"I think it's best for me to teach you how to stop unfriendly magic." Seeing everyone quiet down, Lockhart hurriedly returned to the center of the auditorium and said, "Please volunteer to come up as a couple to demonstrate, how about it? Longbottom and Finlayli…”

Before he could finish his words, Snape interrupted him again: "I think we still need to let students see a real duel, but in this matter, Professor Lockhart must be unwilling to take action?"

He looked at Lockhart threateningly, and the saucy professor hurriedly said: "Um... yes, my wand is a little too excited today."

"In that case, let our assistant coach take over, Mr. Green, if you don't mind.

Sure enough, the old bat is waiting here. The so-called assistant coaching arrangement is probably for this.

"Levin, don't go, Snape is just looking for trouble with you!" Zhang Qiu hurriedly grabbed Levin's clothes.

"He's just jealous that Ravenclaw has been suppressing Slytherin in the Academy Cup," Steve also frowned, because Ravenclaw has you here. "

Many Ravenclaw eaglets stared at Snape angrily.

Snape has always been very ambivalent about Levin's attitude.

On the one hand, he was satisfied with his performance in Potions class. It could even be said that Levin could be called Snape's favorite student in this class.

On the other hand, he hated the other party's fame and glory among the young wizards, and was deeply wary of his powerful magical talent. In this "650" aspect, Dumbledore had already figured it out. Extreme, but he is much more extreme than Dumbledore.

Levin didn't entirely know what Snape was thinking, but he didn't care.

Today, he is a LV11 Wizard/LV6 Psion/LV7 Druid.

Taken together, the combat effectiveness is between LV16-LV19 wizards.

But it's definitely not legendary.

Compared to the past, now he thought he could compete with a master like Snape.

In this case, why not give it a try?

Just think of it as a test of your own results.

"It doesn't matter, Snape will show mercy. (Zhang Qiu: He won't!!)

As he said this, he separated from his classmates and came to the central venue.

"Are you right, Professor Snape?"

When he said this, his eyes were staring at Snape, and the excitement in his eyes seemed to overflow.

Snape immediately realized that the other person was actually telling him in irony, "I will show mercy to you."

This made him even more angry,

"This time I will teach you a lesson!"

Snape thought this, and he and Levin faced each other and bowed to each other.

"Do you want to clear the place, professor?" Levin said meaningfully.

"No, I won't be harsh on a little wizard like you." Snape showed a "good" smile, as if he was fighting with Professor Lockhart.

"Well, since you said so..."

Levin said, casting his peripheral vision at the Slytherins around the stage, and smiled maliciously.

It was you who said there was no need to clear the place, and if it brought disaster to the fish in the pond, it would naturally be your fault, Snape.

According to the dueling ritual, both of them raised their wands to their chests at the same time, and then...


Snape still started the same way,

The red light flew towards Levin quickly,

But Levin was like waving his sword to deflect an arrow,

With a flick of the wand, the disarming spell flew away.

The curse happened to fall on Crabbe next to Malfoy.

The unlucky guy was immediately knocked out and his body hit the wall.

Professor Snape was startled when he saw this, and just wanted the Slytherin wizards to disperse.

Unfortunately, his second spell had already been used subconsciously.

Like swinging a sword, Levin struck again,

This time it was Goyle who was unlucky. Another of Malfoy's followers flew into the Slytherin crowd like a bowling ball and immediately hit them.

In the blink of an eye, Malfoy's two followers were gone.

Malfoy noticed that Levin glanced back at him casually,

He completely believed that the other party did this on purpose.

This made him tremble with fear,

In fact, Malfoy has suffered a lot recently.

Last time, I was hung up by Hermione on the court all afternoon.

In the last competition, Harry knocked him off the broom.

Halloween is transformed into a toad by Levin.

And the most direct reason is because he cursed "mudblood".

Now being blatantly threatened by Levin again, Malfoy almost collapsed.

The other party really didn't care about his identity as school director and would seize every opportunity to bully him.

"I... am apologizing. I shouldn't have discriminated against Muggles. I shouldn't have said the word mudblood. Please let me go..."

Everyone's eyes wandered between Levin and Malfoy, and those who were well-informed looked at Hermione. The girl gave Levin a bright smile.

Snape seemed to understand everything,

He seemed to see himself in Malfoy,

If only he had been so good at flirting with girls.

At that time, he was still too naive, only caring about his own meager self-esteem, and failed to persist to the end.

Still remember that night, he waited outside the Gryffindor lounge until the early morning and met Lily...

The girl said she wanted to break up with him, but he left stupidly...

As a result, that bastard Potter found an opportunity and took advantage of it.

If you just spend the night sleeping outside the lounge...

Or, just give Lily a side-kissing wall-dong...

If he had Levin's ability at that time, he wouldn't be where he is today.

Thinking of this, Snape glared at Harry hard again. Every time he saw Harry's similar appearance to James Potter, he felt like stabbing him in the heart.

Harry felt confused. He just ate the melon quietly. Why did he provoke Snape again?

"Everyone, take ten steps back and stay away from the stage!"

After clearing the area, Snape turned his grief and anger into murderous intent and fired spells at Levin.

But Levin was like a master swordsman, easily deflecting all attacks with his wand.

No, it should be said that after he learned [Long Sword Specialization] from Cirila, he was already a sword master.

Because of this, he is now able to skillfully use the [Iron Armor Curse] and accurately shift gears for every tricky attack.

In fact, if this technique is used with a real sword, the effect will be better.

Levin is already studying how to add a permanent "Iron Armor Curse" to the blade of [Arcane Sword 2.0].

This high-intensity and rapid duel left the little wizards stunned.

Have they ever seen such a thrilling and exciting duel?

The two of them are currently using the most conventional magic, but they are all silent spellcasting, and the casting speed is surprisingly fast, without any pause between spells.

This kind of fighting method is comparable to concentration and basic skills.

As long as someone can't hold on and makes a slight mistake, the battle will be over.

However, faced with Snape's pressing steps, Levin did not hesitate at all.

The more the fight continued, the more frightened Snape became.

The last time he fought like this was during the time of Voldemort. At that time, there were only a few wizards who could fight him.

Those people are all experienced masters.

But the little wizard in front of me is only in the second grade!

Even though he is extremely talented, fighting always requires experience.

Snape didn't know that there was a difference between talent and talent.

The incredible understanding is not only reflected in magic learning,

Snape tried to crush Levin through the pressure of high-intensity combat.

Little did they know, Levin was already planning a counterattack,

After once again provoking Snape's disarming spell, Levin saw the gap when the opponent was about to cast a powerful spell and took the initiative for the first time:

"[Counter Spell]!"

Snape, who was about to cast the [Split Curse], suddenly felt that his magic power was disordered, and the spell he had prepared suddenly disappeared.

He had never encountered such a situation before and suddenly became a little panicked.

Levin seized on this gap:

"[Lightning Beam]!"

An arc of electricity burst out from the tip of the wand and hit Snape's chest directly, causing his whole body to twitch uncontrollably and he could hardly hold the wand.

Fortunately, his endurance was amazing, so he endured it, dodged to the side, and avoided the continuous attack, and then waved his wand fiercely:

"【Every curse ends】!"

Only then did the surging magic power completely resist the [Lightning Beam]...

But Levin's attack did not end. He waved his wand and pointed it above Snape.

The little wizards around Snape suddenly felt a chill,

I saw the sky above Snape suddenly condense into clouds, and then a large number of ice picks rained down from the sky and hit Snape head and face.

Judging from the sharpness of the ice pick, it seemed that just one hit would cause a bloody head injury.

It is the 4th-level evocation spell Ice Storm.

Snape responded calmly to this spell he had never seen before,

At this time, he has completely regarded Levin as an opponent of the same level, and naturally he will not underestimate him.

I saw him waving his wand towards the top of his head, and the tip of the wand spurted out blazing black flames. All the ice cones that were close to him quickly melted and vaporized.

The high temperature withstood the severe cold, and even the ice cones that fell to the surrounding areas that were not affected by the flames melted into water.

As Snape continued to output, even the ice clouds that maintained the [Ice Storm] overhead dissipated.

All the little wizards could see that Guo Ai was at a disadvantage in this wave of magical confrontation.

After dealing with [Ice Storm], Snape turned his wand to Levin, as if he wanted to give him some color.

Unexpectedly, Levin across from him had a successful smile on his face.

The next moment, he felt something binding his feet.

Snape looked down and saw that clumps of vines had suddenly sprouted out of the water where the ice cone had melted. They grew at a speed that was far beyond supernatural, and swept towards him.

"Damn...there's something wrong with those ice picks..."

Snape already understood that 0.9 came over. Although he had taken advantage on the surface, he was actually tricked by the other party.

Although I don't know how the other party made the vines grow wildly, the vines will not appear out of thin air, and the transformation spell has no such effect. There must be something like vine seeds wrapped in those ice cones.

He still underestimated the other party.

In fact, he had already used his own black magic during the fight against [Ice Storm].

Although that kind of magical flame is not a powerful fire, it is beyond the scope of conventional magic spells.

But how did the other party learn these powerful sets of magic?

Snape was puzzled.

A person's growth is traceable and requires time to accumulate.

Levin Green is only in second grade now, but it seems that he does not need time, he has transformed from a learner of magic to a creator in just two years.

This is too outrageous.

The battle will continue. He once again summoned the magic flame, trying to burn off these crazy vines and make a final struggle.

Suddenly, silver mist flickered around Snape.

It is the light of [Mizongbu].

Then Snape stopped moving,

It felt like there was a hard stick pressing against his back.

Taking a closer look, Levin, who was supposed to be standing opposite him, appeared beside him somehow, holding a wand pointing at his waist.

The outcome has been decided. .

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