Nowadays, there are no monsters in Hogwarts that can turn people to stone or even death, and there is no exam pressure on their heads.

Even the assignments assigned by professors are no longer so cumbersome and complicated.

All the little wizards can only look forward to the summer vacation.

If anyone in the castle was unhappy, it was Draco Malfoy.

He was surprised to find that everything changed after he recovered from petrification.

The Malfoy family lost their house elf, and more importantly, his father Lucius was expelled from the school board.

Draco no longer walked around the school arrogantly as if he owned the place.

On the contrary, he now has a gloomy face all day long, and seems to be full of resentment, not only because of the change in his family situation, but also because he, as a pure-blooded little wizard of Slytherin, was actually attacked by the heir of Slytherin.

This was a great shame and humiliation for him, and it triggered a flurry of rumors among many pure-blooded classmates.

On the other hand, Ronald gradually got over his self-blame, and his friendship with Harry became stronger.

He already knew from Hermione that in order to protect him, Harry actually cast a protective shield of love on him.

26This protective magic still exists today,

Despite confirming their friendship, the two always felt a little awkward.

A man protecting another man with love, does this always sound so strange?

Another person who returned to normal was Ronald's sister, Ginny Weasley.

After the truth was revealed, the girl realized that she had become Voldemort's accomplice.

Now she has one more person to admire, and that is Levin.

In the chicken coop, it was Levin who stopped her and scared away the mysterious man, allowing her to avoid more trouble.

It was Levin, Ciri, and Hermione who appeared in the secret room in time, killed the basilisk and the mysterious man in the diary, and saved Harry and Ronald.

Levin's status in her heart skyrocketed, reaching the same level as Harry's.

Of course, if she were asked to choose now, she would probably still choose Harry.

Because there are not so many competitors.

Some people are happy that the coming school year will be easy,

But some people are troubled by this.

The disappearance of Lockhart, the annoying guy, is indeed a good thing for the little wizards at Hogwarts.

But after that, they had to face a problem.

There was no one to teach them Defense Against the Dark Arts classes.

When Lockhart was evicted, it was at the end of February, four months before the deadline.

Even if exams are canceled this semester, it means that in the last part of the semester, their Defense Against the Dark Arts class can only become a self-study class.

One class and two classes for self-study are fine,

But the entire four months of Defense Against the Dark Arts classes were self-study, which many young masters who still have some pursuits cannot tolerate.

Last semester, even though Professor Quirrell was not very good, he still taught something.

This semester's Lockhart is a pure parallel import. For most of the semester, everyone only watched the small theater.

Wouldn’t rounding up mean that a semester has been wasted?

How can this be done?

Finally, after the Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the third week, Levin was stopped by his roommate Steve.

"What's the matter, Steve?"

Levin found that his usually cheerful roommate looked a little serious today.

"Levin!" Steve said in a serious tone: "Actually, I came to you this time to convey a request. This request is a bit rude and will waste your precious time, but I still want to ask you. think about it."

"Oh?" His words aroused Levin's interest, "You can say that."

"It's like this. I always feel that we haven't learned much in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class for two consecutive semesters. But in the magical world, we will always encounter some dangers, such as the attack of the basilisk this semester, everyone. I am completely at a loss, so I think it is necessary for each of us to learn something in the Defense Against the Dark Arts course so that we can protect ourselves."

"Of course, I don't expect everyone to be able to defeat the basilisk like you, but at least we can deal with little troubles like elves, foxes, and little devils - the first class of school I’m still deeply impressed by the scene, everyone’s behavior was so embarrassing.”

Steve looked at Levin eagerly, his eyes pleading. "So I think it is necessary for us to have someone to teach us in this area. And you, Levin, you defeated the chimera during the vacation and defeated the basilisk this semester. You are better than many professors in this aspect." , in fact, you are the best teacher! Levin "Can you take advantage of the Defense Against the Dark Arts self-study time to teach us?"

After listening to Steve's request, Levin thought for a while, but did not reply. Instead, he asked:

"You are not the only one who thinks these words." His eyes were sharp, as if he could see through everything, "Tell me, who else thinks the same way?"

As he said this, he looked at the door of the Defense Against Dark Arts classroom with a vague look.

get out of class was over at this time, and most of the little wizards in the classroom were gone.

But after hearing what he said, seven more little wizards emerged from inside.

"Kevin, Anthony, Michael, Morag, Terry, and the Patil sisters, do you all mean this too?" Levin looked at District Six in front of him.

"Steve is right, that's what we mean!" Anthony Goldstein was the first to say.

"That's right, that's right!" echoed Michael Corner.

"Levin, you are the leader of our Ravenclaw, you are the only one!" Terry Butt looked excited.

"Levin, teach us!" sisters Padma Patil and Parvati Patil begged.

Others chimed in.

Looking around at the little wizards with fiery eyes, Levin nodded and shook his head.

"Actually, if you ask me, your and Steve's opinions do make sense. It's always beneficial to learn more to protect yourself.

"But teaching you in a self-study class is not that simple."

"If it's just after class, the worst we can do is find an empty classroom, set up a study club ourselves, and take any class privately.

"But if it takes up class time, you have to consider other people's opinions."

Levin thought for a moment and then ordered, "How about this. Before the weekend, you go collect the opinions of everyone in the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor second years, including those who support teaching 580, those who don't care but are allowed to teach, and those who are opposed, and then put them together. "

"If most people think that this is a good thing, then I will take some time to share some of my experience with you.

"Very good!"

Although Levin did not agree directly, several people were still very happy.

In fact, the few people who can be present in front of Levin at this time are considered to be the core of a small circle of "influential figures" in the same grade, and their opinions can almost represent the opinions of the entire Ravenclaw.

The key is Gryffindor. After all, the eaglets and the lion cubs share the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom this semester.

Seeing several people leaving happily, Levin also fell into thinking.

As Ravenclaw's recognized genius, Levin is so good that other villains can't even compare to him.

He gained the admiration and admiration of his classmates, but admiration meant alienation.

Tom Riddle also said before that at this age, he had already begun to attract classmates to form a small circle.

For Levin, Hermione, Ciri, and possibly Zhang Qiu and Penelope,

They may be able to form an inner circle around them,

But apart from that, it would also be a good thing to have a group of people who are relatively less core, but respect him.

Update【5/4】, additional update【31/60】

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