My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 304: Photograph the fire on earth and reveal its traces

Chapter 304: Taking fire from the ground and showing signs

Seeing that the Fire Spirit Sword was about to fall into the magma.

A black chain suddenly appeared in Chu Ning's hand.

It is the black chain made of black black gold.

Chuning quickly threw the chain out, and the chain flew rapidly towards the Fire Spirit Sword.

 Caught up the falling Fire Spirit Sword.

At the same time, a burst of suction force suddenly burst out from Chu Ning's hand.

The black chain that was just thrown out flew back again.

As soon as the end of the black chain fell into his hand, Chu Ning immediately pulled hard.

The Fire Spirit Sword with the black chain that was about to touch the magma when it fell down was immediately pulled up high by this pull.

 Then he threw it behind Chu Ning's hand.

Out of the impact range of the magma breath, the Fire Spirit Sword was controlled by Chu Ning's induction again.

Chun Ning immediately stepped back quickly. At the same time, he reached out and took the Fire Spirit Sword into his hand.

 Indistinctly, a violent impact of fire energy seemed to be coming out of the body.

Chun Ning saw this, stretched out his hand and shot a magic spell, which landed on the spiritual sword.

 At the same time, his body quickly flew out of the cave.

Just after exiting this hundred-foot-long passage, we came back to the spacious cave outside.

 Chun Ning immediately paused again.

Looking at the Fire Spirit Sword in his hand, his expression changed slightly.

“The power of this earthly essence fire is too strong. It must be suppressed and refined immediately, otherwise the fire spirit sword will be damaged.”

With this thought flashing through his mind, Chu Ning immediately threw up the Fire Spirit Sword.

At the same time, he continued to play spells with both hands, forming a fire net.

At this time, Chu Ning stretched out his hand and pointed at the Fire Spirit Sword.

 Suddenly, the blazing sun bird that had been hidden in the sword flew out from the sword.

As soon as this spiritual bird appeared, it was completely destroyed by the impact of the earth's essence fire.

 And the red and purple leyline essence fire also shot straight towards the magma.

Seeing this, the fire net that Chu Ning had already formed quickly moved down towards the earth vein essence fire net.

The fire net traps the leyline essence fire.

However, the power of this fire was far beyond Chu Ning's expectation, and he actually wanted to forcefully fly away with the fire net.

When Chu Ning saw this, he flew up quickly and blocked his body in front of the fire.

  He raised his hands, and a wall of fire consisting of a huge fireball stood in front of him.

Taking advantage of the stalemate between the leyline essence fire and the fire wall.

Chun Ning's hands made secrets, and he continuously shot out a series of secrets that fell onto the earth's essence fire.

With the effect of Chu Ning's magic formula, this ball of essence fire finally began to slowly stabilize.

  While the wall of fire disappeared, the ball of essence fire also stayed motionless in the air.

Chun Ning's hands did not stop, and the magic formulas were still being shot out one after another, landing on the earth vein essence fire.

After Chu Ning fired nearly a hundred spells, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and made a move.

The ball of earth essence fire flew over and fell into his hands.

At this moment, the earth essence fire wrapped in Chu Ning's mana is still exuding powerful power.

Chu Ning could even feel that as long as the fire moved slightly, it could completely melt it.

“In fact, it is best to refine this essence at this time.

 But a few days may not be enough for me to refine this fire. "

Chuning stared at the essence fire, his eyes flickering slightly.

“If this is the case, then this fire can be sealed.

 It will be slowly refined after the grain is harvested. "

Hold the fire ball cautiously, Chu Ning formed seals with his hands, and at the same time, he uttered obscure spells in his mouth.

 Handprints that were completely different from the ones before fell on this ball of essence fire.

It took more than half a day, and this ball of essence fire was finally enveloped in a ball of four-color light.

It is the sealing restriction condensed by Chu Ning's Five Elements Chaos Art.

 Feeling that the aura in this light group was relatively stable, Chu Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he still did not dare to be careless.

 Hand took out a separate storage bag and put the sealed fire in it.

He didn’t want to think that if something unexpected happened midway, if the leyline fire broke out, all the contents of his storage bag would be scrapped.

“In total, I have been delayed in this cave for nearly a day.

There are still six days until the blizzard appears again, but I don’t know where to look for Jiuyi Jin. "

Chun Ning thought about it while quickly flying towards the entrance of the cave.

Although being able to ingest the earth essence fire was far beyond his imagination.

And if this fire can be refined, there is a high probability that it can melt a piece of black black gold.

 This is definitely an unexpected surprise for Chu Ning.

However, Jiuyi Gold is the most important main material for refining the Golden Spirit Sword. If it cannot be found, Chu Ning will also be unable to refine it.

 After leaving the cave, Chu Ning thought for a while and did not go out.

 Instead, we headed west along the mountain wall outside the cave entrance.

Although Snow Mist Valley is extremely vast inside, the overall direction is from north to south.

At this moment, there is no way to go further north. The towering mountain wall that reaches as far as the eye can see is more like some kind of barrier.

But since someone has seen Jiuyi Gold in the deepest part before.

Maybe after several openings, the terrain is different from before, but Chu Ning feels that Jiuyi Jin may appear.

It will only be at the northern end near the depth.

Since Chu Ning is already in the far east at this moment, if he goes west, there is hope that he can detect the Jiuyi Gold.

The only thing that caused Chu Ning a little trouble was that the golden-winged spirit butterfly could not be released in such an environment.

 Fortunately, he has ice and fire silk armor and a bracelet that resists the power of space.

 Exploring as you walk, it doesn’t matter if you walk slower.


Just as Chu Ning was exploring the deepest part of the valley, he didn't know that the valley was already in chaos.

“The seventh-level blue sea eagle is obviously a monster that can only be found in the open sea. How come it appears in this snowy and foggy valley?

 And there are still two of them when they appear. "

 A late-stage Jindan monk hurriedly avoided the attacks of two seventh-level monsters.

However, facing the siege of two seventh-level monsters, no matter how hard he tried, he could not escape being torn apart by the two monsters, and finally the golden elixir exploded.

On the other side, an old-looking late-stage golden elixir peak had just emerged from the deep blizzard area.

Even though this person is already the best among the Golden elixir monks in this trip, it seems that it is not easy to enter this blizzard.

 At this moment, he removed the mana shield that was outside his body.

 Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

 But the next moment, his expression moved slightly, and he looked to the left and ahead with vigilance.

 However, when he looked intently, the old man's eyes suddenly widened and he exclaimed in surprise.

 “The great demon in disguise!”

But at this moment, not far to the side, there is a monster with human body and bird head standing.

It is impressively an eighth-level transformed demon that is comparable to a Nascent Soul cultivator.

“It came out just in time, but I’m a little bored waiting here.”

 The big bird-headed demon looked at the old man and said something that made the old man shiver all over.

 The next moment, the old man fled forward quickly.

He has stayed in the peak realm of the late Golden Core for too long. It is precisely because of this that he knows more about how terrifying the transformed demon is that is comparable to the existence of Yuanying monks.

 It’s just that he is faster, but this bird-shaped monster is even faster.

With just a flash of his body, he was already chasing behind the white-haired old man.

 While waving his hands, a surging demonic power condensed in his hands.

The hands suddenly turned into claws and grabbed hard at the white-haired old man.

When the white-haired old man saw this, he didn't dare to run away anymore, and hurriedly drove the magic weapon to meet the bird demon's claws.

 It's just that the magic weapon that was invincible before was directly shot down under these claws.

 The aura on it suddenly became a little weaker.

However, the bird demon's hands had no effect at all, and it grabbed heavily with a surging demonic power of wind attribute.


This peak cultivator in the late Golden Core stage, even if he immediately built a defensive shield, he was directly and seriously injured by such a catch.

 After a few rounds, the old man was killed directly by the claws of this bird-shaped monster.

This is already the case for the late Jindan monks, not to mention the other monks.

 After many monsters entered, they quickly massacred many monks.

 The foundation-building monks on the periphery bear the brunt of the attack, followed by the golden elixir monks.

 Nearly every monk faces monsters of a higher level than himself and does not have much resistance at all.

At this moment, only the peak cultivator in the late Golden Core stage deep in the blizzard could not feel the danger coming.

 The four eighth-level monsters seemed unwilling to enter the blizzard.

 They guarded the periphery of the blizzard area in sections, and were killed one by one whenever monsters appeared.

But at this time, deep in the blizzard, there were not only peak cultivators in the late Golden Core stage.

Outside a cave where hurricane winds are constantly blowing out, three people, two men and one woman, are standing.

They were the three people from the Phantom Sect who later entered the Snow Mist Valley.

The beautiful woman in red shirt stood calmly in the blizzard, with a mana shield covering her body.

The blizzard that was very difficult for a peak cultivator in the late Golden Core stage to withstand, but she seemed to have enough energy to resist it.

Beside her, the middle-aged man in fine clothes also released a defensive shield, but Tantai Song was also covered in it.

Tantai Song looked at the cave, his eyes flickering.

“If the Huang Ting Seal is not lost, with this treasure, even I can directly enter this cave to explore.

But now, even the two uncles dare not enter the cave at will. What if there is the Spiritual Bright Fruit in the cave? "

As if she could read Tantai Song's thoughts, a dignified look flashed in the eyes of the beautiful woman in red.

“Nephew Song, the power of the space storm in this cave is too strong, there is really no need for us to take risks.

The Lingming Fruit is usually found in a place where the spiritual energy is abundant and pure. The power of space here is so violent that it is really not a place where the Lingming Fruit grows. "

The middle-aged man in fine clothes nodded and agreed: "Yes, I just used my consciousness to explore inside.

 Probably we can only explore less than 300 feet. This cave is very different from other caves.

 It's really weird. I suspect that the snowstorm in this valley is related to this cave.

 It’s better not to go in. "

When Tantai Song heard both of them saying this, he could only nod slightly and said:

“Okay, let’s continue walking eastward.

This time I have been searching for so long, and I have found some other treasures, but they are not particularly rare.

  Could it be that the Lingming Fruit was really just a lie? "

As he spoke, Tantai Song’s eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

 Immediately, the three of them headed east.

 After waiting for the three of them to walk out for a long time, a figure cautiously appeared at the entrance of the cave.

Looking at the direction in which the three of them were leaving, Chu Ning had an extremely solemn expression on his face.

“I had never seen Tantai Songjingu before, so why did he appear here?

Moreover, the two people beside him were actually Yuanying monks! "

The Yuanying monk actually appeared in this snowy fog valley, which undoubtedly surprised Chu Ning.

Had it not been for the fact that he had been using the Forbidden God Technique just now, he would have noticed the spiritual scans of several people in advance.

Then he took the bracelet left by Master Jiuyan and hid in the cave first.

 It’s really troublesome.

But as the two Nascent Soul monks from the Phantom Sect said, this cave is indeed weird.

Even though Chu Ning was wearing the bracelet, he only dared to enter the cave within 600 feet.

 He could clearly feel that further ahead, the huge storm formed by the power of space would tear him apart.

 Fortunately, several monks from the Phantom Sect still had scruples and did not go deep into the cave to explore.

At this moment, Chu Ning raised his head and looked in the direction outside the valley, and then looked in the west direction. After a slight hesitation, he still walked towards the west side.

“There are actually caves at a distance in the depths of this snow-fog valley, and each cave contains powers of different attributes.

 The spiritual strength of each cave is completely different.

Having just walked straight along, I have passed through the power of fire spirit, earth spirit and now the power of space.

 Among them, the cave spiritual power of the soil spiritual power is normal. He went deep to the bottom. Apart from obtaining a few good materials and elixirs, there was nothing unusual about it.

The fire spiritual power is second, but the magma at the bottom cannot be entered by itself.

 The cave with the power of space is the strongest, and it cannot even go deep. Such a structure is really strange. "

Chun Ning looked surprised at this moment. He speculated that if he walked forward, there might be caves with other spiritual powers.

“A few people from the Phantom Sect walked eastward. They searched several caves over there, but they must have gained nothing.

 But equally, the west side may have been swept by them or other monks.

However, if you are just looking for Jiuyi Gold, you may not have no chance.

  After all, I have the Golden Winged Spirit Butterfly, so I still have an advantage in detecting metallic treasures. "

Of course, for Chu Ning, what is more important at this moment is that Xuewu Valley is the only place where he can get accurate information about Jiuyi Gold.

 When he went out again, he didn't know where to look.

 Continuing to move forward, Chu Ning’s ideas also received some confirmation.

As expected, some of the caves here have been searched. Chu Ning found nothing in the water and wind caves.

At this time, what surprised Chu Ning was that he encountered another cave with the power of space.

But this made Chu Ning's eyes move slightly.

“When the three members of the Phantom Sect encountered the cave with the power of space, it seemed like they were seeing it for the first time.

Perhaps they entered through the middle area, and they may not have been to the caves farther west. "

Thinking of this, Chu Ning perked up.

 He sensed the storm of space power again. After feeling that the space power inside was too strong as before, he chose to withdraw first.

 Continuing to head west, he also took two pills to restore mana.

 As a poor man who has been in this blizzard all the time, even though he has many means, his mana is still consumed quickly.

 After walking like this for half a day, Chu Ning once again saw a cave.

 When Chu Ning stepped into the cave, his eyes suddenly lit up.

“What a surging golden spiritual power! The cave here is made of metal, and the spiritual power is not weak!”

But then, Chu Ning frowned slightly, and it looked like the cave had been explored.

Chun Ning scanned with his consciousness and found that there were obvious traces of the elixir being dug up in several places.

"I'm afraid that the Jiuyi gold will be poached by others."

Chun Ning muttered, but even so, he still directly released the golden-winged spirit butterfly.

After the spirit butterfly appeared, it may have sensed the rich metallic aura, and it immediately flew happily.

 Then, he flew directly towards a stone wall about a hundred feet away deep in the cave.

 Watching the spiritual butterfly hovering on the wall, Chu Ning tried to use his spiritual sense to explore it.

 It’s just that as soon as the consciousness touches the wall, it is directly blocked.

 The next moment, his eyes flashed, he took out the flying sword and quickly dug it out.

After digging about five or six feet in this way, a green-gold object appeared in front of Chu Ning.

 “Lapis Lazuli!”

 Seeing this material, Chu Ning felt a little disappointed at first, but the next moment she felt a little hopeful.

The golden-winged spirit butterfly can indeed play its role. This butterfly can discover these treasures buried in the wall that cannot be detected with spiritual consciousness.

Immediately, Chu Ning directed the golden-winged spirit butterfly to continue exploring along the cave.

 After walking forward for about three hundred feet, Chu Ning already had five more pieces of metallic weapon-making materials in his hands.

Either the transfer is buried in the stone wall or buried underground.

“The metallic aura here is even stronger, and it has actually condensed the Gengjin aura!”

Chun Ning thought in his heart, and the void grabbed forward, and suddenly a trace of Gengjin Qi was condensed into Chu Ning's hand.

Just when Chu Ning was ready to go further down and gather more Gengjin Qi.

The golden-winged spirit butterfly flapped its wings and stopped at one place.

Chun Ning immediately took out the flying sword skillfully and dug up the ground several feet.

 Chuning's side had just dug up the rocks on the ground, and a ray of golden light came out directly.

 “This is...Jiuyi gold!”

Chun Ning's face flashed with joy at this moment, and he quickly used his magic sword to break all the rocks on the side.

 A piece of golden material, the size of a baby's head, appeared in front of Chu Ning.

This object has nine sides in total, each side is extremely smooth, and golden light shines through.

 It is the Jiuyi Gold that Chu Ning has been thinking about! !

Chuning took Jiuyi Gold in his hand and looked at it carefully, and then there was a smile on his face.

“This piece of Jiuyi gold is not only large enough, but also of extremely high quality, enough to refine a golden spirit sword!”

Putting it away in the storage bag, Chu Ning looked at the rich metallic aura in front of her and pondered slightly.

At this moment, he had two choices. One was to continue exploring westward.

 See if you can find the rumored Spiritual Brightness Fruit, or go to the far west to see where Di Yan claims to have the Source Stone.

 The other is to absorb and refine some Gengjin Qi here and leave the Snow Fog Valley as soon as possible.

Two thoughts passed through Chu Ning's mind, and soon Chu Ning made up his mind to walk deeper into the cave.

It has been six days since we entered the Snow Fog Valley, and it has only been four days since the snowstorm at the mouth of this valley reappeared.

In order to allow enough time to get out of the valley, Chu Ning only had about half a day left at this moment.

He didn’t know whether the Lingming Fruit was real or not. Even if it was real, Chu Ning didn’t know where to look for it in the next half day.

As for the cave where the Origin Stone appeared, it is hard to say whether it is still at the westernmost point after this geographical change.

From here, Chu Ning didn’t know how long it would take to get there. Although he was a little curious, he thought about it and decided not to take the risk.

 Continue walking deeper into the cave.

Other than the rich golden spiritual energy, there are no other abnormalities in this cave.

Chun Ning walked into the deepest place and released the two golden thunder eagles to absorb the golden spiritual energy.

 Sitting cross-legged, he kept grasping with his hands to attract the wisps of Gengjin Qi into his body, preparing for refining after leaving it.

  After such a scene for half a day, Chu Ning walked out of the valley without any nostalgia.

Even though there is still endless Gengjin Qi in this cave, Chu Ning has absorbed enough this time.

The road out of the valley is full of unknowns, so he still has to act in advance.

Out of the cave, Chu Ning no longer continued walking westward, but went straight into the snowstorm and headed towards the outside.

“The intensity of the cold power and space power in the snowstorm has been increased.”

At this moment, Chu Ning's heart trembled slightly, and he directly used the Thunder Step and swept forward quickly.

It wasn’t until he got out of the blizzard that Chu Ning discovered that the area of ​​​​the blizzard was obviously larger than before.

 There was only ten miles of land before, but now it is nearly fifteen or sixteen miles.


 The moment he left the blizzard area, Chu Ning keenly noticed that a powerful spiritual consciousness swept across his body.

Although Chu Ning has already cast the Forbidden God Technique, which can block this divine consciousness.

 But the intensity of this spiritual consciousness still surprised Chu Ning.

“Such a powerful spiritual consciousness must be at the level of a Nascent Soul monk. Otherwise, with my spiritual consciousness comparable to that of a peak monk in the late Golden Core stage, I wouldn’t be able to block even the Forbidden Divine Technique.

 But the spiritual consciousness that just swept across did not look like a Yuanying monk, but like...a monster! "

 Shocked, Chu Ning retreated into the blizzard almost instantly, thinking that the blizzard had the effect of shielding his spiritual consciousness.

At this moment, Chu Ning’s face was filled with uncertainty.

If his guess just now was correct, then this monster is an eighth-level monster comparable to the Yuanying monk!

“In addition to the appearance of Yuanying monks in the Snow Fog Valley, there is also an eighth-level demon. What is going on?”

Chun Ning was full of doubts in her heart, and her spiritual consciousness did not dare to directly explore it at this moment.

After thinking for a while, Chu Ning used the Forbidden God Technique to walk out of the blizzard again. After placing an object on the ground, he restrained his breath and quickly used the Spirit Earth Shadow Escape Technique to drill into the ground.

 The next moment, an extremely lifelike puppet bird flew up from the ground.

It is the puppet bird that Chu Ning already had when he was in Qingxi Sect.

It’s just that compared with before, after Chu Ning refining it when he was learning the art of weapon refining in Jiuhua Sect, this puppet bird is more realistic and can be controlled at a longer distance, reaching a range of nearly a thousand feet.

At the same time, Chu Ning also added some concealing and shielding magic circles on it.

Even a Golden Core cultivator may not be able to detect the existence of this puppet bird at will without directly seeing it with the naked eye.

 When Chu Ning hid underground and used the puppet bird to explore the situation on the ground, his eyes suddenly widened.

But when the puppet bird only flew eight to nine hundred feet away, a large demon in disguise suddenly appeared in the line of sight, with a human body and bear legs!

 (End of this chapter)

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