This letter comes from Jaina, Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

This letter is actually a formal invitation from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, inviting Levin and Cirilla to participate in a commissioned task from the Ministry of Magic.

The mission is probably to go overseas and deal with a black dragon that has escaped from the Great Yin.

The general content of the invitation letter is as follows.

"In view of the extraordinary black dragon creatures that we will face in this mission, upon the proposal of Jaina Proudmoore, Director of the Department of Legal Enforcement, the Ministry of Magic hereby invites Mr. Levin Green, the recipient of the Order of Merlin, First Class, to As well as the recipient of the Order of Merlin Level 2, Miss Cirilla Raelan, as a professional consultant to participate in the mission, I also sincerely hope that Mr. Green and Miss Raelan can participate in it and contribute to the protection of wizards. The Ministry of Magic Various rewards will be provided..."

As for the mission departure time, it will be three days later.

"What, do you think we should participate?" Cirilla was a little surprised. Didn't you always look down on the Ministry of Magic of the Kingdom of Yin before? "

"You're right, I do feel that this Ministry of Magic is not very good." Levin nodded in agreement, "It would be fine if it were an invitation letter sent by someone else, but this one is different. It is actually Jaina who invites us this time. "

"Ms. Proud "563" Demore, is that Ministry of Magic official who corresponds with you every few days?" Ciri was deeply impressed by this name.

"Who else could it be besides her?" Levin sneered, "The people at the Ministry of Magic are so obsessed with face that they wouldn't ask us two minors to take action on this kind of accommodation.

"Ms. Proudmoore turns out to be so eclectic, no wonder she agreed." Cirilla's impression of Jaina immediately improved.

"Of course it's not just this reason." Speaking of this, Levin said in a mysterious tone, "Actually, Gianna is essentially the same type of person as us."

"A kind of mean?" Hearing this, Xili took a while to react, "She is also a visitor from Ding World?"

"Yes, Jaina comes from a world called Azeroth. The level of civilization development in that world is similar to that of your hometown. But the difference is that Azeroth is more advanced than your hometown in terms of magical civilization. ." Levin introduced.

"All in all, in terms of position, Jaina is naturally our ally. Therefore, since she has sent out this invitation, I will accept it no matter what.

"I understand." Xili expressed understanding, "Then, I decided to travel to South America this holiday.

Three days later, in the tower.

"Cirella, are you ready?"

In front of the fireplace, Guowen looked helplessly.

Not long after he spoke, Cirilla's figure came out of the room.

Different from the student attire when she just returned from Hogwarts, Cirilla, like Levin, is now wearing a smart witcher attire.

It was Levin's idea.

Among them, Levin is wearing a white undershirt, with a leather vest on the outside. Leather wristbands, waistcoat, and belt are tied together with straps. The outermost part is a cloak woven from Acromantula spider silk and unicorn hair.

Cirila also wore a white underwear, but she did not wear a waistcoat. Instead, she chose a pair of long leather gloves and a high-waisted leather corset to outline a wonderful arc around her waist.

The lower body is in black leather pants, paired with sturdy boots, which perfectly shows off her long and graceful legs.

The whole outfit does not have much matching jewelry, but it reflects Cirilla's heroic appearance as a female witcher.

By the way, the leather utensils here are all made from basilisk skin and made by Levin himself.

Watching the female witcher slowly walking down the stone stairs, Chu Wen couldn't help but sigh:

"My design is pretty good, right? This suit does look like Mr. Geralt, doesn't it?"

Cirila looked at Levin's attire in front of her, then recalled what she had just seen in front of the mirror, and nodded:

"Indeed, your craftsmanship is great. You have completely grasped the key elements of the Witcher."

Isn’t this natural? After all, this set of Levin is based on the equipment in the previous life of The Witcher 3.

Especially Cirilla’s outfit basically restores the appearance of adult Cirilla in the game.

If you wear this set at a comic exhibition, it can be used as a cosplay.

At this time, Cirila asked again: "When I put on this corset, I was wondering why it felt like it fit my waist and hips perfectly. How did you do it?" Tell me when you secretly..."

When she said this, Cirila herself blushed.

When Levin heard this question, he said, "Aren't you looking down on people?"

"I don't need to do that." He retorted proudly, "I already fully understood all the data on your body the first time I saw you. There is no need to touch it again."

With his incredible understanding, his judgment on spatial distance is not inaccurate.

"What kind of rogue ability is this!" Cirilla obviously misunderstood the nature of the ability and complained loudly, "Do you think this is something to be proud of?"

After the two finished dressing, they put their arcane swords on their backs, took out a handful of floo powder, and walked into the fireplace.


With a burst of green flames igniting from the fireplace, the two figures disappeared into the flames.

And when they were down to earth again, they were already in a strange room.

This room is not large, and the various furniture decorations in it are full of strong classical style. They are not very expensive, but each is exquisite, forming a quite medieval style house.

But what surprised Levin was that the place was filled with Muggle appliances such as televisions, just like his home.

This is rare in ordinary wizarding families.

But after thinking about the identity of the owner here, Levin is not surprised.

Wizards in the world of Harry Potter are ancient, but that doesn't mean Jaina from Azeroth is the same.

There are also various gnome technology and goblin engineering products in Azeroth. Levin is not surprised that Jaina can accept Muggle technology.

"Oh, Brother Levin, and Ms. Lei Anlun, welcome!"

Levin heard the sound and looked over, only to see Gianna in a blue dress looking at them with a smile.

Although this was the second time they met, Cirilla still saluted seriously: "Nice to meet you, Ms. Proudmoore."

Levin, on the other hand, was much more casual and introduced the two of them directly: "I have kept you waiting, sister Gianna. Although we have already met once, this is the time when you officially know each other, right?"

"Well, this is the Princess of Cintra from the world I call the 'Demon Hunter', the successor of the ancient blood, Cirila Anlun...

"This is Jaina Proudmoore, the princess of Kul Tiras from the world of Azeroth and the disciple of the Chancellor of Dalaran."

As he spoke, Levin opened his hands and sighed:

"You two, plus myself, are all the otherworld visitors I've found in this world."

"If we want to answer our hometown, we all need to work together. From this point of view, we are all comrades with a common goal, so no matter what, please get along well with each other."

After listening to his words, Jaina and Cirila looked at each other with soft eyes.

Two ladies, one young and one young, whispered to each other about their experiences after arriving in Otherworld.

In this regard, the two still have a common language.

Suddenly, their discussion turned to Levin again.

Gianna said to Levin with some gossip: "I didn't expect that you have been living together for more than a year. What is your relationship?"

"Gay? Close friends? Boy and girl? I can do it all," Levin said in an indifferent tone, "Anyway, I'm less than 14 years old now, I'm still a child.

What does "I can do it" mean?

Isn't this just a scumbag statement?

However, Cirilla was very fond of this trick.

When she was in the world of witchers, she never received any education about heterosexual relationships.

After traveling to the world of Harry Potter, you are alone in a foreign land without any acquaintances around you.

I have been worrying about survival and have no chance to think about this.

Levin's appearance was almost a ray of hope in her confused life.

For more than a year, she has accepted Levin's situation of wandering among multiple opposite sexes.

Coupled with the influence he received from his adoptive father, the white wolf Geralt, in the past.

This girl's concept of men and women has been severely distorted,

I think Levin's behavior is normal,

Even after hearing the title "boyfriend and boyfriend", the corners of my mouth couldn't help but grin.

This attitude surprised even 3.9 Jaina.

However, she didn't comment too much. She just gave Levin a "city-savvy" look:

"Seeing how you play, I always feel that I am old and can't keep up with the times."

“Sister Gianna doesn’t look old at all.” Levin praised, “We stand together, and in the eyes of others, sister Gianna is indeed our older sister.

"So, Zhou Anfu can definitely participate in our gameplay.

Taking advantage of his young age and good looks, Levin indulged in unscrupulous talk.

Hearing these flirtatious words, Jaina didn't seem angry, she just gave him a fierce look.

Then he said seriously: "Actually, inviting you here this time is not just as simple as asking for help from the Ministry of Magic.

"If it was just an ordinary black dragon, I wouldn't bother you at all."

"Just now Levin said, 'The three of us are all the visitors from Otherworld found in this world.' In fact, now it seems that this number may need to be increased by one more,"

"Because I seriously doubt that this black dragon actually comes from Otherworld."

Pictured is Cirilla.

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