Next, Jaina briefly explained the mission to the two of them.

To put it simply, just last month, a black dragon suddenly broke into Liverpool in the underworld, causing damage to more than a dozen houses, more than 20 people died, more than 80 people were injured, and several streets were destroyed. .

It is said that the Muggle Prime Minister was so furious that he almost called in the troops.

The Ministry of Magic has also dispatched more than half of the Aurors, strikers and other employees to deal with the aftermath - specifically, blocking communications, emergency rescue, large-scale memory clearing, and repairing damaged buildings... But after all, people die. Unable to resurrect, the incident was ultimately attributed to a natural gas explosion.

Things are pretty easy to solve here with Muggles,

But this is just a temporary solution, not the root cause.

Ultimately it's the crazy dragon that needs to be dealt with.

According to the information revealed by Jaina, the response from the Ministry of Magic was somewhat slow. By the time the Aurors arrived at the scene, the local police had already begun to attack the black dragon. However, their guns were not powerful enough and could not penetrate the black dragon's scales at all. .

What finally scared away the black dragon was the magic cast by the Auror Gate.

Muggles have never seen a creature like a dragon, so it is normal for them to not know how to deal with the sudden appearance of a black dragon.

But even the Aurors were shocked when they saw the black dragon.

"When the Ministry of Magic first heard the news, they thought that 29 was a black dragon that escaped from the Hebridean Islands, or a Hungarian Horntail dragon that had been smuggled here. But even the largest Hebridean Islands black dragon was far bigger. It cannot be compared with this black dragon."

"The black dragon is more than twenty meters long, with a wingspan of more than fifteen meters. According to the information of the McFasty family, who have taken care of the black dragons of the Hebridean Islands for generations, this size is larger than the largest Hebridean dragon recorded. The black dragon of the Dili Islands is much larger, and the most important thing is that the forelimbs of the loyal black dragon are separated from the wings." Jaina described the appearance of the black dragon for them.

"That is to say..." Levin glanced at Jaina, "That's not a fire dragon, but a giant dragon!"

"And there has never been a dragon in this world."

"No wonder Sister Jaina said it came from Otherworld." Ciri finally understood what was going on.

"Since it comes from Otherworld, it is natural for us to handle and contact it. If it comes from one of us' hometown, or if there is any discovery about traveling through the world, we will be able to grasp it as soon as possible." Jaina took it for granted. He said, "That's why I came to you."

"Sister Jaina's position is really convenient. Otherwise, even if we knew the news, if we wanted to contact the black dragon, we would have to hide from the Ministry of Magic." For the first time, Levin felt the benefit of having someone in the court.

"Of course," Jaina smiled slightly, "So you should perform well on this mission. If you complete the mission well, it will be good for you if I can take further steps in the future."

"Of course."

Levin nodded and suddenly said: "Speaking of going further, I do have a relationship here, which may be of some help to Sister Gianna."

"Oh, tell me?" Jaina looked at Levin, feeling a little surprised.

This boy is obviously less than 14 years old,

In her world, at her age in Dalaran, she was just a mage apprentice.

But the other party's current achievements are far beyond the scope of her age, and she is nowhere higher than she was back then.

Levin said he had a surprise, and Gianna completely believed it.

"It's the Malfoy family," Levin mentioned what happened before. "I have information about their family. Once exposed, the Malfoy family will become Voldemort's number one target. Maybe this can be helpful to you." "

"That would be very helpful." Jaina's eyes lit up when she heard this, "This old pure-blood family occupies a core position among pure-blood wizards. Although they were rejected by the mainstream because they once followed the Dark Lord, their influence Still, if I can get their support, it will really help me a lot in my work in the Ministry of Magic.

As she said that, she looked at Levin with admiration in her eyes: "I didn't expect that you could do this without saying a word. You are more capable than I thought."

Levin waved his hand modestly, "No, I just grasped the main tone of the wizarding world in the Yin Kingdom in the past few years."

"What's the main tone?" Jaina asked curiously.

"That is the return of the Dark Lord." Levin explained for her, "I dare to predict that within two years, the Dark Lord will be resurrected and once again affect the hearts of the entire Great Evil. Dumbledore also believes this.

"At that time, the main problem facing the entire Great Yin will become how to deal with the Dark Lord. Whoever can solve this problem for them - or enable them to solve this problem can gain the support of the majority of people."

"The Dark Lord?"

When Jaina heard this, a flash of reminiscence flashed in her eyes.

"Although I couldn't see it with my own eyes, when I first came to this world, I made my fortune by clearing out the Death Eaters under his command. At that time, people were afraid of Death Eaters, and the fact that I was promoted as an exception, I Still fresh in my memory."

"I just killed a few Death Eaters, and I went from being a newcomer to becoming a general in the ministry. This established my position today - after all, if someone can sign for that mysterious person, Yin Yin's master They will probably push him directly to the position of Minister of Magic.

"That's the truth." Levin clapped his hands and nodded in agreement.

"Fortunately, you told me this," Gianna exclaimed. "I thought about transferring out of the Legal Enforcement Department and going to other departments to take a step further. Now that I think about it, I shouldn't have done it at all in the past few years. Leave the Legal Enforcement Department. After all, this department is in charge of Aurors and will become the front line against the Dark Lord in the future. Naturally, it will also be the front line for promotion and meritorious service.

Next, the two had a full discussion on how to make full use of Malfoy's leverage and how to take advantage of the return of the Dark Lord, causing Ciri to shout "dirty".

Looking at the last three parts of the original work, whether it is the fall of Cornelius Fudge, the succession of Rufus Scrimgeour 883, and the appointment of Kingsley Shacklebolt after the death of Voldemort, or even the further ones. Hermione Granger serves as Minister of Magic,

These people either succeeded in order to fight against the Dark Lord, or they succeeded because they participated in the fight against the Dark Lord,

In short, the influence of the Dark Lord is unique in the Great Yin.

Fighting against the Dark Lord is political correctness.

Jaina undoubtedly understood this.

Thinking of this, Levin couldn't help but think of what Littlefinger said in "A Song of Ice and Fire": "Chaos is the ladder."

When Dumbledore was worried about Voldemort's return, he would never have thought that there were people in Hogwarts who were looking forward to that day.

It's not that they support what Voldemort did,

Instead, he was looking forward to how he could rise to the top while lying low on the ground.

If Voldemort heard about such a thing, he would definitely be furious.

I don’t know how long time passed, but Jaina suddenly slapped her head, as if she remembered something:

"Oh my god, I had so much fun chatting with you that I forgot about that incident." Jaina said angrily, "Actually, you are not the only one who will be participating in the hunt for the black dragon this time. The people who are going with you are old acquaintances of yours. .”


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