Chapter 374 Jiuhua Starship

“Not only that, Elder Chu’s cultivation speed also makes us old bones feel ashamed.”

He Feng said, then turned to Ge Liuyang and said:

“Senior brother Ge, can Elder Chu go to my magic array pavilion now?”

Ge Liuyang immediately shook his head like a rattle.

“That’s not possible, I know you want to perfect the sect’s formation.

But after all, this matter has not been enlightened yet, but my magic weapon refining has everything ready to be refined.

Originally, I wanted to ask your Magic Array Pavilion for help, but I think it’s better for you, Elder He, to stop arguing. "

Seeing what He Feng was about to say, Chu Ning immediately spoke:

“Two elders, there is no need to argue. I am returning to Jiuhua Sect and will not leave in the short term.

 It doesn’t really make much difference which place you go to first. "

Chun Ning said this with a smile, then turned to He Feng and said:

“Elder He, I also wanted to go to the Weapon Refining Pavilion to see Lu Jiakang. How about I go there first and then go to the Magic Formation Pavilion later?”

Once he heard about Chu Ning moving out of Lu Jiakang, He Feng said nothing more.

“Okay, then I will wait for Elder Chu at the Magic Formation Pavilion.”

 As he spoke, He Feng said no more, said goodbye to Cheng Qinghui and left.

Ge Liuyang came to Zixia Peak for the first time, so he couldn't help but walk around inside the peak.

 Asked about the many foundation-building monks in Yaochi Palace who had their magic weapons damaged during previous battles.

The elder of the Weapon Refining Pavilion also expressed his position on the spot. Everyone can go to the Weapon Refining Pavilion to choose a suitable magic weapon.

 It also made Cheng Qinghui and others very grateful.

At this point, Chu Ning flew to the Weapon Refining Pavilion with Ge Liuyang.

And Cen Zijin returned to Tianlan Peak to practice alone.

These days, she has gained insights into the Xuanshui Divine Technique and is ready to start practicing this technique.

 Next, you may have to practice with peace of mind for a while.

But Chu Ning and Ge Liuyang flew to the Weapon Refining Pavilion. Ge Liuyang remembered that Chu Ning had mentioned Lu Jiakang before, and asked about it.

Chun Ning immediately told him about the origin stone.

When Ge Liuyang heard this, his face was filled with surprise.

“Brother Chu, are you serious about what you say? If it can really help Ieyasu, he can successfully strengthen his physical body and form the elixir.

 This is indeed a great thing. "

It’s no wonder that Ge Liuyang was so excited. Although Lu Jiakang was not Ge Liuyang’s direct disciple, he was the chief deacon of the Weapon Refining Pavilion.

 The relationship between the two is naturally excellent.

At this moment, Ge Liuyang was extremely happy when he heard that Chu Ning said that there might be a way to help Lu Jiakang strengthen his body.

 After hearing Chu Ning say that he could give it a try, even the escape skills became faster in the next time.

The two of them had just reached the sky above the Weapon Refining Pavilion, and Ge Liuyang's voice had already sounded throughout the pavilion.

“Jiayasu, come out quickly and see Elder Chu!”

Hearing what Ge Liuyang said, many disciples in the pavilion looked over curiously.

Even some of the disciples who were in the refining room poked their heads out to take a look during their free time.

Lu Jiakang, Cui Rongrong and others who heard the sound also came directly outside the pavilion to greet them.

"Elder Chu!" Lu Jiakang, as the chief deacon of the Weapon Refining Pavilion, led everyone in the pavilion to salute.

“I heard that the elder has returned to the sect, and we have been looking forward to the elder coming to the Weapon Refining Pavilion for a long time.”

 “Okay! Don’t say these polite words.” Ge Liuyang waved his hand.

“Ieyasu stayed, and the others dispersed. Elder Chu has brought you good news this time.”

Hearing what Ge Liuyang said, Lu Jiakang was slightly startled.

However, he still listened to Ge Liuyang's words and motioned for the others to disperse.

 Then he led Chu Ning to a room in the Weapon Refining Pavilion.

Chun Ning didn't have any nonsense at this moment, he just took out an Origin Stone and handed it to Lu Jiakang.

Lu Jiakang took it with some confusion.

“Elder Chu, what is this?”

“Origin Stone.” Chu Ning said, telling Lu Jiakang what he had discussed with Qi Guangshou and the others.

Contrary to Chu Ning's expectation, Lu Jiakang was not so excited at the moment.

Just holding the source stone, he smiled bitterly at Chu Ning and said:

“Thank you, Elder Chu. I’ll give it a try first.

To tell you the truth, in recent years the sect has actually collected a lot of miraculous elixirs for my body tempering purposes.

I have also practiced some body tempering methods, but this may be due to the conflicting properties of the medicine as a sequelae of the initial treatment.

But it didn't have much effect, and the thought gradually faded away. "

When Chu Ning heard what Lu Jiakang said, he just smiled and said:

 “Then give it a try first.”

Hearing Lu Jiakang's words, he gained some confidence in the Origin Stone helping the opponent to temper his body.

According to Chu Ning's own personal experience, the power of the source and this aura are two completely different powers.

  Naturally, I am not afraid of any conflicts.

Lu Jiakang took the Origin Stone and used his magic power, but found that the Origin Stone in his hand did not react at all, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

“Elder Chu, how should this thing be used?”

Chun Ning also saw that Lu Jiakang was using magic power to activate it, and immediately said:

“I wonder if your body-refining skills can be combined with movement skills?”

“That’s true.” Lu Jiakang nodded.

 “That’s it!” Chu Ning smiled.

“Don’t use your magic power, just practice your movements with this Origin Stone.

If you feel the original power here entering the body, then guide it to temper the body. "

 In fact, according to what Shi Xuerong said, wearing this source stone for a long time can warm and nourish the body and strengthen the physical body.

 But Shi Xuerong had already worn it for a long time when he had just reached the late stage of foundation building.

But now Lu Jiakang is already in the realm of fake elixirs and does not have so much time to waste.

 It is still necessary to actively guide the original power to temper the body.

Hearing Chu Ning's words, Lu Jiakang showed a look of surprise.

 Immediately, he began to practice the body tempering technique according to Chu Ning's method.

 After a while, I felt a strange force gradually appear in my body.

 This power is completely different from the aura mana.

Lu Jiakang remembered what Chu Ning said before, and even guided him to start quenching his body.

After repeating this several times, it took about half an hour before Lu Jiakang finally stopped.

 There was excitement on his face that could not be concealed at all.

 “It really works!”

Lu Jiakang said and bowed deeply to Chu Ning.

 “Thank you, Elder Chu!

 Although the time is short, I feel that the effect of body tempering is not very obvious.

 But the original power does appear in the body, and it is also strengthening my body. "

 “As long as it works!” Chu Ning stopped the other party’s bow with a helpless hand.

Although he had some confidence before, after getting confirmation from Lu Jiakang, there was a smile on his face now.

As he spoke, he took out five origin stones from his storage bag and handed them to Lu Jiakang.

“You can practice with these first. If your physical body strength is still not strong enough after practicing, you can ask me for them again.”

 “Thank you, elder!”

Lu Jiakang held the six Origin Stones with his face filled with gratitude.

They didn’t say they had seen this thing before, they had never even heard of it before.

Chuning now gave me six yuan at once.

 In Lu Jiakang's view, this is extremely generous.

Chuning saw Lu Jiakang’s expression and smiled:

“Although this thing is not common in the outside world, it is not as precious as you think.”

Chun Ning was telling the truth. He had already obtained a lot of these things when he was on Wuling Island.

And in the caves from the exit of Taixuyuan to Xuewu Valley, many source stones were obtained.

And it is much larger than the origin stone that Chu Ning gave Lu Jiakang now.

But Lu Jiakang didn't know it. Hearing Chu Ning's words, he secretly sighed.

“Elder Chu is really generous to me, but this friendship should be kept in mind.”

With this thought in his mind, Lu Jiakang's eyes couldn't help but reveal gratitude.

Chun Ning simply stopped explaining at this moment.

Although he has many Origin Stones, he won’t be able to show them all to everyone.

Chun Ning still has an intuition that this thing may still be of great use in the future.

 After all, the energy of source power is very strange.

Ge Liuyang also smiled and said:

“Okay, Brother Chu, you helped me solve one problem as soon as I came back. Now it’s time for you to help solve another problem.”

Hearing Ge Liuyang's words, Chu Ning couldn't help but feel a little curious at the moment. At this moment, Ge Liuyang reached out and took out a roll of monster skin from the storage bag.

 After slowly unfolding it, a picture was revealed inside.

There is a giant flying boat painted on it, with the bow in the shape of a flying swallow and the stern in the shape of a flowing cloud.

 According to the markings on the map, the entire hull is several stories high, one hundred feet long and thirty feet wide.

Chuning glanced at the whole picture, then landed on the name at the top and read it softly.

 “Jiuhua Starship!”

“Brother Chu, does this thing look familiar?” Ge Liuyang asked at this time.

Chun Ning thought for a moment, and then said with a strange look on his face:

“When Ao Langtian, the Great Luo Zong, came to our sect, he seemed to be riding a flying boat, and the shape seemed to be somewhat similar to this.

 It just seems to be much smaller in size. "

Ge Liuyang nodded and said:

“Yes, this Jiuhua Starship is not only a flying magic weapon of our sect, but also an extremely powerful multi-person driving magic weapon.

 In the early years, Daluo Sect had a good relationship with our sect, and they had many exchanges in alchemy and weapon refining.

Although the method of refining the Jiuhua Starship was not given to them, it was given to them a method of refining an imitation.

Although its power is far inferior to that of the Jiuhua Starship, it has always been regarded as a treasure by Daluo Sect.

 When he came to our Jiuhua Sect, he also knew that the method of refining our magic weapon was lost, so he deliberately drove him here. "

When Ge Liuyang said this, his eyes were quite unhappy.

“Fortunately, among the many inheritances we brought back from Wolong Valley, there is the method of refining the Jiuhua Starship.”

Chu Ning also heard the meaning of Ge Liuyang's words, and asked:

“Do you want to refine this treasure again?”

Ge Liuyang nodded, "Actually, refining this treasure is not just my intention, it is also the intention of everyone in the sect.

There has been chaos in the Western League Continent. As for the fight between the Demon League and the Tianji League, we are worried that sooner or later the Yunxiao League will be involved.

 It is not certain where the battlefield will be at that time. "

 Speaking of this, Ge Liuyang paused and then continued:

“Although there are fights between different clan alliances, Yuan Ying and Jin Dan are the main forces.

But the foundation-building monks are not completely uninvolved. "

“If there is a magic weapon like Jiuhua Starship, many foundation-building monks will participate under the leadership of Yuanying or Jindan monks.

It can also use its magic circle to launch powerful attacks. "

Chuning nodded, and then asked Ge Liuyang:

“In this way, if the Magic Formation Pavilion wants to further strengthen and improve the sect’s formation, it should be well prepared.”

Ge Liuyang nodded.

At this moment, Chu Ning picked up the Jiuhua Starship in Ge Liuyang's hand and looked at it carefully.

 After looking at it for a while, Chu Ning raised his eyebrows.

“This picture only shows the structure of a magic weapon ship and some introductions to the formations that can be used. There is no detailed refining and formation methods..."

“Here it is.” Ge Liuyang said, handing over a jade slip.

“The refining method of this Jiuhua Starship is extremely complicated, but it cannot be recorded in a single diagram.

I have compiled all the involved refining methods and formation methods into this jade slip. "

Chun Ning stretched out his hand to take it, and then scanned it with his spiritual consciousness.

At this sight, I can't help but be immersed in it.

Chun Ning has also refined some things over the years, and even refined a set of magic weapons such as the Five Elements Spirit Sword, which is really powerful.

However, this is a personal combat magic weapon after all, and the difficulty of refining it is not that great.

The reason why Chu Ning's Five Elements Spiritual Sword took a lot of effort to refine was mainly because he had too high requirements.

I want to fuse top-notch materials like black black gold, but also want to condense my soul into it.

Although the requirements for weapon refining skills, golden elixir mana, and elixir fire intensity are not low, the complexity of the theory of truth is not very high.

 But the Jiuhua Starship in front of us is different.

 This magic weapon is very large and its structure is also very complex. It requires tens of thousands of materials to be refined.

And the various inscriptions and patterns on it are countless.

 The latter also includes various formation arrangements, the complexity of which is truly unprecedented in Chu Ning's life.

These things greatly aroused Chu Ning's interest.

 So once I saw it, I couldn't stop and read it all in one breath.

As for Chu Ning, it seemed that he had been gone for three days and three nights.

 And this is just the first review, and I haven’t considered it carefully every time.

After waiting to finish reading all the contents, Chu Ning put down the jade slip and let out a breath.

His eyes were slightly bright as he looked at Ge Liuyang.

“Senior Brother Ge, when are you going to start refining this treasure?”

 “Right away!” Ge Liuyang replied directly.

“All kinds of materials have been collected by the sect for decades and are quite complete.

It is very possible that the refining of this treasure will take more than ten years, but I don’t want to delay it any longer. "

 Hearing what Ge Liuyang said, Chu Ning nodded.

 The refining time of this thing is naturally calculated in years, and Ge Liuyang's words are not an exaggeration.

If it were refined with the power of a golden elixir monk, it would indeed take more than ten years.

But after all, there are so many weapon refiners in Jiuhua Sect, although many of the things in it need to be refined by Golden elixir monks or above.

But there are also some small things that foundation-building monks can refine.

 With the help of the entire Weapon Refining Pavilion, this time can be shortened.

Chuning thought for a while and then said:

“I am willing to participate in the refining of this Jiuhua Shenzhou, but in terms of time, I cannot continue to refine it without practicing for several years.

 Senior Brother Ge, please take a look at which parts need me to refine, and I will arrange the refining.

As for the subsequent layout of the magic circle, it is also something that needs to be done when the magic weapon is close to being successfully refined.

 At that time, you can ask Elder He to take action together, and by the way, Zi Jin, her formation skills can also participate. "

"Okay, I'm relieved with your words." There was a look of joy on Graham's face at this moment.

 He casually took out another jade slip from his storage bag.

“I have been studying the method of refining this boat for the past thirty years.

 I wanted to see if I could take it a step further so that I could refine more things.

 It's a pity that the cultivation base has been unable to break through. "

When Ge Liuyang said this, he took a breath.

“This year, I sorted it out again and recorded in this jade slip everything that I and the Refining Pavilion could not refine.

Brother Chu, you are already in the late stage of Golden Core cultivation, and your magical power is far superior to that of ordinary late Golden Core monks.

 I think except for the first ten, you should be able to refine the rest. "

Chuning took the jade slip and looked at it. There were hundreds of things that needed to be refined.

 Sweep it from back to front, and you can basically refine it yourself.

But when he saw the ten items in front of him that needed to be refined, Chu Ning's eyes flashed slightly.

“Senior Brother Ge, you just said that except for the first ten items, I should be able to refine the rest.

Maybe you have other plans for the first ten things. "

"Of course I have to find someone to refine it." As Ge Liuyang spoke, the door of the room was suddenly opened.

Lu Jiakang led two people in, it was the sect leader Yu Changge and the elder of the Alchemy Pavilion Ling Cang.

When Chu Ning saw the two of them, he couldn't help but asked in surprise:

“Sect Master, Senior Brother Ling, why are you here too?”

When Yu Changge saw this, he pointed at Ge Liuyang and said with a smile:

“No, recently I have been following Elder Ge’s arrangements and come here regularly to learn how to refine weapons.”

Hearing this, Ge Liuyang laughed and said:

“Sect Master, this is also a helpless move. There are ten items in this Jiuhua Starship that are the most difficult to refine.

Our elixir fire is not strong enough, so we have to use your Nascent Soul True Fire. These things cannot be refined directly.

Even if I remind you, the sect leader must first become familiar with the general refining method. "

“I know that.” Yu Changge smiled and shook his head.

“But after all, I haven’t dabbled much in this kind of weapon refining before, and now I suddenly have to complete this level of refining, and it’s extremely slow to get started.

 Fortunately, you are right. It will take at least several years to refine this treasure, which leaves me plenty of time. "

When Chu Ning heard this, he finally understood.

He immediately smiled and said: "It doesn't necessarily have to be done by the sect master himself. Maybe I can try it too."

Hearing Chu Ning's words, the three of them all looked towards Chu Ning.

Ge Liuyang hesitated and said:

“Brother Chu, even though you are already in the late stage of Golden Elixir, I also know that your magic power has always been stronger than that of the same level, so the power of this elixir fire is naturally not weak.

However, the refining of these ten items is quite difficult, and it is not just as simple as refining black black gold. "

"I know!"

Chun Ning smiled and did not explain too much at this moment. Instead, he stretched out his hand and condensed a red and purple flame directly on his fingertips.

As soon as they saw the fire ball, the three people in the room couldn't help but their eyes flashed slightly.

Ge Liuyang and Ling Cang exclaimed in unison:

 “Leyline Essence Fire!”

 (End of this chapter)

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