Seeing Levin's wand pointed at him at such a close distance, Snape realized that he had no room to fight back, so he stopped casting spells.

Upon seeing this, Levin waved his magic wand, and the vines that had been growing crazily stopped moving and quickly withered.

Seeing the dead vines falling at his feet, Snape's eyes were complicated.

"You just hid the seeds in those hailstones, right?" he asked.

"What do you think?" Levin smiled.

Snape snorted and asked again: "What's the name of the magic you just used to make the vines grow?"

"You want to learn? I'll teach you."

You can't learn Druid spells even if you tell me.

After all, Snape was not the Fire Cloud Evil God, so he was unwilling to kowtow to learn this trick and walked away angrily.

In fact, it was natural that Professor Snape would lose in this duel.

On the one hand, Levin's strength is indeed sufficient, and he has many part-time jobs and various tricks.

For example, in the vine sneak attack just now, Levin used [Ice Storm] to cover up the vine seeds and sent them to Snape's feet + psychic suggestion to make Snape ignore the tiny abnormalities on the ground + Druid spells [Plant Growth] and [Command Plants],

The combined attack of the three professions naturally caused Snape to suffer a big loss.

As for Professor Snape, not being able to use black magic limits part of his combat power.

If the two sides really didn't hold back 23 at all, Levin estimated that it would be a draw.

Witness Levin defeating their dean,

Slytherin's students were all eclipsed,

Students from other colleges looked at Levin in awe.

Previously, the single kill of the Chimera was only reported after the fact, and no one could understand it personally.

But this time, he took action in public, showing strength that far exceeded that of an adult wizard!

Levin is only in second grade now,

If nothing else, he will definitely become a great wizard like Dumbledore.

"Oh, Mr. Green, congratulations on winning this duel. Well done."

When the duel ended, Lockhart came over enthusiastically and put his arm around Levin's shoulders affectionately, giving everyone the illusion that they had a good relationship.

For those who don’t know, they might think Levin is his disciple of Luhart!

Why can't it be?

Lockhart decided to add this paragraph to his new book after he returned,

And he himself appears as Levin's favorite teacher.

The book also says this: Gilderoy Lockhart had to coach Levin alone for two hours every night!

In this way, when Levin became famous, Lockhart's reputation also increased.

Just perfect.

During the Lockhart duel, his methods of gaining popularity became more and more sophisticated.

"Next, let's have another showdown between students!"

Before Levin could get angry, Lockhart let him go and began arranging a new duel.

This time the chosen ones were Harry and Malfoy.

Snape approached Malfoy gloomily, lowered his head and whispered a few words to him, as if he wanted to vent his anger on failure through this method.

Malfoy changed his fear and smiled proudly again.

Lockhart also tried to teach Harry, but his gorgeous wand-and-dance technique was something Harry never wanted to use.

After all, it was a duel between students. The young wizards did not expect their performance to be more exciting than Levin and Snape.

But who would have thought that the duel between this pair would also be exciting:

I saw Malfoy using a spell he had never seen before: "[Oolong out of the hole]!"

The head of his wand exploded, and a long black snake suddenly jumped out of it, landed heavily on the floor between the two of them, then raised its head, ready to attack.

The crowd screamed and quickly backed away to make way for the open space - this summoning spell obviously had the nature of black magic [at first glance, it was a small stove opened by Snape.

"Don't move, Potter!" Professor Snape said lazily and showily, "I'll get him away..."

But he didn't make any move for a long time, it was obvious that he wanted to make Harry look embarrassed.

"Let me do it! I know a charm!" Lockhart shouted.

He raised his wand and waved it threateningly at the snake.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the snake not only did not disappear, but jumped up more than ten feet high. By the time it fell down, it had expanded several sizes, and now it can be called a black python!

It was furious after being thrown, and slurped out a message and swam straight towards the nearest target——Justin Finch-Fletchley. Then, it raised its head, exposed its fangs, and assumed an offensive posture. .

Harry subconsciously stepped forward and hissed at the snake.

Then, the snake lost its aggressiveness and collapsed on the floor, as supple as a pile of thick, black watering hoses, staring at Harry.

Harry knew that he would never attack anyone again.

But when he looked up at Justin, he found that the other person's expression was full of anger and horror - he thought he would be grateful.

"What do you think you're playing?" Justin yelled.

Without waiting for Harry to explain, Justin turned around and rushed out of the auditorium, as if jumping for his life.

Professor Snape stepped forward, waved his wand, and the snake turned into a plume of black smoke and disappeared.

Then, he also looked at Harry with an unexpected look: it was a cunning and calculating look,

The other little wizards around him also became wary when looking at him.

Only Levin in the audience understood what Harry said.

Through [Animal Talk], he can understand that sentence,

What Harry said was: "Let him go!"

But how was he going to explain it to Harry? He was also considered a Parseltongue?

Only Ronald stepped forward first and pulled Harry away.

When they went out, people stepped aside one after another, as if they were afraid of getting into trouble.

The Duel Club's first event ended hastily.

Only Draco Malfoy followed him and shouted angrily: "Don't think you are a Parseltongue, you are the heir of Slytherin! Our heir of Slytherin may definitely be a crude and reckless Gryffindor!"

His anger was mixed with jealousy, his jealousy was mixed with pleasure,

It seems that he wants to vent all the grievances he has suffered recently,

"I would rather be a Squib than a Slytherin heir!" After Harry retorted, he said confused, "What do you think I am?"

"Stop pretending in front of me!"

After hearing Harry's rhetorical question, Malfoy became even more angry. He felt that the other party must be showing off!

He wanted to say something else, but when he saw Levin walking with Hermione, he immediately turned around and left.

"He said you were a 'parseltongue', Harry. You could talk to snakes." Ronald explained thoughtfully.

"Harry, being able to talk to snakes is Salazar Slytherin's famous ability. Therefore, the symbol of the Slytherin school is a snake." Hermione said at the side, lowering her voice.

"But I'm really not the descendant of Slytherin." Harry panicked, "I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

He was terrified now. He couldn't explain why he had the ability to speak Parseltongue, nor could he accept the fact that he might be the heir to Slytherin.

Out of love for his old classmates, Levin comforted him: "Don't worry, Harry, not all Parseltongues are the heirs of Slytherin. In fact, Parseltongues appeared as early as the ancient Greek period, such as the despicable Herbo. A parselmouth..."

Unexpectedly, his words seemed to add fuel to the fire,

When Harry heard this, he became even more anxious: "So, Parseltongue is a language that only dark wizards can speak?! But I'm not a dark wizard either..."

Now Levin didn't know what to say, so he could only advise dryly:

"But it's nice to learn a new skill, isn't it? Maybe you can treat it as a foreign language... Dumbledore can also speak the language of merfolk."

That's all he could say,

But looking at the other party's expression, this reason is obviously unacceptable.

Levin feels that he is still not suitable for persuading people.

If he just tried to persuade him like this, Harry would have to climb up to the Astronomy Tower and jump off the building.

In this case, he can only let himself EMO for a few more days.

Fortunately, there is no NetEase Cloud in this era.

Update【5/4】, additional update【26/51】

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