My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 238: Refining jade bones and breaking the bottleneck again

Chapter 238 Refining Jade Bones and Breaking the Bottleneck

“Senior Brother Chu, it’s so hard for you to hide this from us!”

He Yanmao smiled bitterly at this moment.

And Gong Yuyuan's majestic face was also full of smiles at this moment.

“Chun Ning, it’s you, okay! I haven’t congratulated you for helping the sect win the competition, but I didn’t expect you to have made great contributions to the sect this time!”

“I didn’t notice it before, but after everyone told me about your magical power just now.

 I observed carefully, and then I vaguely noticed that something seemed to be blocking my exploration. "

Ge Liuyang couldn’t help but smiled proudly and said:

 “This mask took me nearly a month of work!”

When Chu Ning heard everyone’s surprised words, he cupped his hands and said:

“Dear elders and fellow disciples, I have no choice but to do this.

If he hadn’t kept his identity concealed and been noticed by the people from the Da Luo Sect, I’m afraid this trip wouldn’t have been so smooth. "

 He was not polite, he stood up and picked up the jade slip of the Five Elements of Chaos from a shelf.

 It also requires a long period of concentrated practice, and I don’t want to be disturbed by this matter. "

 Speaking of this, Chu Ning paused for a moment, then continued:

“My cultivation is quite special. To improve in the next step, I need a lot of miraculous medicines.

 All the disciples retreated one after another.

“In terms of status, you are the senior brother of Jiuhua Sect, and in terms of contribution, you have helped the sect regain many inheritances.

 “Nephew Chu, please sit down too!”

Chun Ning also smiled slightly and sat down at the very end.

Yu Changge saw that things were basically clear at this time and smiled:

“You have worked hard this time. After the sect has sorted out these inheritances, we will reward you according to your needs.

Chun Ning thought for a while and said: "This disciple would like to use this Five Elements Chaos Art to have a look, and at the same time, see if there are any body-refining exercises, secrets, spiritual fruits, and elixirs.

Before thinking that there were many people in the sect, I wanted to let her go in and exercise, but I was too hasty.

“Master Nephew Chu, we won’t ask you how you killed a Daluo Sect Jindan monk.

"I'm worried that sooner or later this matter will get out, and I'm afraid that Daluo Sect won't let it go.

 The sect inheritance you brought out is here, what else do you think we need? "

 You can practice with peace of mind, and the sect will not let other things distract you. "

Speaking of this, Yu Changge said:

 “Yes, Sect Master!”

Beside him, it was the female elder Fu Lihong.

Seeing Chu Ning sitting down, he immediately smiled and said:

Even after we leave the valley, if Ao Langtian knows that you are in the team, I am afraid they will not let us leave easily. "

 “You’re welcome, Elder Fu…”

Everyone must not tell anyone about what happened in Wolong Valley to avoid getting into trouble. Next, everyone can practice peacefully within the sect for a period of time.

Yu Changge immediately agreed and said:

“No problem, you can take the Five Elements Chaos Art now.

As for the art of alchemy and weapon refining, I can see it in the Alchemy Pavilion and the Weapon Refining Pavilion from now on. "

Hearing what Yu Changge said, Chu Ning nodded slightly.

Hearing what Yu Changge said, Chu Ning hesitated slightly.

“Master Nephew Chu, I would like to thank you for saving my apprentice.

As soon as Yu Changge said these words, everyone in the meeting hall laughed.

Yu Changge pointed to a position at the end and said:

At this moment, Yu Changge smiled and said:

 You have made great achievements this time, and the sect will reward you. Keep the magic weapon given to you before.

But you can rest assured that the sect will have its own countermeasures. "

Yu Changge took over the conversation and said:

“This is natural, regardless of whether there is a chance to get a one-on-one opportunity with Sun Shifan in the Wolong Valley ruins.

As for the body-refining secrets and elixirs, you can choose them now, or you can choose them after we sort them out.

Chu Ning just said this. On the main seat, Yu Changge spoke again:

 You can definitely sit in this position. "

After everyone had retreated, Yu Changge sat down on the main seat and waited for all the elders to sit down.

This Elder Fu should have successfully established his foundation at a very young age. Coupled with his good appearance skills, he looks about forty years old.

If you hadn't taken action, this girl might not have come back alive. "

 In terms of strength, you can even kill a Golden Core cultivator.

Everyone nodded.

Master Nephew Chu will stay, and the rest of the people will leave for now. "

 Immediately, my consciousness scanned the shelf with the Jiuhua Sect's exercises written on it, but I didn't find anything.

However, after scanning the numerous elixirs and elixirs with his spiritual consciousness, Chu Ning still took away two jade boxes and a jade bottle.

Chun Ning took away several things of obvious value in front of several Jindan monks.

 There are ten Jindan monks present, but no one feels anything wrong.

  After all, whether it was the previous competition or this time entering the Wolong Valley, Chu Ning played an indispensable role.

 Wait until Chu Ning put all these things back into his storage bag.

He then looked up at Yu Changge and said:

“Sect Master, I’m not in a hurry for the rest of the things. I’ll take a look at them after the sect has sorted them out.”

Yu Changge nodded and said: "Okay!"

Chu Ning knew that the sect leader and several elders would obviously have to discuss matters later. He was not too interested in participating in these specific affairs of the sect, so he just said goodbye and left.

 It wasn’t until Chu Ning’s figure left that Ling Cang sighed:

“I really didn’t expect that the Da Luo Sect actually arranged for the Jindan monks to enter.

This time, if Chu Ning hadn't gone with him, all our disciples would have been wiped out. "

Yu Changge nodded slightly and said in a deep voice:

“We were a little careless, thinking that the disciples had magical mirrors to quickly reunite, and several monks in the late stage of foundation building all held magical weapons.

 Others also brought a lot of elixirs and magic weapons..."

“Sect Master, this is the so-called God bless me Jiuhua Sect!” Ge Liuyang laughed at this moment.

“He unexpectedly allowed Chu Ning to join our sect.

As for the combined attack technique used by the opponent, I guess it may be the three-element five-element formation inherited by the sect.

Since these magic weapons have fallen into our hands this time, and in addition, there is a method of cultivating the Three Elements and Five Elements Formation in the inheritance.

 On the contrary, the strength of the disciples in our sect can be greatly improved.

 That Daluo Sect is just making wedding clothes for us. "

All the elders nodded with smiles on their faces.

Yu Changge also laughed at this time, scanning the shelves in the hall.

“With these inherited treasures, the strength of everyone here can be improved. In ten years, this sect will have a lot of changes.

And if there are fifty years, there will definitely be big changes, and there is great hope for the revival of the sect! "

 Speaking of this, Yu Changge paused slightly and said:

“However, what I just said about Da Luo Zong not giving up was not just a casual statement.

If the Daluo Sect knew that they were making wedding clothes for us, especially if they knew that so many monks had died, they would definitely come to our door.

It might even be the Nascent Soul cultivator who comes to visit. "

As soon as Yu Changge said these words, all the elders looked serious.

At this time, Yu Changge continued:

"It seems that it is necessary for me to ask the Supreme Elder to come out of seclusion! Not only in response to the Daluo Sect coming to visit, but also because of the Yuehua Xuanling Pill..."

Just when Yu Changge was discussing the next thing with the elders.

Chuning flew all the way from Jiuling Peak back to Lingyan Peak.

From a distance, he saw a beautiful figure standing outside his cave, but it was Shang Xiaohan who had gone to Wolong Valley together.

Seeing Chu Ning flying towards him, Shang Xiaohan immediately bowed.

“Senior Brother Chu, I would like to thank you for saving me in Wolong Valley.”

Chun Ning held up his hands and said with a smile:

“You’re welcome, Junior Sister Shang. You’ve already thanked me many times in Wolong Valley.”

“At that time, I was grateful to Senior Brother Li Qun, but now I am grateful to Senior Brother Chu!”

Shang Xiaohan showed a smile. She had a pretty face and good looks.

  This time when I smiled, it became even more bright and charming.

Especially when she thought about comparing "Li Qun" with Chu Ning before, she burst into laughter.

Chun Ning couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

 Shang Xiaohan immediately explained:

“Senior brother, in the Wolong Valley before, I was still thinking about who has greater magical power, you or senior brother Li Qun.

 Unexpectedly, you are actually the same person in the end. "

Shang Xiaohan stayed here for a long time and visited Chuning Cave.

After inviting Chu Ning to visit Mingyue Peak where she lived, she said goodbye and left.

Chuning returned to his training room and took out several things from his storage bag.

Going to Wolong Valley this time, Chu Ning spent a lot of money, and the biggest expense was naturally the Ice Shadow Sword Talisman.

At this moment, Chu Ning took it out and looked at it for a while.

I found that the power of this ice shadow sword talisman consumes a lot. If I want to send out the same power as the previous blow, I am afraid it will only be enough for two times.

Of course, Chu Ning’s corresponding gains are also not small.

Looking at the things in front of him, Chu Ning first looked at a fiery red demon pill, and then opened a jade box he had just taken from the shelf in the main hall.

What was placed inside was a blue demon pill.

This is exactly the demon elixir of a fifth-level wood-type demonic beast.

“With these two demon pills, I may be able to develop a pill that is more advanced than the Flame Wood Spirit Pill.

In this way, the speed of practicing Yanhuo Shenmu Gong can be accelerated. "

 Looking away from the two demon elixirs, Chu Ning now looked at another bottle of elixirs and the three "jade bones" next to them.

 These things Chu Ning prepared for body training.

He remembered very clearly that in the Thunder Fire Sect ruins, the most powerful thing about the jade bones was the breath of life, which could help him heal his injuries.

 Then it’s time to practice body training!

 Chun Ning has been looking for a treasure that can break through the bottleneck of body refining for a long time.

 After all, it has been more than two years since he reached the bottleneck period in his cultivation of the Immortal Golden Body.

 Previously, Chu Ning’s main energy was on the Yanhuo Shenmu Kung Fu and breakthroughs in the later stages of foundation building.

Now that he has time, he naturally wants to see if he can bring about a breakthrough in body refining.

Especially as it is the last level of the first volume of the Jiuyan Body Refining Technique, Chu Ning is also curious about what kind of changes this immortal golden body can bring to him after the completion of his training.

  Relatively speaking, the bonus to Qi refining was not so valued by Chu Ning.

Of course, he would not refuse promotion if offered.

As for this bottle of elixir, it does not belong to the Jiuhua Sect, but was obtained from another sect by the elders of the Jiuhua Sect.

Chu Ning looked at the dragon blood body tempering elixir written on the bottle and guessed that it should be a body refining elixir, so he took it.

With these few things, as for the other things obtained from the storage bags collected from the Daluo Sect monks, Chu Ning did not value them so much.

Of course, except for Sun Shifan’s storage bag.

In the storage bag of this Daluo Sect Golden Pill monk, Chu Ning surprisingly found a lot of alchemy and weapon refining materials, as well as a large number of spiritual stones.

 What surprised Chu Ning even more was that he also saw a talisman manual.

There are actually many methods for making high-level talismans recorded on it.

 This gave Chu Ning great joy.

In fact, Chu Ning had also looked at Jiuhua Sect before and found that perhaps the reason for Jiuhua Sect's own talismans was not prosperous.

 There are not many talisman books here.

There are naturally fewer high-level talismans.

As for Chu Ning, since he left Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands and there was not so much demand for talismans, Chu Ning has not spent much time and energy researching them.

 But now, with the advanced talisman-making skills, Chu Ning still hopes to improve his talisman-making level.

The reason is simple. As his cultivation improves, as long as his level of making talismans increases, it will not be difficult to make high-grade talismans.

 Once he is able to make high-end top-grade talismans, he can analyze the top-grade talismans with his Talisman Spirit Body.

And the Ice Shadow Sword Talisman in his hand is a top-notch talisman!

 For this reason, Chu Ning was very happy to obtain a high-level talisman-making technique.

But at this moment, Chu Ning still did not choose to look at the talisman first.

Rather, his eyes were fixed on the smallest of the three jade bones.

That jade bone looks like a hand bone.

Then Chu Ning’s spiritual consciousness swept over the jade bone, just like it did when the Thunder Fire Sect was there.

 Condensing a spiritual bridge between himself and the jade bone.

 The next moment, the jade bone was indeed shooting towards him.

Then it disappeared in a flash and entered the bones of his hand.

Soon, Chu Ning felt the familiar energy full of powerful life flowing around him.

 Jiuyan Body Refining Technique!

At this moment, Chu Ning immediately started practicing the Jiuyan Body Refining Technique.

 Over and over again, the pure energy began to spread towards the limbs and bones from being scattered.

The familiar hot feeling began to appear in Chu Ning's body.

But this time, the burning sensation came and went away quickly.

Chun Ning only practiced the Jiuyan Body Refining Technique once, and the burning sensation had disappeared.

Chu Ning looked inside and found that the jade bone that was originally attached to the bones of his hand seemed to be fused with the bones of his hand.

However, the degree of fusion is not nearly as high as the original sternum.

If Chu Ning hadn't already known about this and carefully investigated it, I'm afraid it would have been impossible to realize it a while ago.

Moreover, when Chu Ning practiced the Nine Evolution Body Refining Technique again, it had no effect.

“Is there a limit to daily practice?”

Chun Ning had a vague guess of his own, and the next moment, he looked at the proficiency in his mind.

 How effective it is, the proficiency of the Jiuyan Body Refining Technique is the most intuitive.

At this look, Chu Ning’s eyes suddenly brightened!

The first volume of Jiuyan Body Refining Technique, the proficiency of the Immortal Golden Pill, which had been silent for more than two years, finally made news again.

 (End of this chapter)

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