My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 114 Deep Love Between Mother And Daughter

Just when Levin touched the [Soul Stone], a somewhat cold voice sounded not far away.

"Hello, Levin Green."

Levin followed the sound and looked,

I saw a translucent and very graceful figure sitting on the sofa in the lounge not far away. She had a very stunning face. She was tall and plump, with black hair draped behind her like a waterfall, and her facial features were particularly delicate. , but the most eye-catching thing is not her breathtaking eyes.

The look in his eyes that explores everything shines like the sharpest sword, and is so beautiful that it's a little intimidating.

Levin recognized Rowena Ravenclaw at a glance,

Because she is very similar to the bust next to her,

But compared to the statue, she shows no signs of aging in her spiritual state, and her temperament is much more majestic.

Finally, a greedy raven got my relic," Rowena Ravenclaw murmured in a poetic and ethereal voice, "Thousands of years have passed since I fell silent. "

Levin understood the meaning of her words.

The literal translation of Ravenclaw (Ravenclaw) is "Raven's Claw", and the hidden meaning of the name is "Greedy Predator".

"I'm sorry, my predecessors didn't live up to expectations. And decades ago, your crown suffered the fate of being made into a Horcrux, so your awakening has been delayed until today.

Levin said and bowed to Rowena Ravenclaw as a sign of respect.

Whether it's because he's a strong man, the founder of the academy, or he's a charming member of the opposite sex, Levin has a crush on Ravenclaw.

"Being able to discover the secrets in the crown, I think you have the right to call me Dean, or - Rowena - if you prefer."

Rowena Ravenclaw did not continue, but specifically corrected his name for herself.

"Of course, Rowena."

Levin immediately hit the snake with a stick.

Then he discovered that when he called him by his name, the spirit in front of him actually showed a smile.

It seems that the dean's spirit body looks majestic and indifferent, but actually longs for closeness and friendship.

Combined with the memories of Rowena's experiment gained from the crown,

Recalling Rowena's performance in his memory, Levin suddenly realized that this seemingly aloof dean was actually just an academic geek.

This kind of person looks indifferent, aloof, and alienated. He has a rich spiritual world and can endure and even enjoy loneliness.

But in fact, they also long for a home invasion-like relationship.

This analysis is certainly supported by evidence:

The most typical evidence is the friendship between Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff.

If Rowena is a typical academic nerd who is afraid of society, then Hufflepuff is a typical social cow little sun. She is passionate about everyone, and Rowena is no exception, and Rowena will be attracted by this kind of behavior without any reason. Attracted by reasonable kindness.

Combined with the memory of Hufflepuff's occasional appearance, Levin can even imagine the scene where Hufflepuff took Ravenclaw, a late-night girl addicted to experiments, out of the tower and asked her to sleep obediently without any explanation.

He probably understood how to deal with the spirit body in front of him.

"The truth is, I can't stay like this for long, Levin."

Rowena didn't know Levin's inner thoughts and said to herself,

"You should be very clear that ghost is not my ideal form of existence, so I will enter the ghost form as little as possible.

"As the heir to the crown, I hope you can continue to improve my research and find out the ideal state of existence of the spirit body so that the spirit body can truly 'live' in the world.

While saying this, Rowena looked at him carefully, staring at Levin's face motionlessly.

"Of course, Rowena, since I accepted your crown, this is my responsibility." Levin nodded in agreement, his words full of confidence.

Because he already has this method.

In fact, after confirming the true existence of Rowena Ravenclaw's soul, Levin considered the possibility of transforming her into a heroic spirit.

The three elements of a heroic spirit: soul, legend and spiritual foundation.

In terms of soul, Rowena's soul is generally intact and has been preserved to this day.

In terms of legend, as one of the four giants of Hogwarts, Rowena Ravenclaw is known to everyone in the wizarding world.

In this regard, the four giants who established Hogwarts took advantage of it. As long as Hogwarts continues to export graduates, their reputation will continue to exist.

The only person more famous than her in the magical world is Merlin.

But Merlin's status among wizards is almost equivalent to Jesus' status among Muggles. He is completely unique.

With such a legend, no one is more suitable to be made into a heroic spirit than her.

The only thing that needs to be considered is the spiritual foundation.

After receiving Levin's affirmative promise, Rowena nodded with satisfaction.

“May my experience and the power of my crown be of help to you.”

"In addition, please help me take care of Helena... This is also the responsibility you have to bear when inheriting the crown."

"Then, work hard, junior, I won't be able to accompany you for the time being."

With that said, she was about to release her ghost state and return to the soul stone.

"Wait, Rowena!"

Levin stopped her,

"A year ago, I promised Helena that I would find the secret in this statue for her... Why don't you meet her before you leave?"

"Now is not the time."

"But we will meet again, right? I believe you."

Rowena looked at Levin, leaving a smile, her figure gradually faded, and finally disappeared.

The next moment, a ghost that was seventy percent similar to her suddenly passed through the wall and appeared in the lounge.

It's Helena Ravenclaw.

"Levin Green, it's you!"

After saying hello to the boy, the female ghost said eagerly,

"Did you notice anything unusual when you were here just now?"

Then she spotted the crown in Levin's hand.

"Oh my gosh, you found it, you found the crown! Thank God!"

She looked very excited,

"And this is the crown in its complete form. You have fully activated its power. I haven't seen it like this in a long time."

The female ghost was in a particularly agitated state, and it took her a while to gradually calm down.

Seeing Levin's confused expression, she explained the reason carefully.

It turns out that in Helena's memory, Ravenclaw's crown exists in two states: activated and inactive.

When the crown is worn on Ravenclaw herself and her true descendants, its powerful power will be fully demonstrated.

…………Please give me flowers………………

But when it is held in the hands of an outsider, it can only increase a small amount of intelligence and mana.

"When I stole the crown from my mother, I discovered that the crown did not show its true form in my hands."

"Because of this, I was very sad and thought it was a sign that my mother didn't care about me, so I fled all the way to Albania.

"You know what happens next."

Mentioning this matter again, Helena still had tears in her eyes.

"Levin, thank you, thank you for helping me get my crown back and make up for the big mistake I made.

"For the crown to appear in your hands like this means that you are the true heir of your mother... I misunderstood you at the beginning, and I'm sorry.

"It's okay, Helena, I don't care about that anymore."

Although he couldn't touch her, Levin still stepped forward and patted her shoulder twice to express comfort.

"Well...well, thank you for your forgiveness." Helena wiped away her tears and then asked: "Just now, I suddenly felt that a familiar and kind force appeared in the lounge. …..That’s what the crown does, right?”


Faced with Helena's question, Levin hesitated for a moment before telling the truth.

He told the other party that Ravenclaw's soul was still alive and her resurrection plan.

"So, mother is still alive and has a chance to return to this world?"

Helena didn't care at all why her mother didn't see her for the last time, and all her attention was focused on her possible resurrection.

"You are right, Helena. Ms. Rowena does have this plan, and the success rate of the plan is not low. As long as she continues to experiment step by step, it is very possible to find a way to immortalize the spirit form, at least in my judgment. That's it." Levin replied.

"Well, I trust your judgment."

After hearing this, Helena looked happy.

She hesitated for a moment, and then suddenly bowed solemnly to Levin.

"You are the genius of this generation and her heir. In my heart, no one is more likely to realize her long-cherished wish than you."

"So, I'm asking you to help her, okay?"

After saying that, without waiting for Levin to reply, she added:

"Although I'm just a ghost and don't have much ability, if you are willing to help her, I can swear that I will always work for you or your descendants."

Although ghosts do not have complete emotions, as long as there are no accidents, their existence time is forever.

For the ghost, such an oath is indeed very solemn.

The deep love between mother and daughter is evident.

For the mother and daughter, one was gifting the artifact and the other wanted to be loyal. With this in mind, Levin had no reason to refuse.

If you think about it carefully, if you really create a heroic spirit, there will indeed be many benefits.

For example, by using the identity of Ravenclaw to appear everywhere, it is not a problem to fool a lot of people.

For another example, she can serve as her assistant or even the tower spirit of the magic tower. After all, heroic spirits have stronger computing power and can do many things that humans cannot do.

In short, whether you are an assistant, a stickman, or a thug, Heroic Spirits are a good choice.

So, Levin nodded towards Helena:

"Okay, I promise you."

After that, he looked towards the place where Rowena disappeared.

"You're right, we will indeed meet again."

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