Chapter 163

The owner of the Ninth Stage sky tent expelled the Spiritual Qi of the Supreme Realm, blocking the strong pressure of this god-man, and communicated in a particularly low voice: “You influential person is too much, usually this is my Ninth Stage sky. The Ninth Stage Sky City of the Pavilion, the students recruited by my Ninth Stage Sky Tent, are you overly correct in the way of disturbing the situation?”.

He was very angry. In this era, this is the climax of Nine Heavens registration, and it should be the result of Death.

As a result, these people are now down again, with a terrible angle, creating people unhappy…

The gods bathed in divine light, holding a golden shovel, contemptuously announced: “Nine Heavens Pavilion? I even detected that it is the strongest Taoist sect in the Tianyuan Realm?”

Among the ten thousand realm, the realm belongs to a typical level, not so famous and not so powerful.

The Kingdom of God is a beautiful world of honor among the nations, and the Protoss there is a wonderful and powerful race among the nations, with an incomparably profound connection and inheritance.

“We are not here to drive away the trouble, but to punish the traitors among the family members.” The Protoss member on the right of the three said lightly.

As he spoke, he stretched out a huge hand of divine power and grabbed the disrespectful sentence of Nine Heavens City.

This group of benevolent clergymen behaved so badly that they didn’t even care where they were.

“You are too presumptuous!”

The Nine Heavens mysterious girl was very angry, and with a wave of her hand, his vigorous aura burst out together.


The giant hand of divine power was crushed into thorns, and as a result, the energy in the air became Nirvana.

“Do you dare to interfere in this matter?”

The gods in the middle, they hold golden nails and speak blankly, their eyes showing bloody intentions.

When the protoss group moves, they are rarely disturbed.

For the gods, they are accustomed to dominating their own actions, and the behavior of the Nine Heavens mysterious girl is also a challenge to them.

“I’ll announce it again, usually|this is common Nine Heavens City, this is not your site, and you are not allowed to act indiscriminately!”

The owner of the tent of Ninth Stage spoke too loudly and did not show any weakness.

If it were before, he would not be so gloomy, but now Jiang Yuan is here, he is naturally full of energy.

If he allows the people of the gods to act recklessly in front of endless people, then the status of the Nine Heavens tent in the heavenly realm will undoubtedly drop to the edge.

“court death!”

The god man with a golden gun announced indifferently.

With a wave of the shovel in his hand, he waved a wonderful golden shovel halo with majestic power and walked towards the owner of the Ninth Stage tent.

Even in the Realm of celestial components, he is still not afraid. Although his opponent is one of the most powerful forces in the Realm, he doesn’t care at all.

As a member of the Sacred family cluster, he has all the ease in the world.


The heavenly master of Ninth Stage spoke angrily and presented the life and death picture of the virtual illusion world.

The life and death chart of the void illusion flew up and flew into the air, bursting out the supreme Spiritual Qi.


The Spiritual Qi of the golden halberd affects the life and death map of the void illusion, but does not harm it in the slightest.

The next moment, the life and death map of the virtual illusion world exploded with greater power and suppressed the three members of the Protoss Kinship Group.

“how dare you!”God {family love|The individuals in the group screamed, so the three of them affected at the same time, exploding with powerful divine power.

However, under the installation of the life and death diagram of the void illusion, the supernatural power of the three bathrooms was quickly broken.

Then, the life and death map of the void illusion exploded with strong suction, sucking the three people of the Protoss group into the world in the picture.

When the owner of the Nine Heavens account quickly stretched out his hand, the life and death chart of the virtual illusion world flew into his hand.

This container full of supreme treasure has been claimed by him and is completely under the management of his magic wand.

As long as he wants, he can let the three people in the virtual illusion world of the life and death map stand aside and die in the world of the map.

“Mr. Accountant’s supernatural power can also overwhelm people!”

Seeing this, the Elders of the Nine Heavens account quickly spoke up.

The infinite residents of Nine Heavens city didn’t dare to watch Nine Heavens tents suppress the three strong men.

You know, these three people from the God family cluster are all supreme beings, and their strength is definitely very powerful.

However, the owner of the Ninth Stage sky tent single-handedly defeated the three members of the God family in the excessive noise. With the unreal map of Life and Death Realm in hand, the Nine Heavens account holder may have reached the highest level of Realm.

“No matter who they are, they don’t have the right to make trouble in Nine Heavens, otherwise, they can only be driven away!”

The owner of Nine Heavens’ tent looked at the countless people in the city of Nine Heavens and said lightly.

In the face of endless connected individuals, easily suppressing three to Venerable may be considered a terrible dignity, which makes him a little nervous.

But he understands that he is currently preparing to suppress the third-rank type of supremacy, not by his own strength, but by the life and death chart of the Void Realm.

“Old senior, after Mr. Tent suppressed the three of them, I am afraid that the God Family Group will not die.” Xiao Xiaoxi Wu You said with some worry. She looked at the red Ninth Stage that the sky was higher than her head. Controller.

She knows that the God Family Group takes Face very seriously, and without exception, it is retaliatory and never suffers.

If the Ninth Stage tent is to clear the people in the God family cluster, it will undoubtedly arouse the anger of the highest-level members of the God family cluster.

By then, they will bring more than three good gods from Cultivation Base to the Heavenly Origin Realm.

“Nevertheless, I am here.”

Jiang Yuan spoke with a faint smile, quite at ease.

He is currently a spiritual existence, at the top level of a complete infinite area and time. Except for many eternal existences, almost no one needs to worry about him.

Of course, he will not intimidate others, but he will not sit still and do such things.


The registration of the Ninth Stage tent was successfully completed. A total of 12 people signed it. It is considered the smallest variety in history.

After that, the Nine Heavens account was reformed, turning the students into disciples, and the Nine Heavens account was divided into related external accounts and internal accounts.

The outer tent and the inner tent have two layers. Before the disciple of the outer tent becomes a disciple of the inner tent, he must be forced to spend a month in the illusory picture of Realm of Life and Death.

Currently, there are only twelve disciples of the inner tent, very similar to the twelve of them who crossed the edge before them.

The disciples in the tent have more resources and can access Elder’s leadership.

This reform awakened the previous 80,000 disciples, and they all began to bravely deal with the life and death map of the virtual illusion world and withstood the test.

Ninth Stage day tent, internal tent, Ninth Stage day island.

This island is the bloodline of modern ancestors. At present, there are only a pair of people living on the island, one is the modern ancestor Jiangyuan, so the opposite can be said to be a follower of modern ancestors, there is no god.

At this point, the supreme Nirvana’s ease, so creation entered the island.

These two forces surround the island and blend together forever, filling it with Sacred’s creative reserves.

In the Sacred reserve of creation, a woman is by her side, bewildered by the ease of creation, and thus by the ease of Nirvana.

She is undergoing a transformation.

boom! boom! boom! Boom! boom! boom! Boom! boom! boom! Boom! boom! boom! boom

One day after many days, the capacity of the created Sacred supply was exhausted, so the creation on the island of Nine Heavens and the installation of Nirvana were absorbed by the woman.

The girl’s body exudes a white divine light, expanding the world.

Reminiscing that you don’t know how much time it took, she slowly opened her eyes, and her beautiful face returned to her blood color, and she was no longer as pale as before.

God Wuxian looked at Jiang Yuan, they lay quietly on the chairs outside the sanctuary supplies, and said to him, “Thank you very much, father!”

Her qualifications and her legacy have been created.

Although she no longer has the fairy bones from her birth, she has undergone another Nirvana metamorphosis, and additional strength has been born in her body.

At this moment, the blood in her whole body is Immortal’s blood, and every bone is related to Immortal’s bones. If she loses one, she will get everything.

It can be said that the current Shanghai dialect is a natural companion fairy body, the most Sacred, most transcendent fairy body, and a truly brilliant body, which is terribly different from when she had only one fairy bone in her body.

Jiang Yuan looked at the fairy Qinggong beside the god Wu You, and smiled: “Finally the transformation is completed. A true fairy is in a very brilliant ideal state. I don’t know how it will develop. This is a very precious thing. It’s worth looking forward to.”

The tent on Nine Heavens is where the inner tent appears.

The illusory life and death Realm picture extends into the air and is connected with the whole body of an ancient person in the air next to it.

This person is Elder, the Associate of Internal Accounts. The Cultivation Base has reached the level of Deva unity, and is considered to be an organization for the United Nations Elder to test disciples.

Looking at the Associated Press disciple who suffered because of the illusory life and death picture, Elder, the inner account, lowered his head slightly and sighed in his heart.

It has been half a year since the last enrollment of Nine Heavens City. During this half year, most of the 80,000 disciples tried to enter the illusory map of Life and Death Realm for assessment.

Among these 80,000 disciples, so far, only 100 have been able to persist for more than a month, successfully enter the inner account and become inner account disciples.

You know, these 80,000 disciples are all talented disciples of Nine Heavens Pavilion, and any one of them is enough to touch the earth, the proud son of heaven.

However, there are still only a hundred of them, more or less able to become disciples of the inner account.


Inner account, Wudang Mountain.

More than one hundred inner account disciples are sitting under the Wudao tree on the top of Wudao Mountain.

Under the Wudaokou tree, there was one of them, a male colleague from before, who was preaching.

This is where the disciples of the inner cousin get discriminatory treatment. It is very useful for these disciples because it is connected with the preaching of the Elders almost every day.

boom! boom! boom! Boom! boom! boom! Boom! boom! boom! Boom! boom! boom! boom

The Spiritual Qi of a disciple in the inner account has reached the limit, and he finally broke through the bottleneck, bursting out a powerful wave of divine power.

The disciples beside them all showed real jealousy and noticed the preaching of Heavenly Father, so now the passage is considered to be a perfect opportunity and requires precise enlightenment.

“I thank you very much, Elder.”

This follower who created a breakthrough on Realm quickly gathered his sensitive Spiritual Qi, expressing his feelings for the Father, that they are preaching.

“No need to say thank you, the elders need to point you.” The elder said with a smile.

Looking at the razor carrying the broken arm, his eyes were full of admiration.

Half a year ago, although Li Tai Tibetans entered the Ninth Stage, he was not optimistic about the majority of Elders, and he thought it would be inappropriate to immediately become a disciple of the inner account.

After all, Li Taibai’s talent is not high. On the other hand, he showed superb savvy, as well as the perseverance and firm Dao heart that ordinary people can’t match. His cultivation progress is very interesting.Within a year, he entered the realm of condensing power from the initial stage of the clay figurine Realm.

Such a Cultivation Base is not considered strong among internal account disciples, and may even be considered to be truly weak.

But his progress is obvious to all, and he is still very young, and it is very doubtful that he will surpass the current Tianjiao disciple in the future.

“Well, this is often the highlight of today’s sermons, go and cultivate.”

In this way, the elder left soon after.

At the top of Wudang Mountain, the hundreds of disciples in the inner account almost disappeared, leaving only two.

At this time, a handsome young man came to them, a woman sitting quietly in front of the tree of enlightenment, smiled and said: “Xia Big Sister, I chose a detector in the progress analysis area, and we can flexibly build a What do you think of the team?”

His name is Li Hanfeng. He used to be their deputy minister. When he passed the internal account, he had become the deputy minister of the internal account.

“Sorry, I don’t like to ride probes easily.” Xia Shiyu said lightly, pushing Li Mufeng aside.

She only came into contact with cultivation vividly when she entered the Ninth Stage, so she was very firm. Now, she doesn’t need to waste any negligence, she just needs to improve her own Cultivation Base as early as possible.

In particular, she learned another thing from Elder’s sermon. She longed for her own time to grasp, and only if she was willing could she accept the task.

“Well, if Sister Xia wants to try within the mission, she will always decide Songzhou resolutely.” Li Hanfeng laughed as soon as she heard her.

Then, he didn’t stay here long and left immediately.

The tasks in the Ninth Stage tent have rewards. As long as you complete the tasks, you can get merits, and merits can be exchanged for cultivation resources.

For example, these are exchanged in exchange for the opportunity to accept the sermon of the lonely companion Elder, or for magic potions or weapons, or for the prospect of participating in the selection of Elder as a disciple.

In general, the badge of superiority is very useful, so the disciples of Nine Heavens mysterious girl are happy to take on their tasks.

Soon, only Li Tai and Xia Shiyu who talked about hiding us were left on the top of Wudang Mountain.

The two are about the same age, and both have the Cultivation Base of Realm. They are both their new disciples who entered the Nine Heavens Pavilion last year, so there are many similarities.

Admiral Li Tai-Bulman looked at Xia Shiyu for a while, and then he also left.

On his back, there was the broken black arm.

Xia Shiyu stood up, turned around slowly, and watched Li Tai admiral Burman leave with his severed arm on his back.

She is more and more interested in Li Tai’s possession of us. They come to participate in all the evangelistic meetings every day and do not communicate with anyone. Nevertheless, the harvest is the easiest one.

And whenever he came to preach specifically, Li Tai-Tibetan Burman always wears a black broken arm, what a funny guy, she thought.

Li Tai Tibetan Buddhists left the mountain of enlightenment of Taoism and visited the Temple of Interests.

There are many things in the dominance hall. Her gaze stayed on a black feather for a long time, providing an explanation of the dominance value needed to redeem the black feather.

Ten million!

This is one of the most needed things in the Pantheon, but most people are not interested in this feather, even though it is a real Kunpeng feather.

Li Tai, a person who talked about hiding us, left the Superior Hall and went to the Research Hall to ask him about his initial pursuit of entering the Ninth Stage sky tent.

The reward for this task is a thousand advantage points, so the task is to go to Panlong Mountain outside the city of Nine Heavens and destroy a group of ugly bandits there.

“What if we tend to join forces and ask for this task together?”

Just as Li Tai-Tibet-Bulman was simply fighting this task, the voice of a kind girl rang behind him.

When he turned around, he saw Xia Shiyu with a smile on her face.

A feeling expression appeared on Li Taibai’s face.

When she was in Daotai Mountain before, Xia Shiyu was only in the initial stage of concentrating on Realm, but now, she has reached the powerful stage of concentrating on Realm.

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