Chapter 276 A glimmer of light

“You came with this iron lion?”

  Listening to Chu Ning's obviously unkind words, Shi Feng's majesty that had been formed by being in a position of power for a long time was completely restrained at this moment.

“This...senior’s surname is Chu?”

Shi Feng bowed his hands towards Chu Ning and saluted, actually considering himself a junior.

“Senior Chu, I did come with this railway...Iron Lion, but I just got to know him.

 He wanted to ask me for a favor and promised to kill the iron rock beast here together.

This is how we got together. "

After hearing this, Chu Ning nodded slightly and asked again:

 “You want that iron rock beast? I have already killed it!”

 Hearing that the Iron Rock Beast was also killed by Chu Ning, Shi Feng's expression changed slightly.

This iron rock beast has extremely strong defense. Even if he and the iron lion were combined, it would not be that easy to kill him.

At this moment, Chu Ning said it in an understatement.

Thinking again of the way the Iron Lion was helpless when Chu Ning punched him three times just now, Shi Feng immediately put away the expression on his face.

“Junior did have some thoughts about this rock-armored beast before.

However, since the senior has taken a liking to this monster, the junior will not be so ignorant. "

Chu Ning was originally planning to exchange the rock-armored beast with the stone peak to see if he could get some of the things left by the monks thousands of years ago.

 At this moment, I am not in a hurry to tell the condition.

Instead, he asked Shi Feng directly:

"What did the Iron Lion ask you for just now? Does he also want to see the items left behind by the monks outside the island thousands of years ago?"

 Shi Feng heard that Chu Ning had guessed right, and then looked at Xie Xianhai, knowing that Chu Ning already knew the general situation.

He immediately told the truth:

“Yes, senior has a bright eye.

The place where the monk lived before is indeed within the scope of our megalithic tribe, and there are indeed many things left in it.

 Senior, if you are interested, you can check it out in our Boulder tribe. "

Chu Ning couldn't help but be surprised by Shi Feng's cooperation, and could only sigh in his heart.

 “In this world, strength is indeed respected!”

Since the other party was so aggressive, Chu Ning naturally would not refuse and even dragged the iron rock beast out from behind the stone.

The three people from the Boulder Tribe couldn't help but have their eyes twinkling when they saw Chu Ning dragging the body of the Iron Rock Beast.

Chun Ning said to Shi Feng at this moment:

"I will go to the place where the monks live first to see if this iron rock beast is of no use to me, then I will give it to the Qin tribe."

 Hearing Chu Ning's words, Shi Feng was naturally overjoyed.

  Immediately, a group of people descended from the Mountain of Hundred Beasts.

On the way, we encountered some more monsters, and several of them were masters in their respective tribes.

 Chun Ning naturally killed these monsters one after another without taking any action.

On the way Chu Ning sensed a third-level monster, so he took the initiative to kill it and gave it to Xie Xianhai.

 It can also be regarded as thanking the other person for their hospitality.

 Then Chu Ning went to the Donglin tribe to receive Shi Xuerong.

 After all, Shi Xuerong came from a large sect like Guiyuan Sect and had broader knowledge than Chu Ning.

Chun Ning still doesn’t know what the monk left behind thousands of years ago.

Ask Master Xuerong to join us. One more person will naturally make more efforts.

Out of the gate of the Donglin tribe, Chu Ning glanced at the stone peak waiting at the foot of the mountain from a distance.

Turning his head towards Xie Xianhai who was sending him out, he smiled lightly and said:

“Clan Chief Xie, I’ll go to the Boulder Tribe first to see what the monk left behind.

 I will definitely come back to nag you later. "

I don’t know if it’s a preconceived idea, but compared to Shi Feng, Chu Ning still feels that Xie Xianhai is more comfortable to get along with.

 Hearing this, Xie Xianhai suddenly beamed with joy.

“Senior will come back? Then junior is waiting for Senior Chu in the village!”

However, since Shi Feng regarded himself as a junior in front of Chu Ning, Xie Xianhai no longer relied on his elders and followed his senior in calling Chu Ning.

Chuning chuckled at this time and said:

"Of course I will come back. The clan leader sent me Luoyingbu, but I haven't repaid the favor yet."

 After saying that, Chu Ning took Shi Xuerong and walked down the mountain amidst the greetings of Xie Xianhai.

Xie Xianhai’s move naturally aroused the curiosity of Shi Xuerong and the rest of the Donglin tribe.

They all asked about this trip.

 The members of the Donglin tribe secretly smacked their tongues when they heard about Chu Ning's strength.

Especially that of Xie Yong, whose eyes were vaguely shining.

Shi Xuerong, who was walking down the mountain with Chu Ning, suddenly widened his beautiful eyes when he heard that Chu Ning had killed the iron lion.

 “That’s a late-stage Jindan monk!”

After hearing this, Chu Ning said with emotion:

“Yes, that’s a late-stage Jindan monk. If he wasn’t on this Soulless Island, it would be really difficult to kill him.”

  While saying this, Chu Ning's eyes flickered slightly.

 He had used the Ice Soul Pearl to kill Ao Langtian before.

 Iron Lion is stronger than Ao Langtian. If he is in a place with sufficient spiritual energy, he is really not sure that he can kill his opponent.

 As Iron Lion was killed, the golden elixir monk who died in his hands had already come to the two of them.

 At the same time, two monks who might have known about the golden spirit seed planted on him were also killed.

 No one else should know about this, which would save him a lot of trouble.

If the golden spirit is planted in the hands of a late-stage Jindan monk, then of course it will be.

If people knew that the golden spirit seed was actually in the body of a monk in the early stage of the Golden Core like him, I am afraid that those Nascent Soul monks might not be able to bear it.

 Fortunately, I no longer have such worries.

 The only thing to do is to see if we can get out from here.

Arrived at the foot of the stone, Chu Ning introduced Shi Feng and Shi Xuerong to each other.

 Then he followed the former to the Boulder Tribe.

The Boulder Tribe is nearly three hundred miles away from the Donglin Tribe. If Chu Ning and the others go at the speed, they will naturally arrive very quickly.

 But now that Shi Xuerong is added, it will inevitably be a little slower.

 Fortunately, Shi Xuerong has also been tempered by the golden elixir after all, and is not an ordinary weak woman.

 After walking for about a day, the group arrived at the Boulder Tribe.

The people of the Boulder Tribe were surprised when Shi Feng and Iron Lion went out, but when they turned around, they brought back two people from outside the island.

Moreover, I was immediately surprised that Chu Ning was still considered a senior.

The stone peak did not disturb anyone too much. After entering the boulder tribe's station, they led Chu Ning and the two of them directly to a separate stone cave.

“This is where the senior Qi Lihua who came to our Wuling Island thousands of years ago lived.

  Since our Megalithic Tribe occupied this place, we have been taking good care of it.

 Except for the clan leader and some high-level officials, no one else is allowed to enter.

 Furthermore, I lost interest in many of them after studying them for a period of time. I visit them rarely and the contents are relatively intact. "

With that said, the first person on Wuling Island pushed open the stone door of the cave and walked in first.

Chun Ning and Shi Xuerong walked in.

It soon became apparent that the structure of this so-called stone cave was very similar to that of outside cultivators' caves.

 The two couldn't help but look at each other.

 Then his eyes fell on the extremely conspicuous lines on the wall of the cave.

“My name is Qi Lihua, and I am a monk in the early stage of Yuanying in Zhengyang Pavilion of Beichuan Kingdom.”

 When they saw only the first paragraph of text on the wall, the two of them couldn't help but screamed.

“This person is actually a Yuanying monk!”

 This made Chu Ning's face look a little heavier.

The other party is a Yuanying monk, but he has been trapped here for hundreds of years.

 Leaving this island is definitely not easy.

 Said nothing, Chu Ning continued to look down.

What follows is a record of some of the adaptation process of the Yuanying monk named Qi Lihua when he first came here.

 It also mentioned places such as Beast Crystal and Hundred Beast Mountain.

Chun Ning and the two were not very interested in this, so they read faster.

“In the third year since I came to Wuling Island, I finally gained the trust of the Mengding tribe, the first tribe on Wuling Island, and they supported me in starting to truly search for a way to leave the island.”

 At this time, Qi Lihua's writings were full of longing and hope. What was recorded thereafter was the process of the Yuanying monk's continuous search for ways to leave the island.

 The further he looked back, the more solemn Chu Ning's face became, because the other party tried many methods.

One of the records caught Chu Ning’s attention in particular.

“For several months, I asked the clan leader to kill several fourth-level monsters, hoping to use the skins of these monsters to make ships to enter the boundless sea.

 However, it is useless at all. Whether it is a raft made of ordinary trees or monster skins, it will sink directly as soon as it enters the boundless sea.

 There is no possibility of life appearing in the boundless sea. "

Although Chu Ning had read some records in the classics before, it was impossible for anything to float on this boundless sea.

 But it was not really certain until this moment. Further on, the monk kept trying.

Then Chu Ning saw a line of big characters.

“Ten years! In ten years, I traveled to all parts of this Wuling Island except the Beast Mountain Forbidden Area, and tried countless methods.

 However, without any channels, my life span is less than a hundred years!

Perhaps, I can only die of old age on this soulless island, or... go to the forbidden land of Beast Mountain! "

Chun Ning and Shi Xuerong looked at each other. From the words of the former Yuanying monk, they both felt the slightly desperate mood of the other person at that time.

 “Is it possible that we also have to live alone here for the rest of our lives?”

Shi Xuerong murmured to himself at this moment.

Chuning did not answer the other party's words, but continued to look back.

“The Beast Mountain Forbidden Land is not something I can enter without magic power. The hurricane on it is similar to the power of space above the space crack.

Even the Yuanying monks dare not touch this power of space easily, otherwise they will surely die.

 After the space storm that forms every six months or so, it may be my only chance..."

Chun Ning read the content recorded here very carefully.

 According to the other party's records, those monsters were actually swept out by the power of space.

 At the same time, this kind of space power will also bring some monsters into the forbidden area of ​​Beast Mountain.

 That’s why higher level monsters are constantly appearing in the forbidden area of ​​Beast Mountain.

 And after several years of observation, this Yuanying monk also discovered some patterns.

 After the space storm in the Beast Mountain Forbidden Land, the space power will be much weaker for about three days.

So, he prepared to break into the forbidden area of ​​​​the beast mountain.

 But when the Yuanying monk found an opportunity to enter the forbidden area of ​​​​the Beast Mountain, which was less than a hundred feet away, he discovered that the power of the space was not something that his body could resist.

As a result, the Yuanying monk had to withdraw from the forbidden area of ​​Beast Mountain.

 But after all, he was once a Yuanying monk and had extensive knowledge, so he came to a conclusion.

“If you have physical strength comparable to that of a golden elixir, can you resist the power of space within three days?”

 After seeing the inference of the Yuanying monk, Chu Ning's eyes suddenly became brighter.

 He has the physical strength of the golden elixir level.

 Immediately, he couldn't wait to continue looking back.

This Yuanying monk began to try to refine his body after leaving the forbidden area.

It’s just that his lifespan was too short. After spending more than twenty years, he found that even if his lifespan was exhausted, he could not practice body refining to a level comparable to that of a Golden elixir monk.

 So, he once again chose to abandon this plan.

  turned to study other methods.

However, when Chu Ning continued to look down, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

 “Use the beast crystal to restore mana!”


The important teacher Xuerong, who was still reading the text in front of him, heard Chu Ning's words and immediately exclaimed.

 The next moment, the two of them read this paragraph of text carefully at the same time.

“Ninety-five years after entering Wuling Island, after more than ninety years of research on beast crystals and weapons here, combined with what I learned during my lifetime in refining weapons, I finally developed a magical weapon that converts beast crystals into mana.

With the help of beast crystals from level 3 monsters and above, this magical weapon can be used to restore the body's mana in subtle ways. This discovery made me ecstatic.

Even with my level of mana cultivation, I can only activate mana comparable to the third level of Qi Refining, and it only lasts for a few breaths.

 But I seem to see a glimmer of hope. "

 In the following text, he has been recording the process of researching and improving this magical instrument.

 Until the last paragraph appears.

“Five years! In five years, I only reached the level of inducing magic power to the fourth level of Qi Refining and then couldn’t make any further progress.

 The time cannot exceed ten breaths. Such a short time and low mana cannot help me leave this place.

 I'm going to die here of old age! "

 After this sentence, there is no written record.

However, I don’t know whether this Yuanying monk has completely given up, or whether his lifespan has expired.

After Chu Ning and Chu Ning finished reading, there was a faint light in their eyes.

 Great harvest!

 Just from the words carved on the wall by this Yuanying monk, the two of them gained a lot.

At this moment, Chu Ning quickly turned his gaze to Shi Feng, who had been standing not far away.

“Clan Chief Shi, this senior left something behind during his lifetime. I wonder if he left it behind?”

Shi Feng seemed not surprised that Chu Ning and others asked this question, and immediately led Chu Ning and the others into a stone room.

Chun Ning and Shi Xuerong immediately walked in excitedly.

There is only one stone table in this stone room, but the several things placed on it gave both Chu Ning and Chu Ning a strong sense of familiarity.

 I saw a storage bag placed on it, and beside it, there were various magic weapons, and even some jade bottles, jade boxes and the like.

Although the magic weapon of a Nascent Soul cultivator is still very attractive to Chu and Ning under normal circumstances.

But at this moment, the two of them started looking for the magic weapon that this person said could be used to convert the beast crystal to induce mana.

Both of them had a certain foundation in weapon refining, and they quickly found something that could be worn in their hands like an iron glove from among a bunch of magic weapons.

And on top of it, there is indeed something that is clearly inlaid with animal crystals.

Besides, there is even a small stone tablet with instructions for use recorded on it.

 Immediately, Chu Ning embedded an earth-yellow beast crystal that he had obtained from the Hundred Beasts Mountain before.

 What just made Chu Ning's face change slightly.

When Chu Ning put the iron glove in his hand and tried to activate the magic power, there was no reaction.

 “Brother Chu, what’s wrong? Is it useless?”

Seeing Chu Ning's expression, Shi Xuerong immediately asked nervously.

Chuning shook his head and frowned slightly.

Then he thought about it and asked Shi Feng:

“Chief Shi, do you have any other beast crystals here? Can you lend them to me?”

Shi Feng did not refuse, and immediately took out a few beast crystals and handed them to Chu Ning.

Chuning tried again by embedding fire attribute and wood attribute beast crystals into it, but there was also no reaction.

At this moment, Shi Xue Gong looked at the magic weapons and several pills on the side and said:

“Brother Chu, looking at the objects used by this senior, it seems to be more in line with the use of metallic skills and spells.

 Could it be that the magical weapon he studied is only suitable for metal-based exercises? "

 “Huh?” Chu Ning’s heart moved when he heard this reminder from Master Xuerong.

“Miss Shi, you seem to have a metallic technique? But we don’t seem to have metallic beast crystals here.”

When Shi Xuerong heard this, he chuckled and said:

“Who said no? You forgot the necklace I gave you before.”

Chu Ning also remembered at this time that the necklace was inlaid with various animal crystals, and it seemed to be metallic.

 Immediately took out the necklace from his arms.

Master Xuerong took out a golden beast crystal and embedded it in the glove.

 At the same time, he put the glove on his hand with a little curiosity.

Chun Ning was also looking at the other party expectantly at this moment.

The next moment, Shi Xuerong raised his hand slightly, and a light golden light immediately appeared on his fingertips.


 Ch Ning's eyes lit up when he saw the metallic mana in Shi Xuerong's hand.

At this moment, Shi Xuerong quickly patted the storage bag on her waist.

 Suddenly, there was a bunch of things on the table.

  But when she finished this scene, the mana on her fingertips suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, the metallic beast crystal inlaid on it also turned into powder.

The time was indeed very short, but at this moment, it was enough to make both Chu Ning and Shi Xuerong heave a sigh of relief.

Chuning looked at the dazzling array of things on the table and took a spiritual stone first.

 Then he shook his head again and put down the spiritual stone.

 He could feel the spiritual energy in the spiritual stone, but it was as if the mana in his own body was imprisoned and unable to be used.

The spiritual energy on the spiritual stone cannot be activated.

“Although these spirit stones cannot be used for the time being, there are still things that can be used in our storage bags.

 Being able to open the storage bag gives us more hope.

As for what we might need, maybe we can just wait until I go to the Beast Mountain Forbidden Area! "

Chuning squeezed the spirit stone in his hand and looked outside the cave.

 No matter what, they have seen some light at this moment.

Since Qi Lihua said that he had a physical strength comparable to that of a Golden Core monk, he could withstand the weakened power of space.

Then of course he has to give it a try!

 (End of this chapter)

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