My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 348: He's a ruthless person

Chapter 348: He is a ruthless person

 “This person’s speed is not slow.”

Looking at Pei Jicai, who was speaking quietly on the stage but with a hint of joking in his eyes, Chu Ning muttered to himself.

Of course, in the eyes of Chu Ning, such impatience is no different from a ghost in the eyes of the other foundation-building monks.

The foundation-building monks who came this time were almost all casual cultivators, and there were not many monks among them who could learn relatively advanced spells.

 There is no way to say how broad your vision is.

Pei Jicai, a late-stage Jindan monk, performed excellent escape skills. When he fell in the eyes of all the monks, he completely shocked them all.

Coupled with the ruthlessness of this person's attack, it really exceeded everyone's expectations.

 For a time, no monk dared to speak out.

Seeing this scene, Pei Jicai's voice rang out again.

“Fellow Taoists, please come forward one by one.”

Then he turned his head to look at Xue Caiyun with a horrified expression. The latter chuckled again when he felt Chu Ning's gaze.

Xue Caiyun even spoke with a somewhat charming voice.

This form caused many monks present to look at it.

Furthermore, it seems that this restraining talisman cannot be cast by ordinary Jindan monks, but is refined using some special method.

Chuning has many means to lift such restrictions.

But at this moment, he still showed a trace of obsession on his very cooperative face.

“Li Qun, okay, I remember you and extend my hand.”

Sure enough, when Chu Ning came to the golden elixir female cultivator named Xue Caiyun, her charming eyes couldn't help but linger on Chu Ning's body for a while.

With the strength of his spiritual consciousness and the possession of secret techniques such as the Forbidden God Technique, even if Xue Caiyun is a late-stage Jindan monk, the Ecstasy Technique cannot be used on him.

He replied quickly: "Li Qun."

Even if there are one or two people of similar age to him, they are only in the early stages of foundation building.

 In the future, I am worried that the Ziyue Sect will become suspicious, so it will be inconvenient to change.

Chuning walked away with a dazed expression on his face. It wasn't until he was a few feet away that his face suddenly returned to normal.

His cultivation in the middle stage of foundation building, coupled with his age, is indeed a bit eye-catching.

 At the end, he even scratched Chu Ning's palm a little with his fingers.

 But this kind of restriction is of no use to me. "

 The expressions of the monks who were targeted all changed at this moment.

Not to mention that the Earthly Essence Fire can directly burn these restrictions into nothingness, even with magic power alone, Chu Ning can easily destroy these restrictions.

Chuning smiled secretly when he heard what the other party said.

It would be impossible for an ordinary foundation-building monk or even an ordinary golden elixir monk to unlock it.

"You are not very old, but you are rare among casual cultivators. What is your name?"

However, his appearance had already been transformed using the transformation spell when he entered Wangshan City.

The beautiful woman immediately grabbed Chu Ning's hand and used a secret technique to plant a restraining talisman into Chu Ning's body.


 If it is really inconspicuous, it may not be able to achieve the purpose.

As he spoke, his eyes fell on the person at the front of the dojo.

Seeing Chu Ning's expression, Xue Caiyun not only wasn't annoyed at all, but instead chuckled and gave Chu Ning a wink.

Chuning stood in the crowd, and soon it was his turn.

After all, if you want to find out information here, you naturally need to contact more people from the Ziyue Sect.

Later, I thought about it and realized that this might not be a bad thing.

Hearing this, Chu Ning also reached out his hand very cooperatively.

 The other two middle-stage Jindan monks also stared at different monks accordingly.

At this moment, he is about thirty-five or sixteen years old. His appearance cannot be called handsome, but it is not ugly either. It can only be said to be ordinary.

It was not that there were no monks who wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but after everyone experienced the formation that enveloped the dojo and the three golden elixir monks on the high platform, they gave up their plans one after another.

Then the three golden elixir monks from Ziyue Sect planted restrictions on different monks one by one.

And those male cultivators who knew that this woman used charm skills looked over, but they quickly turned away and did not dare to look directly.

“This woman’s charm is indeed very lethal to these foundation-building monks.

However, when he actually walked among this group of casual cultivators, he still stood out a little.

 Some female nuns either frowned or were curious, with different expressions.

 After all, these casual cultivators are generally older, and most of them look middle-aged or older at the moment.

 However, under the intimidation of these Jindan monks, they still walked forward honestly.

But at this moment, Chu Ning was not in a hurry to lift the restriction in order to avoid being noticed by the people of the Ziyue Sect.

Chun Ning stood aside and watched as the three Purple Moon Sect Golden Pill Protectors planted restrictions on all the foundation-building monks.

 After everyone was finished, Pei Jicai glanced at everyone calmly.

“Everyone, although planting a ban now may make everyone feel uncomfortable.

 But everyone will soon experience the benefits of being in Ziyue Sect.

Here, whoever has the toughest fist has the final say. If everyone just adapts to this, they will be very happy. "

 “Giggle!” Xue Caiyun laughed sweetly at this moment.

“Hufa Pei is right, in Ziyue Sect, strength has the final say.

Whether it is cultivation resources or the female cultivators from the previous Yaochi Palace, as long as you have the strength, you can get them.

 Next, it depends on the performance of fellow Taoists. "

“Deacon Fan, take them to their respective caves.”

 After saying that, Pei Jicai and the others left directly.

 Then, the fat Fan Hailei from before appeared with several other foundation-building monks.

“Fellow Taoists, I will take you to your respective caves soon.

Fellow Taoists, please don’t have any thoughts. This forbidden talisman is the secret method of this sect, and everyone in the sect has planted it.

 Like me, I live a very comfortable life. "

With a smile on his face, Fan Hailei and several monks led people to different peaks.

 It is roughly a team of ten foundation-building monks.

Chuning and nine other monks were taken to a mountain peak, but the leader was not Fan Hailei, but a mid-stage foundation-building monk.

He has a medium build and an ordinary appearance, but there is an undisguised ruthlessness on his face.

He didn’t say much to Chu Ning and others.

He only said, "Zhao Jinbiao," but didn't say anything more.

I have to say that although the Purple Moon Sect is indeed acting in a demonic way, it does not seem to have any intention of treating foundation-building monks like Chu Ning and others badly.

This peak is full of aura, and there are various large and small caves built in the peak. It should have been a training place for the foundation-building monks of Yaochi Palace in the past.

Chun Ning was also assigned a small cave abode.

After Zhao Jinbiao brought Chu Ning to the cave, he took out some spiritual stones from the storage bag and handed them to Chu Ning.

Chun Ning held it in his hand and glanced slightly, but it was five hundred low-grade spiritual stones.

 Dang even raised his eyes, looked at Zhao Jinbiao, and said slowly:

“Fellow Taoist Zhao, is this the wrong amount? The one I just gave to another fellow Taoist doesn’t seem to be this amount.

I didn’t hear just now that there is any difference between the initial number of spiritual stones in the middle stage of foundation establishment and the late stage of foundation establishment.

  It just means that resources will be obtained later through contribution. "

 Zhao Jinbiao heard Chu Ning's words, glanced at Chu Ning, and said without concealment:

“You are right, as long as this batch of foundation-building monks came in, there was no difference between the sects when they first divided the spiritual stones.

 But that is the sect, but here it is different. "

As he spoke, Zhao Jinbiao had a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

"If you are not convinced, it will be your fault if you get an errand like this from me in the future."

Zhao Jinbiao sent ten people to the cave, and the first one he sent was a late-stage foundation-building monk.

Chun Ning is the second one. Beside them, there are eight other monks standing at this moment.

After hearing Zhao Jinbiao's words, some of these monks' eyes flashed with something strange, while others were very calm.

 The sect gave a total of one thousand spiritual stones, but this person was greedy for five hundred spiritual stones.

 For these monks, the quantity is either too much or too little.

With the thunderous methods of the Golden Pill monk of Ziyue Sect just now, coupled with Zhao Jinbiao's ruthless face.

Even if he is only a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment, no one among them is willing to get into trouble with this person.

Zhao Jinbiao obviously saw through everyone's thoughts, so he was so unscrupulous.

 After saying these words to Chu Ning contemptuously, he turned around and left.

 But at this moment, a deep voice came over.

 “Give me the remaining spirit stones!”

 Zhao Jinbiao had a slight look of astonishment on his face, and his body that had turned halfway just now turned back.

He looked at Chu Ning with some disbelief.

"what did you just say?"

“I said, give me the remaining spirit stones.” Chu Ning stared at the other party with an expressionless face.

Zhao Jinbiao had a sneer on his face.

"What if I don't give it?" "No?" Chu Ning looked at Zhao Jinbiao, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

“I remember the two guardians just now seemed to say, who has the final say here who has the stronger fist, right?”


Hearing Chu Ning's words, Zhao Jinbiao's face flashed with strange color.

 However, before he could say anything, a shining golden fist appeared in front of him.

 Golden Armor Divine Shadow Fist.

Even though Chu Ning had not integrated Gengjin Qi, he was suppressing his cultivation at this moment and only used the magic power of the middle stage of foundation building. The power of it still made Zhao Jinbiao feel horrified.

Hurrying backwards and flying away.

The other monks were also shocked when they saw Chu Ning actually taking action without saying a word, and they dodged away one after another.

At this moment, Chu Ning followed Zhao Jinbiao like a shadow.

And the golden light condensed on the fist also burst out, turned into a golden fist shadow, and blasted directly towards Zhao Jinbiao!

At this moment, Zhao Jinbiao had just taken out a gleaming scimitar weapon and hurriedly swung it.

But it was impossible to stop the golden fist shadow.

The shadow of the golden fist passed through the light of the sword and hit Zhao Jinbiao directly.

 Immediately it was knocked upside down, and it fell a full three feet away.

This scene made all the eight monks in the middle and early stages of foundation building not far away.

It was the same late-stage foundation-building monk who had just entered the cave and came out after hearing the noise.

At this moment, everyone opened their mouths slightly in shock.

Chu Ning, on the other hand, completely ignored everyone's reactions and ducked in front of Zhao Jinbiao again.

 Seeing the other party getting up from the ground in a somewhat embarrassed and frightened manner, he then looked at himself with the scimitar weapon in hand.

Chun Ning just said in a deep voice: "Give me the remaining spirit stones."

Hearing what Chu Ning said, Zhao Jinbiao was stunned for a moment, and then without hesitation, he took out five hundred spirit stones from his storage bag and handed them to Chu Ning.

Chuning took the spirit stone, turned around without hesitation, and walked towards the cave he had just been allocated.

At this moment, behind Chu Ning, Zhao Jinbiao had a fierce look on his face.

 Immediately raised the scimitar in his hand and struck it down quickly.

A blood-red light came out of his body and hit Chu Ning's back in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, the faces of all the casual cultivators changed slightly.

 However, no one reminded me.

The two of them were too close. Seeing that the blood-red light was about to hit Chu Ning directly, a defensive shield suddenly appeared on Chu Ning's body.

 In Zhao Jinbiao's stunned eyes, he directly blocked the blood-red light.

 “You think I will be defenseless against you?”

Chuning turned around at this moment and raised his hand slightly.

Everyone could vaguely see at this moment that there seemed to be a talisman in his hand that was activated and then dissipated.

  Can't help but have a look of surprise on their faces.

 Except Zhao Jinbiao.

At this moment, the face of this ruthless deacon of the Purple Moon Sect suddenly became extremely ugly.

 Because at this moment, he saw Chu Ning moving.

Like a ghost, Zhao Jinbiao didn't even have time to make any move.

A golden fist shadow has already hit him!

 Zhao Jinbiao also flew high again under this punch, spraying a blood arrow in the air and hitting the ground heavily.

"This is the last and only time. Next time, you may not be able to get up."

Chu Jing stood quietly where Zhao Jinbiao originally stood and spoke coldly.

At the moment, Zhao Jinbiao was a few feet away. He struggled a lot, but was unable to stand up.

  Obviously, he was seriously injured by Chu Ning's punch.

Chuning, on the other hand, ignored it at all and took his share of the spirit stone and entered the cave.

Outside the cave, the rest of the foundation-building cultivators looked at each other, with a strange look in their eyes.

 “This fellow Taoist is a ruthless person!”

 At this moment, almost everyone has reached a consensus.

Although Pei Jicai did say just now, who has the final say here has the final say.

But Chu Ning dared to take action on the first day he entered here, and he was ruthless when he took action, which still shocked them.

Of course, everyone is happy to see this.

 After all, since Zhao Jinbiao can deduct Chu Ning's spiritual stones, he will naturally deprive them of them.

In this case, they believe that Zhao Jinbiao and others will not dare to be greedy anymore, which is also a good thing for them.

Of course, such things are not what Chu Ning cares about.

 Entering the cave, the coldness and anger on Chu Ning's face just now disappeared, and became extremely calm.

The reason why he dared to take action like this, apart from what Pei Jicai and Xue Caiyun just said, was also due to his keen sense of consciousness.

Just now, when Zhao Jinbiao was having a voice conversation with other monks, he happened to listen to it.

After knowing that Zhao Jinbiao was a monk who joined the Ziyue Sect halfway like him, he didn't have too many worries.

Since we want to find out some information in Ziyue Sect, of course we still need to show some strength.

Moreover, what Chu Ning just showed is actually a stronger mid-stage foundation-building monk, vaguely comparable to a late-stage foundation-building monk.

 There isn’t much for others to stare at.

When he decided to join the Ziyue Sect, Chu Ning had certain plans in advance for his identity and strength here.

He has a lot of magic weapons in his hand, but the top magic weapons are gone. In the fairy city of Iceland, they have basically been handed over to Xi Yunxia for disposal.

 And even if there is, there is nothing to take advantage of.

So Chu Ning temporarily refined one in Nawangshan City.

As for the shape of the magic weapon, it imitates the pair of magic weapons of the iron lion, which has a certain amplification effect on this metallic spell.

Since the Ziyue Sect recruited Chu Ning and others, it seems that they are no longer prepared to take care of it.

 In the next few months, Chu Ning and others were allowed to stay in their cave.

However, it did not restrict the freedom of Chu Ning and others too much.

 Except for a few caves that are clearly the location of the Jindan Dharma Protector, Chu Ning and others are not allowed to enter.

 Chuning and others are free to go to the rest of the places.

Chun Ning did indeed wander around in many places, but he did not see anyone like the monks from Yaochi Palace before.

 Later on, I simply didn’t go out much and stayed in the cave every day.

This place is considered a quiet place anyway. Although it is inconvenient to plant his elixirs and plants, normal cultivation is no problem.

 Another formation restriction was set up in the cave to isolate himself from the prying eyes of other monks and to prevent any too strong mana fluctuations from being released during his own practice.

Chun Ning began to practice in the cave with peace of mind.

 In addition to practicing the Five Elements Chaos Art, continue to improve your cultivation.

Chun Ning spent the rest of his time practicing the top-grade water spell, the Blue Wave Whirlpool, which he obtained from Taixu Abyss.

 Chuning had already understood this technique when he was flying in the boundless sea.

Now is just the stage of practical cultivation. It is obviously not difficult for him with the Renshui Spirit Body.

 Six months later, Chu Ning stood in a large training room in the cave.

With a wave of his hand, ten water pillars shot out from his hand and suddenly appeared in the open space in front of him.

Ten water pillars crossed each other and soon formed a restricted area like ten chains.

The next moment, the ten chain-like water columns began to rotate rapidly, forming a huge vortex in the middle.

Chu Ning waved his hand casually, and a flaming bird flew out and got into the whirlpool, but it was strangled by the whirlpool in just the blink of an eye.

“In six months, I have completely mastered the technique of blue wave vortex.

 The attack power of this technique is really not weak. Of course, the most important thing is its trapping effect on the enemy.

As for the true power, you can only truly feel it when fighting against other monks. "

With this thought in mind, Chu Ning immediately took a look at his cultivation proficiency.

 【Five Elements Chaos Technique (mid-level heaven level), third level (28800/200000)】

 【Nine Evolution Body Refining Techniques, Volume 2, Second Level (67040/90000)】

 【Alchemy, fourth level (64000/64000)】

 In the past six months, Chu Ning's cultivation progress has not been slow.

 After all, although the Five Elements Chaos Art is practiced without the help of Snow Crystal Seed Spirit Liquid, the golden spirit seed in the body can still be refined by nearly 25 points in one day.

On the other hand, Chu Ning has practiced less of the Jiuyan Body Refining Technique, so the progress will lag slightly behind.

However, the original power of body tempering in the passage below the snow fog valley also greatly improved Chu Ning's body refining progress.

 Overall, it’s not too slow.

 While Chu Ning was thinking like this.

Zhao Jinbiao's polite voice came from outside the cave.

 “Is Fellow Daoist Li here? The sect is about to go on a mission.”

 (End of this chapter)

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