Chapter 121

Jiang Yuan was a little confused by the situation in front of him, especially when the red ball stuck directly to his hand, it completely exceeded his expectations. I have to say that even Jiang Yuan was in his heart at this moment. Can’t help but want to curse, for him now there is no doubt that such a process is indeed far beyond what he expected, and what he never expected is that this red hydrangea would take the initiative and directly Long in his hand, this gave Jiang Yuan a bad premonition. Maybe he didn’t have such an idea yet, but when the red hydrangea was directly attached to Jiang Yuan’s hand, such a fact actually appeared. At that time, he felt very speechless and didn’t say anything. Jiang Yuan felt a bit weird for such a process.

And it is undeniable that he also knows very well that as far as this situation is concerned, it will not have much impact on him, but what makes Jiang Yuan feel incredible is that this incident will happen directly. In his body, he felt very speechless. All these words were expected, and would not make him feel uncomfortable. Jiang Yuan was a little surprised that two immortals in Ling Xiao Palace appeared in his mind immediately. Jiang Yuan also knew clearly that it was not simple at all. One day, Jiang Yuan grabbed their support line with his hand, Jiang Yuan shook his head, and then released the red line. With a click, Jiang Yuan broke Jiang on the spot. When I saw this scene, I was a little speechless. The red line seemed to be the line of marriage, but he couldn’t be cut off casually. This way, it is undoubtedly very dangerous. At some point, Jiang Yuan just collapsed, no He understood that the god and devil had happened, and he looked at his own finger. The god and devil did not care about it either, but he did not particularly care. When he tried to pull a red thread again, countless red threads appeared suddenly. All of these red lines are disconnected directly, so it is straightforward. There is no doubt that these red lines are like snow melting, no wonder so many love can’t stand the test.

When Jiang Yuan thought of the red thread in his heart, it was the marriage thread, but it could not damage their marriage. He thought about it carefully, so he pulled out two red threads and wanted to connect them, but there were too many red threads. People can see their scalp numb, but they can’t directly damage the marriage of others. Therefore, no matter how unfit they are, or as long as they are one yin and one yang, they are directly tied together. Each one is connected, It seems that there is a pair of mandarin ducks in the middle of the world. After all the red lines are connected, the cut is very satisfied, but when they look along the red line, Jiang Yuan’s eyes widened directly. What he never expected is that Taiyi Directly connected to Duobao Dijun, directly connected to the whole people Nuwa directly connected to Jiang Yuan, at this moment Jiang Yuan was directly confused when he saw this scene, and suddenly felt very guilty. He looked at the red lines of the surrounding alliances. All the balls were put away, and if nothing had happened, he walked directly towards the human race. What Jiang Yuan didn’t know was that he directly set off a huge wave in the long river of fate.

In the Ling Xiao palace, Sage opened his eyes directly and was stunned on the spot, especially the situation that appeared in front of him, completely operating what Sage expected, and when Sage saw the destiny of Chang’e, there were countless waves rolling continuously. , And when countless rivers appeared, he felt very scary at a certain moment, and at this moment countless figures should have gone to destruction, but at a certain moment they appeared toward another new river. Yes, who is correcting the fate of these people, Sage hurriedly pinpointed the calculation. This calculation almost vomited a mouthful of old blood. What he never thought was that it was Jiang Yuan, a great scourge. Moreover, he even made a mess of mandarin ducks. Taiyi’s words and Duobao are both males. How can they affect the marriage line? No wonder the long river of fate has been triggered. There have been countless points. He did some good things, and he even connected Nuwa’s marriage with himself. He never expected that Jiang Yuan would do such a thing. Song Ren’s face was very ugly, and he didn’t know how to say it. Gods and demons are better.At this moment, Nuwa is resting in the own palace, her face is very ugly, and there are countless anger in her heart. Before she has no righteous way, she always suspects that Jiangyuan is very weird, and thinks that she might have the appearance of a god and demon. The supernatural powers, otherwise, for them and the gods and demons, there will be a lot of bad luck, but now he suddenly understands that it is the bad luck that can make countless gods and demons unlucky. This is luck. Supernatural powers can directly take away the luck of countless gods and demons, and let their bad luck always accompany them. Now he finally understands it. No wonder his Big Brother is so lucky. In terms of feelings, all of this. It’s because he will use this bastard, who has absorbed all his experience! Nuwa was in a very complicated mood at this moment. She did not expect that Jiang Yuan would be able to master such heaven-defying magical powers before reaching the road of trading. Her heart was very jealous and very helpless. At a certain moment He raised his head and glanced, the outside door suddenly opened, golden light flickered, and many gods and demons appeared directly in front of his palace. When they saw that the front door of the palace had been opened, these gods and demons were facing the inside of the palace. When I walked in, when I saw Nuwa, countless gods and demons showed very happy smiles, and they all congratulated Nuwa one after another!

After Nuwa heard the joys of the gods and demons, he directly signaled that you are welcome. He hadn’t finished his words. Nuwa was stunned for a certain moment. In the dark, he felt that he had a karma, and he wanted to know his daughter’s paintings. He was in control of the cause of own. He didn’t understand who was linking his own marriage. At some point, Nuwa seemed to think of the gods and demons. He quickly summoned the red hydrangea and found that the red hydrangea didn’t react at all, his face changed drastically, and Looking at the other end of the red line, Jiang Yuan’s figure appeared, but when he saw this scene, he never thought it was Jiang Yuan Nuwa’s mind. It was blank, his face was pale, and his beautiful eyes were almost Can spit out fire!

At a certain moment, Nuwa was so angry that he must kill Jiang Yuan. There were countless snowflakes floating in the sky, and other powerful gods and demons felt incredible when they saw this scene. I don’t understand that Jiang Yuan has done something that the gods and demons lacked virtue. There was a trough in everyone’s heart. It was definitely not a good thing for the gods and demons to make Nuwa so angry. At a certain moment, Nuwa forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart and directly faced the void. In the middle, bowed down and saluted, and wanted to ask to see Sage directly!

Other powerful gods and gods became more curious when they saw this scene. They didn’t understand what happened to the gods and monsters, so Nuwa had to go to see Sage, and at this moment, there was an ancient sound in the void. Sighed, Sage directly let them all come to Ling Xiao Palace. When all the gods and demons came to Ling Xiao Palace, Sage had been waiting for a long time. When they saw Sage, whether it was Nuwa There are still other powerful gods and demons, their minds can’t help but tremble, and they feel an incredible aura. At this moment, they find Sage’s breath is very misty. It is clear that Sage is sitting in front of them, but these gods The demons feel that they are very far away, and the mist exudes a terrifying, supreme, supreme, and holy aura. When facing Sage, they seem to be facing Heavenly Dao. These two auras are both contradictory and perfect. Combined together!

At a certain moment, Nuwa’s Cultivation Base was relatively high. He could say that he had the deepest feelings about Sage, and he couldn’t help being amazed. He originally thought that if he proclaimed the Cultivation Base, it was not the difference between himself and teacher own. It’s very big, but never thought that the Cultivation Base of the two people is still like a cloud and mud. At this moment, in front of him, Sage is like Heavenly Dao, and countless gods and demons hurriedly salute Sage.

Sage nodded. He turned his head and looked at you digging. He directly explained that he already knew about Nuwa and pointed out directly that if Nuwa wants to solve his marriage with Jiang Yuan directly, then he will just take that directly. A red hydrangea snatched it over, so that it would be able to unlock the marriage between the two people, otherwise there would be no way.

When they heard this sentence, the other powerful gods and demons couldn’t help being shocked, and then they came to understand. It turned out that Nuwa would invite Sage because of this matter. Otherwise, According to Nuwa’s current strength, it is not impossible to solve Jiang Yuan, but now, because this matter has been related to her and Jiang Yuan’s ties, they feel this One is really too outrageous.

Nuwa sighed lightly, and was a little unwilling to ask Sage directly. After all, Jiang Yuan still has a skill that can plunder his popularity. If Nuwa can’t deal with this skill, then there is no doubt other people. There is no way to deal with it, but when Nuwa said this sentence, other powerful gods and demons immediately understood in their hearts. It turns out that Jiang Yuan can deepen the bad luck of others. The main reason is because it can snatch. Regarding other people’s luck, except for Taiyi, the other gods and demons didn’t know much about it, but when he heard Nuwa asking like this, they all stared at Sage. I want to ask whether Sage looks like a god or demon to decipher Jiang Yuan’s magical powers. However, Sage was silent for a while and said directly that the magical powers to break Jiangyuan’s luck are relatively simple. First use the Xiantian Lingbao to suppress his sea of ​​luck. The stronger their treasure, the stronger their luck will be suppressed. It is so simple to hear that other powerful gods and demons are in succession, a little surprised and Showing a very happy gaze, this time it was not in vain. After all, if you can suppress such a method, you will not be afraid of not being able to deal with Jiang Yuan’s strange supernatural powers in the future.

At this moment, among the tops of a certain mountain, when Jiang Yuan saw the front, all his faces were panicked, and he was confused about the things in front of him. He seemed to have just learned how to stand, a little bit appeared in his mind. It’s a pity that now that Nuwa has left, she can only take care of them all in this way. Hearing Jiang Yuan’s words, she was actually very upset in her heart, her eyes were filled with confusion, she didn’t know that she should be compared with gods and demons. Okay, Jiang Yuan shook his head slightly. His eyes swept around and he saw three qi luck. Relatively strong people said directly, these three people will lead them from now on. The individual is the leader. I hope that the three of them can directly lead the human race to overcome many difficulties and become more powerful. The eyes of these three people suddenly become very smart, and their faces are filled with infinite joy, which seems to be very Like to be the leader of these tribes, they quickly knelt on the ground and thanked Jiang Yuan very happily.

Jiang Yuan nodded directly. He was just about to speak. He suddenly sneezed and looked up, looking at the sky around him, feeling endless malice. At a certain moment, he cursed in people’s hearts. He didn’t know who was secretly in the dark. Scold him, don’t let Jiang Yuan know, otherwise, you must blow it up. At a certain moment, Jiang Yuan sneezed again, and he was very annoyed in his heart. At the same time, in the chaotic mountain, Chang’e was holding a jade talisman, and a message appeared on the jade talisman. After reading the news, his face became very surprised. He did not expect that his own Big sis was about to get married, and his dao companion turned out to be Emperor, when he saw this scene, he was also very surprised, and did not think too much, but showed a very happy smile, after all, own Big sis is getting married, for his Big sis this is a major event in life, so As Little Sister, she must go back and bless Big sis.

Soon Chang’e took two Xiantian Spiritual Roots directly from the sacred mountain of Chaos. This was the top Xiantian Spiritual Roots, which could be directly given to him as a big sis as a gift. At a certain moment, Chang’e took countless from the sacred mountain of Chaos. The Xiantian Lingguo, left the Chaos Mountain and ran directly in the direction of Lunar.

And at this moment, on the top of Jiangyuan’s mountain, there are unforeseen circumstances, and people have misfortunes and blessings. The three leaders of the human race that have just appeared, did not expect the green-coded dark clouds on this mountain top to roll from the sky. Along with the colorless heavy rain, all of them were directly drenched. At this moment, when they saw the heavy rain in the sky, their eyes were filled with blankness for a while, each of them turned into a chicken, and the wind was a little bit. Shivering with the cold, everyone hurriedly hugged into a ball.

Jiang Yuan was very speechless when he saw this scene. He didn’t expect such a heavy rain, but they didn’t know how to hide under the big tree. Undoubtedly, these human races are like newborn babies, generally speaking about everything in front of them. All the things in’s are like a piece of white paper, there is no way to deal with it at all, Zheng Yuan sighed softly, and the three leaders who were looking at told them directly and took these human races there. In that cave, he sighed softly in his heart. At the moment, he might have to take care of these human races first.

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