My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 305: Monks and monsters gather together, Chu Ning fishes in troubled waters

Chapter 305: Monks and monsters gather together, Chu Ning fishes in troubled waters

This eighth-level transformed demon is tall and tall, with a pair of thick bear legs on its lower body.

 The upper body and head resemble the image of an extremely tough middle-aged man.

At this moment, a pair of eyes flashing with fierce light glanced at the puppet bird.

The next moment, he looked at a figure who was walking out of the storm without paying attention.

Through the sight of the puppet bird, Chu Ning also saw this person.

 The man with an old face and a gray shirt is none other than the black evil old demon Situ Yan.

There was a slightly disappointed expression on Situ Yan's old face at this moment.

 Obviously he didn't get much good results this time.

 After walking out of the blizzard, he obviously sensed the existence of this eighth-level demon.

Immediately, his eyes were slightly stunned, and the next moment, a strange light flashed in his turbid eyes.

“That’s right, you didn’t run away even though you knew I existed, and you actually dared to come out and face me directly.”

The eighth-level monster with a human body and bear legs made a slightly rough voice.

Situ Yan did not have a look of panic on his face at this moment, but looked at the eighth-level bear demon with a look of confusion on his face.

"You should be a monster deep in the Snow Peak Mountains. This is not the first time I have entered the Snow Fog Valley. I have never heard that you would enter the Snow Fog Valley before."

 The eighth-level bear demon laughed at this time.

“Interesting, you came up with a gadget to investigate, I thought you were a hiding guy.

I didn’t expect that I would dare to ask you what Uncle Xiong said. You have the courage.

However, you should save this until you die. "

As he said that, the eighth-level demon rushed directly towards Situ Yan with a gust of demonic wind.

 But the famous old Jindan Demon in front of him didn't pay any attention at this moment.

It turned into an afterimage, disappeared in the blink of an eye, and headed straight to the outside of the valley.

The speed was extremely fast, and he disappeared from the sight of the puppet bird in the blink of an eye.

This eighth-level bear demon jumped into the air, and seemed to be greatly surprised when he saw how fast Situ Yan was.

“No wonder this man is so confident in front of me, it turns out he is a good evader.


He cursed and said this, and the eighth-level bear demon quickly chased after him.

At this moment, Chu Ning, who was hiding under the ground, had an extremely complex expression.

“This eighth-level bear demon must think that no monk can escape his consciousness, so he thinks that the puppet bird was released by Situ Yan.”

Chu Ning made a rough guess based on Xiong Yao's words. He knew that he should not be targeted by the eighth-level monster, and he was secretly relieved.

With his cultivation in the middle stage of the Golden Core, he can even be on par with the peak monks in the late Golden Core stage.

But facing the existence of Nascent Soul level, Chu Ning was not sure.

However, when I think of the last words of the bear demon.

There was more than one eighth-level monster in the valley, and Chu Ning couldn't help but feel a slight chill on his back.

Drilled out of the ground, Chu Ning stretched out his hand to wave over the puppet bird, and then flew out of the valley at extremely high speed.

 After passing through twenty miles, the power of the ice cold has been significantly reduced as before.

But Chu Ning's face became more solemn.

 The evil spirit is too strong!

He didn't feel the aura of the eighth-level monster at the moment, but he felt a lot of the aura of the seventh-level monster.

 Obviously, it appears a lot here.

Chuning could even faintly feel that there was a seventh-level monster three thousand feet to his left, flying rapidly in this direction.

Chuning quickly ran forward, trying to avoid meeting this monster.

If it were just a seventh-level monster, he wouldn't necessarily be afraid of it.

 But considering that there were so many eighth-level monsters here, he naturally had no interest in staying or fighting.

“It seems that there is also a seventh-level monster ahead.”

Having just flown forward a short distance, Chu Ning couldn't help but pause, and his eyes flashed slightly.

 Place the puppet bird in a sheltered spot on the ground.

The person once again submerged a hundred feet underground, and at the same time directly opened the Forbidden God Technique to block the detection of divine consciousness.

Just a few breaths later, a seventh-order monster appeared in each direction.

 In the middle of the two big demons, at this moment, there was a Golden Core monk with an ugly face.

This person is suddenly the steward of Shuangyue Pavilion, Wu Lingwei.

 Surrounded by two seventh-level monsters, this usually graceful and elegant late-stage Jindan peak cultivator lost his usual calmness on his face.

As the person in charge of Shuangyue Pavilion, she knows more about the Snow Mist Valley and the Lingming Fruit than ordinary monks.

So Wu Lingwei did not choose to enter the various caves after the snowstorm, but explored the area here.

Originally, she thought it was just a coincidence that she had encountered a seventh-level monster Wu Lingwei and fought hard before repelling it.

At that time, although I felt that the aura of monsters in this area was a little stronger, I didn't pay too much attention to it.

 But now, they are facing two seventh-level monsters that usually only appear in the sea.

With her wisdom and experience, she naturally knew something was wrong here.

Seeing the two demons ready to make a move.

Wu Lingwei suddenly inspired a conch-shaped object in her hand, and at the same time, there was a hint of anxious words in her mouth.

“Ling Ming Guo is about to escape, are there any fellow Taoists who can stop me?”

This sound passed through the conch, and the next moment, it sounded over the entire snow fog valley.

Even if Chu Ning stayed underground, he could hear it clearly at this moment.

I couldn't help but feel slightly startled.

 Because there were only two seventh-level monsters outside, Chu Ning's consciousness was also sensing outside.

“Lingming Fruit? Where can I find Lingming Fruit?”

A look of confusion flashed across his face, and the next moment, Chu Ning understood.

“Wu Lingwei is summoning monks and wants help.”

 If you want to say what is most attractive in this snowy fog valley, it is naturally the Lingming Fruit.

Sure enough, the sound spread far away.

At this moment, everywhere in the valley, whether it is the golden elixir monks who were flying outwards, or the peak golden elixir monks who are still in the snowstorm at this moment.

At this moment, everyone had a strange expression on their faces, looking up in the direction of Wu Lingwei.

 The next moment, figures came straight towards him.

This voice was naturally heard by several eighth-level transformed demons. The eighth-level bird demon's eyes showed confusion at the moment above its head.

“At the beginning, I just asked a monk to make up a random reason. Is there really a spiritual enlightenment fruit in this snow fog valley?”

But the next moment, his eyes revealed a trace of an anthropomorphic mocking smile.

“That’s good, these human monks should all go after the Spiritual Brightness Fruit.

 It’s just right to catch them all in one go, so I don’t have to wait here. "

After saying this, the eighth-level bird demon flew away in the direction of Wu Lingwei.

The remaining eighth-level demons are already indistinguishable from humans in spiritual intelligence. At this moment, they all have the same thoughts as the bird demons and are flying towards the same place one after another.

Even the bear demon who was chasing Situ Yan immediately abandoned Situ Yan and flew in the direction of Wu Lingwei.

At this time, Situ Yan already had an excellent opportunity to escape.

 But at this moment, a hint of excitement flashed across his face, but he stopped flying out of the valley.

Instead, he followed the bear demon and flew over.

When the bear demon saw this scene, a sneer appeared on his face, but he ignored it.

 Just continue to fly forward.

At this time, in the snowstorm deep in the valley, the three members of the Phantom Sect had just walked out of a cave on the easternmost side.

Tantai Song couldn’t help but muttered:

“This Snow Mist Valley really doesn’t live up to its name. These two caves are so rich in aura, but they don’t even have any treasures.

  I saw nothing except a little bit of magma..."

 After hearing Wu Lingwei's voice, Tantai Song's eyes suddenly lit up.

“Two master uncles, a spiritual enlightenment fruit has appeared in this world, let’s go and have a look.”

The beautiful woman in red shirt and the middle-aged man looked at each other, and the former said with some confusion:

“How can the people from the Shuangyue Pavilion in the Changkong Palace make everyone aware of the appearance of the Lingming Fruit and such a treasure?”

“Perhaps the Lingming Fruit is really difficult to pick, so we have to go take a look anyway.”

Tantai Song’s eyes flashed slightly at this moment.

“There are two uncles here. Is it possible that we are afraid that she will pull some tricks?”

The middle-aged monk thought for a moment and then said:

 “Okay, let’s go over and see what happens.”


 Everyone is gathering in this direction.

At this moment, Chu Ning, who was only underground, frowned slightly and secretly complained in his heart.

Originally, he was thinking that after Wu Lingwei got into a fight with the demon, he would take the opportunity to escape.

 In this way, neither Wu Lingwei nor the two seventh-level monsters had time to pay attention to him.

 But now, the two seventh-level monsters didn't know what signal they got. At this time, they just surrounded Wu Lingwei but did not attack.

And he can imagine that it won't be long before many monks and monsters gather here. Even the Yuan Ying monks from the Phantom Sect and those eight-level monsters are likely to appear, and Chu Ning can't help but feel dizzy.

“It seems that we can only wait until the real chaos breaks out and then take the opportunity to see if there is a chance to escape.”

The chaos that Chu Ning was waiting for soon appeared. The bear demon and Situ Yan who had already fled were the first to arrive.

“Eighth-level monster?”

As soon as Wu Lingwei saw the bear demon, the expression on her face suddenly became more horrified.

 Looking at the two seventh-level monsters, they were roaring towards the bear monster.

Wu Lingwei's eyes fell on Situ Yan who was following the bear demon at this moment.

“Fellow Daoist Situ, what’s going on?”

Situ Yan’s eyes fell on Wu Lingwei, and a chill flashed in his cloudy old eyes.

“Fellow Daoist Wu, I also want to ask you, what is going on?

 What about Lingming Fruit? "

Wu Lingwei’s beautiful eyes blinked slightly, and then a wry smile appeared on her face.

“Run away, I just chased the Lingming Fruit here.

However, he was blocked by two demons, so Ling Mingguo also fled directly. "

"Run away? What does the Lingming Fruit look like?" Situ Yan's eyes flickered uncertainly.

At this moment, he realized that something was wrong and was ready to run away again.

If the Lingming Fruit were here, he would be able to fight.

 But if it’s not there, say something else.

How could Wu Lingwei not know what this old devil was thinking, but now there are so many high-level monsters.

If Situ Yan leaves, she will be instantly killed by three monsters.

Wu Lingwei naturally wanted to stabilize the opponent.

“This Lingming fruit has seven colors and is shaped like a baby.”

Hearing Wu Lingwei's words, something strange suddenly flashed across Situ Yan's eyes, and he said in a hoarse voice:

"Is it really the Lingming Fruit? This Lingming Fruit is also called the Lingying Fruit. The seven-colored baby form is exactly the shape of this fruit before it matures. You didn't lie to me."

"How could I lie to fellow Taoists?" Wu Lingwei looked calm at this time.

“Although I really want to get the Spiritual Brightness Fruit, I would rather have it fall into the hands of a human monk than if it falls into the hands of the demon clan.”

Just when Wu Lingwei fell, two more peak cultivators in the late Golden Core stage appeared from the surrounding area.

One of them is quite old and looks like Situ Yan, very old.

 The other person is, like Wu Lingwei, also a female cultivator.

This female cultivator is naturally not as elegant as Wu Lingwei, but she is wearing a green gown and has a bit more aura than Wu Lingwei.

When Wu Lingwei saw it, she was overjoyed and said:

“Fellow Taoist Shenyin Gujing, and this fellow Taoist, why don’t we join forces to repel these monsters first?”

The faces of the female cultivator and the other old man changed when they saw the bear demon.

 At the same time, he looked at Wu Lingwei with a hint of dissatisfaction.

“Fellow Daoist Wu Ling is right. Let’s deal with these monsters first, and then we’ll talk about the Lingming Fruit.” Situ Yan was now on the side of Wu Lingwei.

 It seems that this old devil’s desire for the Lingming Fruit has exceeded everything else.

The four monks looked at each other, and immediately Situ Yan and Wu Lingwei faced the eighth-level bear demon.

The female cultivator surnamed Jing and the old man from Shenyin Valley faced two seventh-level monsters respectively.

 “The fight finally started!”

At this moment, Chu Ning, who was hiding underground, felt relieved.

 It is about preparing to use the spiritual earth shadow escape technique to continue the earth escape and leave.

At this time, three more peak cultivators in the late Golden Core stage flew in from three different directions.

 The three of them were slightly stunned when they looked at the chaotic situation in front of them.

  After Wu Lingwei saw it, her face immediately showed a look of joy.

“Fellow Daoist Xiao, Fellow Daoist Xu, and Fellow Daoist Chen, hurry up and help us kill this monster together.”

 The three late-stage Jindan monks looked at each other, and they all wanted to take action.

 But it was at this time.


 With the sound of a huge gust of wind, a half-human, half-dragon eighth-level demon appeared again.

As soon as the demon appeared, its two eyes swept across the three of them, flashing a faint light.

 Then, the upper body directly transformed from the human form into the dragon shape, and the body suddenly became a bit bigger.

It turned into a huge black dragon, carrying the fishy wind, and rushed directly towards the three Jindan monks.

 “Another eighth-level monster!”

At this moment, both the monks fighting in the air and Chu Ning hiding underground looked surprised.

The key point is that Chu Ning can clearly feel that there are several amazing momentums approaching quickly towards this side at this time.

Two of them were the auras of monster beasts, and the other two, Chu Ning felt, were two Nascent Soul monks from the Phantom Sect.

"Come on! Come on, everyone! When the chaos becomes real, there will naturally be no big demons or high-level monks left in other places."

Chun Ning, who was originally ready to leave, simply stood still again.

 After a while, the bird demon and the leopard demon arrived almost at the same time.

They naturally felt the aura of Yuanying monk approaching quickly, and they all started to wait and see.

 And the three people from the Phantom Sect also followed closely.

“Eighth-level monsters! There are still four of them!”

The beautiful woman in red shirt couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw four eighth-level monsters.

The eighth-level monster with a bird's head looked at the beautiful woman in red shirt and the middle-aged man, and said something to everyone.

“Very good, originally we were just going to hunt down some Jindan monks, but we didn’t expect that even Nascent Soul monks would show up.

This is really an unexpected surprise, the hunting results of our trip can be increased again! "

 The middle-aged man snorted coldly at this moment.

“Hunting? Only us human monks have always been the ones to hunt and kill you monsters.

You eighth-level monsters are worthy of the word "hunting"? "

“Goo!!” When the bird demon heard this, he was instantly furious. He forgot to speak human words for a moment, and instead made a bird call.

At the same time, his body suddenly shook and turned into a giant green eagle.

This bird is clearly an eighth-level wind-attribute monster, the Green Wind Eagle.

 For monsters that have not yet fully transformed, their true form is their strongest form.

The middle-aged man looked serious at the moment. After taking a look at the situation, he turned to Guangdan Taisong and said:

“Nephew Song, leave these two monsters to us, and you can help deal with the bear monster!”

Tantai Songzheng had this intention. After all, Wu Lingwei was the first to call out the Lingming Fruit just now.

 “You two uncles, be careful!”

As Tantai Song spoke, the man flew up.

Looking at Tantai Song flying half the distance.

At this moment, the Qingfeng Eagle turned into a ray of green light and rushed directly towards the Tantai Song.

 “You evil beast, how dare you!”

When the middle-aged man saw this, he shouted loudly and struck out with both hands at the same time, hitting the green wind eagle with two yellow rays.

That Tantai Song also retreated quickly at this moment.

It’s just that the Qingfeng Eagle is known for its speed, and with a flash of blue light, the Eagle has already flown to Tantai Song and is following him.

Then the big wings flapped, and two huge gusts of wind swept towards Tantai Song.

Even though the young master of the Phantom Sect is a peak cultivator in the late Golden Core stage, he did not dare to directly resist the two huge winds.

He quickly activated his natal magic weapon, the Ice Demon Drum, to enlarge it and block it in front of him.

 “Dong dong!”

After the Ice Demon Valley made two loud noises, Tantai Song and his drum were directly overturned by the two huge winds.

 It hit the ground heavily.

At this moment, the green thunder eagle had already dodged the two yellow beams emitted by the middle-aged man and shot towards the Tantai Songshan Mountain again.

 When the middle-aged man and the beautiful woman in red shirt saw this, their expressions changed greatly, and they also came over with excitement.

 Just as the beautiful woman in red shirt started to move, she was blocked by the leopard-shaped monster.

Just when the Qingfeng Diao was about to grab Tantai Song on the ground with its sharp claws.

The middle-aged man finally arrived, and a yellow stick-shaped magic weapon in his hand was directly swept towards the giant claw of the green wind eagle.

At the same time, he pulled Tantai Song away with his hand.


With the sound of clothes tearing, Tantai Song was pulled away, but the robe on his chest was completely torn.

 A small storage bag was thrown far away and landed on the ground.

 This is where the top of Chu Ning’s head is hidden underground.

Although Chu Ning no longer uses his spiritual sense, the puppet bird from before is still there.

Seeing this, his eyes lit up slightly.

“But I don’t know if there is a control method for that simple little seal in this storage bag.”

 (End of this chapter)

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