My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 292: A little action will shock everyone

Chapter 292 A little action shocked everyone

Chun Ning and others are naturally unaware of everything that is happening around the island.

Several people quickly fled towards the Zhonghai area.

 Fortunately, although the island where the Golden Silver Bird practices is located in the outer sea, it is not very far from the central sea area.

 So not long after, the five people had flown into the Zhonghai area.

This made everyone feel a little relieved.

 Compared to the outer sea, although the spiritual energy here is mixed, there are also many monsters.

 But monsters above the eighth level cannot enter due to some reasons, and there are almost no seventh-level monsters.

These people are all in the middle stage of the Golden Core, and lower level monsters will pose less of a threat to them. .

“How about we go to the island where we gathered earlier and have a rest?”

 At this time, Chang Lingshan suggested.

They were accidentally injured by the thunder that was triggered by the formation. They had no time to recover, so they continued to consume mana and rush on their way.

His normally smiling face was now so pale and ugly.

 Most of the other people were like this too, so they all agreed one after another.

Although Chu Ning was not injured, there was no need to adjust his breath at this moment.

 But he would not raise any objections at this time.

 The four of them immediately flew towards the island where they had met Kong Yipeng before.

That Kong Yipeng did not remove the formation equipment when he left before, so the formation is still there at this moment.

After flying into the island, Chang Lingshan took everyone to the place where Kong Yipeng had set up the formation.

 Then he took out a jade tablet from the storage bag and said:

“Originally, Fellow Daoist Kong also thought that this expulsion might consume more mana, so he intended to rest here when he returned to the Fairy City in Iceland.

I also gave Chang a forbidden jade tablet to drive the formation in advance. Fellow Taoists, how about we go to the formation to adjust our breath and heal our injuries? "

The others had no objection, and Chu Ning followed suit after hearing this.

To be honest, although the formation that everyone set up just now did not kill the golden and silver bird, it instead caused a thunder disaster when the golden and silver bird transformed.

 But Chu Ning still recognized its power.

 I am still somewhat curious about the formation laid out by Kong Yipeng.

Hence, Chang Lingshan took the jade sign to break the restriction, and everyone followed him into the formation.

 Perhaps it is because it is only used for temporary meditation and practice, so the range covered by the formation is not too wide.

 Only twenty feet away.

 But the inside is quite messy, with various stones piled up.

There are also obvious signs of paintings being written on the ground and then destroyed.

“It seems that Kong Yipeng has deduced the formation here before.”

Chu Ning murmured to himself. It could be seen from these things that Kong Yipeng might have stayed here for some time before.

No wonder that when the monks were summoned to the fairy city in Iceland, Chang Lingshan was entrusted with the whole process.

 After entering the formation, several people found a place to sit down cross-legged.

Chang Lingshan seemed to have a close relationship with Kong Yipeng, and when he saw these things, he looked a little sad.

People also sighed and said:

“Daoist Kong, a friend of Tian Zong, a prodigy, entered Taoism through formation and practiced to the late stage of Jindan. He also turned disasters into good fortunes along the way.

This time I want to kill the golden and silver bird, but I still want to give it another try to see if I can get the chance to break through to the Nascent Soul stage.

who knows…"

 Speaking of this, Chang Lingshan sighed lightly.

“The great road is impermanent, and monks like us don’t know which one will come first, chance or accident.”

 Hearing what Chang Lingshan said, everyone was silent.

 Everyone present has reached the middle stage of Golden Elixir cultivation, and there is no one who has not experienced the edge of life and death.

 Don’t say far, let’s just say it was just now, and it didn’t mean he almost lost his life.

Na Chang Lingshan sighed with emotion, but it only took a short while before he returned to normal.

“Fellow Taoists, Brother Chang and Kong invited you to take risks this time, although there was an accident in the end.

 But all the Taoist friends have tried their best, and the rewards promised to everyone before must not be less. "

As he spoke, Chang Lingshan took out several things from the storage bag, which were exactly the rewards that Kong Yipeng showed to everyone here before.

 Chang Ling raised his hand, and several things flew into the hands of several people.

Chun Ning was holding the piece of marigold wood in his hand.

Seeing Chang Lingshan's actions, everyone looked better.

 Although there were twists and turns, the benefits were obtained after all.

As for the high probability of Kong Yipeng’s death, everyone just sighed with emotion.

 Except for Chang Lingshan, no one present had a deep friendship with each other.

 Immediately, everyone put away the benefits and began to swallow pills to regulate their breathing.

Chuning put the marigold wood into the storage bag and smiled slightly.

During the thunderstorm earlier, the tail feathers of the golden and silver bird fell off, and he took it back easily.

 At this moment, I got the marigold wood again, and the purpose of this trip has been achieved.

In addition, on the island, I also harvested a few spiritual plants with Gengjin Qi, and the harvest was not small.

 Others need to regulate their breath and recuperate, so Chu Ning naturally doesn't need to do it. He just runs the Five Elements Chaos Art for a while, and he has recovered all the magic power he had for driving formations and flying.

 At the same time, he couldn't help but secretly have some doubts in his heart.

“When I first practiced the Five Elements Chaos Art, I seemed to vaguely feel that there was a precipitate of energy in my body.

 It’s just that this energy doesn’t seem to have any effect on the cultivation of the Five Elements Chaos Art. Could it be..."

At this time, Chu Ning thought that after being struck by lightning before, he seemed to vaguely feel the feeling of silk tempering.

Chun Ning immediately activated the Jiuyan Body Refining Technique.

The Jiuyan Body Refining Technique is naturally best if practiced in conjunction with the movements.

 But at this moment, in front of many people, he can only use his magic power.

As the magic power of Jiuyan Body Refining Technique circulated, Chu Ning immediately felt that the precipitated energy began to be absorbed and refined everywhere in his body.

 Vaguely, Chu Ning could also feel that this energy seemed to be similar to the power of thunder.

“This power of thunder can actually temper the body? However, this energy is not much, and I don’t know what kind of effect it will have.”

Chun Ning couldn't help but feel surprised.

 He tried his best to practice the Nine Evolution Body Refining Techniques. After spending some time, Chu Ning finally refined all the thunder power accumulated in his body.

 So he checked his own cultivation proficiency.

 【Five Elements Chaos Technique (mid-level heaven level), second level (3328/100000)】

 【Nine Evolution Body Refining Techniques, Volume 2, Second Level (23797/90000)】

 【Alchemy, fourth level (57225/64000)】

Just after taking a look, Chu Ning was extremely surprised.

“Just that little bit of thunder power, after refining it myself, my proficiency in the Jiuyan Body Refining Technique actually increased by 15 points!

Tsk, if you do it a few more times, with the help of the power of thunder, you may be able to improve quickly in the practice of the Nine Evolution Body Refining Techniques. "

Recently, the speed of Chu Ning's Jiuyan Body Refining Technique has begun to slow down to a certain extent.

The reason is that after more than ten years, even if he used it sparingly, he had consumed seven or eighty-seven percent of the spiritual fruit and elixir he brought from the Innocent Island.

 Chuning is going to save the remaining 20% ​​for future use.

As for the mutated spiritual fruit Purple Source Fruit that was planted in the Spiritual Medicine Academy, Chu Ning planted a lot of it with the mentality of giving it a try.

However, even the first batch planted is not yet fully mature.

Furthermore, Chu Ning is not sure whether those spiritual fruits have the effect of tempering and strengthening the physical body like these spiritual fruits containing the original power.

Using the power of thunder to temper the body opened up a new world for Chu Ning.

“If possible, setting up a thunder-attribute formation and using the power of thunder to temper the body seems to be a good choice.”

 Chun Ning was thoughtful.

 It is a pity that he does not have such a formation in his hand now.

 That Kong Yipeng seemed to have it in his hands, but the other party had already died in the thunder disaster.

Thinking of this, Chu Ning opened his eyes and took a look.

I found that the other four people were still practicing breath control with their eyes closed, and they couldn't help but frown slightly.

 Although everyone has left the outer sea area and came to the middle sea.

 The big monsters in the outer sea are restricted and generally will not enter the central sea area.

 But after all, he and others made some big noises in the outer sea, and after staying there for too long, Chu Ning always felt uneasy.

 If possible, it would be most appropriate to return to the Fairy City in Iceland and escape for this period of time.

Thinking of this, Chu Ning said:

“Fellow Taoists, it’s not advisable to stay here for a long time. How about we return to the fairy city or the inner sea first?”

  Hearing what Chu Ning said, the people who were meditating, regulating their breathing, and recuperating from their injuries all opened their eyes.

A few people glanced at Chu Ning, and were a little surprised that Chu Ning ended his treatment so quickly.

After looking at each other, the only middle-aged female cultivator among the four, Wu Rongfeng, said:

“Fellow Daoist Chu’s worry is not unreasonable. Our injuries cannot be fully recovered in a day or two.

  It is better to return to the Fairy City of Iceland first and then slowly recuperate. "

Although this woman is not very pretty and doesn't talk much, her voice is somewhat pleasant.

Hearing this, Chu Ning couldn't help but look at her more.

If a few people don't leave, Chu Ning is even ready to leave alone.     Some people take the lead, while others follow.

 The rest of the people don't matter.

 Everyone stood up and prepared to leave.

At this moment, Chu Ning suddenly raised his head and looked outside the island, frowning slightly.

“Fellow Daoist Chu, what’s wrong?”

Perhaps because he just answered the call, Wu Rongfeng's attention is still on Chu Ning at the moment.

Seeing Chu Ning act like this, he suddenly asked a little strangely.

Chuning had already sensed a range of nearly thirty miles with his spiritual consciousness at this moment, and he sighed softly and said:

“There are many monsters coming from all directions. I’m afraid it’s not that easy for us to leave.”

 “Many monsters?”

  Hearing Chu Ning's words, everyone's faces showed a hint of surprise.

  Their spiritual consciousness was completely relaxed at this moment, but they did not sense the existence of the monster.

 The one with the highest cultivation level among the four is Chang Lingshan, who has also been in the middle stage of Jindan for the longest time.

At this moment, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and he was about to ask Chu Ning if he had made a mistake.

 The next moment, his expression changed slightly.

 Because at this moment, he had sensed a monster within the scope of his consciousness.

Immediately afterwards, from the other direction, another monster entered the range of his consciousness.

The speed of those monsters was extremely fast, and Chang Lingshan didn't even have time to make a sound after he sensed them.

The other people also sensed it one after another.

Even though Wu Rongfeng had the weakest consciousness among the people, he quickly felt the presence of the monster.

 Immediately, there was a hint of shock in the eyes of several people.

 He was both shocked at why so many monsters suddenly appeared, and also shocked at how powerful Chu Ning's consciousness was.

Chun Ning had obviously entered the middle stage of the Golden Core not long ago, but among the five of them, he was the first to discover the existence of the monster beast.

However, everyone's thoughts were not on this at this moment, because they found that there were too many monsters coming at this time.

 Just now, there are four fifth-level monsters and three sixth-level monsters that have been sensed.

“What’s going on? Why do so many monsters suddenly appear?”

Wu Rongfeng's face showed a hint of anxiety at this moment.

The faces of Chang Lingshan and others are also not good-looking.

Several people were still injured at the moment, and suddenly faced so many monsters, their heads felt heavy just thinking about it.

Chang Lingshan then said in a deep voice:

“It is very likely to be related to what we did in the outer sea. It seems that what we did before angered the big demon in the outer sea.

Although they could not directly enter the Zhonghai area, they used some secret method to drive these fifth- and sixth-level monsters to besiege them. "

Chang Lingshan’s ideas coincided with Chu Ning’s.

 The other people also seemed to think that this matter was very possible. As for how those monsters found themselves and others, no one would ask.

 Everyone knows that monsters that reach a certain level have some special magical powers.

Then Han Shihong immediately asked:

"Fellow Daoist Chang, does this formation have any attack effect? ​​There are so many monsters. If we can use the formation to attack, we will have a certain ability to protect ourselves."

Chun Ning did not ask this question, but began to mobilize his magic power to prepare to kill the demon.

With his knowledge of the formation, he can naturally see that this formation does have certain concealment and defense effects.

 But the power of counterattack is not enough.

If he had enough time, he could analyze the source of the array and make certain modifications, but now it is too late.

Sure enough, Chang Lingshan sighed and shook his head.

“Fellow Taoists, prepare to fight side by side and see if you can break out a **** path.”

  Sensing that the monster was less than 500 feet away from the island, everyone's faces suddenly became serious.

Chun Ning’s eyes were clear at this moment, and he slowly said:

"Guys, I think we should go out to kill the monsters. If those monsters get into trouble, this formation can help us resist."

As soon as Chu Ning said this, everyone hesitated.

According to their thinking, they naturally hope to use the formation defense to consume the mana of the monsters and then go out to kill the monsters.

Seeing this, Chu Ning sighed lightly and said:

“If we don’t go out quickly to kill the monsters, we will only be more passive in the future.

I have sensed that three more sixth-level monsters are coming.

And it seems that there are monsters coming from other places in this direction. "

 Hearing what Chu Ning said, the expressions of the four people suddenly changed.

If it were just these few monsters, everyone could still give it a try.

 If another monster comes...

At this moment, Chu Ning didn’t want to talk too much to a few people anymore, and said decisively:

“Fellow Taoists, I have some skills in dealing with these monsters.

 You try to contain some monsters as much as possible, and leave the rest to me.

 Let me kill the flying metallic monster first! "

As he spoke, Chu Ning had already dodged and flew out of the formation.

He directly faced the sixth-order purple-gold bat that was the first to fly at this moment.

 Golden Armor Divine Shadow Fist!

Condensing a trace of Gengjin Qi into his fist, Chu Ning blasted out several fist shadows one after another!

 Suddenly, powerful fist shadows were blasted towards the purple-gold bat.

This bat just turned sideways.

 Void finger!

At this moment, beside the purple-gold bat, the space suddenly fluctuated!

 An invisible space formed by the power of space suddenly appeared.

 The body of the Purple Gold Bat was directly penetrated by this finger without noticing it.

 Suddenly, purple-black animal blood surged out!

This sixth-level monster raised its head in shock and looked at the monk in front of it who seemed to be of the same level as it.

 What fell into its gaze was a flash of green light.

Five Elements Spirit Sword Wood Spirit Sword!

 He had already been injured by the Void Finger. At this moment, under the heavy blow of Chu Ning's natal magic weapon, the sixth-level monster could no longer support itself and fell directly from the air.

However, Chu Ning obviously did not intend to let it go.

 With a flash of his body, he appeared in front of the sixth-level monster that had just been killed by him.

Chun Ning grabbed it with his empty hand, and wisps of Gengjin Qi were immediately sucked into his hand and turned into a ball of pale golden air, which disappeared in his hand in the blink of an eye.

Chun Ning has absorbed a lot of Gengjin Qi, and has become extremely proficient. He no longer needs to use spells and tactics as before.

 Because Chu Ning's speed was so fast, it only took a few breaths from the time he took action to the time he was killed.

 At this time, the remaining few people had just flown out of the formation.

The four of them couldn't help but widen their eyes when they saw Chu Ning killing a sixth-level monster in just a few rounds.

“Fellow Daoist Chu...has he really just reached the middle stage of Golden Core?”

Wu Rongfeng murmured at this moment.

Chang Lingshan and Han Shihong looked at each other and saw horror in each other's eyes.

The two of them had relatively more contact with Chu Ning, especially Chang Lingshan who lived next door.

I know that more than a year ago, Chu Ningdu was still an early stage Jindan monk.

 The promotion to the middle stage of Jindan was only a recent event.

But looking at Chu Ning's method of killing the sixth-level monsters at this moment, he doesn't look like a monk who has just advanced to the middle stage of the Golden Core.

 “Fellow Taoists, fight quickly!”

At this moment, Chu Ning’s voice came.

Seeing that Chu Ning had once again faced a sixth-level monster, several people also activated their magic weapons to face the other monsters.

At this moment, Chu Ning was facing two sixth-order monsters.

The man was flying in the air, and Chu Ning waved the golden armored shadow fist.

 Attacked a huge sixth-level monster called the Red-tailed Crow that looked like a crow but had a red tail.

At the same time, he opened his mouth and spat out, and the blue wood spirit sword, his natal magic weapon that he had just recovered, was driven out again, attacking another one-eyed dragon fish spirit.

When the two sixth-level monsters saw that Chu Ning was attacking both of them at the same time, they both let out frightened roars.

The sixth-level red-tailed crow's red tail trembled, and it opened its mouth to spit out a stream of black and red flames, attacking Chu Ning.

 And the one-eyed dragon fish spirit emitted a white light from its single eye and struck Chu Ning.

Facing the attack of two sixth-level monsters, Chu Ning did not panic at all.

 Using Divine Wind Escape, the figure disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the figure had disappeared from the spot.

 When he reappeared, he was above the red-tailed crow.

At the same time, a layer of rock armor suddenly appeared outside the body.

 Let the white light attack from the one-eyed dragon fish spirit fall on him.

Chuning controlled the earth spirit rock armor to rotate rapidly, resisting attacks on it.

And there was already a scarlet magic sword in his hand. He stretched out his finger and the sword struck downwards from top to bottom!

The red-tailed crow, who had just been attacked by Chu Ning's Golden Armor Divine Shadow Fist and had all his defense power destroyed, was still trying to dodge when faced with the extremely sharp Fire Spirit Sword.

But it was already too late. The red light disappeared in a flash and pierced directly through his neck!

 (End of this chapter)

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