After Madame Maxime, the attention of the little wizards was attracted by the little wizards from Beauxbatons.

To be precise, he was a member of Beauxbatons' team,

It was an extremely beautiful silver-haired girl. Her pair of shining silver eyes seemed to possess a magical power.

Every young man present felt his heart was hit hard when he saw her for the first time, his expression was dull, and he moaned meaninglessly, and then he could no longer take his eyes away.

After the silver-haired girl looked at the little wizard at Hogwarts, a smile as bright as a sunflower bloomed on her face, and she walked towards them waving.

"Oh my god! She's saying hi to me!"

Not far behind Levin, a freckle-faced Slytherin boy said excitedly.

This statement quickly aroused dissatisfaction among the boys around him.

They argued and pushed each other, and finally separated under Snape's eyes as cold as ice.

Then they discovered that they had become Xiaotian.

When he saw the girl, he rushed straight to Levin,

Levin only felt a scent of fragrance coming over him, and he was hugged tightly by a soft body.

"It's great, Levin, to finally see you again."

After saying that, she ignored Dumbledore and Maxim and kissed him passionately.


The Hogwarts students behind him all gasped,

Everyone has seen Fleur's beauty, and many young wizards have already decided to capture her to bring glory to Hogwarts.

Unexpectedly, he immediately saw Fleur throwing herself into Alvin's arms, and then the two of them kissed passionately without anyone noticing (in fact, Levin was forced to kiss unilaterally).


I don't know who it was, but he gritted his teeth and said something, and everyone nodded.

The most beautiful little witches in the school were all surrounding him. That was all. Why was it that the most beautiful girls in Beauxbatons were also captured by him?

Why are all the good things taken away by him!

While all the boys were indignant, Zhang Qiu and Hermione behind them also had their chests rising and falling.

As early as the day of the World Cup, they should have seen that this was a formidable enemy.

At that time, they thought that everyone was just meeting by chance and would never meet again, so they did not become wary.

Unexpectedly, when he turned around, someone else was chasing him directly from France.

If this half-Veela enchants Levin so much, wouldn't they be in danger?

At this moment, the two little girls felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.

Astoria in the back was also furious, and even Ginny frowned.

Only Luna still looked calm and calm.

Astoria asked curiously: "Why are you not in a hurry!"

Luna put down the airship in her hand and looked at Astoria with a strange look, "It's just a kiss, a boyfriend is still a boyfriend."

You are really open-minded.

Astoria and Ginny looked at each other, speechless.

It took a lot of effort for Levin to push Fleur away. Her enthusiasm made the boy feel a little on pins and needles.

He has now felt several murderous auras coming from behind,

He has always planned his love life very well, and all the ships are sailing in an orderly manner.

Unexpectedly, Fu Rong's head was sucked, and the Shura field was caught off guard.

"Levin, I haven't seen you for a few months. Have you missed me?"

Even though she was pushed away, Fleur still held Levin's arm tightly, pinched his biceps, and stared at the boy with her big blue eyes.

"No, we obviously only met once." Levin shook his head expressionlessly, as if he wanted to dissuade her through this method.

But Fleur Delacour didn't care and said to herself: "It's okay, I miss you very much."

At this moment, another girl from Beauxbatons' team ran towards Levin,

Like Fleur, she has beautiful silver hair and blue eyes, but she is much shorter than her. She looks like a smaller version of Fleur. She also exudes a strange charm second only to Fleur, giving people a childish look. state of attraction.

The appearance of the girl made the boys at Hogwarts sigh again.

Another beautiful girl...but this one is a bit tortured.

The girl came to Levin and asked curiously: "Are you Levin Green? Thank you for saving my grandpa. My sister has been thinking about you these two months."

She felt that the boy in front of her was really good-looking and exuded inexplicable attraction.

Sure enough, my sister has a very good taste.

"This is my sister, Gabrielle." Fleur touched the girl's head and introduced, "She is only in the first grade.

"Hello, Ruby." Levin greeted her.

"So, do you want to be my sister's boyfriend?" The girl tilted her head and said, "There are a lot of boys chasing my sister in Beauxbatons, so you have to hurry up."

"But your sister and I only met once before." Levin replied, she thought Gabrielle was very interesting.

"So that's it?" Gabrielle nodded in understanding, and then she suddenly said, "Since you are not my brother-in-law yet, can you wait for Gabrielle? When I grow up, you can be me. boyfriend.


Before Levin could speak, Fleur immediately interrupted her.

"Little brother, sister is angry." Gabri ran away quickly, not forgetting to turn around and remind Levin, "Brother Levin, you must wait for Gabri."

"Sorry, Gabrielle is just joking, please don't take it seriously," Fleur said apologetically to Levin, "Gabriel just likes to joke."

"Your sister is indeed quite interesting." Levin smiled slightly.

"Did you hear anything?" Hermione suddenly spoke, interrupting their conversation.

Levin nodded and listened carefully.

A loud, strange sound drifted towards them from the darkness: a muffled rumbling and sucking sound, like a giant vacuum cleaner moving along the riverbed...

"There's something in the lake!" Zhang Qiu also stepped forward, hugged Levin's other arm, and faced off with Furong.

She had never done this in public before.

Levin suddenly felt that it would be a good thing to stimulate them with hibiscus.

At this time, the calm water surface of the Black Lake began to appear abnormal,

There was a commotion under the water in the middle of the lake, huge splashes rose on the surface, and waves crashed against the wet lake shore - then, right in the middle of the lake, a large whirlpool appeared, like a huge plug suddenly being pulled from the bottom of the lake. Pulled it out......

A long black pole-like thing slowly rose from the whirlpool...and then Harry saw the sail rigging...

"That's...a mast?" Fleur covered her mouth.

Slowly and magnificently, the big ship rose out of the water, shining brightly in the moonlight.

It had an eerie, skeletal appearance, as if it were the remains of a sunken ship that had just been raised, and the portholes glowed with a dim, misty light that looked like ghostly eyes.

Finally, with a splashing sound, the big boat emerged completely, bumped on the undulating water, and began to sail towards the lake shore.

A moment later, they heard a thump as an anchor was thrown into the shallow water, and then another thud as a plank was placed on the shore of the lake.

Many extremely large wizards stepped off the ship. When they got closer, everyone discovered that the reason why they looked huge was because they were all wearing a kind of fur cloak with shaggy and tangled fur——and Unlike the elegant Beauxbatons just now, they looked more like an army with their neat steps.

But the man who led them towards the castle was wearing a different kind of fur: silver-white, soft and smooth, much like his hair.

"Dumbledore!" the man called enthusiastically as he walked up the slope, "how are you, my dear old fellow?"

"Excellent, thank you, Professor Karkaroff." Dumbledore replied.

Karkaroff's voice was mellow and sweet.

"Dear old Hogwarts," he said with a smile, looking up at the castle. "It's so good to be here, so good... Viktor, come here and warm yourself up... Do you mind, Dumbledore? Viktor has a little cold..."

A boy of seventeen or eighteen years old walked out of Durmstrang's students. He looked very strong, and the coat of arms of the Bulgarian team was painted on the cloak.

The little wizards began to whisper again, because they had recognized that this was the Bulgarian Seeker from the Quidditch World Cup several years ago——Victor Krum.

They didn't expect that this outstanding seeker was actually a Durmstrang student.

The little wizards of Beauxbatons exclaimed in surprise, and several students had even taken out lipstick, markers and other things to ask for signatures.

In fact, after meeting Levin, they also tried to ask Levin for his autograph. One bold girl even took out her lipstick and asked Levin to sign it on her gown.

The place was indeed the ceremonial robe, but the position the girl pointed at was the chest.

In the end it was Furong who drove her away.

This made Madame Maxime feel a moment of embarrassment.

In comparison, the little wizards at Hogwarts performed much better.

To them, Krum's arrival was nothing to make a fuss about. He was just a world-class Quidditch player.

And there were players stronger than him [there were two at Hogwarts - one of whom was standing right in front of them.

Krum's thick eyebrows knitted together, and he glared at Levin without concealment, especially when he saw Levin's left and right hands were tightly held by a beautiful girl, and Hermione was standing next to him.

This guy was so carefree at Hogwarts, why did Hermione...

Krum felt a little depressed.

On the other side, Karkaroff's face became a little gloomy. He deliberately pulled Krum out just to give Hogwarts a showdown, but everyone's reaction did not achieve the effect he expected.

He looked at Levin Green, his eyes flashing.

It's all because of this child.

Fortunately, he had persuaded Mrs. Maxim before and worked with him to exclude Levin from being selected as a candidate for the Warriors. Otherwise, Durmstrang's situation would have been even worse.

Pictured is Gabrielle

Update【6/4】, additional update【58/94】

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