Chapter 171: Genius

The entire face of the fourth Sect Leader instantly turned into a lump. His body flew back and hit the boundary heavily. When the third Sect Leader handled the formation, blood was splashed.

The pupils of the third Sect Leader dilated. He looked at the old fourth’s head that looked like a rotten watermelon and dropped his eyes in shock.

How is this possible? The previous four Sect Leaders were still at the basic level of Fanxian Realm, so they were killed in one fell swoop?

The second strong man rushed behind Jiang Yuan insidiously and waved the spiked stick in his hand, flashing an icy halo, like a huge mountain, hitting Jiang Yuan’s back hard.

He believes that even if he is only a mortal at the ordinary level or possibly the third-level Immortal Realm, if he receives such a violent blow, his physique will be blown to pieces.

boom! “.

The mace hit Jiang Yuan accurately, making a huge annoying noise.

The second Sect Leader was very happy, but what followed was frustration and full of disbelief.

Sure enough, the mace in his hand was riddled with holes, and it immediately vanished.

Is his physique stronger because of Immortal’s gold?

Jiang Yuan blocked it with a backhand, and the second Sect Leader followed in the footsteps of the fourth Sect Leader.

Liu Rou’er caught the bamboo eagle and was extremely happy, her smiling face was full of joy.

“The two women are Phoenix among men, each with their own talents and ideas.” Finally, after asking dozens of questions, looking at the efforts of some passersby, the shopkeeper couldn’t stand it. If the two of them insisted on doing this Keep busy, I’m afraid the business is unreasonable.

If it weren’t for his appearance, things would be worse than this.

After thinking for a while, he found inspiration and said: “What do you think, I don’t have many questions, but the competition between the two girls?”

“How can I compete?” Liu Rou’er and Miss looked at each other. Although their expressions were calm, it could be seen that they were very angry with each other, so even the words were consistent.

Jiang Yuan, they looked from the front, stunned for a moment, and lowered their heads: “Woman, this is terrible, even the riddles will be serious.”

Once they found out that there was a match, those who were frustrated and ready to leave patiently stayed behind, and there were even speculations about the woman’s victory.

Using Liu Rouer’s basic cognitive process, Jiang Yuan ran to the guessing person and threw 2 silver. He put the guess on Liu Rouer, he was very sure of Liu Rouer, so the most important factor was that Liu Rouer’s chance was indeed greater than that of this girl.

Liu Rouer has a one-third chance, but this woman has a one-half chance.

“Dage, keep your hands, you have to think carefully.” When Jiang Yuan bet, the guesser knew that he was a former sideliner when he opened his mouth.

Jiang Yuan lowered his head and said, “No problem, I believe in own vision.”

Most people Li thinks that the female has the probability of winning next. Jiang Yuan checked that Liu Rouer was not isolated, and awkwardly said, “It seems that everyone doesn’t think you will win.”

The competition between the two women is simple: the stall owner asks questions, so the one with the most correct answer wins.

The stall owner put a thick stack of paper on the shelf, and when he rang the gong, the first question was immediately asked.

“The man in the picture”As soon as the question completely settled, Liu Rouer spoke: “A character among the tenants.”

As soon as she spoke, the owner wrote a line of money, representing Liu Rouer’s degree.

“The bottom of the pool is shiny.”

It was definitely the girl who delivered the first answer, “The characteristics of sweat”. She spent almost as much time as Liu Rouer’s time before.

The shopkeeper wrote down a line of words in black ink, representing the woman’s degree.

Later, everyone saw a magical scene. The stall owner took less than 3 seconds to ask a question each time, so the two women took turns to answer the questions, and the speed was amazing.

Passers-by are very surprised, this speed is not the speed of individual guessing lantern riddles, it is simply a playground phenomenon!

After solving the mystery together, Liu Rouer and his points were still hanging.

In an instant, nearly thirty riddles were solved in this way. The shopkeeper’s heart is very guilty. He can feel the sweat on his forehead. His hands holding up the puzzle are trembling. He simply shouted in his heart: “My God, this can be faster than mine. Let me create myself again. Store.”

Two hours later, 50 puzzles were solved, and the stall owner was speechless. His hands were no longer trembling, and his heart was not weak. He could only barely smile and lift the puzzles, with a sour face.

“Yeah, I know.”

The paper has not been opened, meticulous, but “if” the word is already obvious, so the woman shouted: “Ten.”

Someone exclaimed: “A fairy!” This immediately exploded. “She can be associated with an absolute little fairy, a sensitive article, leading the way in answering riddles and talent, my God!”

“I like it, I like it, will anyone recognize her name?”

“You have 10 seconds. I need to know everything about this woman.”

“It’s very solid.”


Liu Rou’er bit her finger and her eyes were red, just because she had lost her careless sense of loss just now, she was really overwhelmed by his back, and she was a little worried.

“Don’t worry, stabilize your mind.” Jiang Yuan saw that she was absent, and quickly comforted her.

My little relative, I stake everything I have on you, don’t give up. Jiang Yuan’s face was soft and comfortable, but her heart was in her throat.

Liu Rouer ignored him, her eyes were red, and she stared at the wooden frame asking the question, trying to get the correct answer as soon as possible and tie the score.


At this time, Liu Rouer shot, and she only saw the word “chi” 0.5 times.

This kind of answer has a taste of guessing Bo. If she makes a wrong tick, it is not the one she thought she might lose.

You know, in the rules, wrong answers are deducted points.

“Damn, they, isn’t it, it’s so difficult? But I haven’t spoken yet.”

“Haha, she is very anxious, she is still my god.”

The shop owner fell into contemplation for a while, the newspaper in his hand was only raised halfway after detecting the solution, and his movements suddenly stopped.

He touched own sweat and added another stroke to the corresponding words written in silver.

With the fall of this sentence, the faces of those who laughed at Li Er at first changed immediately, and some even said, “It’s possible!”

Then the two people answered a few more questions, and the score was still very close. As the red paper was opened one by one, only one was left. Everyone was controlling their own breathing.

The score between Li Ruoqing and the woman was tied! This is a good example.

In other words, this last question is crucial.

“Go, little fairy!”

Through this competition, Liu Rouer gained fans.

The two women were extremely nervous at this moment, knowing that this was the last question, the question they had obtained, and fixed their gaze on the puzzle on the shelf, just waiting for the moment when the answer was immediately revealed.

Under everyone’s gaze, the shopkeeper opened the puzzle and saw him check it with words.

“Half of Spring and Autumn”

The Spring and Autumn Period may be the Confucian classics that have spread to us, which contains a good depth of thought. However, when they saw this riddle, everyone felt baffled.

Liu Rou’er and the woman because of this, neither of them can think about other things, for a while.

Jiang Yuan looked at these people, each lowered their heads in thought, with a faint smile on the corners of their mouths, quietly came to Liu Rouer’s side, and said silently to her ears: “Speaking of which, Qin Miss is paying attention to our dinner in the palace. , Don’t delay for too long.”

He knew that Liu Rou’er was physically strong, so naturally it was impossible to blatantly inform her, and that this was unintentionally said, absolutely applicable to falsehood.

However, Jiang Yuan underestimated Liu Rouer’s attention at the moment. She didn’t hear him at all. Her small eyes were red, and she or he was thinking about the answer to the puzzle.

Jiang Yuan glanced at own forehead, looked at the girl’s eyes, there seemed to be a bit of brows, anxious, grabbed Liu Rouer’s hand, and said angrily: “You Guwazi, provide us with peace.”

He said so, but his hand didn’t stop, and he wrote the solution in Liu Rouer’s little hand.

Liu Rouer didn’t seem to notice that Jiang Yuan was talking about him, but when she came back to her senses, she immediately shouted, “This is the Qin character!”. For the first time, she eagerly waited for the actual answer, whether it was right or wrong, once she had finished speaking, her little head stared at the shopkeeper to see if he would give her extra points.

Once the stall owner detected the solution, his face was still calm, he took the money pen and walked to the sign. When he did this, everyone controlled their own breathing.

Some people even shouted out “point reduction” psychologically. Minus points! ”

Once the score is reduced, it means that their beloved god has won.

Everyone read the money pen very well, and quickly wrote the last sum under the writing, completing a complete writing.

“Yay!” Their Liu Rouer saw that he had scored, and was happy and anxious, providing others with a finishing move.

Jiang Yuan smiled, stretched out his palm and collided with Liu Rouer’s small palm, and a loud and transparent slap rang through everyone’s ears.

“Little fairy, it’s okay, don’t be sad!”

“That’s right, little fairy, you keep getting us.”Before the show, the boys spoke to comfort the woman. Such a sensitive and delicate woman should not get such a result.

The girl’s small fist was clenched, she tossed her hair, turned her head to look at Liu Rou’er, her eyes gleamed slightly, and she walked forward slowly, very lightly.

“My surname is Chen, what’s your name?” The woman surnamed Chen really brought it up, stretched out her little red and white hand, with a stubborn smile on her mouth.

Liu Rou’er hesitated for a while, stretched out her hand on the bar, looked at her seriously, and clarified: “My name is Liu Rou’er, and you have a very strong body.” This last sentence is by no means a compliment, she clearly knows , If it weren’t for Jiang Yuan, she might be the loser.

The corners of her mouth rose unconsciously, and she smiled and said, “Will you participate tomorrow?”

Liu Rouer nodded, and then said nothing.

“Then you wait, I will definitely win.” After saying this, she turned and walked away humbly, leaving behind an inexperienced old figure, causing a burst of surprise.

She looked at Chen’s back and whispered, “This girl is so strong.” She has a dark feeling. Chen is not as cute as she looks, so tomorrow’s group meeting will seem to attract terrible attention.

At the same time Song’s departure, the names of the two women were announced, and in an instant, someone immediately recognized them.

“The genius among my geniuses, the enchanting evildoer of the times, has arrived at Transcendent’s refined Realm. A big Sect of Sect claims to carry the entire young generation in the South. I did not expect to observe him here!”

“What? I heard it right.”

“My God, it’s no wonder he is so powerful, it seems he is a genius…”

As soon as Liu Rouer received the ultimate gift, her eyes looked around, but she couldn’t see Jiang Yuan’s figure, and said angrily to herself, “This bastard, went there again.”

She didn’t care about the desperate shouts of these people, peeling off the crowd like a prey, just trying to find Jiang Yuan’s whereabouts.

Once she found him, she rushed towards him.

Jiang Yuan was cashing his own money, counting the eight silver coins in his arms, ecstatic. This is definitely an honest factor, and he got a refund with interest.

“Man, you have a pair of honest eyes, can you take us to make a guess one day?” Seeing that Jiang Yuan has created tons of wealth, the dealer couldn’t help but say.

Before Jiang Yuan could answer, he was forcibly pulled away by Liu Rouer, left here like a gust of wind, and walked away under the gaze of everyone.

“What did I see?” Haizhuang’s expression was dull when he mentioned it.

As soon as the two of them left the place where they guessed their boxing, they found a relatively quiet evening tea house and sat down at the table. Liu Rouer smiled happily, very cheerfully.

“Is it necessary to be so happy?” Jiang Yuan split his lips. Didn’t he just win a game? Or is it a reasonable level of margin display so that you are happy? If you bought the highest place in the cluster competition, would you still be in heaven?

Li Ruoqing took a sip of tea and made a bucket with his head, “You don’t know, this woman is very strong, she is the strongest person I have ever met since I was born.”

“Is that so?” Jiang Yuan raised his teacup and said disapprovingly. It seemed that he spoke casually: “Song Mingsheng, a disciple of Jingzhou Mingguo Shuijing King’s private school, knows the cultivation talent that is rare in a thousand years, and is a real evildoer-level existence.”

Speaking of the monster level, Jiang Yuan’s gaze could not ease the jump, but he has encountered 3 monster level geniuses so far. One is Shangguan Muxue, and the other is Liu Rouer in front of him, so the alternative to Song Gang is reality, but unfortunately, they are all women.

“Go on, I want to get to know her.” Liu Rouer was silent for a while, listening to Jiang Yuan’s speech very dullly.

Jiang Yuan shook his lips, sniffed, looked at this sturdy girl, and continued: “Her real Realm should be much stronger than you. The golden body of Realm is constant, with four Gold Cores. A dual-attribute Spiritual Qi, both water and mirror!”

Gezhen itself can be a monster-level existence. In addition, it combines a special physique with Spiritual Qi with dual attributes. The accumulation of this power is not as simple and integrated as each other. Of course, it can’t be said to be higher than Liu Rouer. You must further think about fighting skills, movement techniques, and then thinking about the degree of attribute management and so on.

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