My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 155 Warrior Or Liar? Gilderoy · Lockhart's True Face

After solving the problem of the Chamber of Secrets, Levin not only needs to solve the problem of the Malfoy family,

He had not forgotten Gilderoy Lockhart,

This deceitful Defense Against the Dark Arts professor had been forced by Levin to participate in the trip to the secret room.

Under Levin's provocation and spiritual inducement, he exposed his shortcomings.

He told his biggest secret, the fact that those who experienced the autobiography were actually other people.

He didn't know that among the young wizards who witnessed his self-destruction, Levin was good at some "simple" illusion magic.

[Silent Phantom: 1st level illusion system, you can create a visual illusion of an object, creature or force field based on your imagination. The image has no sound, smell, surface touch and temperature. 1

As for the upgraded version of this spell, the 2nd level [Weak Phantom] can add sound to the illusion, and the 3rd level [Strong Phantom] will include smell, surface touch and temperature.

With this little spell, Levin can convey what he sees and hears to others without even going through a pensieve.

For example, a famous journalist Rita Skeeter.

This female reporter, who is controversial and infamous in the wizarding world, unexpectedly gave Levin a fair report at the last medal ceremony.

Although this would not cause "May 47" Levin to write down her favor - after all, fair reporting should be a basic requirement.

But at least with Levin, Tusket was something to work with.

So Levin fixed this small memory of Lockhart on a small badge and sent it to Ms. Skeeter, along with a letter.

The letter provided a lot of evidence for the other party, including Levin's memories from his previous life, as well as the general information of the victims who were cast by Lockhart in this life, as well as the other party's poor performance during his teaching at Hogwarts.

Then he saw how Queen Skeeter could become the signature columnist of the Daily Prophet.

Putting aside the fact that she used illegal animagus to collect materials,

Her sensitivity to news and her ability to do what she says is truly commendable.

The day after Levin sent the letter, he received a reply from Ms. Skeeter,

The other party's attitude in the letter was so friendly that Levin once wondered if the other party was the rumor-mongering reporter in the original work.

It seems that even she knows that she cannot offend everyone,

In the letter, Ms. Skeeter sincerely thanked Levin for providing her with news material and promised to discredit Lockhart this time.

"In my opinion, this is actually to make yourself famous in one fell swoop by knocking a star off the altar."

Levin naturally saw her true purpose,

But that's exactly why he gave this revelation to Skeeter.

Nothing can motivate this bottomless female reporter to work hard more than the benefits of becoming famous in one fell swoop.

Then, Levin realized her second advantage: her terrifying speed of creation.

It was clear that Levin sent the evidence on Tuesday. On Thursday night, Levin received a letter from Ms. Skeeter. Her long report about Lockhart will appear on the front page of the Daily Prophet tomorrow.

The extent of the tentacle monsters would astonish even the author of Longguo Moulu!

As for why the Daily Prophet agreed to report this kind of news,

the reason is simple,

According to Ms. Skeeter's letter,

"The purpose of the Daily Prophet's existence is to sell itself, and if you want to be snapped up, the most important thing is breaking news. As for whether this kind of news is true or will destroy someone, it doesn't matter.

What's more, you, Lockhart, are essentially a star promoted by "Wizard Weekly".

Your five Most Charming Smile Awards were all won in Wizarding Weekly.

You, Lockhart, are not from the Daily Prophet. If you can overturn your position, I, the Daily Prophet, will take the lead!

Friday was the third day since Lockhart left the school medical office.

During the past three days, Lockhart had been extremely tormented. Every day he was worried, fearing that Levin would tell others about his self-destruction.

But he was taking a chance, what if the other party had compassion and was unwilling to say it for the time being?

What if the other party tells it and no one can believe it?

After all, the so-called self-destruction was just a private conversation between the four of them. If he said it out loud, as long as he didn't admit it, there would be no proof.

Now five days have passed since his self-destruction,

So far, there have been no rumors about him committing fraud in Hogwarts.

Could it be that I have passed this level?

With this mood, Lockhart came to the auditorium for breakfast as usual.

Breakfast time also happens to be the time when the owls focus on delivering letters.

At this time every day, a large number of owls will deliver various letters, packages, and ordered newspapers and magazines to the hands of the little wizards.

But unlike in the past,

There are a lot of owls in the auditorium today.

Like dark clouds, they flew into the auditorium one after another,

While causing a commotion with feathers and guano, hundreds of copies of that day's Daily Prophet were delivered to everyone in the auditorium.

After seeing the headlines on the front page of the Daily Prophet, the whole auditorium seemed to have been cast and released from a silent spell. Except for the sound of the owl flapping its wings, there was no sound.

But almost immediately, it suddenly became noisy again.

Whether it is the little wizards or the teaching staff,

Everyone looked at the newspapers in their hands and then at Lockhart at the teacher's seat, with strange expressions on their faces.

On the headline of the newspaper, there was a photo of Lockhart shivering in a secret room, with a line of large red letters printed on the photo:

"Warrior or Liar? The Real Face of Gilderoy Lockhart"

"Special Correspondent Rita Skeeter reports:"

"The headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Albus Dumbledore, has always dared to hire controversial teachers. Last summer, he hired a recognized master of anti-dark magic in the wizarding world, a popular star in the wizarding world, and a third-level medalist of the Order of Merlin. Lockhart serves as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts.

"As soon as Lockhart took office, he replaced the textbooks with his own expensive books, a set of seven, and countless poor families complained."

.....According to the reliable evidence obtained by the author, the experiences in Lockhart's works do not belong to him. In the process of traveling around the world, he took all the experiences that he thought were wonderful as his own and imposed "forgetfulness" on others. curse!"

.....In fact, apart from the Forgetting Charm, Lockhart doesn't know any magic at all, and his performance in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class was particularly poor. He is a complete liar!

With so many copies of the Daily Prophet, Lockhart naturally got one.

When he read the contents of the front page headlines with absent-minded eyes, his whole person was shaking with anger...

"Slander! Naked slander!" Lockhart tore up the newspaper: "That woman Skeeter...I want to send her a wizard's letter!"

Lockhart was shocked and angry,

This report with detailed details and pictures was much scarier than the rumors he imagined.

He never expected that those little wizards never revealed his self-destruction, not because they felt pity, but because they were preparing for it.

Faced with the report in black and white, he didn't know how to deal with it. He could only go crazy and snatch the newspapers from the hands of the professors around him and try to tear them all into pieces.

"Okay Lockhart, since you need the newspaper, I'll give it to you." Snape also handed the newspaper to Lockhart, with a gloating smile in his eyes, "He only needs political clippings...

The little wizards immediately recalled the briefing board in Lockhart's office filled with reports about him.

The auditorium immediately burst into laughter.

At this moment, the door of the auditorium opened with a bang.

Two wizards wearing official Ministry of Magic robes walked in, led by Dumbledore.

The laughter in the auditorium suddenly decreased, and everyone stared at these uninvited guests.

"Gilderoy Lockhart!" said a thin and capable wizard who came to Lockhart with a solemn expression.

Lockhart's face was pale, and he had the illusion of being stripped naked and standing in the spotlight.

"We are employees of the Magical Law Enforcement Reconnaissance Team, a subsidiary of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Magic. According to reliable information, you have violated the "Wizarding Offenses Act", the "Wizard Torts Act", the "Wizard Theft Act" and many other laws. Please come with us and cooperate with the investigation."

His voice was very loud, and everyone in the auditorium could hear him clearly.

Those little witches who were quarreling with others over Lockhart couldn't believe their ears.

Is Professor Lockhart really a liar?

Is his experience false, is it 1.3 appropriating other people’s experiences as your own?

Is he really useless except for the curse of forgetting?

His fans, those little witches don't want to believe all this,

But the fact is right in front of them, and they have to believe it.

Facing the people from the Ministry of Magic, Lockhart could only leave the teacher's chair obediently.

His lips trembled and he murmured what he wanted to say, but in the end he couldn't say anything. In the end, he could only give Levin a trembling look, and then followed the two Ministry of Magic employees dejectedly and left the castle.

"It seems that we will choose a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor next year."

Professor Dumbledore adjusted his glasses and left the auditorium.

"What a joy." Levin heard Ronald shouting to Harry from the Gryffindor side, "That woman Rita Skeeter did something good this time."

"I guess the person who reported Lockhart is one of our Hogwarts students," the prefect Penello said, as if she was possessed by Conan. "Except for the whistleblower, no one would have thought of ordering so many Daily Prophets in advance. You are right. Come on, Shirley."

Cirila did not answer, but looked at Levin across the long table.

The two looked at each other and smiled without saying a word. .

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