Chapter 155 Domination

The two people noticed a nice voice. Chang’e and Kunpeng’s bodies trembled. When they looked back, a white light flashed, and a white figure appeared, standing with hands, long hair flying, clothes fluttering, and their faces flat, frowning. Inexplicably unmodest, Jiang Yuan and Chang’e opened their eyes and were stuck in surprise. Throwing directly into Jiang Yuan’s arms, hugging Jiang Yuan’s waist tightly, lest he lose in the finals, trembling and crying, the master, Kunpeng is full of surprises and joy. Jiang Yuan is here, which means winning. After the Four Saints, I was a little puzzled that the master was the master, who never disappointed, um, it’s okay, not bad. …..

Jiang Yuan hugged Chang’e with tenderness in his eyes. He patted her on the shoulder lightly. It took a while to feel comfortable and stabilized Chang’e’s emotions. Even so, Chang’e still clung to Jiang Yuan’s arm. , She asked curiously, Jiang Yuan, how did you escape?

Four Sages, Nuwa, Tongtian, Guanyin and Zhunti, are currently active and treated. The master must have the demeanor of a master, continue to intimidate, make others despair, and see Chang’e scared, Jiang Yuan is a little proud, worried, I’m not bad, come on, let’s go back, wave the giant sleeve, Jiang Yuan takes Chang’e and Kunpeng Torn the void and returned to the sacred mountain of chaos. There was no change in the Chaos Mountain. Jiang Yuan played with Chang’e for a few days. His feelings warmed up and reached a certain stage. He first became intimate, and he was rebuilt to become a companion of the gods. He entered the Chaos Bead with the He family and sorted out his own harvest. In the Pearl of Chaos, there are mountains of monsters, all of which are Meiluo Realm, with as many as 800,000. In addition, there are 5 non-secular Xiantian treasures, Chaos Bell Tianbao, Merit Golden Lotus, Promise Flat Sword, and Magic Hand Qibao. Therefore, there are pictures of mountains and rivers. By the side of Lord Weiyang, there are 20,000 li, and the Taoism is high. Now Jiang Yuan is a golden belt that often wins tons with himself, murders and arson, and people are loyal to his own words.

Jiang Yuan nodded with a spring breeze, and began to reappear on himself. In this battle, the gods and demons found out how to limit my talent skills. It was really unexpected. This is definitely our underestimation of the gods and demons in the world. The Four Saints’ Immortal Punishment Array was laid out in the bay, and the vitality of luck, if it were not a breakthrough, would give the luck of the master. I actually messed up in the fairy punishment training. This is definitely our one-time talent skill. I forgot to improve our own Cultivation Base. You still need to be hard when you hit the iron. Looking at foreign objects, it is often a continuous reflection. Jiang Yuan breaks He was awakened suddenly after breaking the barrier in front of him, his eyes were crystal clear, his way of doing things had already turned a few tons. Jiang Yuan took out the Chaos Tianbao furnace and opened the lid. The god chimney in the furnace is natural, throwing the physique of each demon saint into the Chaos furnace for refining. The physique of the last sacred demon, the big lake is a vast ocean, the gold essence is like a luminous treasure, crystal clear, the Taoist Xiantian charm is transpiring, and the river source is running the mysterious power, the huge mouth opens, forming an area, and the gold essence is rolled into a golden water column. In his mouth, he was struggling, absorbed by his physique, and the Cultivation Base of his physique became more and more turbulent,…

The main problem you want to try is to induce you to enter a decent plan.

Xuan Ming was stunned for a moment, his face changed, and finally gritted his teeth, ignoring the sun and fire, raised Di Jun, clicked back to his area in the Xuan Ming tribe, and placed Di Jun on a stone, revealing his beautiful paleness. , A mature and graceful face, I don’t understand why. Seeing this, Xuan Ming felt a strange feeling in her heart. Seeing that Emperor Jun was dying, Xuan Ming hurriedly took out the supreme healing medicine and poured it on him.


The most important problem is that you can’t be too busy at all.

The white-haired man could not speak, the Bao family took it without hesitation, and then said, I attacked the monster Hua Daoist and beat him to the ground. I stole his knife. It was very comfortable. Unfortunately, the knife was soft. Yes, I can’t even see through this knife. What grade is it?

As they said, the Baos took out a red long sword with a golden pattern on the sword, exuding a strange breath. As soon as this strange breath came out, the white-haired big body was shocked, and the eyes recovered some. Shenguang looked at the red long sword in the hands of the Bao family and resolutely reached out to pick it up. The Bao family was taken aback, this guy finally reacted and stretched out the long sword in his hand to the white-haired man.

The white-haired man was holding a blood-colored long sword. The golden-yellow pattern on the long sword burst into golden light. The pattern appeared and entered his body. The white-haired man made a wooden bucket and whispered in his mouth, “Flower Taoism, truth.” , To cure the body, Deva becomes one, transforms into living beings, and all things grow.

In the Holy Palace, Jiang Yuan sits in the Lotus Position, his whole body is exuding golden light, Xiantian’s original ability is rapidly condensed in the body, Cultivation Base is getting higher and higher, from the first level of the quasi-sage to the high rank, he did not touch the physical barrier. Phew, once absorbed the last Xiantian origin. The violent power directly broke through Jiang Yuan’s physical barrier. His physique Cultivation Base level ascending to the quasi-sage middle stage, the aura was rolling, Jiang Yuan had already passed through, Chang’e, Kunpeng and Huang Zhongli stopped their movements and turned to the holy king. Searching in the direction of the temple, so their aura is very violent and full of joy.

Jiang Yuan’s Cultivation Base is a quasi-sage elementary level. A quasi-sage elementary-level monster beats a Sage wildly, let alone demolishing other people’s Sage. How is this possible?

However, at the top of Buzhou Mountain, the three people saw Jiangyuan fighting against the Lich and defeated the four sages of Tongtian, Jiuying, Zhunti and Ziwa, so the four sages escaped from Yaoyao. This is what they saw. However, they did not Don’t believe Jiang Yuan is just a quasi-Sage. A quasi-sage beats a Sage, a kind of child, so angry, this is definitely on the verge of subverting their cognition, hu, in the hall of the holy king, Jiang Yuan’s whole body Spiritual Qi is restrained, he opened his eyes, and there were 2 golden lights flashing. After that, Shattering Void is empty. It took a long time for the void to cool down. Feeling the tremendous power on his body every other distance, Jiang Yuan felt that a punch could break the Ninth Stage, Boom, Jiang Yuan clenched his hand, punched out, and the void folded. It became a world, this world was several times larger than before, the planet was unstable, and soon collapsed and dissipated again. A medium-thousand-year world, Jiang Yuan’s eyes brightened, and he nodded in satisfaction. A mid-level physique quasi-sage, punched a medium-thousand-year world with one punch. Only relying on his physical ability, he met Sage and he punched. Can blow them up.

His eyes turned silvery white, and his illusion-breaking divine eyes brought out the vitality surface of Emperor Nine Heavens and went straight to its source.

Jiang Yuan snorted expressionlessly. His half-step chaos god and demon blood aura is a kind of magic knife, which directly broke the strong pressure in the vitality of the great emperor Nine Heavens, revealing the original reserve, Jiang Yuan’s mind appeared Send out a mysterious message. Jiang Yuan lowered his head, put the Nine Heavens Profound Girl into the Chaos Furnace, and began to refine with the Chaos Furnace.

In the palace of the sun god, Sheikh stood in the air, trying to reach the distant sea of ​​clouds. The Yaozu reports from behind, according to the emperor, where is the emperor’s way?

where is he? In the Xuanming tribe of the Wu Clan, Xuanming? Although he doubted the reason why Emperor Jun did not return for three thousand years, he still waved his sleeves and rushed towards the Xuanming tribe in Buzhou Mountain with one hundred thousand demon saints. . However, a picture in front of him made his brain roar, the sky turned and the planet bends, what did he see?

What did she see? She saw Di Jun holding Xuan Ming in his arms, full of tenderness and sweet words, Xuan Ming was blowing away Di Jun with her little hand every moment, just like some gods.

With a wave of his sleeves, the Sun and Moon Wheels appeared, one by one, tearing apart the void, exuding a violent killing intent, and cut it towards Xuan Ming. The two people had squint eyes and no wisdom on their faces. Their fighting power was too weak. They could only use the Heavenly Emperor seal to protect their physique. Once they were attacked for a short time, they would not be able to break the Heavenly Emperor seal. Sheykh panted heavily with his eyes. Looking at Di Jun in red, “Di Jun, do you want to go back with me?The two of them could not break the seal of the Heavenly Emperor. He summoned all the high-level Devils in real time, thought for a while, and said: “How do we destroy the wizard family? Once proclaimed the emperor, as long as the ancestor witch’s true body is broken, the wizard family can be destroyed. But how will we break it? The inferior monsters used human blood to refine Magic Treasures, which interrupted the physique of the gentle witch. I think the first-class non-vulgar treasures refined from the human blood can break the ancestral witch’s physical body. Sheik frowned, thinking After thinking about it, I didn’t like to hear his voice, “Jiang Yuan killed so many of my monster race, this hatred is not enough to calm our monster race’s anger. Guiqie, go and refine the witch-killing knife in the dark. Be careful, not even Shaykh. Throw a Xiantian knife and stretch it to a black demon saint below, and the black demon saint takes the skin. Dao nodded respectfully.

Yes, it will take at least many years for the prehistoric gods and demons to multiply. If the bloodline is relatively strong, it should not be possible to successfully multiply within a few thousand years. The reproduction speed is fast and the ability to imitate is strong. Human beings will have a huge adverse impact on the Yaozu in the future, and Jiang Yuan has a vision of wisdom. If we don’t kill Jiang Yuan, we will slaughter human beings and use human blood to forge murderous witch knives to avenge the two Heavenly Emperors. This is a non-secular snake, rushing towards humans. Wherever it passed, countless family members yawned, and fell down as soon as they pushed their bodies, snoring like a demon, and in a blink of an eye, most of the human beings fell down. Suining yawned, struggling with her eyelids, her head sinking, and she wanted to doze off with a strong wind blowing through Suining’s body.

Now all other races of this Realm are subject to his Heavenly Demon court. Only members of the Witch Tribe are resisting! But at present, there is still one of Tongtian’s relatives! This is Tongtian. If he does not fight back, will there be a region in the future? Can the Devil tribe still dominate the prehistoric? Therefore, for the face of the demons, even if he knew Kunpeng’s most sinful thoughts, he still gave this order: “Brother, we are inclined to go to war with the Wu clan at this moment. We are inclined to want to make enemies with Tongtian again. I am afraid it is inappropriate. Yes. Please think about it, when you think there is no mysterious feeling on your face, the face of the witch cannot be ignored!”. Using human blood to satisfy an Immortal treasure, can it block the flames of the wizard race? Once the Wu Clan loses its strong physique, I can see that they will continue to make waves, Di Jun said with emotion. Then he said: “The order goes on, every other year, slaughter, squeeze its blood, temper its Immortal treasure!”. Once these treasures are successfully extracted, it will be time for United States to fight the wizard tribe. If they had the arms of a wizard, the wizards would not do anything for them. At this time, Kun Peng said: “Heavenly Emperor, and Dragon Race!”. The dragons have never been restricted by our Heaven Court. I asked the emperor to order the extinction of the dragon, and created a simple idea of ​​the dragon. At that moment, he was almost powerless.

Suddenly, Jiang Yuanna appeared, she killed the Tibetans and Turkmen, and snatched Hongmeng’s Purple Qi from the East from him! Jiang Yuanna said: “I don’t know. Should we have the urge to avenge the dragon clan? The dragon clan has only a large number of saints, and they are arrogant in the endless sea of ​​Japan. But what will they be on the mainland? Maybe you have created a shadow. I have already said it, and I understand it. This situation often happens when Di Jun thinks Devil has several enemies, which is not a good thing! He said, “I don’t know. But he was right, and once again went to war against the monster clan, secretly targeting Tongtian. The Devil race has taken a big step… The Heavenly Emperor is wise! This may be an overcorrection of the institutionalism of the Pine Kingdom and the United Nations. After verifying his true identity, I may be able to slaughter his completely personal KunPenga, and give it due respect, well, let’s see! . What I want to say is that after Kun Peng came out of the Palace of the Sky, his facial expression was very serious, and he still remembered the scene of his fight with Jiang Yuan. He suddenly realized that the actions taken by this mysterious figure had never been noticed before. Is the UN agency a prudent person? “In the ice and snow barrier, an excellent power who cultivates quasi-sages is probably not a precarious unknown person!”. But I know the power of “quasi-sage”. The UN agency, just now, it might be Styx, Zhenyuanzi, Kuiniu, Neng Energy, Fengming? Many candidates appeared in Kun Peng’s mind, but none of them seemed to be like…

Do not! He has been very dishonest, which proves that he is not recognized by us. Lestie can retaliate against him in the future! So we have to distinguish him…just a UN agency, is that it? Kun Peng thought.

Kunpeng knelt on the ground with tears on his face, and said admiringly: Heavenly Emperor, you have to do something for us! “God forgave me. I had hoped to ask Hongyun for the purple qi of Hongmeng and provide it to the Heavenly Emperor. I hope that the purple qi of Hongyun can be provided to the Heavenly Emperor, so that he can reach the highest Realm of life and monsters, annihilate the witches, and dominate. Hong Huang. The first time he ran away, he went straight back to Heaven Court and sought revenge by Di Renjie! In this way, the story went on and on, adding oil and wine to the story. After Di Jun found out, his face was gloomy as water, and he shouted loudly. “Why is this Hongyun so brazen, rejecting Heaven Court!” “Someone! Leave this world, this is my order! Once Sanxiao and all the others leave the Golden Island, they will be arrested immediately! I would like to see how courageous Tongtian is! He is the Heavenly Emperor, so he thinks he Can dominate obedience on the battlefield.

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