Chapter 170

These arrogances can be said to be very happy. Suddenly a divine light flew in the distance. After the divine light fell, they became a young man in yellow clothes. The words of this young man were handsome and unrestrained. The shrine needed gaze, but he appeared. A cyan ancient divine text, the ancient wind channel behind him published images, his Cultivation Base is not particularly weak, it is enough and pours into the breath of ancient and strong, but when everyone sees this scene, I Not showing a very jealous gaze, but two more starlights fell directly from the void, turning into a man and a woman. The man is dressed in silver clothes. The stars have the god of the moon. His Cultivation Base is not It’s very weak, and it’s also the high rank of the river. Behind him is the image of lunar yin. Your words are just very powerful. It can be said that it is very scary to learn from me. When everyone saw this scene, I didn’t take a breath. Cool, especially when I saw that girl, I seemed to see some very powerful existence, and backed up one after another. If I saw these powerful processes, I didn’t feel very surprised. I saw a flash of white light. Suddenly a Fatty appeared. His face was always smiling. His eyes were turning very small. Some eyebrows and mouse eyes. Only a mysterious insulation appeared in the center of the eyebrows. His Cultivation Base was not particularly strong. But behind the high rank of Hedao, there are only various Baoguang greeted with a smile, but when everyone saw this scene, their eyes felt very strange, and the faces of the chaotic Tianjiao all around changed greatly, and they looked at it. Own treasures, and couldn’t help but step back, looking at this Fatty vigilantly, because they knew very well that this Fatty’s words were never a good stubble, and they like to snatch all kinds of treasures.Fatty’s words seemed to see their eyes, so he smiled and made everyone amnesia and kept the treasure of his own. It is good that everyone did not hear this. When they heard this, their faces became very ugly, except for a few other things. Personally, the other Chaos Gods and Demons began to retreat one after another, and avoided the void. Suddenly, they heard a voice from the Chaotianwang who went directly out of the line and said directly, you can go in, and I will wait for you here. , Remember this time, they only want to cooperate with Jiang Yuan. After the other mighty gods and demons heard the voice of King Potian, their expressions suddenly became very serious, and they nodded one after another. The four of them fell straight. Entering into the prehistoric world, the other mighty heavens followed everything in. The light-seeking power in the chaotic world once again appeared in this place, and the chaos aura continued to permeate, directly causing Heavenly Dao. Hongming’s rolling Heavenly Dao suppressing force appeared on the four of them. Their Cultivation Base was suddenly suppressed to the lowest level, and their complexion became complicated. When they noticed that their own strength was constantly suppressed, it was I felt a little surprised, but I didn’t expect to have such a strong suppressing power. If their Cultivation Base was directly suppressed to the river path and touched four people, their faces became very unexpected, and very serious, and felt the void. The vastness and horror of Heavenly Dao. Although their strength is indeed very strong, they are still very inferior to Tian Dao. At this moment, one of the strong men directly adapts, feels his Cultivation Base alone, and looks up. As I saw further away, Huawei’s wind of swords disappeared. When other people saw this scene, they also chose to leave. At this moment, after they left, the warlock appeared for Chaos Tianjiao and directly aroused him. The thunder of the heavens and the earth’s vision directly shook the entire prehistoric world, and because of Sanqing’s other robbers, the gods and demons, when they felt the chaotic demon, I was not very surprised. Based on the judgment of the chaotic aura, this time If you come in, the Cultivation Base of the Chaos Demon God is very powerful. At this moment, Sage’s eyes are directly opened, and his eyes are full of helplessness. Since the King of Newborn entered and exited, he seemed to have stabbed half of this hornet’s nest. He did not expect countless The Demon God of Soul Cave came directly to this place, and quickly delivered it, looking towards the void, and with a soft sound, he flashed out and fell into the Ling Xiao Palace. What they never expected was that they thought they were all I snatched treasures in this place, but I didn’t expect to come directly from the side of giving people away from the beginning.

When a clear breeze blew over it, it appeared directly, and a young man appeared directly in front of the Master. His star had cyan lines and his face was very arrogant, but when he saw this scene, he was very surprised. This chaotic play is really very powerful. He can’t enter the prehistoric world. He didn’t expect to directly disturb some of the ancient Tianjiao in the chaos, and this strong man saw Sage know that he had to say that it was also very elegant. Said directly to the monk, either surrender or name Shuwen. Hearing this sentence, he was directly laughed with anger, and motioned them to leave his hands directly with a wave of ups and downs, and the power of the vast Heavenly Dao fell directly into the void. The whole thing is frozen and stagnant, and it is more like Chang’e. The river roars out with a bang. The words of this strong man directly broke the imprisonment of the power of Heavenly Dao, and was directly blown out by the power of the Heavenly Dao of iron, and the whole person I vomited blood directly. When I could see this scene, I felt very disdainful. I turned around and left directly. At this moment, I successfully fell with two swords and became a man and a woman. They looked lightly at where Sage left. , And prepared to block his way, and when the voiceprint saw this scene, it once again ruined the floating and sinking void, frozen again, and imprisoned the two people with the power of the rolling Heavenly Dao, and smashed it again. Came out, and turned the two people directly into fragments.

After the dust dissipated, the two people still stood on the spot, and this one’s face became very ugly. A Heavenly Dao controller didn’t expect to even dare to attack him. It was absolutely rebellious, and there was something in the shape of his eyebrows. After half a month, he smashed directly at Sage, and the other person’s words, the whole world turned upside down and Sage fell into the own illusion. When Sage saw this scene, it meant that the broken mirror on the owner of Fengshen, f*ck The land of the broken Supreme Supreme Heavenly Dao, the red-pink tower of all things pierced through the void, they never thought that the power of Heavenly Dao should be so terrifying, if they hit them, there is no room for resistance at all. At this moment, Sage’s words were very disdainful. Originally thought they were very powerful. He didn’t expect to be able to do this. He gave him a good fortune. He thought that he was hopeless and wanted to clean up a little bit. Sage thought he would clean up. Jiang Yuan cannot be defeated, but it can be said that it is more than enough to clean up them. In the void, when this strong man turned around and ran away, he still wanted to take advantage, but he did not expect that the strength of this gun turned out to be a unique horror.

At this moment, the words of these Tianjiao can be said to be very helpless. I thought that this task could be said to be hand-to-hand, but the result was directly beaten as soon as the shot was taken. It seems that the words in this world are by no means as simple as they thought. I originally thought that there were not too many powerhouses in this world, and that they would not pose a huge threat at all, but now it seems that it is very different from what they thought before, and the old image Judging from the situation, it is far beyond what they have encountered and because of this, their complexion has become very ugly now, which is undeniable, but now they do not have a better solution, then There is no doubt that they have been greatly affected now, and it is precisely because of this that the impact on them now can be said to be very huge. If they can’t have a better solution, then It’s easy to use. In this matchup, they can directly choose to leave in advance, because if there is even such an existence, they can’t defeat it. According to what this strong man said, the strength of that Jiang Yuan is even greater. Horror, on the contrary, is a very huge threat to them now, and it is precisely because of such a time that they are suddenly violent, and they don’t know what to do.

Before he got close to a fairy island, he suddenly flew out four great swords. The chaos and murderous Dao Mingman issued by these four peerless little sword masters turned the current sword into a terrifying sword and four swords and a direct victory. The murderous intent bursting with horror came directly at this strong man. The strong man’s shot became very ugly, showing great fear. Dalian shot displayed its own chaotic art, and turned into a chaotic wind, and rushed towards it. Going outside, eating a sharp sword and whistling again, and shattered this chaotic Sword Qi, a strand of chaotic Sword Qi came out of Jianhe directly, and disappeared from Lu Xukong, Jin Guangyi After the flash, a black-clothed tong reappeared again, looking at the sword in the void and nodding with satisfaction, I have to say that the words of this Zhuxian incident were integrated into the killing of chickens. The words of these four fairy swords can be said to be ascending. After a long period of time, he entered the chaos of the lower grade. At this moment, he thought about it and said directly, although they have no way to deal with Jiang Yuan, but if they deal with the existence of these pediatrics, they feel that there is nothing at all. Any problem, it is precisely because of this, they directly use this Fuxian incident to kill it, and his strong words are just a crazy escape.

The void flashed, and the words of this strong man appeared embarrassed. Their faces were pale, and their hearts were very depressed. The world heard that the master was so strong. They now think that the news given by the world seems to be wrong. , The two of them confronted each other with very ugly glances. The words in their hearts were swearing at the world. Now they suddenly became confused and didn’t know what to do. They couldn’t catch Heavenly at all. The master of Dao, now I can only do Heavenly Dao’s Sage. After the two people reached an agreement, their eyes flashed directly and they came to a big mountain. The whole mountain hits the sky with a brilliant starry light, with the image of Sage. The two of them interact with each other. After taking a look, they rushed directly to Kunlun Mountain, but when they had not yet arrived at Kunlun Mountain, a crying ancient prescription flew out again, and the breath was full of ancient chaos. After this Pangu developed, Wan The chaos of the Tao, Sword Qi, was directly invalidated and over the rolling avenue. The murderous intentions directly changed the expressions of the two people, and they chose to escape at the first time. After the mysterious light flashed, the figure of the atom appeared in Pangu. He was very satisfied with the results directly. Nodded, Dao’s murderous intent is indeed good. The fragments directly produced by his Pangu rice, now they can say with certainty that if they can’t even beat the house, if the child wants to beat Sage Sage, they still want to beat it. It is absolutely impossible to come over and bully him. The two terrifying murderous intents directly made the two of them dare not act rashly at all. The words in their hearts were very aggrieved. They thought that this world would be fundamental to them. There is no slight influence, it can be said to be caught by hand, but what I never expected is that this world can be said to be far beyond what they have encountered. It is so terrible. They are very jealous. This is a few words. , I am very fortunate that this world is indeed very terrifying. Fortunately, if he didn’t look at it, this Jiang Yuan is also very difficult, otherwise it will not cause these people’s headaches.When he was not awake, when he swept directly into the void, when he was not awake, directly blooming out of the supreme starlight and precious yellow, an ancient chaotic mountain appeared directly, when they could know this scene, their emotions The child was ignited. There is no doubt that it is still very happy for them in the current situation. They are naturally very depressed before this, especially in the process, they can’t escape the slightest benefit. But at this moment when they see this scene of you, they are very happy in Da Chong’s heart, because before this, they can be said to be very depressed about the result of this, and there is no way to be able to do it like this. During the process, they were able to perform very well, but now, when they see this result, they are very happy from the heart. At least for the current result, after all, it is far beyond their expectations. It is precisely because of this that what they have to do now is how to make this problem better, why there is no way to solve this problem, it is too difficult for them now, that is precisely because of this They considered this problem and chose to do it like this now. In their opinion, it can be said that it is more appropriate. If they don’t do it this way, it will cause them more difficulties. It is precisely because of this. At this moment, if they choose such an action, in everyone’s opinion, it can be said that it is more appropriate. They rushed directly into this coffin, because they could feel that there was a baby coming out of the cemetery, which is too important for them now, if they want to get more in the process If there are many benefits, then it can be said that it is very correct to do this now, and because of this, they did not hesitate in these Chongqing broadcasts, and want to grab some more treasures.

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