Chapter 347 Purple Moon Sect

While feeling greatly surprised in his heart, Chu Ning's face remained calm.

He asked in a deep voice: "The Yaochi Palace was destroyed? I wonder if you can tell me more in detail."

Yue Qing hesitated slightly at this moment.

Chuning saw the other party's expression and knew that the other party had some concerns.

At this moment, his face continued to remain calm, and he just said faintly:

“Fellow Taoist, you don’t have to worry, I’m just entrusted by someone to go to Yaochi Palace to deliver something.

I don’t know much about the specific situation of this palace. If this palace has been completely destroyed, I will not go there, but I can reply to my friends in the future. "

 Hearing Chu Ning's words, Yue Qing and Li Liquan looked at each other.

 The former spoke again at this time:

 If fellow Taoists are willing, they can find out if they really inquire about it. "

 But it is precisely because here in the Eastern Holy Continent, the good and the evil are in opposition, but they have not united.

Chuning chatted with the two Jindan monks from the Dongrui Sect for a long time before leaving the other side's sect.

 Speaking of this, Yue Qing paused and said:

“Speaking of which, although these fellow Taoists are female cultivators, they are also admirable.

Yue Qing's face showed a trace of unnaturalness as he said:

"In this case, it seems that it is really difficult to find them, and this thing cannot be taken away."

 Just said lightly:

This group of monks ambushed the Ziyue Sect monks who were out from time to time, and caused the Ziyue Sect monks to suffer a lot of hidden losses. "

 Eight years ago, the demonic sect Ziyue Sect launched an attack on Yaochi Palace.

 There are not many cases of real opposition to large-scale action.

 And the spiritual power of the Xiaoyao Mountain they occupy is not weak, which naturally attracts the covetousness of other forces, especially the East Saint Continent's two factions, the good and the evil, have been in constant friction in recent years.

 After all, it’s a female cultivator. It’s normal for her to overreact when she hears things like this.

So the battles between the good and the evil sects in the Eastern Saint Continent are relatively frequent.

I heard that he has been hiding in Tibet to avoid being pursued by the Purple Moon Sect, and that the Yuanying monk of the Purple Moon Sect seems to have been practicing in seclusion for some unknown reason.

Yue Qing was not surprised that Bai Ling reacted like this.

“This Yaochi Palace is dominated by female cultivators, and their strength is not weak. There were also Nascent Soul cultivators in the palace before.

“Actually, there is nothing that can’t be said about this matter, after all, it happened not long ago.

Chun Ning's expression did not change at all at this moment, and he stopped asking any more questions.

As he spoke, Chu Ning no longer asked about the Yaochi Palace, but instead asked about the confrontation between good and evil in the Eastern Saint Continent.

Yaochi Palace was captured by the Ziyue Sect, but similarly, some demonic sects were eliminated by the righteous forces.

The division between good and evil in Dongsheng Continent is very clear, and although there are frictions between the righteous sects, they are mainly minor frictions.

Qiu Qing's face looked more serious at this time.

Speaking of this, Yue Qing sighed softly and said:

The palace owner at that time may have felt the pressure, so he began to attack the Nascent Soul stage.

 From beginning to end, the sect leader of Dongrui Sect had no intention of inviting Chu Ning into the sect.

When Yue Qing said this, Bai Ling glanced at Chu Ning and said angrily:

This is different from the Ximeng Continent. The sects in the Ximeng Continent formed an alliance, but the division between good and evil was not so clear.

When Yue Qing said this, he looked at Chu Ning and the two of them, somewhat suspiciously.

Chu Ning asked in a deep voice at this moment: "What about those monks from Yaochi Palace who escaped?"

The few righteous sects that have always had good relations with Yaochi Palace did not take action immediately, and the other sects will naturally not intervene too much. "

 Fifteen years ago, something unexpected happened when he entered the Nascent Soul stage, and he ended up in a situation of death. "

“Although I heard later that there were new Jindan monks appearing in the palace, the two top combat forces in the sect were lost one after another, and the strength of Yaochi Palace was greatly damaged.

 A hundred years ago, similar situations occurred in some sects almost every five or ten years.

However, battles between the good and the evil sects occur from time to time.

Chun Ning learned from Yue Qing’s mouth that Yaochi Palace was one of the two sects that had been exterminated recently, the good and the evil.

However, something happened to the Yuanying monk in the sect forty years ago and he never came back.

“I heard that some disciples from Yaochi Palace also escaped and asked for help from the Zhengdao Sect.

However, among the major sects in the Eastern Saint Continent, the alliance between good and evil is not deep.

“Then no one from the Zhengdao sect will stand up for justice?”

Not only did they occupy Xiaoyao Mountain, I heard that most of the female nuns in the palace were also kidnapped by the Ziyue Sect. Speaking of which, it was a humiliating thing for our Zhengdao sect. "

Chu Ning did not make any request in this regard. It was not until Yue Qing gave a general account of the situation but was not willing to go into details that Chu Ning left.

 After waiting for Chu Ning and Bai Ling to disappear, Yue Qing and Elder Li breathed a sigh of relief.

“This person is obviously just a late-stage Jindan monk, but thinking about his powerful spiritual consciousness and his age before, it always gives me an extremely dangerous feeling.”

Yue Qing looked at the direction Chu Ning left and said:

“Fortunately, they didn’t mean any harm, they were just asking for some information.”

Li Liquan also returned to his original calm expression at this moment, but there was some hesitation in his words.

“These two people have such cultivation at such a young age, they must be monks from a large sect.

However, it is a bit strange that they have some understanding of the Eastern Holy Continent, but not a deep understanding.

  Could it be that he was a genius disciple who had been practicing in a large sect before and just came out to travel? "

“It’s possible.” Yue Qing nodded, and then asked Li Liquan:

“Senior Brother Li, do you think they are related to the Yaochi Palace?”

“I understand Junior Brother Yue’s worries.” Li Liquan shook his head and smiled.

"What is their relationship? Why do we need to speculate? The news about Yaochi Palace is not a secret. Is it possible that Ziyue Sect can find us with just a few words?"

 These two, on the other hand, if we had not told them the truth, they might have come to cause trouble for me and others if they found out the information from elsewhere.

 So Junior Brother just told everything he knew about Yaochi Palace, and Brother Yu also agreed. "

Hearing Li Liquan's words, Yue Qing's expression on his face became obviously more relaxed. At this moment, he smiled bitterly at Li Liquan and said:

“If a small sect wants to gain a foothold in this world of immortality, it has to walk on thin ice.

Perhaps only those sects with Yuanying monks can live better. "

 “Nascent Soul!” After hearing this, Li Liquan shook his head slightly.

"Both of us have little chance. If we were like the two people just now, we would have a chance."

As he spoke, the two couldn't help but chat about the young man and woman who suddenly appeared.

At this moment, Chu Ning and Bai Ling, who were being discussed by the two, had already flown hundreds of miles away.

Bai Ling looked at Chu Ning, whose face was as calm as water, and took the initiative to say:

“Sir, are we going to Xiaoyao Mountain to find Fairy Cen now?”

Chun Ning nodded, "Let's go and see. No matter what, we must go and see if Cen Zijin is dead or alive.

With Cen Zijin's talent, he would not be an unknown person in the palace. Since someone in the Yaochi Palace escaped, he would know some information about the other party. "

“Don’t worry, young master, Fairy Cen has her own destiny, I believe she will be fine.” Bai Ling comforted her.

“I hope so!” Chu Ning responded, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

Bai Ling looked at Chu Ning's expression and knew that it was best for Cen Zijin not to get into trouble, otherwise the Ziyang Sect might be in catastrophe.

Even if the opponent has a Nascent Soul cultivator, as long as he is not a mid-Nascent Soul cultivator or above, Chu Ning will definitely be able to give him a fight.

Even if the other party has a monk of this level, although Chu Ning is not enthusiastic enough to fight to the death right now, when he is promoted to a Nascent Soul monk, the debt will still be settled with the Ziyang Sect.

 Two months later, in the middle of Dongsheng Continent, Wangshan City.

This is the largest city within thousands of miles nearby.

Monks and mortals live together in the city, with mortals accounting for 80% of them.

As for the monks, they are mostly low-level casual cultivators.

 After all, this city is located in the middle of the four training places of Xiaoyao Mountain, Xinghai Mountain, Xiayun Mountain, and Huangyan Valley.

High-level monks basically go into these four mountains to practice.

 Originally, there were four major sects in the four mountains, Yaochi Palace, Xinghai Sect, Xiaguang Sect, and Huangyan Valley.

The four major sects get along fairly well with each other, and under the joint jurisdiction of the four major sects, Wangshan City is also in order.

It is rare for monks from large sects to bully casual cultivators, or for casual cultivators to bully ordinary people.

 But this has all changed in recent years.

Since the Yaochi Palace was exterminated by the Ziyue Sect eight years ago, more and more Demon Dao Sect monks and casual cultivators have come to this city.

These monks are far less disciplined than the previous monks, and fights often occur.

 Some monks even regard mortal life as nothing.

Whether it is an ordinary low-level monk or a mortal, they are all complaining secretly.

 Many monks and mortals want to go out and go to other places. But if you go outside the city, you have to pass through the four major sects.

Either you have to climb over the Chaotic Beast Mountain in the far north, where monsters often appear.

 Monks and mortals during the Qi training period have no chance at all.

On this day, Wangshan City was more lively than before, with many foundation-building casual cultivators arriving from other places.

Many qi-training monks and mortals in the city are also staying behind closed doors.

In an attic in the city, two monks were sitting opposite each other, looking through the window at the monks coming and going outside from time to time.

One of the monks who had perfected his qi training asked:

“Brother Xu, why are there so many monks in Wangshan City? Is the Ziyue Sect going to do something else?”

 The person called Brother Xu is a middle-aged male cultivator who has already reached the foundation building stage.

 He looked at his friend and mentioned the news that only the foundation-building monks had received.

“I heard that the Ziyue Sect needs to recruit a lot of foundation-building monks to join the sect as deacons.

 That’s why so many foundation-building monks from other places came.

This Ziyue Sect is a demonic sect, and its admission is not as strict as other sects.

I heard that as long as they are foundation-building monks and are willing to agree to some of their requests, they can join. "

Hearing what monk surnamed Xu said, the monk who spoke before quickly asked:

 “Brother Xu, what about you?”

 The middle-aged monk surnamed Xu looked troubled when he heard this.

“Logically speaking, it would be good to have this opportunity to join other major sects now.

Moreover, the techniques we practice cannot be called the righteous way or the evil way.

However, the Ziyue Sect is ruthless, and I still have some concerns. I'm afraid that it won't be so easy to talk about it after joining the sect. "

The monk who had perfected his qi training first nodded.

“That’s right, I don’t know what the Purple Moon Sect is thinking of suddenly recruiting so many foundation-building monks as deacons.”

A trace of hesitation flashed across the face of the middle-aged foundation-building monk surnamed Xu. In the end, he did not continue speaking and just said:

 “Who knows.”

There were many foundation-building monks gathered in Wangshan City. After a few days, there were nearly a hundred of them.

On the fifth day, nearly a hundred people, led by Ziyue Sect personnel, fled one after another to Xiaoyao Mountain.

Chuning is one of them.

Ever since Nadong Ruizong inquired about some news about Yaochi Palace, Chu Ning rushed here non-stop.

 But I stayed in Wangshan City for a month and even went around Xiaoyao Mountain.

Chun Ning did not find out about the monks from Yaochi Palace.

I heard that the last time monks from Yaochi Palace attacked Ziyue Sect monks in the periphery was three months ago.

However, this month, Chu Ning actually found out that Ziyue Sect intended to recruit some foundation-building monks into the sect.

It is said that many Qi practicing monks have been recruited before.

Chu Ning, who was suffering from the inability to find out the news about Yaochi Palace, chose to join in, wanting to see if he could find anything after entering Xiaoyao Mountain.

At this moment, Chu Ning, together with the other monks, stood in the air, looking down at the sect's former location in Yaochi Palace.

His current cultivation level is in the middle stage of foundation building, neither high nor low. The robe on his body has long been replaced by ordinary clothes.

As for Bai Ling, he also took it back and hid it in the spirit beast bag.

 Linkong looked down.

The entire Xiaoyao Mountain is surrounded by peaks. In front of it is a majestic mountain gate. Inside the gate, there is a spacious bluestone road.

Looking into the mountain gate, you can see high walls, scattered houses, winding paths, and green bamboo forests in various shapes and colors, full of spiritual energy.

It is indeed a rare fairy treasure land.

But at this moment, ghostly monks exuding demonic aura appear in the sect from time to time.

Even in some courtyards, there are lewd sounds and talk, but there is no atmosphere of the immortal family at all.

“This is Xiaoyao Mountain. After our Ziyue Sect occupied it, we arranged for many monks and disciples of the sect to come here.

However, this mountain is big enough and there are a lot of resources nearby. Even if you all enter this mountain to practice, it will be enough. "

At this moment, in front of Chu Ning and others, a chubby late-stage foundation-building monk was speaking to Chu Ning and others.

 In Wangshan City, this person's name has been introduced, and his name is Fan Hailei.

As he spoke, Fan Hailei led everyone to the mountain gate.

“We will first meet with the guardians within the sect. After the guardians confirm that there are no problems, everyone will officially join our Ziyue Sect.”

Fan Hailei said it lightly, and the foundation-building monks also acted very relaxedly.

Fan Hailei took everyone into the mountain gate, walked up the bluestone road, and soon arrived at a dojo equipped with formations.

 As soon as he entered the dojo, Chu Ning couldn't help but feel it.

“This formation restriction has a vague aura of blood evil, and it seems that it is not a restriction arranged by the previous Yaochi Palace.

 It was newly arranged after the Ziyue Sect occupied this place. "

Just as Chu Ning was thinking this, three figures appeared on the high platform in front of the dojo.

There are two men and one woman. The old man on the left has thin cheeks and a pair of triangular eyes, which looks extremely sinister. He is a middle-stage Jindan monk.

The female cultivator on the right has a beautiful appearance and is sizing up the monks with her charming eyes. She is also a middle-stage Jindan cultivator.

 The one in the middle is the youngest among the three.

He is a young monk in his thirties, with a rather good-looking appearance. At first glance, he does not appear evil at all.

 And this person's cultivation level has already reached the realm of the late Jindan stage.

It was this young monk who spoke at this moment.

“Fellow Taoists, I am here to protect the Dharma of the Ziyue Sect, Pei Jicai, and the two next to me are the two Dharma protectors of our sect, Wu Le and Xue Caiyun.”

Pei Jicai spoke in a very gentle tone, almost like a Confucian prince.

 But the more this happened, the more serious the foundation-building monks below became.

This is the late-stage protector of the Golden Core of the Ziyue Sect, and it is obvious that he is still in charge here.

How could such a person be as gentle as he appears?

While everyone was thinking about this, Pei Jicai continued:

“Purple Moon Sect has developed rapidly in recent years. A few years ago, we captured Yaochi Palace and already have two precious cultivation places, Zizhu Mountain and Xiaoyao Mountain.

 The cultivation of all the colleagues in the sect has been advancing by leaps and bounds.

This time we welcome fellow Taoists to join us, which will definitely make us even more powerful. "

 As he spoke, his eyes swept across the people in the dojo.

“In the following time, everyone who enters the Ziyue Sect only needs to practice with peace of mind. Each deacon has corresponding resource supply.

 When the sect needs your help, we will let everyone know.

 The following resources are based on your contributions. "

 Many monks in the dojo looked at each other knowingly, but no one spoke.

However, many monks also had looks of surprise on their faces, as if they didn’t quite believe that the Ziyue Sect would benefit everyone just like this.

Sure enough, at this time, Pei Jicai had already continued:

“Of course, in order for everyone not to do anything detrimental to our sect.

Pei and his two Taoist friends want to put some restraints on you.

 Don’t worry, everyone, this kind of ban usually does not hinder fellow Taoists. As long as you don’t commit treason, there is no chance of this ban being triggered. "

 Hearing this, the crowd suddenly became uproar.

The monks have guessed that since the Ziyue Sect has invited everyone to come, they will naturally make some requirements and even some restrictions.

 But when they heard that a ban was to be placed in the body, many people were reluctant.

“Then will I be completely controlled by you from now on?”

“That is, we can be subject to other restrictions, but it would be too harsh to impose restrictions within the body.”


Immediately, several foundation-building monks shouted.

 But the shouting soon stopped abruptly.

Chun Ning's eyes flickered slightly at this moment, and then returned to normal.

At this moment, Pei Jicai, who was still on the high platform of the dojo just now, appeared in the crowd.

His right hand was being taken out from the chest of a foundation-building monk who had just spoken.

Through the hole in the monk's chest, everyone could vaguely see the broken heart.

 Immediately, many people’s expressions changed drastically.

At this moment, Pei Jicai had already ducked back to the high platform, and his voice was still that faint.

“Fellow Taoists, do you have any opinions?”

 (End of this chapter)

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