Levin does what he says,

He used magic to check repeatedly and made sure that the crown did not contain any negative power or any strange will, and then he put it on his head.

This time I really wore it.

In an instant, he felt his brain become clear, but that was all.

Apart from slightly enhancing intelligence and spellcasting ability, this crown does not seem to have any additional power.

I always feel sorry for its prestigious reputation.

However, in the results of [Identification Technique], Guowen found something unusual.

[Ravenclaw's Crown: Legendary object, Ravenclaw's lifelong masterpiece, this intricate silver crown can give the wearer a +2 enhancement bonus on the Intelligence attribute, and increase the wearer's spellcasting level by +2. There seems to be some unknown power hidden in this crown. 】

"Unknown power? What is it?"

Upon seeing this, Levin began to use his spiritual power to investigate carefully.

Then he could feel that this so-called unknown power was a piece of thought and memory.

If one's own mind power were not sensitive enough, most likely one would not be able to detect it.

Levin carefully touched the memory with the power of his mind,

In an instant, a large amount of knowledge and insights poured into his mind.

Levin could feel that the knowledge was about Rowena Ravenclaw's research on emotions, imagination, and soul.

However, the specific content is not how to control the mind and soul, but the power contained in emotions and imagination.

The effect of magic is determined through imagination, and emotions can increase the power of spells. This is the characteristic of magic in this world.

To use Apparition, the wizard needs to imagine his destination and make the determination (emotion) to go to that destination.

Using the Unforgivable 767 Curse requires visceral malice.

The transformation spell requires imagining the effect of transformation.

Normal spells can also enhance their power through emotions.

The greatest "love" can even create a guardianship that lasts for more than ten years.

The ancient magic mastered by a transfer student in Hogwarts Legacy is driven purely by emotion and imagination.

This power is exactly the same as the magic used by wizard preschoolers inadvertently. The specific effect depends on the user's thoughts, but the disadvantage is that it is extremely difficult to control, has no restrictions, and cannot perform precise operations.

This is why, in the end, the transfer students have to face an energy ball containing evil thoughts——

That is the emotion itself that contains malicious intent.

Based on the knowledge of the crown's feedback, Rowena Ravenclaw's last research before her death was about the power of emotions and imagination.

Imagination comes from thinking, which means the framework and shaping of magic,

The magic is the filler, which is filled in the frame to form the magic.

Emotions seem to work the same way as magic.

In the process, she discovered that the power of emotions exists not only in wizards, but also in ghosts.

In other words, the existence of ghosts itself comes from "obsession".

That is, some kind of paranoid and persistent emotion.

Therefore, Rowena Ravenclaw came up with a surprising conjecture,

If the everlasting ghost is essentially emotion + soul,

Does that mean that by actively collecting the power of emotions and integrating them with the soul, one can gain eternal life?

Most people (bibf) would desire eternal life.

Rowena Ravenclaw became obsessed with this research,

She even used fragments of her soul and the power of her emotions to create a new spirit body to test her theory.

But soon she discovered that there was a problem,

That is, the newly born spirit body cannot actively generate new emotions.

Human emotions can change with time and environmental changes,

But the emotions of a ghost can only come from the obsession before becoming a ghost, and it will not become more or less.

What is the difference between such an existence and the dead?

Rowena then began to look for ways to actively generate emotional power.

She believed that emotions originated from the physical body, so she tried to create a physical body for the spirit body.

She succeeded and failed.

The body she created did accommodate the spirit body, allowing her to exist in the form of a living person.

But the new body still cannot produce additional emotions,

In other words, she just raised a living ghost.

From then on, there were very few research results on Rowena Ravenclaw, and her experiments basically ended in failure.

The whole study is completely stuck here.

Her last research result was the soul storage device. She planned to save her soul and research results separately for future generations in case she could not complete the experiment before her death.

If someone could obtain this memory and produce results based on her research, then she would have the opportunity to rely on this power to be resurrected.

"It seems that no matter which world it is in, after the mage reaches a certain level of power, he will consider ways to live forever.

After reading the memory, Levin couldn't help but sigh.

Kel'Thuzad in World of Warcraft defected to the Lich King, DND's mages studied [Immortality], [Demon Soul Pot], and became [Liches], and even Voldemort studied Horcruxes, all of which are efforts in this direction.

[You wear the Ravenclaw crown, the inheritance from Ravenclaw enters your mind, your understanding of wizards increases, your wizard level +2, you obtain the inherited knowledge of Ravenclaw, and understand the research of emotions and souls[

[You have obtained the method of creating ghosts. You find that the method of creating ghosts is very similar to the method of creating a certain high-level existence in your memory. You have understood the [Heroic Spirit Creation Ritual] 1

[Heroic Spirit Creation Ritual: Create a Heroic Spirit through a ritual. There are three elements that constitute a Heroic Spirit: the huge soul magic power as the spiritual base, the Heroic Spirit's soul as the core, and the Heroic Spirit's legend as the framework. When the three are combined into one, a heroic spirit can be created. 】

Come on, it turns out that Rowena Ravenclaw's strategy is really feasible.

Levin was shocked when he felt the ritual in his mind.

Think about it too,

Heroic spirits are beings transformed into heroes whose great deeds are left as legends after death and have become objects of belief.

In other words, heroic spirits and ghosts are both spirits.

Heroic spirits have power, free and independent thoughts, and can generate emotions.

But ghosts can't.

Isn't this kind of spiritual body that has free and independent thoughts and can produce emotions what Ravenclaw dreams of?

Rowena Ravenclaw's spirit immortality route, the heroic spirit is a complete success story.

But how can heroic spirits achieve true immortality that is different from ghosts?

The difference stems from the structural difference between heroic spirits and ghosts.

That is, heroic spirits rely on legends and beliefs, while ghosts rely on obsession.

Now that Levin has mastered the [Heroic Spirit Creation Ritual], does it mean Ravenclaw's long-cherished wish can be fulfilled?

Of course, the premise is to find the soul of Ravenclaw.

He already has an idea about this.

Soon, Levin left the Room of Requirement with the crown and continued his normal daily study and rest.

It's as if the previous series of wonderful discoveries didn't exist.

Until midnight.

Levin woke up from the bed, and after making sure that all his roommates were asleep, he tiptoed into the common room.

There was no one in the lounge at this time,

Levin wasted no time in taking out the crown and tried to put it on the head of Ravenclaw's bust.

When he put the crown on, Levin was surprised to find that the shape of the crown perfectly matched the texture of the statue's hair.

"Sure enough, the secret is hidden here."

The moment he put down his crown, a change occurred.

The crown seemed to have been rust-free and electroplated, and its true appearance was restored with a brush.

It was a delicate and complex golden crown. The pattern on the forehead was that of an eagle flying high. The wings were made of countless crystal-clear diamonds. The eagle's belly was inlaid with a huge dark blue gem. The upper corners reflect dazzling light, and the bottom edge of the crown is engraved with Ravenclaw's famous motto - "Extraordinary wisdom is the wealth of mankind."

The properties of the entire crown have also changed:

[Ravenclaw's Crown: A legendary object, Ravenclaw's lifelong masterpiece, this intricate silver crown has revealed its true power, the wearer's intelligence and perception.

Charms gain a +6 enhancement bonus, a +3 caster level, and allow the wearer to see through all illusions [as if true seeing]. 】

At the same time, Levin noticed that there were two more same sapphires under the center of the crown, one was round and the other was shaped like a water drop.

At the same time, the magical aura Levin had felt in the statue disappeared.

Those auras seemed to be concentrated in these two gems.

When Levin touched the orb, he was finally able to confirm,

The drop-shaped gemstone is like an energy storage device, containing an emotional power:

Calm, loving, curious, melancholy, joyful

It seems that all the thoughts of a person are mixed together and put into it.

Helena mentioned that the loving feeling she felt in the statue seemed to stem from this.

And that round gem is a magic item similar to the [Soul Stone].

What is preserved in it is Ravenclaw's own soul. .

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