals and group."

Even though the news about Levin becoming the organizer of the tournament has been spread privately,

But when he actually stood with these adult wizards, he still caused bursts of exclamations.

Next, Dumbledore looked at Bax.

"As for Miss Tonks, let us welcome her back to her alma mater five years after graduation."

As soon as he finished speaking, the little wizards burst into warm applause again,

Especially in the senior grades,

There is no way, Tonks is too young, and many people here are her former classmates.

"Let us thank Miss Tonks and the Department of Legal Enforcement for their support. During the Triwizard Tournament, Miss Tonks will be responsible for the security of the competition."

"Well, Mr. Filch, take down the box."

"We have officially decided on the specific events for this year's Triwizard Tournament."

Dumbledore said slowly, and Filch took the opportunity to place an antique wooden box inlaid with jewels on the table in front of Dumbledore.

"There are a total of four projects, which will be carried out at different times throughout the school year. They will test the warriors' magical talents, courage and reasoning ability in many different aspects, as well as their ability to overcome dangers!"

Speaking of this, he looked at Levin deeply.

After he joined the preparatory committee, many aspects of the Triwizard Tournament changed beyond recognition.

"I believe you already know that only three warriors can represent their respective schools in the competition."

Dumbledore continued,

"We will rate them based on their performance in various competition events. After all events are completed, the warrior with the highest score will win the Triwizard Cup. The person responsible for selecting the warriors is an absolutely fair selector. It's the Goblet of Fire.

Having said this, Dumbledore tapped his wand three times on the wooden box in front of him.

Then the lid of the box creaked open, and Dumbledore took out a rough hand-carved wooden cup. A blue-white flame was dancing inside the cup.

Dumbledore carefully placed the Goblet of Fire on the lid of the wooden box so that everyone could see it clearly.

"Every student who wants to be a warrior must write his name and school name on a piece of parchment and throw it into this goblet,"

Dumbledore said seriously,

"Those who wish to become warriors can sign up within twenty-four hours. Tomorrow night, which is Halloween night, the Goblet will select the names of the three students it thinks best represent the three schools. Tonight, the Goblet Just put it in the foyer, where all students who are willing to run for office can access it.”

"In order to prevent underage students from being tempted, after the goblet is placed in the hall, I will put ten age boundaries around it. No one under the age of seventeen can cross this boundary."

"Finally, I would like to remind every student who wants to participate in the election to note that this competition is not a child's play. Do not participate rashly. Once the warrior is selected by the Goblet of Fire, he must persist in the competition to the end. Who will put himself Putting your name into the cup actually forms a magical contract that must be observed. Once you become a warrior, you are not allowed to change your mind. Therefore, please think twice and make sure that you really want to participate in the game wholeheartedly. Throw your name into the cup again. Well, I think it's time for everyone to go to bed. Good night to everyone."

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