Chapter 162

Is Uncle Ye’s physique very weak?

Do not!

Master Ye is very strong, terribly strong, and with a single flick of his finger, he can seduce the powers of the previous generation of the spirit palace, such as Ye Cangtian and Ye Laosan of the Shenteng Realm.

Before this, he even destroyed the Black Mountain Hall with one palm, shocking countless people in the imperial city.

However, Master Ye’s opponent is stronger, one of Ye Guo’s top 5 players, and they have known it for many years.

And the kind-hearted Ye Guoshi is a mysterious national teacher who was cultivated by the family a hundred years apart, and the years of cultivation are not enough, so he definitely can’t beat the Spirit King in the traditional sense.

“Child, go back to the Ling Palace, this is your home, the blood flowing in your body is the blood of our Yejia Ling Palace, and your parents are both from the Ling Palace.”

An earlier voice sounded, and immediately, an earlier person in a black robe appeared in front of Jiang Yuan silently.

“The fourth Elder of Sect Palace!”

Hearing this voice, Master Dayu lowered his eyes and mentioned in a deep voice.

Therefore, he correctly guessed that the person hiding in the dark is one of the first four ancestors of the Spirit King’s House, and they have lived for a long time because of the unfathomable degree of supernatural existence.

“Fight me, you dare to be distracted, you are so proud.”

The Spirit King sneered.

His fingers once again issued a powerful Sect power, and with one finger, the beautiful Archmage Kongye was pressed against the protective light curtain of the imperial city.

By suppressing the master with one finger, the Spirit King showed his power and dominance.

Countless powerful people in the imperial city looked at this powerful scene, and while feeling pity for Master Ye, they also despised the Spirit King even more.

He should have been one of the few people who stood at the head of Ye Guo, not someone who could be challenged by others.

“Master Ye, this king gave you a chance, but unfortunately you didn’t cherish its joy.”

The Spirit King laughed.

He walked out and appeared in front of Jiang Yuan, standing side by side with the four ancestors of Lingwang Mansion.

“I am not the treasure of the Spirit Palace now, I hope the two Elders will not impose on me.”

Jiang Yuan took a deep breath and said.

He is already communicating with the small temple of the Shensiyuan.

This is the best treasure left by his master Xu Yan, and it is also his largest map.

“Why are you bluntly not the treasure of King Sect? Remember, the blood flowing in your body is the blood of our Spirit King Mansion.”

The Spirit King spoke.

He reached out and grabbed Jiang Yuan, trying to forcibly take him back to the residence of the Spirit King.

boom! boom! boom! boom

At this moment, the light of a barracuda split open, instantly hitting the Spirit King and the Fourth Patriarch, cutting them all back.

A man wearing a golden armor holding a superb spear stood up, entered the void, and stood in front of Jiang Yuan.

On the other side, the kind-hearted Ye Hufa exploded with all his strength, interrupting the Lingwang Yizhi who had lost his stamina, and quickly flashed to Jiang Yuan’s side.

“General, maybe you need to fight against my Spirit Palace?”

The Spirit King looked at the man with the extra-large spear and the golden armor, and spoke in a deep voice.This brigade practitioner is not an ordinary person, he is the main general of Ye Guo.

Ye has a population of more than 10 billion, and there are countless generals of various types, so it is definitely a rare person to be fortunate to be the number one general.

“I never thought about annoying Sect Palace, I was just ordered to come back, I must escort Jiang Yuan.”

The first general spoke without emotion.

He is like a related machine without passion and can only obey the orders of his superiors.

“Coming by orders?”

The Spirit King glanced at the palace, with a playful tone in his voice.

Then, he mentioned in a very arbitrary way: “This may be my family affair in the Palace of the Spirit. No one is allowed to touch it, otherwise, don’t blame this king for not being affectionate.”

“Ling Wang, do you want to go your own way, are you not afraid to pass the disaster on to the Ling Wang Mansion?”

Master Dachang spoke.

His eyes were cold, unrelenting and unambiguous.

The words of the first general just had a clear meaning, and he didn’t believe that the spirit king would not be aware of it.

In the entire Ye country, only one person can give orders to the first general.

It is Ye Guo’s Master Yushi!

But the Spirit King was deceived to be dizzy, this was not for Ye Country’s Emperor Face at all.

“Just kidding, the line of my spirit king is the orthodox bloodline of the Ye Family Group. The four previous ancestors are alive. What reasonable misfortune can you tell this king?”

The Spirit King spoke with a cold smile.

At this moment, he is invincible, and he has an aura of dominion over the world.

In the distance, towards the direction of the palace.

Emperor Ye Guo looked at the Spirit King and the others in the distance, and said to Ye Luli beside him: “You see? Spirit King Mansion matters, unless the emperor personally comes forward to escort Jiang Yuan, he will not simply intervene.”

“But this emperor is the emperor, it is impossible to escort the babies of Sect Palace, even if I intervene, Sect Palace may not be able to provide Face.”

In addition, he also had an unspeakable concealment in his heart. In Ye Country, they were not surprised. The kindly Ye Country Master could almost represent his ability, and the Lord General only obeyed his orders.

But even assuming he sent the kindly Ye Guoshi and the first general, the pious palace failed to give any Face.

The reason he didn’t speak publicly was that he didn’t need to tear up his game at all. Because it is also the orthodoxy of the Ye Family Group, the Sect Palace is so qualified to compete for the emperor, but this will definitely cause trouble, and it is absolutely unreasonable for the people of Ye State.

“Sect Palace is too proud to refuse your help, father.”

Ye Luli spoke.

It was she who begged King Ye Mansion not to waste Jiang Yuan from King Sect Mansion, and it was Emperor Ye that asked the kind-hearted Ye Guoshi to escort Jiang Yuan.

Unexpectedly, the spirit king and the four ancestors of the spirit palace, seemingly one after another, actually suppressed the national teacher Ye in front of countless people in the imperial city, just for domineering and domineering.

Emperor Ye State mentioned: “The Sect Palace is getting stronger and stronger. The previous four ancestors all have amazing Cultivation Base. Although the three ancestors of the Sect Palace took Ye Qingming to Zu Mountain, their strength It’s still very scary.”

“Moreover, if Ye Zushan is okay, he will definitely come back when he learns that Jiang Yuan is in the Sect Palace. With Ye Kunlun’s talent, I am afraid that the current Cultivation Base level is already superb.”

“As for Jiang Yuan, his own talent is outstanding, then the Sect Palace will definitely keep Jiang Yuan in the Sect Palace. As long as Jiang Yuan is retained, then the future supreme father-son combination can be retained.”

Of the Ye clan’s royal family, only one of the previous enthroned men is still in the palace, and their strength is no longer as good as the faith in the palace, and the faith in the palace is foolishly dealing with it.

So this world is cruel. Although they are the same group of relatives, the king’s blood is usually considered to be the royal blood on the horse.


“I will definitely escort Jiang Yuan away safely.”

The first general spoke, his voice terribly determined.

He just obeyed the emperor’s orders. If the emperor asked him to escort Jiang Yuan, then he would escort him. Even if he offended the most powerful believer mansion today, he would not have any regrets.

“It’s up to you?”

The Spirit King spoke dismissively, leaping forward, and the sky and the earth were trembling slightly.

It was as if the entire sky and the earth had been stepped under his feet, and the light curtain of the great array of moats was also turning around.

When the people in the imperial city saw that the Spirit King was about to make another move, they were very frightened.

They didn’t expect that things would develop in the current direction, and that Lingwang Mansion would go to war with Ye Kingdom’s master and the first general.

It should be said that Ye Guoshi and the first general were both drawn from the palace, but the Ling Palace does not respect the current emperor?

“Spirit King, let me know your abilities.”

The first general spoke, and when his body passed in front of the Spirit King, his spear was fully extended, holding the spear.

He was originally an orphan assistant, when he was about to starve to death on the street, it was definitely the empire lord who gave him food and saved his life.

After that, he followed the emperor and did all the things he was told to do hard.

Seeing his determination, he taught him farming technology and asked him to join the army.

This is how he changed from a little pawn to today’s number one general!

The golden spear knife covered the sky and covered the sun, splitting the Spirit King like the setting sun.

The power of this knife was so powerful that it collapsed the house, and the surge of Sect energy emitted from it scared the residents of the imperial city. They were protected by the city’s protective formation.

boom! boom! boom! boom

However, the Spirit King blocked the nail with his virgin hand.

The golden halo of the shovel was a kind of falling sun, defeated by the endless Sect energy he expelled.

“Ask this king for advice? You are not worthy!”

The Spirit King spoke in a very arbitrary way and took out a palm.

This palm pushed the beautiful power between heaven and earth and suppressed him.

boom! “.

The first general was hit by the palm of his hand, and he was heavily pressed against the sun screen unloaded by the city guard array.

On the other side, a black-robed fourth-generation ancestor from the Royal Palace looked at the black-robed Great Master Jiaozhiye, and smiled and said, “Master, are you trying to block me?”.

He looks like a good person, but if there are previous antique donors, they will realize that once he shows that smile, it has shown that his behavior is murderous.

Among the four beautiful ancestors of King Sect’s house, the most ferocious were the four ancestors that they failed to fight, or once they were hit, blood flowed into rivers.

Many years ago, a huge family group that developed rapidly in Ye State made King Sect’s family unhappy. As a result, the four ancestors slaughtered the entire family group and spared no effort to exploit anyone, regardless of gender, young or old.

“Four ancestors of the Royal Palace, you are the organization behind the Black Mountain Hall, right?”

The kindly Ye Guoshi didn’t answer the question of the Fourth Patriarch, but suddenly spoke like this.

The atmosphere solidified instantly.

Jiang Yuan showed a surprised look, and he suddenly realized.

He had guessed before that the power behind the Black Mountain Palace was the Ye Family Group, and even when Huayuan Architects showed the Yin & Yang body afterwards, he thought that the power behind the Black Mountain Palace could not be as simple as the architect family group.

A family of architects cannot have such strength, and there should be the shadow of Yejia Group behind Heishan Temple.This was just because he had previously produced a concept through psychological behavior, that is, the strongest inside Ye Kingdom is the royal blood of the Ye family, so he thinks that the installation behind the Heishan Hall is likely to be the royal blood of the Ye family.

Seeing the domineering behavior of Sect Palace, he realized this situation.

The Sect King’s House is the 64,000-dollar man behind the Black Mountain Temple.

According to the situation told by the disciples of the Black Mountain Temple to Ye Luli, the letter to the palace must be trying to compete for the position of the emperor, so it is necessary to cultivate the law of body governance, strengthen the strength, and ensure that there will be no problems.

Sect King’s House has this motivation.

Jiang Yuan looked at the black robe man before, and understood everything in his heart.

The ancestors of the ancestors of the Royal Palace do not simply start from the sect. Since the third generation ancestor involved Ye Qingxi’s affairs, he and Ye Qingxi have gone to Zu Mountain together. The strength of the Royal Palace is undoubtedly relatively weak.

In this case, the fourth social group has already begun to withdraw and cultivate the principles of self-governance in order to become stronger, and later compete for the throne of the lord of the emperors.

If his hypothesis is true, then the fourth ascending constellation is likely to have cultivated the principle of physical rules! This is his hypothesis.

The cultivation of such antiques has reached its limit, and unless there is a good opportunity to change its own qualifications, it is difficult to try to improve it further.

Yin & Yang body is a special kind of physique. I really believe that this is an opportunity for a very advanced ancient person in the Cultivation Base to walk another 30 meters.

“Guo Shi, what do we mean by doing this?”

The face of Elder, the fourth person in the Sect Palace, turned cold in vain, and the aura he radiated was terribly stable.

He raised his hand and shot a burst of Sect energy, which instantly hit the gentle Ye Guoshi.

Master Oba’s body rolled, he spit out a mouthful of blood and fell on his back.

He has already felt the ease of rules and principles, so Sect King’s House has the ease behind Heishantang.

At best, the architect family is nothing more than a poor sacrifice used by the Royal Palace to conceal others. The architect Huayuan may be just a research object.

After all, it is impossible for Sect Palace to believe 100% that the secret technique of Heishan Temple is effective, so they found an observation object, which can even be used to plug people’s ears and kill two birds with one stone.

The fourth enthroner of Sect Palace sneered and said: “Guo Shi, you want to speak with evidence.”

“Black Mountain Mansion was destroyed by you, and the architect family behind Black Mountain Mansion was also destroyed by the grandfather. There is no evidence of Death. Do you want to pour dirty water on Sect Palace?”

He walked towards Master Ye step by step, the pressure on his body was getting greater and greater, and the ruler he installed was getting bigger and bigger, and he walked forward unimpededly.

Now he doesn’t need to hide, nor does he need to.

If Taishi Ye reaches out to beat him now, then he can directly provide Xinwangfu with a reason to defeat Ye Taishi.

“If Sect King’s House does this, they will be condemned by God.”

State Master Daye stood up and spoke.

Many women in the imperial city have been eliminated. Before the four ancestors of the Sect palace were allowed to cultivate the ruler principle body, it is unknown how many people had died.

This house of King Sect, its sins are very deep.

In the palace, the emperor of Ye Kingdom sighed: “Guo Shi, you have been in front of them, in this case, they may save you.”

If it were not for the kind-hearted Ye Guoshi to reveal that the Sect Palace was the facility behind the Black Mountain Hall, then the Sect Palace would not completely tear off his shield on the kind-hearted Ye Guoshi, and it is likely that the kind-hearted Ye Guoshi would choose his own interests.

But now, it is absolutely impossible for Sect Palace to keep Master Dayu alive.

“Father, Sect Palace needs to kill the national teacher?”

Ye Luli was a little stunned when she noticed the words of Kingdom Lord Ye.

Daye Guoshi was a person next to the emperor. If he was killed, it would be tantamount to provoking the emperor.

“Liu Li, does anyone know them behind the Black Mountain Hall?”

Ye Guo’s emperor asked, while looking at the gentle Ye Guoguo.

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