My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 275: Three punches to kill the late golden elixir

Chapter 275 Three punches to kill the late stage of Jindan

Chun Ning and the two people moved forward for a short time, and soon came to the foot of a cliff.

Although he couldn't use his spiritual consciousness, Chu Ning still keenly sensed an aura from the cliff that was more powerful than other monsters.

reaching out his hand to take a bow and arrow from Xie Xianhai, Chu Ning aimed at somewhere on the cliff and suddenly shot an arrow.

Even though it was not a longbow weapon, the arrow, infused with Chu Ning's powerful power, directly penetrated the stone wall and sank into the cliff in an instant.

 Immediately, Chu Ning handed the bow and arrow back to Xie Xianhai.

“Xie Patriarch, the monster is coming out soon, please step aside.”

Taking the bow and arrow from Chu Ning’s hand, Xie Xianhai hurriedly asked:

“Brother Chu, do you want any weapons?”

At this moment, Chu Ning stared closely at the place where he shot the arrow, and then shook his head.

He has indeed learned some physical training techniques, but in terms of power, they are not as powerful as the secret method of Jiuyan Body Refining Technique.

Since this monster is a peak-level fourth-order monster that is comparable to a fake elixir.

Chu Ning naturally knows that the secret method of using the Nine Evolution Body Refining Technique is the most effective attack method. .

 However, when these words fell into Xie Xianhai’s ears, they had another meaning.

Hearing that Chu Ning actually wanted to fight with bare hands, Xie Xianhai jumped onto a tall tree more than ten feet away with a look of surprise on his face.


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the cliff.

 Dust and gravel are flying!

The next moment, a pangolin-like monster emerged from it.

This demon is huge, with a body nearly two feet long and covered with scales like rocks.

  It drags a long and thick tail, which is a bit longer than its body.

On the top of the thin and pointed head, there is something like a snake crown.

The demon power gathered on it, making Chu Ning feel the extremely strong fluctuations of the earth attribute demon power.

As soon as this demon came out, the bird-shaped demon looking around on the cliff suddenly flew away in shock.

“Sure enough, we have reached the peak level of the fourth level, which is comparable to the fake elixir realm, and it’s not short.”

Chuning’s eyes flashed slightly at this moment.

But I don’t know why this demon was not able to condense the demon elixir and advance to the fifth level demon beast.


At this moment, the rock-armored beast's pair of small eyes flickered.

 After seeing Chu Ning, the outsider who disturbed its habitat, the demon let out an angry cry.

 The next moment, he was rushing straight towards Chu Ning!

 The speed is extremely fast, which is not consistent with its huge body.

 It’s just that it’s fast, and Chu Ning’s speed is even faster!

Thunder Step!

The powerful body performs the secret technique of the Jiuyan Body Refining Technique. Even without the blessing of mana, it is still extremely fast.

With just a flash of his body, he was already in front of the rock-armored beast.

 When the demon saw this scene, a trace of ferocity flashed across his little eyes.

 He pushed directly towards Chu Ning!

At this moment, Chu Ning took another step with Thunder Step and walked around to the side of the beast.

This rock-armored beast reacted extremely quickly. It sensed where Chu Ning was and swept over with its long tail.


That thick tail was full of power, and when it was swept, it actually made a sound of breaking through the air.

At this moment, Chu Ning, who had come to his side, had a flash of light in his eyes.

Tiangang Fist! Condensing Yuan Slash! Soul-breaking attack!

Three extremely skilled secret techniques were condensed into one blow, hitting the rock-armored beast heavily!

Feeling Chu Ning's fist land on the scales, a trace of anthropomorphic sarcasm flashed through the small eyes of the rock-armored beast.

He was extremely confident in his rock armor defense and did not believe that this human attack could cause any harm to him.

 And the next moment.


  Accompanied by a dull thumping sound.

This rock-armored beast was directly knocked away by this blow!

At the same time, the rock-armored beast also felt a huge destructive force acting on its body.


A scream came from the mouth, and a look of surprise flashed in the small eyes of the rock-armored beast.

He was ready to use his best earth escape technique after landing.

 However, Chu Ning no longer gave it a chance.

Thunder Step!

At the same time that the rock-armored beast was knocked away, Chu Ning used Thunder Step to chase after it.

 Before the rock-armored beast could land, he punched out again!

Hence, Xie Xianhai, who was sitting on a tall tree on the other side, looked at him in surprise with his mouth wide open.

Chuning kept repeating this scene.

 Punch after punch kept coming!

The rock-armored beast didn't even have a chance to land, and was knocked away again and again.

 At first two or three punches, this beast can still make screams and angry sounds.

 Soon, the voice became quieter and quieter.

 After just a few rounds, there was no movement in the air.

However, for the sake of safety, Chu Ning did not stop there and threw a few more punches.

At this time, he jumped up with the help of Thunder Step and grabbed the tail of the rock-armored beast in the air.

 After feeling it carefully, this beast is indeed dead and cannot die anymore.

 “Chief Xie, you can come down now!”

When Chu Ning casually dragged the corpse of the fourth-order peak rock-armored beast that Xie Xianhai was terrified of, and shouted something toward the tree.

 Xie Xianhai finally recovered from the shock.

 After jumping down from the tall tree, he looked at Chu Ning with even more awe.

too strong!

 This is the only thought in Xie Xianhai's mind at this moment.

Originally, he was thinking of watching the battle between Chu Ning and the rock-armored beast to see if he could learn some skills.

However, what he never expected was that Chu Ning would be so simple and crude, beating this rock-armored beast that was invincible on Wuling Island to death with just one punch after another!

“This man’s physical strength is actually stronger than that of a rock-armored beast.

I thought he was at the sixth level of body refining before, but now it seems that he is much more than that. Perhaps he has already crossed the bottleneck of the sixth level of body refining! "

Thinking like this, Xie Xianhai looked at Chu Ning with burning eyes.

The sixth level of body refining is regarded as the highest level by Wuling Island. For tens of thousands of years, no one has ever been able to break through this level.

At this moment, I suddenly discovered that someone could be above this situation.

 Xie Xianhai felt that a trace of extravagant hope somewhere in his heart was ignited.

But soon, he laughed bitterly in his heart. He had not even reached the sixth level of body refining, so naturally this level was beyond his reach.

Dang even walked towards Chu Ning quickly.

“Brother Chu, this is amazing! Today is an eye-opener for me.

 We never thought that the method of body refining could reach such a state. "

When Chu Ning heard what Xie Xianhai said, he smiled and said:

“I have many opportunities in the Body Refining Path, so Patriarch Xie shouldn’t be too presumptuous, um…”

Chun Ning had just said this, and his eyes suddenly looked in the direction he came from.

 Immediately, he said to Xie Xianhai:

"somebody is coming!"

 Hearing Chu Ning's words, Xie Xianhai was slightly startled.

Very few people come to this Hundred Beast Mountain, and even if they do come, they usually stay outside the mountain.

  Even he would not dare to enter this core area under normal circumstances.

 “Could it be that Shi Feng?”

Xie Xianhai suddenly thought of one person. He felt that Shi Feng was the only one who dared to enter this Wuling Island.

Although Shi Feng alone cannot defeat this rock-armored beast, he still has no problem protecting himself.

“Shi Feng? It seems that there is more than one person coming.”

Chun Ning raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this.

 Throwing it casually, the body of the armored beast was thrown behind a stone.

 Then he and Xie Xianhai stood there, quietly waiting for the arrival of those people.

As the four figures appeared in sight, everyone's eyes became surprised.

“Shi Feng?” “Xie Xianhai?”

 “Chun Ning?” “Iron Lion?”

Among the four people who came up from the mountain, there was one person whom Chu Ning knew.

 It was the Iron Lion of the Extreme League that day!

Tie Shi naturally recognized Chu Ning at this moment. He was slightly stunned at first, and the next moment, he laughed wildly!

 “Hahaha! It’s really hard to find anything even if you try hard to find it. It takes no effort at all!

Chuning, Chu Ning, I never thought that you would be teleported to this Soulless Island! "

Hearing Tie Shi’s words, Chu Ning looked at the other party calmly and said in a pointed voice:

“Yes, fellow railwayman, I didn’t expect that you were also teleported here.

 What a coincidence! "

As he spoke, Chu Ning felt a murderous intention in his heart.

 He will not forget how the other party chased him before encountering the space storm.

Chu Ning naturally knew that the other party would not be kind to him just because he came to a place like this.

Sure enough, the next moment, Iron Lion was staring at Chu Ning, with a threatening look in his eyes.

“Chun Ning, let me ask you again, should you give me the things I asked for before, or should I get them?”

When Shi Feng, Xie Xianhai and others heard what Tie Shi said, surprise and suspicion flashed in their eyes.

That Shi Feng seemed not to have expected that there would be outsiders this time.

Furthermore, this man knew Iron Lion, and there were some treasures on him that made Iron Lion very worried. Xie Xianhai’s face was extremely serious.

“Chun Ning has already surpassed the sixth level of body refining, and the rough-looking middle-aged man in front of him looked rude to Chu Ning.

 Could it be that he is stronger than Chu Ning?

 According to the words left by the ancestors, when the monk from outside the island came a thousand years ago, the external body refining system had already weakened.

Is it possible that it has become prosperous again in the past thousand years? "

Just when the two patriarchs of Wuling Island had different thoughts.

Chu Ning said without fear:

“Iron Lion, let’s not say whether that thing is on me or not.

This soulless island cannot use magic power at all. Even if you are a late-stage Jindan monk, how can you show off your prestige here? "

 “Hahaha!” Iron Lion immediately laughed wildly.

Looking at Chu Ning, the threat in his eyes faded away, but became a bit more playful and wild.

“Chun Ning, didn’t you people from the Yunxiao League tell you that I am practicing Qi and Body together?

 In addition to being in the late stage of Jindan, I have also reached the sixth level of body refining! "

 “Late stage of Golden Core!” When Xie Xianhai and Shi Feng heard this, their expressions changed slightly.

 They also know something about the realm of the Qi Refining monks outside the island.

At this moment, everyone was surprised to hear that Iron Lion was actually a late-stage Jindan monk.

But then, Xie Xianhai’s eyes became a little strange.

"Sixth level of body refining? This person has only reached the sixth level of body refining. Why is he so arrogant towards Brother Chu?"

The rock-armored beast just now, which was stronger than the sixth level of body refining, was directly killed by the Chu brothers. "

Shi Feng glanced around and saw Xie Xianhai's expression.

After noticing that Xie Xianhai’s expression was strange, he also chuckled and added:

“Brother Xianhai, are you surprised? Another sixth-level body refiner appears on this Wuling Island?

 We are here to kill the rock-armored beast. "

When Xie Xianhai heard this, his expression became more and more strange. He vaguely guessed that the iron lion must not know Chu Ning's body-refining strength.

At this moment, he smiled dryly and said:

“Yeah, it’s really surprising. I didn’t expect that the monks outside the island are so strong in body training.

The rock-armored beast is naturally nothing to be afraid of. "

Hearing what Xie Xianhai said, Shi Feng seemed to be thinking about the rock-armored beast at the moment, and immediately turned to the iron lion and said:

“Friends on the railway track, why don’t you capture this man first and hand him over to the custody of my clan members.

 Let's kill the rock-armored beast first to prevent the other party from escaping. "

 “That’s fine!” Iron Lion nodded in response.

Then his eyes fell on Chu Ning, and the next moment, he suddenly started to move without any warning, approaching Chu Ning quickly, and a pair of big hands grabbed Chu Ning's shoulders.

 But at the same time, Iron Lion suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Chuning actually had no intention of dodge at this moment, and instead punched him!

The fist broke through the air, vaguely bringing up a stream of air.

 The Iron Lion was still half a foot away, and he could already feel the power contained in it.

 “Physical training?”

The iron lion was shocked.

However, his reaction was not slow. He retracted his right palm, quickly swung his left fist out, and met Chu Ning's fist.


 The two fists collided, but Chu Ning did not move at all.

 As for Iron Lion, he only felt numbness in his arms under this punch, and he "kicked" back a few steps before he stabilized his body.

Raising his head, Iron Lion looked at Chu Ning with astonishment.

 “Are you also a physical practitioner?”

 Shi Feng and others’ faces were also filled with shock at this moment.

After Iron Lion appeared, he fought with Shi Feng, and he was still slightly superior to Shi Feng, which shocked the top master of Wuling Island.

At this moment, Chu Ning actually forced the iron lion back with one punch!

Although Iron Lion's punch just now was a little hasty, it was enough to surprise a few of them.

 They realized that Chu Ning was at least capable of the sixth level of body refining.

"Is it unexpected? I'm still a little afraid of facing you outside Wuling Island.

 But this is a soulless island and you cannot use magic power. As I just said, your golden elixir in the late stage will not be able to show its prestige here! "

As the words fell, Chu Ning's figure flashed, and the next moment he appeared several feet away and came to Iron Lion's side.

 The right fist punched out again!

 Another Tiangang Fist!

How could Iron Lion not know that Chu Ning's body-refining strength was no less than his at this moment.

  Although I was still surprised in my heart, my eyes were still full of wildness.

His hands were folded in front of him, and he did not directly choose to fight with Chu Ning. Instead, he used the wide bracelet magic weapon on both hands to meet Chu Ning's right fist.

“It is true that magic power cannot be used here, so naturally Chu Ning and others cannot use magic weapons.

But my magic weapon is always worn on my arms. The defensive restrictions on it have been nurtured for so many years. Even without spiritual energy, it still has a strong defensive effect.

What's more, the refining materials for this ring are top-notch! "

Just when Iron Lion confidently used this pair of magic weapons to meet Chu Ning's heavy punch.

That Shi Feng’s eyes at this moment also shone with envy.

 He had faced the Iron Lion before and didn't have many ways to defend against the ring.

 Otherwise, in terms of attack alone, the Iron Lion may not be able to suppress him.


At this moment, everyone vaguely saw that Chu Ning’s fist seemed to be shining with a layer of pale gold.

 The fist hit the iron lion's arm rings, and it made a sound like the collision of gold and iron!

Under the defense of these double rings, the iron lion's body remained completely motionless.

This made a hideous smile flash across his face, and he was ready to punch back.

 But at this moment, Iron Lion suddenly felt that a powerful destructive force penetrated his magic weapon and acted on his arm.

 The next moment, this powerful destructive force extended his arms and impacted his body.

 Iron Lion felt as if his chest had been hit hard by a giant hammer.

 As soon as his throat felt sweet, he spurted out a mouthful of blood!


At the same time, there was also a dizzy buzzing sound.

 “What kind of attack is this?”

 At this moment, Iron Lion desperately retreated.

There was no ferocious smile on his face, it was all filled with fear.

He really couldn't figure it out. Chu Ning's punch just now clearly hit a magic weapon.

How could there be such a powerful destructive force acting in the body, even the consciousness was attacked.

And when Chu Ning saw that his attack was effective, he naturally had no hesitation.

 While you are sick, I will kill you!

Thunder Step!

Tiangang Fist! Condensing Yuan Slash! Soul-breaking attack!

 The four secret techniques were integrated into one punch, and Chu Ning punched hard again!

 The iron lion spat out blood again and quickly shouted:

“Fellow Daoist Chu, wait a minute, we can work together to leave this island…”

 “I will not seek skin from a tiger!”

 Vaguely, Iron Lion seemed to hear Chu Ning’s voice beside him.

Tie Shi subconsciously raised his arms to defend himself again, but he was blocked directly.

Along with the howling wind, he felt a fist shadow striking in front of him!

 “Shi Feng, save me!”



Before the iron lion could say the last word, Chu Ning's Tiangang Fist had already hit the iron lion's head.

This late-stage golden elixir monk at the sixth level of body refining, the top golden elixir master of the Tianji League, flew directly upside down at this moment.

 While in the air, the head turned strangely around its neck several times under the heavy blow.

 Then it was hung softly on the shoulders.


With the dust flying, the tall and burly body hit the ground heavily.

A pair of eyes as big as copper bells protruded out of their sockets at this moment, full of unwillingness and shock.

 Iron Lion, die!

This late Jindan monk never expected to save his life in the space storm.

But on this soulless island, he was killed by an early-stage Jindan monk with three punches!

The scene was completely silent.

 Except for Xie Xianhai, who had seen Chu Ning take action before, his expression was slightly better.

The three people in the giant stone tribe looked at Chu Ning with fear in their eyes.

 Three punches! With only three punches, Chu Ning killed the iron lion that could overwhelm Shi Feng.

Then who among them is Chu Ning’s opponent?

At this moment, the three of them could only watch quietly as Chu Ning took out several bulging bags that they had never seen before from the iron lion.

He then took off the pair of wide bracelets on his arms.

 It was only then that Chu Ning stood up.

He glanced at the three of them and landed on Shi Feng.

“You came with this iron lion?”

As soon as these words came out, Shi Feng’s expression suddenly changed.

 (End of this chapter)

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