Chapter 122

Jiang Yuan directly led the human race into the cave, and after entering the cave, it became clear to everyone that if they hid in this place, they would not get caught in the rain, but then, they would face hunger and cold. After the heavy rain was over, Jiang Yuan took them out of the cave and began to teach them how to distinguish food, which foods they can eat, and which foods they can’t eat, and in this process, Jiang Yuan also specially taught them how to survive better in the wild, and this process lasted for half a year. During this half year, many human races gradually learned how to distinguish basic food, and they also experienced various In such a relatively complex environment, whether it is natural disasters, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, they are actually very deadly, and Demonic Beasts suddenly appear at any time, and think To attack them, if it is not for the very critical moment, reinforcements will basically not choose to shoot. You must know that this is actually a test for them. If they can survive in such an environment, they will rely so much on them. They will become stronger and more mature, so if Jiang Yuan takes the shot casually, then there is no doubt that they have no way to grow up on their own, and only let them gradually avoid the dark, and can be For them to survive better in the dark, this is the most correct way for them. For them now, because they are not capable of cultivation, the easiest way is to make them more It is powerful, can learn to borrow tools, and can also find a better living environment. Only in this way can it be easier to adapt to the environment.

Before the day’s temperature dropped, Jiang Yuan took out two wooden sticks and stood one stick on top of the other. He pulled out some wood grass that was easier to ignite and placed it at the junction of the two logs. Jiang Yuan’s hands kept going back and forth. The swift rotation of the wooden sticks and sticks, after rotating continuously through the spell, suddenly they saw a plume of white smoke coming out of the grass, and soon they could feel a slight heat coming out, tightly Then immediately appeared, a trace of flames followed, and the crackling started. When these human races saw these flames, they took a few steps back in fright, their faces were also very pale, but they stared at the burning ones. At the time of the flames, their eyes showed deep fear, and they were screaming crazy in surprise. At a certain moment, Jiang Yun was a little speechless when he saw this scene, but as the flames became more and more intense. After coming and getting bigger, this kind of fire light directly lit up the cave that was originally pitch black without any light, and it made them feel very warm.

At a certain moment when they feel the temperature of fire, their hearts gradually understand that fire is very important to them, if they want warmth, light, and want to be in this world If you get the hope of survival, then fire can be said to be very important. It seems that there is real Taoyin flying directly from the top of the mountain, and on top of this mountain, a huge immortal suddenly burst out. The sound, the misty Rui Cai, the thousands of Heavenly Dao’s mysterious and yellow energy, directly fell down again, the merits were divided into two, and a small part fell directly on Jiang Yuan’s body, and he was directly overhauled by him for a while. They were taken away at once, and most of them fell on these human races. They possessed merits, and the excess merits directly fell on these flames. The flame code became white, and these white flames became even more. The bright light, full of hope, directly inspired the red name of heaven and earth. There seems to be a law of light in the void, and it condenses into a white flame, which seems to be able to emit endless bright hope, and the breath of countless Sacred illuminates On the top of the mountain, this scene undoubtedly caused the entire heavens to shake again.Nuwa was originally resting in the own palace and performing cultivation. The magic moment above her head, the countless billowing air luck in the sea of ​​air luck, once again entered her Sanhe design drawing, and at this moment, the entire drawing can be It is said that the divine light is shining, and it has countless Xiantian Taoism permeated, directly suppressing its sea of ​​aura, at a certain moment Nuwa seemed to sense something, his eyes opened and countless divine lights bloomed. He looked directly at the top of a certain mountain and found that the merits of the human race could be obtained, which made his face very ugly. He didn’t expect it to be the merit of the sacred flame. I have to say that this bastard dared to snatch the merit of his human race. The merits, and originally said these merits should belong to Nuwa, which made Nuwa very angry. After thinking about it carefully, you once again calm down. He must suppress the own luck first, so that he can deal with Jiang Yuan!

At this moment, Taiyi and Dijun are discussing about the establishment of Heaven Court. At a certain moment, they sensed in the void, it seems that there are countless Heavenly Dao’s merits, once again falling from the sky, nothing Doubt, this makes them feel unbelievable. They didn’t expect the human race to gain merits, which made them feel unbelievable. At a certain moment, these public virtues were condensed into a public moral Life, and they could feel that Jiang Yuan’s words were in that place. When they found Jiang Yuan, they could be said to be swearing in their hearts. They did not expect to be called this bastard and got a bargain. The two of them could be said to be very upset and jealous. They did not expect such a good thing. It was actually met by Jiang Yuan!

And at this moment in Kunlun Mountain, Daddy and Tongtian were cultivating what they had originally said. When they noticed something that seemed to be happening, they woke up from the depths again, and they saw the countless merits on the top of the mountain fall again. , This made them feel very surprised and unbelievable. At some point, they realized that it was a human race. You must know that this human race is a race just created by Nuwa, a Houtian creature, so it is relatively weak, but they did not expect to be just They can get merit by drilling wood to make fire, which makes them feel very interesting, and they even gave birth to the social morality Life. Daddy and Tongtian confronted each other at a glance and didn’t know what to say. If they had known the dream of marrying me earlier If they get merits, they will be able to adjust how much good luck they have, but what makes them even more angry is that they did not expect such a good thing to be given by Jiang Yuan. I have to say that it does make people feel very jealous!

When the two of them were jealous and hated, Daddy and Tong Tian looked back and found a handsome middle-aged man with white hair appeared behind them. Daddy and Peng Tian had the same eyes, showing very With a happy expression, he immediately walked up. This person is not someone else, but the primitive who just left the customs. After seeing the primitive exit, both of them were very happy, and they noticed what the original Cultivation Base said, He has directly reached the Cultivation Base of the quasi-winning middle stage. I have to say that his Cultivation Base has not only been restored, but also has been improved. When looking at the original, Tongtian felt very surprised, and daddy was also very satisfied. Nodded, because after Jiang Yuan’s Cultivation Base was abolished, Yuan Yuan did not choose to abandon himself, but to make himself stronger. Now his Cultivation Base has directly reached the quasi-sage middle stage. How could this be for them? Not a good thing? !

Yuan Yuan nodded slightly, and asked the two brothers where Jiang Yuan is now. Daddy and Winter were a little surprised, and felt very uncomfortable in their hearts. Yuan Yuan has just left the customs and his Cultivation Base has entered. Now, when I ask Jiang Yuan where he is, I definitely want to find Jiang Yuan to get revenge, but now I can’t, because they know very well that even Nuwa has reached Sage’s Cultivation Base, so I really can’t explain this trouble. It is completely resolved, so now even the original Cultivation Base has reached the quasi-win middle stage, but if you want to trouble Jiang Yun, there is no doubt that this is absolutely impossible, if he goes directly to Jiang Yun now In case of trouble, Jiang Yuan will definitely be beaten directly by Jiang Yuan, and maybe the Cultivation Base that has just been restored will be directly destroyed by Jiang Yuan again.

Therefore, considering this point, they thought about it and said directly, Yuan Yuan has just left the customs, if you want to find Jiang Yuan to get revenge, you should wait for a while. The three of them finally met each other and they should have a good chat. If you talked about it, you naturally understood why daddy had to say these things suddenly, so he also quickly echoed that he knew the original very clearly. Although the current words are relatively good, the Cultivation Base is relatively good, but if you want to find If Jiang Yuan is in trouble, it is actually not enough, because he also knows very well that Nuwa’s Cultivation Base has reached the stage of Sage, but when facing a strongman, there is no time to eliminate it in one fell swoop. Maybe now Even though his brother Yuanyuan has reached the Cultivation Base, the Cultivation Base of the quasi-sage middle stage, but it is undeniable that for him now, this Cultivation Base is actually relatively weak and weak. He wants To achieve a relatively good result in such a Realm, then there is no doubt that he must make himself stronger, and he needs to reach a Cultivation Base that is higher than Sage, but he wants to become Transcendent. It’s not easy to talk about it, so in order not to hit the original mood, but also in order to be able to let him stay by the two of them obediently, and to prevent him from destroying their plan before now, so they must first stabilize the original emotion. That’s fine. At a certain moment, the original nodded soberly. Now, since his Dage has already spoken, it is acceptable to seek revenge from Jiang Yun later.

However, at a certain moment, Primordial Acquaintance sensed something. He suddenly raised his head and his gaze showed a hint of surprise. His gaze directly saw it, wiped out the top of the mountain, and a white flame appeared directly above the top of the mountain. It illuminates the entire dark void and emits endless light. I have to say that this kind of light is full of hope and can drive out all darkness. Generally when he sees such a flame, He didn’t expect to be very surprised. It turned out to be a male Virgin, and he was still a primitive master controlled by a group of ants. He was slightly surprised. He soon saw that Jiang Yuan’s enemies appeared beside these human races. They were extremely jealous when they met. When he saw Jiang Yan, he was grinning with anger, and he rushed towards Jiangyuan’s place without hesitation. However, when he was about to leave, he was caught by the daddy beside him. On the same day, the two people held them together, pulling Primordial from time to time to prevent him from struggling. Moreover, the two of them directly caused Primordial to be very angry with no way of understanding. However, Tongtian’s words were very angry. Feeling uncomfortable, directly control the heart and quickly signaled that he had better not go to Jiang Yuan now, because if you let him pass directly, it might cause him to be destroyed by Jiang Yuan directly.

When Tongtian heard these words from his brother, he had to say that he was very surprised. He only thought whether the brother Own had been scared by Jiang Yun, but he did not treat him as the Own brother. Separately, and he must find Jiang Yun, a bastard, and directly solve his primitive and still crazy struggle, and he exudes a faint divine light, but at this moment when daddy heard this sentence, it was With a sneer, he felt that it was undoubtedly impossible to say that it was originally said, and in his case now, Nuwa has already reached Sage’s Cultivation Base, but Nuwa really has no way to solve Jiang Yuan. When the original heard that Nuwa had reached Sage’s Cultivation Base, and there was really no way to solve Jiang Yuan, she suddenly trembled, and she looked directly at Daddy and said: “Nuwa has already proclaimed?”Daddy nodded directly, indicating that Nuwa had created a new race, human race and has been sanctified. When the original heard this sentence, there was a thud in his mind, a little unbelievable and disappointed. He thought that his cultivation was fast enough. I didn’t expect that Nuwa would have surpassed it. In my heart, it can be said that it is very unpleasant, and they also know very clearly that if the queen can’t solve Jiang Yuan now, she just turns to the middle now. It’s just a stage, let alone a reinforcement opponent. However, Daddy saw her loss, so he began to explain that after Nuwa was sanctified in the right way, he originally planned to solve the previous big motorcycle directly, but the two After a great battle, I didn’t expect Nuwa to flee in the end. When Yuan Yuan heard these words, he was very surprised. He didn’t expect that Jiang Yuan could defeat Sage directly. This is completely impossible. But it happened directly. He was still a little skeptical at first, but when the original heard these words, he was still surprised and could not help it. After a long time, it slowly calmed down!

Only then did he realize that during the period of his Closed Door Training, it seemed that a lot of things had happened in the whole plan, so he calmed down and listened to daddy slowly explaining to him. The more he heard it, his mood became more intense. Complexity.

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