My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 375: Heaven and Earth Spiritual Fire List

Chapter 375: Heaven and Earth Spiritual Fire List

After exclaiming, Ge Liuyang stared straight at the flickering flames on Chu Ning's fingertips, and said with some uncertainty:

 “Is this really leyline essence fire?”

Chuning nodded.

Yu Changge also had a look of surprise in his eyes at this time.

“Earth spirit fire is extremely rare now. I didn’t expect you, Elder Chu, to be able to obtain this kind of heaven and earth spirit fire.”

Although Yu Changge is not as often exposed to earth fire as Ge Liuyang and Ling Cang, he still knows about earth vein essence fire.

 What he said is indeed correct.

 In today's world of immortality, wherever there is a bit of aura, there are basically monks.

 As for the better spiritual veins, they are basically located in large and small sects.

 Earth fire will also be developed and used for refining elixirs and refining weapons.

 Under such circumstances, there is almost no earth fire that can condense the earth vein essence fire.

Chun Ning didn’t have anything to hide and said directly:

“In that northern cold land, there is a place called Snow Mist Valley, which is only opened once every ten years.

And the opening hours are not long, and there are usually no monks in the valley.

 I am the earth vein essence fire discovered in an earth fire in the valley, and then refined according to the secret technique of my sect. "

As he said that, Chu Ning turned to look at Ge Liuyang.

“Senior Brother Ge, with this earth vein essence fire, you can try to refine the ten items, right?”

"Of course it's okay!" Ge Liuyang looked happy at this moment.

“The power of Earth Vein Essence Fire is comparable to the Samadhi True Fire of Nascent Soul Monk, and it has even more advantages in refining elixirs and weapons.

 In addition, Brother Chu, you have considerable experience in this art of weapon refining, so it is most suitable for you to do the refining. "

When Yu Changge heard this, he also smiled and said:

 “This way, it’s better.”

 Speaking, Chu Ning discussed more details of the refining with Ge Liuyang.

Chu Ning also spoke out again at this moment:

“Brother Ge, it’s still what I told you just now.

It does take some time to refine this Jiuhua Starship. I am afraid that I will focus on cultivation these days.

I have some treasures in my hand that can improve my magic power. I can return to the sect and practice with peace of mind. My first goal is to reach the peak of the late Golden Core as soon as possible.

 So this refining can only be done outside of practice. "

"this is necessary."

Before Ge Liuyang could reply, Yu Changge had already spoken first.

“Elder Chu, although the Jiuhua Starship is important to the sect, if you can really reach the peak of the late Golden Core as soon as possible.

 Even advancing to the Nascent Soul stage is of greater significance. "

 Speaking of this, Yu Changge turned to Chu Ning and said:

 “In this regard, what support does the sect have?”

After Chu Ning thought for a while, he said without politeness:

“I need a lot of elixirs to refine various elixirs, and I’m afraid I need help from the sect to collect them.”

Chun Ning has two spiritual seeds in his body that can be refined.

 But he has tried it before. Taking elixirs, snow crystal zhi and other substances will not affect it, but can speed up the refining.

 But after all, it takes a long time for Xuejingzhi to condense the spiritual liquid, and Chu Ning cannot take it all the time.

 Hence this elixir is also indispensable.

 After speaking, Chu Ning added:

“In addition, if there are eighth-level monster spirits with wood and earth attributes, I would also need them.”

“There is no problem with the elixir. You can make a list and give it to Elder Ling. It will take care of it.

 Even if we don’t have it here, you can still buy it in exchange. "

Yu Changge spoke without hesitation.

“As for the soul of the eighth-level monster, it is a rare thing. If there is a chance, it can be traded with other Nascent Soul monks in the alliance.

 I will try my best to help you get it. "

 “Thank you, sect master!” Chu Ning raised his hand towards Yu Changge.

This is the advantage of being in a large sect. It is much more convenient to obtain some resources than in the Northern Cold Land.

If he were in Beihan, he would have to go to a large sect like Shuangyue Pavilion just for the elixir, not to mention spending a lot of spiritual stones.

It may not be possible to get it all together.

 Things like eighth-level monster souls are generally not traded openly.

Chuning can only go and kill him directly and find a way.

It’s just that in the Ximeng Continent, there is no existence like the Boundless Sea, and there are far less monsters than in the Northern Cold Land.

 Even if you want to hunt, it is not easy.

If you are not careful, you may even break into the sphere of influence of other sects and cause trouble. This is something Chu Ning does not want.

Thinking of this, Chu Ning also remembered the differences between the two places in terms of elixirs and other aspects.

 Previously, the elixir recipes he made in the Northern Cold Land used demon elixirs as the main ingredient.

I'm afraid it won't work in the Ximeng Continent, so we still have to look at the elixir method from Jiuhua Sect.

With this thought in mind, Chu Ning directly told Ling Cang that she wanted to find a suitable elixir.

“The northern cold land uses demon pills as materials to refine elixirs?”

After hearing this, Ling Cang couldn't help being surprised and asked directly:

“Elder Chu, do you have this elixir that I can learn from?”

Chun Ningdang took out a prescription from the storage bag and handed it over.

After reading it, Ling Cang was amazed and said slowly:

“Elder Chu really needs other elixirs, not to mention this demon elixir, but also the various elixirs in it.

 We in the Western Alliance Continent don’t have it either, and we simply can’t get it together. "

Chuning nodded.

“Okay, I’ll go to the Magic Formation Pavilion first, and later I’ll go to the Alchemy Pavilion to look at the elixir recipes.”

Yu Changge also smiled at this time and said:

“I heard what Elder He and the others said, but I didn’t expect you to be proficient in formations after being out for decades.

It seems that all the problems the sect had before have been solved after you came back. "

Chun Ning smiled politely and suddenly thought of what Ge Liuyang had said before about asking Cheng Qinghui to bring the foundation-building monks to select magical weapons.

 Dang even took out dozens of magic weapons from the storage bag.

"This is it?" Ge Liuyang looked at so many magic weapons and couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

“Back then, a group of monks from Yaochi Palace were besieged by demonic people, and I secretly killed some of them.

These are all obtained from their hands, and some may be magic weapons. I don’t have time to deal with them, so I will leave them to the Weapon Refining Pavilion.

It just so happens that the female cultivators in Zixia Peak are also coming to the Weapon Refining Pavilion to select magic weapons. This can be considered as an exchange for them. "

Yu Changge spoke out at this time:

“Elder Chu, you just don’t want to take these magic weapons. I also agree with what Elder Ge said before that you can choose the magic weapons at will.”

 Chun Ning shook his head at this moment.

“If they have officially joined the sect now, then it is nothing to come here to receive the magic weapon.

After all, they have not officially joined the sect yet, so it is an excellent treatment for the sect leader to agree to their cultivation in Zixia Peak.

If you can still pick up things at will from the sect, the disciples in the sect may have some ideas. "

Chun Ning has a clear understanding of this point. When he was the deacon of the Alchemy Pavilion, there was a certain limit on what he could receive.

If Cheng Qinghui and others have officially become Jiuhua Sect monks, and the other female cultivators are all Foundation Establishment monks, it would be no big deal to receive a magical weapon.

 It is not appropriate now.

Jiuhua Sect has always been very united and harmonious, and Chu Ning did not want to cause any discord.

  And these magical weapons are dispensable to him.

Especially for some magic weapons, it will take him this time to process them.

 It’s better to hand them all over to the Weapon Refining Pavilion.

Hearing what Chu Ning said, Yu Changge and Ge Liuyang said nothing more.

A few people chatted for a while in the Weapon Refining Pavilion before leaving.

And Chu Ning also went straight to the Magic Formation Pavilion.

Stayed in the Magic Formation Pavilion for a few days, and exchanged some knowledge of formation techniques with He Feng and some foundation-building monks in the pavilion.

 Especially on some of the formations inherited within the sect and how to strengthen the sect-protecting formation, Chu Ning put forward some of his own opinions.

On the other hand, the monks in the Magic Array Pavilion were greatly impressed by Chu Ning.

As for the improvement and strengthening of the formation, Chu Ning had the same words for He Feng as Ge Liuyang.

 Chuning would not refuse if he needed help from his side.

 But it can only be done by spending some time after practicing.

 This time may naturally last for a period of time.

 Fortunately, it will take some time to refine some of the array equipment that the Magic Array Pavilion itself needs to refine.

He Feng naturally had no objection at all. Instead, he led a group of monks from the Array Pavilion and thanked Chu Ning profusely.

When asked if Chu Ning needed help from the Magic Array Pavilion.

Chu Ning was also unceremonious and proposed some materials that he would need to use when preparing to study the formation.

 He learned many formations from the Thunder Fire Sect, but to actually use these formations, a lot of materials were needed.

Although Chu Ning was not planning to set up the formation immediately, he wanted to collect some materials first to be prepared.

However, Chu Ning did not want all the materials at once.

  Just asked for what he lacked among several formations.

Although He Feng was a little surprised that Chu Ning asked for so much material, he agreed without much hesitation.

 After coming out of the Magic Formation Pavilion, Chu Ning returned to Tianlan Peak.

Cen Zijin has already switched to Xuanshui Shenjue, and everything is going well. Chu Ning suggested that after his practice becomes stable, he should start taking Xuejingzhi Spiritual Liquid for improvement. Then he practiced in the cave in the peak for two or three days. After a little adjustment, he went to Zixia Peak to pick up Su Keke, who had been placed by him to live with the female cultivators in Yaochi Palace.

 “Sir, where are you taking me?”

 “Alchemy Pavilion!”

Chuning looked at Su Keke’s curious expression and said with a smile:

"When you stay at Zixia Peak, you must have already wondered why I didn't arrange it for you. You may have thought that I have forgotten you."

“Keke didn’t think so. Since the young master has brought me here, he will definitely not leave me alone.”

  Su Keke is very well-behaved.

After hearing this, Chu Ning smiled and did not expose the other party's little thoughts that could not be concealed at all.

“I know what you want most is to practice with me, but you are still in the stage of practicing Qi and laying the foundation.

 I don’t have so much time to teach you, so I will help you find a master first. "

"Looking for a master?" When Su Keke heard this, there was a hint of disappointment on her face, but also a hint of expectation.

“Sir, what kind of master do you want to find for me?”

Chuning patted the other party's little head.

“You are the spiritual root of fire and earth. The fire-attribute skills and spells in Jiuhua Sect are stronger.

 You are very good at alchemy and weapon refining. I will help you find an alchemist to be your master.

 You remember to follow her and learn from her, I will give you some pointers when I have time. "

Su Keke nodded repeatedly, "Okay, sir!"

 After saying that, Chu Ning pointed the direction to Jin Lei Diao and headed to the Alchemy Pavilion together.

When he first entered the Jiuhua Sect, Chu Ning was the deacon of the Alchemy Pavilion. After returning to the Jiuhua Sect, this was the first time for Chu Ning to come to the Alchemy Pavilion.

Chun Ning’s golden thunder sculpture was conspicuous, and the monks had already discovered it before anyone arrived.

 “Elder Chu is coming to the pavilion!”

 In an instant, the news that Chu Ning came to the pavilion immediately spread among the monks in the Alchemy Pavilion.

Chun Ning’s prestige in the Alchemy Pavilion far exceeds that of other places.

 After all, he became the chief deacon of the pavilion with his alchemy skills.

Later, Da Luo Sect came to visit, and Chu Ning's alchemy skills surpassed Da Luo Sect's talented monk Ao Xuan.

Chu Ning did not hide his alchemy skills, and gave many pointers to the monks in the pavilion.

 When he was still a foundation-building monk, several deacons in the pavilion came to ask for advice on alchemy techniques.

Even Yuan Rongzhang, who had previously strongly opposed Chu Ning's joining the cabinet as a deacon, was convinced by him.

At this moment, when they heard that Chu Ning had returned to the pavilion, all the monks heard the news and moved.

After a while, all the monks who were not refining alchemy in the pavilion gathered in the small dojo in the alchemy pavilion.

“Elder Chu, you are back!”

“Elder, I heard that you have returned to the sect for several days, and all the monks in our pavilion have been waiting for you to come to the pavilion!”

“We also want to see you refining elixir with our own eyes, elder.”


Many monks in the dojo have been familiar with Chu Ning in their early years, and they are talking casually at this moment.

 And these words also have the meaning of respect.

Su Keke stood next to Chu Ning. When she saw these people's expressions of excitement and joy, her little eyes couldn't help but blink.

 “Young Master’s prestige here is very high!”

Chuning ignored Su Keke at this time.

 Looking at the familiar faces, he couldn't help but smile.

 There are naturally new disciples and monks in the pavilion in recent years.

 But most of them are still the same monks.

Wang Ping met him outside the sect on the first day he returned to the sect. At this moment, his eyes began to sweep over other people.

He Yanmao, the deacon of the daily alchemy pavilion affairs, is still in the late stage of foundation building and has not yet defeated the fake elixir.

Ling Cang previously commented that his talent was average, but it seems that he was not entirely wrong.

 Another older deacon, Xu Minghua, looked older now.

 There is also no sign of alchemy.

Yuan Rongzhang had already reached the late stage of foundation building before Chu Ning formed the elixir, and now his aura is not weak.

 Perhaps in a few more years, he will be able to enter the realm of false elixirs.

 As for whether the golden elixir can be condensed, it depends somewhat on fate.

What surprised Chu Ning a little was that it was only after several people talked about him that he realized that Wang Ping had also become a deacon.

Although Wang Ping was only in the early stages of foundation building, he initially received the most guidance from Chu Ning on the art of alchemy.

 Coupled with his simple nature, his alchemy skills have greatly increased in the past few decades. After some tests, Ling Cang decided to promote Qi to be a deacon.

Everyone in the Alchemy Pavilion was convinced.

Recalling that no one dared to approach Chu Ning when he first came, Wang Ping was considered a fool to be blessed.

The one who has changed the most among these people is Su Yuqing. When Chu Ning left, she was only in the middle stage of foundation building, and now she is in the late stage of foundation building.

 It seems that in the past few decades, I have put in a lot of effort in cultivation.

“Deacon Su, congratulations, you are in the advanced stage of foundation building!”

Su Yuqing smiled at this moment and said:

“Speaking of which, I was still stimulated by you, Elder Chu. I never liked to argue before, and I was also a little slack in cultivation.

 But seeing how quickly you have advanced in cultivation, elder, I have also followed suit. "

Chun Ning smiled after hearing this.

 In fact, in the Alchemy Pavilion, Su Yuqing and Yuan Rongzhang have the most outstanding talents.

However, the two have opposite temperaments. Su Yuqing does not like to argue, while Yuan Rongzhang is too competitive.

So that the two of them had reached a bottleneck in both their cultivation and alchemy skills.

 On the other hand, after Chu Ning entered the Jiuhua Sect, both of them were gradually affected.

Yuan Rongzhang's temperament has softened a lot and he has become much calmer.

Su Yuqing’s desire to seek the Tao became stronger and she became more active in cultivation.

 After everyone had seen it, Chu Ning pointed at Su Keke and said to Su Yuqing:

“Deacon Su, I have one more thing I want to ask you for help with.

This little girl is an old friend of mine. She has both fire and earth spiritual roots, and her talents are pretty good.

 It just started a little late. I want to put it in your name. I don’t know if it’s convenient. "

 In fact, everyone had already seen Su Keke following Chu Ning.

At this moment, after hearing what Chu Ning said, his eyes immediately fell on Su Keke.

Su Yuqing took a step forward and came to Su Keke. After looking at it, he smiled and said:

“She is a pretty girl with good qualifications and talents. Not to mention she is a descendant of Elder Chu, I would also like to take her as my disciple.

 Little girl, what is your name? "

Su Keke immediately raised her hand towards Su Yuqing.

 “Deacon Su, the junior’s name is Su Keke.”

 “Hey, we’re still from my family.” Su Yuqing laughed.

“Okay, then you can practice with me from now on, but my abilities and magical powers are not as good as Elder Chu’s.

I will take you through the door first. In the future, you will have to find Elder Chu to learn the true skills. "

Su Keke was smart at this time. She knelt on the ground and saluted Su Yuqing three times.

 “The disciple pays homage to the master!”

Su Yuqing waited for Su Keke to finish the apprenticeship ceremony before letting him get up.

At this time, he smiled and said to Chu Ning:

“Elder Chu, I will take over the task of teaching Keke first.

But before that, would you like to give me some guidance on the art of alchemy? "

As soon as Su Yuqing finished speaking, Xu Minghua took the lead and said with a smile:

“Junior sister Su, should we go in order first and let me, an old man, come first?”

“It can’t just be you deacons, we also need to give guidance.”


 Listening to the words of the monks in the Alchemy Pavilion, Chu Ning raised his hand.

“Don’t praise me too much. I usually have confusion when refining alchemy. You have your own way of communicating.

However, during my trip this time, I came into contact with a brand-new method of refining elixirs, which mainly uses demon elixirs as the main material.

 Let me refine it for everyone to observe. "

 As he spoke, Chu Ning walked towards the alchemy platform of the dojo people.

 Although this method of refining the elixir of demon elixir can only be carried out by Golden elixir monks.

But now everyone wants to broaden their horizons, but they also take it seriously.

Chun Ning completed the entire refining of the elixir, and then came to the book collection area of ​​the Alchemy Pavilion.

 Be prepared to find several high-end, top-grade elixirs, and even methods for refining top-grade elixirs.

  To prepare for your next practice.

Jiuhua Sect is already good at alchemy, and we found several kinds during this search.

However, it is the same as the ancient recipe I saw before and needs improvement.

Chun Ning didn’t care and was ready to leave.

At this time, his attention was attracted by something recorded on a jade slip.

Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire List

 (End of this chapter)

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