Chapter 156

There is no lunar shadow, no star, only the mountain breeze whistling. On a mountain outside Shouyang Mountain, the ghost car and the vicious Wim stood still, the mountain breeze healed, the clothes creaked, and they looked at the endless houses constantly. . For a 10,000 light-year human, the two holy demons couldn’t help sighing: “A wise human, in a short period of 3,000 years, the number of individuals has exceeded 100 million. This speed of copying is really amazing.”

“Yes, it will take at least many years for the gods and demons of the power to be replicated. If they have a stronger bloodline, they may not be able to replicate successfully for thousands of years.”

“The speed of copying is very fast, so the ability to imitate is also very strong. This kind of humanity will become a huge disadvantage of Devil in the future, Jiang Yuan put forward a smart idea.”

“A huge problem? If we don’t kill Jiang Yuan, then we will slaughter the humans and use their blood to cast Wutugang to avenge the two Heavenly Emperors.”

“Well, we should avenge the Heavenly Emperor, Qiongqi, I forge a spell to make humans fall into a dream, you call out beasts to slaughter humans!”


The two demon gods nodded and began to separate. The Satan car is running its profound arts, and the charming fragrance is exuding around it, blowing a sigh of relief towards Shouyang Mountain. This kind of breath is a non-secular snake, rushing towards humans, wherever it passes, infinite races yawn, their bodies fall back to the bottom, snoring like a devil, and in a blink of an eye, most humans fall down. Down. Struggling, his head sank, trying to doze off, suddenly, a group of white flames appeared on Suining’s body, the light of divergence, the light of holiness, the light of hope, and this flame burned directly to the psychedelic power in his body. “what happened?”

Suiren suddenly wakes up, he is also the golden fairy in the DA language and culture of the Nile River, but can he still doze off?

Before he could figure out what was going on, he felt a roar from a place lower than his feet, as if thousands of troops were rushing towards him. As a result, there was a fierce atmosphere around him, which made him feel very uncomfortable. . ”

Suiren’s face completely changed, the soul facility swept around, a human being leaned forward and backward, crouching underneath, shouting: “Boom!” “.

The infinite monster race rushed in like the human race, like a bulldozer, pushed into the house, met the human race, swallowed directly into the mouth, and turned into their food. “asshole!”

The Flintlock’s relatives roared and flew over humans. With a wave of a small hand, the sky full of heat flew up and turned into a rocket, falling from the sky. The whole piece of Demonic Beasts Death, the offbeat tribesman displayed magical powers, and killed Demonic. Beasts, in short, blocked the attack of Demonic Beasts. “A golden immortal at the mouth of the Nile River dares to resist the pine country, ghost cut!”. ”

Gui Che was full of disdain, and with a wave of his fingers, a black light flew out, across the void, and hit Suiyang’s body. A blood hole appeared in Suiyang’s body. He vomited a mouthful of blood, and the whole person was also beaten out. He fell heavily and vomited a mouthful of blood again. There are Magical Beasts all around, where humans can go, trapped by endless monsters, biting half of their bodies, arms or legs, there are tragic screams, mutilated limbs, and blood flowing in rivers everywhere. “Very good!”

In the distance, Satan’s car is full of smiles. It carries Xiantian’s steel Pixiu, with a mysterious imprint, stroking blood and human souls into Xiantian’s steel Pixiu, Xiantian’s steel Pixiu bitterly absorbing blood and human souls. , Sacred’s pattern rises from the steel of the treasure…

“Boom!”Two more corpses fell next to the Suiren kinsmen group. This was absolutely nothing else, but the Yuchao kinsmen group, so it was also the fluffy kinsmen group, with blood holes on their bodies, Juanjuan pained and sprayed with blood. Looking at the Suiren family group, then at the Youchao family group, and then at the tragic fall of the infinite human race, the Suiren family group is full of despair and wants to look up to the sky and roar: “Does the sky destroy my human race?”.

Lying on the ground, You Chaoshi spit out a mouthful of blood and announced: “Hurry up, please Virgin Mary!”

These words were like a thunder, Suiren’s eyes lit up. He knelt on the ground and shouted to the sky: “Mankind is in crisis, please save mankind, Mother!”

The voice spread in all directions, “Swipe it away!”

Empress Nuwa, they are repairing the ocean of vitality. She noticed the loss of human vitality. She moved in her heart and understood the cause and effect. She furiously said, “Xihe, how dare you send someone to slaughter humans!”

“Jiang Yuan simply wiped out countless demon saints, so the demon slaughtered mankind within a few inches. This is often the fate of Samsara. This is often the need of heaven. This misfortune of mankind is deserved.”

“Jiang Yuan, you did a good job!”

“Xiao Ai, I am a holy demon and a virgin of a person. If I intervene, it will be unhealthy for both parties. It is best to let the bastard Jiang Yuan solve it.”

Nuwa snorted expressionlessly, and **** stepped down again. She agreed that Yaozu was a hostile human being. After all, he was also a Yaozu, and the Sui people’s kinship group was very strong against Nuwa’s mother. What surprised the two monsters was that the ghosts and the murderous were extremely vicious, fearing Nuwa’s opinion. However, when waiting for 0.5 every day, she did not see her figure. The two monsters checked each other, and their faces were filled with smiles. Nuwa did not appear. !

This is often a tacit approval for them to slaughter humans!

The ghost car laughed because of this. Cautious turned into recklessness. The ghost car sucked up human blood and soul to make leather and steel. Whether it came into the air, looked at the human being, drooling, huge mouth, infinite people. It is absorbed into its mouth, its huge mouth feels, and its face is filled with too much alcohol, so it is very fragrant! .

This scene created the Suiren family group, the nest family group, and the resulting fluffy family group. They all lay down below, desperate.

With the last glimmer of hope, the Suiren Kinship Group, You Chao Kinship Group, and the Fluffy Kinship Group all knelt down, turned to the east, and said to Jiang Yuan: “Sage, mankind is in crisis!”

“Please further increase Catholicism and avoid wasting humanity!”

The infinitely beautiful mighty people were shocked and forged their supernatural powers one after another, seeing the infinite satanic beasts ravaging mankind. “Hey, mankind was really slaughtered by a group of Satanic beasts.”

“Haha, Jiang Yuan slaughtered countless demon saints in Wuwang Mountain. At present, human beings are being slaughtered by Demonic Beasts. It is really a cycle of fate.”

“Now, Jiang Yuan will travel like a madman!”

The infinite gods and demons are gloating, especially the unspeakable taste in the heart of the demons. It is absolutely miserable. It is Karma’s retribution!

Jiang Yuan, you have your day too!

The three Sages, namely Tongtian, Jihui, and Zhunzi, looked for them one after another. They were filled with ridicule, and the expressions of the correlation were very detailed. In the Palace of the Holy King, Jiang Yuan urged the Chaos Furnace to refine the Heavenly Dao of Nine Heavens. print. It transformed in an instant, lost the emperor’s energy and the power of the Heavenly Dao, threw the nine Heavenly Emperor’s energy into the Chaos Orb, and the good fortune was derived, which made the nine Heavenly Emperor’s energy re-evolve and quickly repaired the nine Heavenly Emperor’s energy. The origin of qi. “This Nine Heavens mysterious girl is too weak, I need the strongest.”

Jiang Yuan’s expression made me change my mind. He revealed his own talent ability: “Increase the amount of Qi of the Nine Heavenly Emperor!”

As soon as the voice fell, a mysterious power emerged from Nine Heavens Profound Girl’s Dao Fruit, which instantly changed from golden to purple gold. Nine Heavens Profound Girl’s purple-gold Dao Fruit exuded a supremely powerful, tall and ancient. , The desolate aura is similar to an ancient emperor with a degree of relevance, compared with before, whether it is aura or aura. This is just the difference between cloud and dust. At present, it is the Heavenly Emperor of The Three Realms. Before, it was the emperor of the world. A message appeared in Jiang Yuan’s mind. Integrate all things related to remodeling into an emperor and master the path of beauty. “Great!” Jiang Yuan said. ”

Jiang Yuan’s eyes lit up, and his Xiantian Calabash Spiritual Roots had reached the Supreme Realm, but it was definitely not complete. With this good Dao Emperor phantom, he was completely complete. “call!”

Jiang Yuan inhaled the beautiful breath of Dao Emperor into his body. Without Jiang Yuan’s insistence, the beautiful breath of Dao Emperor was directly absorbed by Xiantian Calabash. Xiantian Calabash banged, and a purple-gold god pattern appeared on it, and Xiantian Calabash went one step further. To reach the perfection of the Supreme Xiantian Treasure, its whole body exudes a potentially huge ominous, vast and ancient, rising into the sky, just like the existence of the ancient god emperor at the deputy ministerial level, the empty wooden barrels are all oppressed orthodoxy.


All the Xiantian Spiritual Roots in the Chaos Mountain all cheered, moved closer to the Holy Palace, and kept circling their heads, as if the gods and demons were saluting the Heavenly Emperor: “Heavenly Emperor!”

Kunpeng was eating the spirit fruit, lying on a chair with Erlang’s legs upright. Once the emperor’s connection might suddenly appear, he could not deal with it. He fell down and shouted without looking back, “Heaven and earth, is the emperor coming? ?”

Chang’e’s eyes were also wide open, full of concern, she sat down and trembled, “Huh!”

Jiang Yuan condenses his possible imperial will, Calabash enters his body, he is Xiantian Calabash, Xiantian Calabash is him, human treasure is one, no difference, Xiantian Calabash Upgraded. This is definitely the upgrade of Jiang Yuan and the others. A message appeared in his mind, Xiantian Calabash, the kind-hearted Emperor Wuji, suppressed all Taoism, and controlled life and death with the immortal body of Emperor Wuji.

“So it is!”

After perceiving these data, Jiang Yuan suddenly realized that although he had cultivated Xiantian Calabash to Xiantian Supreme Realm before, he could not be regarded as an inexperienced emperor without Wim the Great. At present, he is united with the gentle Dao Wim the Great. The emperor of experience, Jiang Yuan checked the information in his mind.

Jiang Yuan looked west, looked at the Snail Palace, and looked at Kunlun Mountain. There was a trace of coldness in his eyes. When he was about to go out, he noticed that the energy of The Netherworld was rapidly weakening. “Human energy is weakening, what’s the matter?”Before he was fully aware of what was happening, a miserable prayer came from within: “Sage, mankind is in crisis!”

“Please help save mankind, Father!”

Hearing this, Jiang Yuan stood up suddenly, his face was gloomy and shocking, and mankind was in danger. “Asshole, I saw them, right?”

With a cold roar, Jiang Yuan directly shaped an open area, and his feet disappeared after stepping on the long stream of regional laws. ……

Shouyang Mountain, where the human nature is tragic, the ghost car and the two monsters in the remote countryside are refreshed and happy, and the suffocation passed down by Jiang Yuan to raise is now freed, and the poor Wim is strolling in the human nature, not swallowing a part of the individual. , Absolutely taste delicious, “huh!”

Guiqie waved his huge sleeves, absorbing a quarter of the human blood and soul essence, and blending it into Xiantian Pixiu. What’s interesting is that Pixiu has become a blood-colored extension of steel, blood-colored. The blood-colored Spiritual Qi in the steel body exudes an astonishing murderous aura, “Kill you all, in this way, Tu Wugang will be a good success!”

Guiqie held a steel drill in one hand, looked at the Suiren Kinship Group and You Chao Kinship Group, and then looked at the Fluffy Kinship Group, smiled faintly, and said, “It can be regarded as a deputy minister if you can receive training in the witch killing sword. Honor!”

“Don’t blame us, but Jiang Yuan if you want to blame, everything is caused by him.”

When he said this, Guiqie wielded the blood-colored Gangwei’s witch-killing sword, and reached 3 in a daze. In the face of Guiziqie, the Shuren family group, the Yuchao family group, and the fluffy family group, these three are too weak. They cannot resist. They have no ability to resist. They can only wait for death. But if you die like this, they don’t. Yes, the Shuiren relatives roared to the sky: “Heaven will come down to the people?”

Jiang Yuan’s figure suddenly appeared, his face was a little dull, and he tried to look at the sky, the golden sunlight rushed to the sky, the sunlight was dazzling, and the sun was moved away from the sun. Around the sun, celebrities around him appeared. The celebrity trembled, and a hospitable thing appeared out of the planet, but it was not enough. The long law of meteors appeared, straddling the heavens and the earth, vast and mighty, penetrating the strongest rules of Dao rhyme, in the clues of the bloody law of destruction. Among. “What a terrible sight!”

Jiang Yuan was stunned for a moment, and whispered, “What caused it?”

A shout resounded across the sky and the earth, the sound was like a morning sun, rising slowly, getting brighter and brighter, with a trace of scorching heat, making the temperature of the sky ascending a little, this is just the beginning, it spreads from the sun again Come and shout and sing…

Nine times in a row, when it plummets, the sun will decrease a bit. Once nine times, the sun will become weak, as if by Sacred’s pleasant restlessness, lifeless, the sky and the ground will be directly darkened, 10 times Shouting means 10 drops. When they were still on the sun, 10 Golden Crows started. Jiang Yuan was slightly surprised. He didn’t expect 10 Golden Crows to come out at this time. “Huh, no matter what planet they came out of, Xiyu can died!”. ”

With a cold roar, Jiang Yuan turned into a white rainbow light and walked towards the sun. On the sun, Xie He 0.5 was lying on the cloud bed, with one hand in the air, looking at 10 Golden Crows chatting around, his pale face was filled with mother’s sunshine, and his eyes showed a cordial expression: “These are mine. child!”

Sheikh’s eyes lit up and he muttered to himself: “I was born with an excellent Taiyi Cultivation Base, which should be of royal blood.”

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