Chapter 293 Show off your skills

 Finished the red fire crow.

 The only other one-eyed dragon fish left was no match for Chu Ning.

 At this moment, Chu Ning doesn’t have many flashy attacks.

 He directly combined the three flying swords into one and slashed at the one-eyed dragon fish.

 At first, the sixth-level dragon fish could resist the two swords.

Subsequently, after Chu Ning's magic weapon continued to bombard the beast, the monster was directly killed by Chu Ning!

 It is really not difficult for Chu Ning to kill people of the same level.

At this moment, Chu Ning raised his head and looked at the threatening and approaching demon not far away.

His eyes also flickered slightly.

“There is another metallic monster!”

Normally, it would be difficult for Chu Ning to find so many monsters. At this moment, these monsters came to his door.

Chun Ning immediately took the initiative to greet him.

Although the four Chang Lingshan were injured, they were still middle-stage Jindan monks.

 It is not a big problem to deal with several fifth-level monsters one-on-one.

Just as the four of them were killing the monsters in front of them one by one, they were preparing to see if they wanted to help Chu Ning.

However, he was shocked to find that at this moment, Chu Ning had actually killed two sixth-order monsters and faced another sixth-order monster flying from a distance.

 “Those two monsters are left to you!”

After saying these words, Chu Ning rushed towards the metallic sixth-order monster flying in the air.

Chang Lingshan looked at each other, and in groups of two, they faced the other two sixth-order monsters that flew to the island at this moment.

Choosing to fight the monsters a little away from the island was naturally because Chu Ning did not want to get too close and expose too many methods to a few people.

Chun Ning chose to face a golden-winged centipede.

It is dozens of times the size of an ordinary centipede. It was driven by the summons of the big demon among the demon clan, and it flew from a distant island.

And what made this demon a little stunned was.

It was obviously far away, but it flew over at this moment, but it didn't feel the breath of other monsters.

Instead, he watched a monk flying towards him.

The golden-winged centipede immediately flapped its wings and swooped forward.

 When he was still dozens of feet away from Chu Ning, he sprayed out streams of poisonous mist from his mouth.

The wings flapped wildly, and the poisonous mist instantly gathered into the shape of a sharp sword like a tail needle.

 shooting towards Chu Ning.

But the condensed poisonous mist had only flown halfway when a giant sword had already flown over.

 As the three-color light flashed, all the poisonous mist disappeared immediately.

 The giant sword slashed at the sixth-order golden-winged centipede again.

It was only at this moment that this sixth-level monster suddenly realized something was wrong.

But it was already too late. What greeted him was a violent storm of attacks.

 In just a moment, this metallic sixth-order monster was beheaded by Chu Ning.

Chun Ning took advantage of the moment when the demon just died and quickly absorbed the Gengjin Qi from its body so that it could be refined later.

The demon's body was also directly put into the storage bag by Chu Ning.

 With his spiritual consciousness released, Chu Ning felt it carefully.

“There are two more monsters coming from the east. They are both fifth-level monsters, but one of them is metallic, and that’s mine.

This is only a sixth-level monster in the south. Although it is not metallic, the demon elixir can also be used to refine elixirs yourself. "

After feeling it carefully, Chu Ning’s figure flashed one after another.

People have already fled.

 About half a quarter of an hour later, Chu Ning flew back to the island.

However, they saw Chang Lingshan and the four people still fiercely fighting two sixth-level monsters.

However, the four of them were injured and could not exert their full strength.

Even though the two of them attacked a sixth-level monster together, the monster was covered with wounds but could not be killed.

Seeing Chu Ning come back, everyone's expressions became much more relaxed.

 They just saw Chu Ning leaving suddenly, and they were really afraid that Chu Ning would leave just now.

However, after seeing that Chu Ning had obviously gone elsewhere to kill the monster and returned.

 But the four of them couldn't kill two sixth-level monsters even though they worked together, and everyone couldn't help but feel a little worried.

As a result, several people used their magic weapons to attack powerfully.

 Finally, both monsters were killed.

 Immediately, everyone began to collect the loot one after another.

 The four of them took away several fifth-level monsters, as well as the two sixth-level monsters that they jointly killed later.

And the two sixth-level monsters that Chu Ning killed naturally belonged to him.

 However, before a few people could breathe a sigh of relief, the next moment, their expressions changed slightly.

At this time, they had already sensed another monster flying from a distance.

A few people looked at each other, and the next moment, Chang Lingshan said helplessly:

"We'd better hide in the formation first. Our injuries haven't healed yet, so we really shouldn't fight anymore."

Hearing this, Chu Ning turned his head and said to several people:

“Those fellow Taoists, you guys should go hide in the formation first, and I’ll go and kill these monsters first.”

As he spoke, Chu Ning flew out and disappeared from everyone's eyes in the blink of an eye.

Several people looked at each other, but they entered the formation one after another.

 After a while, several people saw Chu Ning rushing back and flying towards the other side.

Looking at it like that, it was obvious that the monsters in one direction had just been eliminated.

Wu Rongfeng finally couldn't help but asked:

"Fellow Taoists, is Chu Daoyou really in the middle stage of the Golden Core? How can a middle-stage Golden Core kill a sixth-order monster so easily? I'm afraid the late Golden Core can only be like this, right?"

 “Late stage of Jindan?” Hearing Wu Rongfeng’s words, Chang Lingshan shook his head.

“Even an ordinary late-stage golden elixir cannot kill these sixth-level monsters so easily.

Don’t forget, when Brother Chu faced two sixth-order monsters just now, it was easier than us to kill the fifth-order monsters. "

Hearing what Chang Lingshan said, Wu Rongfeng couldn't help but look surprised and suspicious.

“Could it be that Fellow Daoist Chu is actually a late-stage Jindan monk, hiding his cultivation?”

Chang Lingshan shook his head again.

“This is impossible. I have known Daoist friend Chu for nearly ten years. He was an early stage Golden Elixir monk.

 No matter how fast one practices, it is impossible to reach the late Golden Elixir stage in such a short period of time.

 He should still be a middle-stage Jindan monk, and he has indeed made a breakthrough not long ago.

It’s just that I don’t know what kind of skills and secrets I have practiced, but the power of my magical powers is really astonishing! "

Speaking of this, Chang Lingshan smiled bitterly and said:

“Actually, we have never seen him take action before. When he was in the early stage of Jindan, his methods must have been amazing.

The last time I chatted with fellow Daoist Chu when the Snow Mist Valley was open, I even advised him not to think about entering. It is not appropriate to enter the valley in the early stage of the Golden Elixir.

 Now that I think about it, I feel really ashamed! "

After all, these people are not familiar with Chu Ning. When they heard Chang Lingshan talk about it, they couldn't help but ask a few more questions.

When I heard that Chu Ning never left the cave in the first seven or eight years, but in the past ten years, he only left the cave once or twice a year.

 The rest of the time was spent practicing hard in the cave, and I couldn't help but smack my lips secretly.

After hearing this, Han Shihong also sighed with emotion:

“I think that along the way, I have been diligent in cultivation, but compared with fellow Taoist Chu, my determination to cultivate and seek the truth this time is far inferior.”

A few people were chatting and Chu Ning was filled with emotion.

At this moment, Chu Ning was constantly running around the island, killing the monsters that kept coming.

That's a joy.

  After all, it was not easy to find so many monsters before.

 Away from the battle between the center and the periphery of the island, Chu Ning's methods did not require too much concealment.

Five Elements Spiritual Sword, Golden Armor Divine Shadow Fist, Void Finger, Nine-Evolution Body Refining Technique, Five Secret Techniques, Illusion God Thorn...

At this moment, Chu Ning is constantly integrating and using various magical powers and secret techniques that he can master.

 After more than decades of hard training, Chu Ning has mastered many secrets of cultivation.

  But never had the opportunity to fully demonstrate its use.

 When facing an enemy, those who are in a similar or inferior realm to him will often use one or two secret killing moves to determine the outcome.

 For those whose realm is higher than his, even if they kill, they usually use some foreign objects before.

At this moment, many fifth-level and sixth-level monsters gave Chu Ning ample opportunities to practice.

Especially when he occasionally encounters three or four sixth-level monsters, the power of his various secret techniques is fully unleashed.


When Chu Ning finally killed the two sixth-order monsters that arrived last.

 He couldn't help but laugh.

Then it turned into a blue light and flew towards Naling Island.

At this moment, there are two sixth-level monsters and two fifth-level monsters attacking the formation restriction on the island. With the strength of Chang Lingshan and the others, it is not impossible to go out into battle to kill these monsters.

However, several people were worried that other monsters would arrive, and the formation could resist them, so they simply stayed in the formation and did not come out.

Chuning flew to the top of the island and saw what was happening, and the three flying swords in his hands were activated at the same time.

 Suddenly turned into three rays of red, green, and yellow light, heading towards a sixth-level monster and two fifth-level monsters to kill.

 The three monster beasts saw the flying sword coming, felt its power, and fled away one after another.

The four Chang Lingshan people in the formation saw several monsters scattered in all directions, and their eyes showed curiosity, wanting to see how Chu Ning responded.

Although they just knew that Chu Ning had killed many monsters.

But either they were also facing the enemy when Chu Ning killed the monster, or Chu Ning was too far away and didn't see clearly.

 In their expectation, Chu Ning might first kill the sixth-level monster that escaped the fastest, and then kill the other two.

To everyone's surprise, Chu Ning pointed a finger, and the speed of the three flying swords suddenly accelerated.

 Each one is to hunt down a monster.

The speed is so fast that it far exceeds the flight speed of the three monster beasts at this moment. Even the sixth-order monster beast cannot escape at all at this moment!

 In the blink of an eye, he was overtaken by Feijian!

But it was the three flying swords controlled by Chu Ning using the distraction technique. After this battle, the speed increased again.

At this moment, after realizing that they could not escape the attack of the flying sword, several monster beasts used their magic skills to shoot down Chu Ning's flying sword.

However, Chu Ning's flying sword mixed with black black gold, driven by his strong magic power, is so powerful that a fifth-order and sixth-order monster can withstand it.

 The attacks of the three monster beasts collapsed one after another after coming into contact with Chu Ning's flying sword.

The sixth-level demonic beast reacted very quickly and spit out the demonic elixir, hitting Chu Ning's flying sword and deflecting the flying sword slightly.

On the other two sides, as the green and yellow rays of light flashed out, the bodies of the two fifth-level monster beasts were instantly pierced.

Immediately, Chu Ning, who deliberately controlled not to smash the sixth-level monster demon pill, pinched the magic formula in his hand.

Three flying swords flew at the same time, slaying the sixth-order monster from three directions!


 At this time, Wu Rongfeng in the formation couldn't help but exclaimed.

But it was another sixth-order mountain mink eagle that saw Chu Ning distractedly using his magic weapon to fight against the three monsters. At this moment, it flew towards Chu Ning.

When Chu Ning saw this, he didn't panic at all and continued to drive the flying sword with his left hand.

 The right fist kept punching out.

 One after another, the golden-armored divine shadow fists containing Gengjin energy were blasted out, so close that the mountain mink eagle could not get close at all!

At this moment, the sixth-level monster that just flew away was attacked by Chu Ning's three flying swords. Even if it used the monster pill, it would inevitably be killed directly.

The sixth-order Mountain Diao Ying, who had failed to attack Chu Ning, finally realized that something was wrong.

 After Chu Ning struck down with a punch, the demon immediately flapped its wings to fly away.

 But how could Chu Ning let it escape like this.

 Using Kamikaze Escape, the figure flashed and he was already chasing after him.

The sixth-order mountain mink eagle was obviously surprised when he saw how fast Chu Ning was flying.


After the demon let out a scream, it plunged headlong into the island below.

Then he retracted his wings and transformed into an entity similar to a mountain marten, which burrowed directly into the soil.

The speed is even faster than its previous flight.

This was the first time Chu Ning had seen a winged monster with such excellent earth escape skills.

However, this demon's attempt to escape in front of him was obviously a wrong idea.

Withdrawing the magical flying sword that had flown in front of him, Chu Ning immediately followed the demon and fell, and Chu Ning's body sank directly into the earth.

The spirit earth shadow escape technique was launched, and he chased the monster directly.

At the same time, he opened his mouth and sprayed out, and the earth spirit sword was activated again.

The attack of the earth-attributed spiritual sword in this soil became more and more fierce, and it directly slashed at the sixth-level monster in front.

 After a few rounds, this sixth-order mountain mink eagle was killed by Chu Ning.

And Chu Ning also carried the corpse of the monster directly out of the ground.

 The time before and after is just a few breaths.

 In the formation, Chang Lingshan and the others looked more and more shocked at this moment.

No one saw how Chu Ning killed the monster before.

At this moment, everyone felt that Chu Ning's magical power was even more powerful.

Seeing that Chu Ning had already started to collect the corpses of these monsters on the island, Chang Ling Shanshou took the forbidden jade token and took several people out of the formation.

The people stood there in silence, waiting for Chu Ning to put away all the monster corpses, and then walked up to them with a calm expression.

Chang Lingshan then said with a complex expression and a bit of admiration:

“Brother Chu, I just saw your magical power today, it’s really amazing!”

Han Shihong immediately echoed and said:

“That’s right, whether it’s magic weapons or magical powers, Fellow Daoist Chu is far superior to the mid-Jindan monks, which is an eye-opener for us.”

 He Yongzhi and Wu Rongfeng also praised him one after another.

Chu Ning smiled lightly at this moment and said:

“It’s nothing, several of them are injured. When the formation exploded before, the lightning attack was blocked by the golden and silver birds in front of them, so the injuries were not that serious.

Although there are many of these monsters, they do not know how to attack together, and they come scattered. In fact, they are almost the same as fighting alone. "

Of course, Chu Ning also knew that after showing some tricks today, some people might not only be grateful to him, but also feel a little bit afraid of him.

But I don’t care about it at all.

Although he used all his methods to kill these monsters today, these people didn't really see much.

They have not seen any of the secret techniques such as Void Finger, Illusion God Thorn, Jiuyan Body Refining Technique, etc.

 At the same time, it is not without benefit to yourself to show some strength appropriately.

Of course, Chu Ning actually felt that there was a high probability that these people would not publicize today’s incident everywhere.

 After all, we are all middle-stage Jindan monks, so publicizing it like this would seem to be too cowardly.

The few people saw Chu Ning leading him by so calmly, so they stopped talking.

Chang Lingshan turned to ask at this moment:

“Brother Chu, are there any monsters coming now?”

Chuning released his spiritual consciousness and sensed it, shook his head and said:

  “Not detected yet.

 Actually, Chu Ning still had something left to say.

This time he killed thirty-four sixth-level monsters alone. Adding in the fifth-level monsters, there were probably hundreds of them.

Even though the Zhonghai area is very large, there are many fifth- and sixth-level monsters.

 Having killed so many monsters in a short period of time, there won’t be any more monsters coming for a while.

Hearing this, Chang Lingshan immediately breathed a sigh of relief and suggested:

"In this case, we might as well return to the city quickly to avoid causing further trouble."

The rest of the people had no objections, and the five of them immediately flew towards the inland sea area.

The journey was uneventful. After flying to the islands in the inland sea, the five of them returned directly to the lower city of the Fairy City in Iceland with the help of the teleportation array.

 The five of them are all middle-stage Jindan monks, so naturally they all live in the upper city.

After passing the Shengxian Terrace and arriving at the upper city, they said goodbye to each other and parted.

“Fellow Daoist Chu, thanks to your intervention, my wife and I can come back safely. If you need us for anything in the future, just ask us.”

 At this time, He Yongzhi and Wu Rongfeng expressed their gratitude to Chu Ning again.

When Chu Ning heard this, he planned to say a few polite words.

But after a second thought, he said again:

“Fellow Taoist, you are very polite. I do need some materials for refining the weapon. If any of you have any news, please let me know.”

With that said, Chu Ning revealed the Jiuyi Gold and Xingrui Sand that were still missing for refining the Golden Spirit Sword.

Before He Yongzhi could speak, Wu Rongfeng had already said:

“Don’t worry, Taoist friend Chu, I’ll ask around and if there is any news, I will tell you Taoist friend as soon as possible.”

They parted without saying any more polite words.

Chu Ning and Chang Lingshan went towards the cave together. When they walked outside the cave, Chang Lingshan stopped and said:

“Brother Chu, He Yongzhi and Wu Rongfeng and his wife are very close friends, and Wu Rongfeng and Wu Daoyou have some relationship with Shenyin Valley.

If they really bother to search, they might actually be able to help you find the remaining materials. "

Chuning was a little surprised when he heard this.

“Then Wu Daoyou has some relationship with Shenyin Valley? Why did he become a casual cultivator in this fairy city in Iceland?”

“I don’t know this.” Chang Lingshan shook his head.

Chun Ning stopped asking, and was more expecting the other party to bring him some good news.

The two said goodbye outside the cave, and Chu Ning returned to his cave.

First plant the Snow Crystal Zhi back, then release the Golden Thunder Eagle, and take out some monster meat for the two eagles to eat.

At this time, he came to the spacious yard, took out the monsters one by one, and then started to take the demon pills.

Just after a while, a bunch of demon pills appeared in front of Chu Ning.

 (End of this chapter)

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