My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 237: The inheritance is in hand and the true appearance is revealed

Chapter 237 The inheritance is obtained and the true appearance is revealed

 “So many treasures!”

Chun Ning, like everyone else, had a look of surprise in his eyes at this moment.

However, I saw that the main hall was like a sect's collection pavilion.

The inside is neatly filled with various shelves.

Each shelf is filled with various things, including various magical weapons and magic weapons that are obviously powerful.

There are also various types of jade slips, elixir bottles, and weapon refining materials.

 Every shelf is clearly written and marked with something.

 “Look, there are words there!”

At this moment, Shang Xiaohan pointed to a wall on the right side of the hall.

“The art of refining the Zixiao Soul Condensing Pill is said to be a spiritual consciousness elixir that even Golden Pill monks can take!”

 “This trip was not in vain after all!”

 These words were obviously carved on the wall using some kind of mana restriction. Although thousands of years have passed, they have not been damaged at all.

Suddenly it is the practice method of the Five Elements of Chaos Art.

 《Five Elements of Chaos Jue》

Everyone said something to me, and their eyes were full of pride and excitement.

By this time, various exclamations were heard from every corner.

“The method of setting up the Seven Stars Formation in the Sea of ​​Clouds. There really is a way to set up the Seven Stars Formation in the Sea of ​​Clouds!”

This was indeed left by the sect's senior Shen Bai, and as Liu Zhaolin said, the other party still insisted that this was a heaven-level technique.

 But at the last moment, the entire valley was dragged into the space rift for some unknown reason.

"The Five Elements of Chaos Technique" is definitely a heaven-level technique! - Shen Bai"

Chun Ning murmured secretly in his heart. Seeing that other classmates had begun to check various things, he also started to look.

 Seeing this sentence, Chu Ning raised his brows slightly.

Looking across the name on the jade slip at the edge, Chu Ning's eyes suddenly lit up.

He said in a deep voice: “Everyone, it’s not too late for us to go back to the sect and take a look at these things.

“Yes, the things on the shelves outside are not only from our Jiuhua Sect, but also from Daluo Sect and other sects.

However, the most precious thing is definitely our Jiuhua Sect’s own things. "

 “The sect’s seniors are really well-intentioned!”

 After everyone read these words, their eyes suddenly became extremely complicated.

 He raised his gaze and glanced at the people who were looking at various treasures with great joy.

“This is the Nine Heavens Seal, which was originally the natal magic weapon of a senior!”

“Suddenly dragged into the space rift, the Thunder Fire Sect was also dragged into the space rift.

With exclamations coming one after another, Chu Ning also came to the row of shelves recording the exercises.

Chun Ning shook his head slightly, a little confused.

“Yes, the seniors of the sect also realized that they carried many sect inheritances with them, so they organized them all.

At this moment, there was no need to worry about getting those things. Everyone came to the wall.

As soon as Chu Ning said this, everyone put down their things reluctantly.

At this moment, Chu Ning looked at the written records on it, with some thoughts in his eyes.

Immediately, Chu Ning's eyes quickly swept towards the ground level skills below.

 Immediately I quickly picked up the jade slip and searched it with my spiritual sense. The contents were completely recorded.

Chun Ning was overjoyed when he saw this, but he quickly calmed down and did not continue to read, and his consciousness quickly exited.

“Perhaps I think too much.”

Later, after many sect seniors killed their opponents, they looted all the monks' belongings, hoping to bring them back to the sect one day. "

 Everyone looked at what she pointed at.

“The hard work of our predecessors has not been in vain, we can finally bring all these inheritances back!”

 It’s better to take all these things away now and leave here as soon as possible. "

Scanning his eyes, he discovered that among them were several heaven-level techniques that he had seen lost in the collection pavilion before.

 But that was done by the demons from outside the territory. Could it be that there were also demons from outside the territory who were causing trouble behind the civil strife in the Shuangyun Alliance?

 However, neither the Jiuhua Sect nor the current senior monks of the Jiuhua Sect mentioned this aspect. "

 “Nine Fantasy Purple Electric Knife, this is a top-notch spell!”

“It turns out that the seniors of the sect had already gained the upper hand and wanted to win this battle.

 And we have placed restrictions on our sect, hoping that one day we will be discovered by the sect members and take all of this back! "

But everyone also knows that what Chu Ning said makes sense.

 At this time, He Yanmao took the initiative and said:

“Senior Brother Li Qun has the highest level of cultivation here. In order to avoid any accidents on the way back, I think Senior Brother Li will carry everything.

 After bringing the things back, the sect master will definitely not be stingy in giving them to us.

 Not to mention the Dharma instruments and magic weapons, it is enough for us to understand one or two of these inherited secret techniques. "

 “Senior Brother He is right!” Yi Wenliang also agreed at this moment.

“These things are naturally best kept by Senior Brother Li Qun.”

 The two most powerful late-stage foundation-building monks said so, and the others certainly had no objections.


Chu Ning no longer refused, took out an empty storage bag, and emptied everything in it.

Taking this time, He Yanmao and Yi Wenliang took a look at some rooms in the hall.

 Other than the discovery of several corpses of sitting monks, there were no other special discoveries.

So, everyone destroyed the writing on the wall and directly chose to leave the main hall.

With the help of Chu Ning's method of breaking the ban, everyone got out of the ban in the hall and stopped going down the steps.

Instead, they released their magic weapons one after another and flew in the air along the path they came from.

Soon, the sect ruins in Wolong Valley emerged.

 The next step is how to get out.

 Fortunately, Jiuhua Sect has already considered this point.

Yi Wenliang immediately took out the magic weapon of the array and began to investigate.

“Going toward the southwest, the connection point between the space and the outside world should be there.”

On this trip, in addition to Yi Wenliang, Chu Ning, He Yanmao and others also brought magical weapons with them to identify the direction.

For example, the magic mirror in Chu Ning's hand can not only detect the direction of everyone.

  You can also find the connection point between this space and the outside world through some secret method.

 It's just that relatively speaking, the positioning of the things in the hands of formation masters like Yi Wenliang will be more accurate.

 Since the place was determined, everyone did not linger at all.

There was no interference from Daluo Sect monks along the way, and Chu Ning's super spiritual sense detection allowed him to avoid high-level monsters.

 The flying speed of everyone is naturally not slow.

In order to avoid unnecessary complications, Chu Ning not only led everyone to avoid the fifth-level monsters.

 Even the fourth-level monsters are ignored.

Flying all the way like this, in less than half a day, everyone had flown to the designated location.

 During this process, He Yanmao also kept activating the Dharma mirror in his hand.

 I want to see if the remaining five fellow disciples are likely to appear again.

  Unfortunately, until they reached the space boundary at this moment, there were still not many people to show up.

Naturally, everyone stopped waiting.

 Yi Wenliang immediately took out the formation disk again and poured mana into it.

 A ray of light shot out and hit the space wall in front.

The place that originally seemed empty was now filled with slight ripples.

At this time, in the deep valley of Wolong Mountain, Yu Changge noticed it immediately.

A hint of joy flashed in his eyes, and the next moment, he sent a message to Gong Yuyuan and others:

“They are coming out and joining forces to open the space channel.”

 Speaking, Yu Changge took the lead.

 And Gong Yuyuan and the other three also followed suit.

The actions of Yu Changge and the others were naturally visible to the people of the Daluo Sect not far away.

Ao Langtian looked at each other and the several monks on his side, their eyes twinkling slightly.

However, before they know the specific situation, they will naturally not act rashly.

Just watching every move of everyone in Jiuhua Sect coldly.

After Yu Changge, Gong Yuyuan and others jointly cast spells, after a while, a space passage the same size as before was opened.

 One person walked out of it first.

 It is Chu Ning who has transformed into Li Qun.

Chun Ning carries many sect inheritances and is recommended by everyone to be the first one to come out.

Yu Changge's eyes flashed slightly after seeing Chu Ning's figure.

He had a premonition that something unexpected would happen to the people who entered this space this time.

 After seeing that Chu Ning was the first to come out safe and sound, I felt somewhat relieved.

 As Shang Xiaohan, Yi Wenliang, He Yanmao and others came out one after another.

The faces of the elders of Jiuhua Sect are becoming more and more full of smiles.

However, after seeing fifteen people, there was no movement again.

Yu Changge and others' faces suddenly became a little more serious.

At this moment, Chu Ning used his spiritual consciousness to transmit to Yu Changge:

“Sect Master, several other disciples have been killed. Something unexpected has happened. Let’s return to the sect as soon as possible.”

Hearing Chu Ning's words, Yu Changge's eyes flashed slightly.

He didn’t ask any more questions and nodded lightly.

After making a look at Gong Yuyuan and others, they withdrew their magic power, and the space passage was immediately closed.

On the other side, Ao Langtian and others had uncertain expressions.

"What's going on? How come there are so many people coming out of Jiuhua Sect?"

Ao Langtian knows very well the layout of his sect.

A golden elixir monk used a secret method to forcefully suppress the cultivation level, and a late-stage foundation-building monk in the fake elixir realm.

 The remaining eight people join forces in pairs, and they all have the strength to fight against the golden elixir monks. And if many people join forces, even the golden elixir monk will die if he encounters it.

“Is it because these Jiuhua Sect monks are so lucky that they have never met any disciples of our sect?

 Or is it that these people were hunted down by our Da Luo Sect people, so they escaped? "

Ao Langtian stared at the fifteen disciples of Jiuhua Sect, trying to read something from the expressions on their faces.

 At the same time, he was also observing everyone's cultivation, but found nothing unusual.

 In Ao Langtian's eyes, everyone's cultivation level is only at the level of foundation building.

As for their expressions, they all looked thoughtful.

 In fact, within the ruins space, everyone had already agreed not to reveal anything after coming out.

In order to prevent the people of Da Luo Zong from taking action after learning the truth, everything will be discussed after returning to the sect.

 So even to Yu Changge, Chu Ning's spiritual consciousness transmission did not reveal anything.

Yu Changge expressed his full trust in everyone in Chu Ning at this moment.

 With a wave of his hand, a flying boat was released.

Chu Ning and others jumped on, and Yu Changge, Gong Yuyuan and others also boarded the flying boat.

 The next moment, a flying boat took off into the sky carrying nineteen people.

Seeing this scene, Ao Langtian couldn't sit still any longer and stood up with a "whoosh".

“Senior Brother Ao, do you want to stop them?”

Beside Ao Langtian, the old man with eyebrows who had gone to Jiuhua Sect with Ao Langtian and a late-stage Jindan monk asked at this time.

Hearing this, Ao Langtian hesitated for a moment, but finally shook his head.

Looking at the people of Jiuhua Sect, they drove away in a flying boat, and then frowned slightly and said:

“After this competition, the alliance deliberately did not let the two supreme elders interfere with this matter.

That Yu Changge is quite powerful, and together with Gong Yuyuan, the four of us may not be able to stop them.

 Let's wait for Junior Brother Sun to come out with the others. The many inheritances and treasures within the ruins are more important. "

 Speaking of this, Ao Langtian's eyes flashed slightly, showing an arrogant smile and said:

“As long as our Da Luo Sect can obtain the inherited secret treasures of several sects, we will be able to greatly increase our strength in a few decades.

By then, our status within the alliance will definitely be improved, and it will not be too late to deal with the Jiuhua Sect. "

 “That’s right!” The old man with raised eyebrows nodded at this time, and then said with doubtful eyes:

“It’s just a little strange, how could Junior Brother Sun and others let so many Jiuhua Sect monks come out, but they haven’t come out yet.

 We originally thought that we would take advantage of this opportunity to cause the Jiuhua Sect to lose another group of foundation-building disciples.

 They have only lost five people now, so they are lucky. "

“It’s indeed a pity.” Ao Langtian also had some regret in his tone.

 Then he turned his attention to the direction of the spatial ruins again.

“It is also possible that these Jiuhua Sect disciples chose to escape after Junior Brother Sun and the others were noticed for showing their cultivation.

In any case, with Junior Brother Sun inside and all the nephews joining forces in pairs, it is comparable to the methods of the Golden Core cultivators.

 After all, nothing unexpected will happen. This inheritance will fall into our hands sooner or later. Let’s wait and see. "

Ao Langtian naturally did not expect that after waiting day after day, there was still no movement in the barrier.

On the other hand, the people of Jiuhua Sect, led by Yu Changge and four Jindan monks, successfully returned to Jiuhua Sect.

  Jiuling Peak, in the sect's meeting hall, Yu Changge immediately summoned all the sect elders together.

When all nine elders had arrived, Yu Changge looked at Chu Ning and others and asked:

“You guys have been tight-lipped all the way, can you finally tell me what’s going on?”

Everyone looked at Chu Ning at this time, and He Yanmao also said directly:

 “Senior Brother Li Qun, it’s up to you to speak.”

When all the elders heard this, except Ge Liuyang, the others couldn't help but be a little surprised.

  When this "Li Qun" entered the list of twenty people, several elders were a little surprised.

 After all, they have never seen Li Qun or other late-stage foundation-building monks.

But since it was arranged by Yu Changge, everyone had no objections out of their trust in the sect leader.

Now, seeing the situation of He Yanmao and others, it seems that "Li Qun" has become the leader of the crowd, and everyone is respectful to him, which really surprises them.

However, now that Chu Ning had spoken, everyone listened patiently.

Chuning picked up the important points and talked about them at this time.

 Just after he entered the Wolong Mountain ruins, he encountered two monks from the Daluo Sect being chased by the Red Flame Beast.

 Then he shot the two men to death and rushed to save Shang Xiaohan.

At this point, Chu Ning thought for a while and said to Shang Xiaohan:

“Junior sister Shang, you already know what’s going to happen next, so why don’t you tell me.”

From Chu Ning's perspective, many things were difficult to explain, so he simply let Shang Xiaohan do the talking at this moment.

 “Okay.” Shang Xiaohan nodded, and then said:

“Not long after I entered the ruins, I also encountered two Daluo Sect monks.”

"You also encountered two Daluo Sect monks." Fu Lihong, a female monk among the nine Jindan elders, couldn't help but ask at this moment.

Just now when Chu Ning said that he met two Daluo Sect monks, they were just a little strange.

At this time, Shang Xiaohan also said that he met two Daluo Sect monks.

 They finally realized something was wrong.

Shang Xiaohan continued to nod, and then talked about how the two of them joined forces, how Chu Ning rescued her, and how to join He Yanmao and others.

At this time, many elders couldn’t help but glance at Chu Ning.

 They finally understood why this "Li Qun" was treated like this by everyone.

And when Shang Xiaohan continued to talk about it, Chu Ning discovered that Sun Shifan, a golden elixir monk, had appeared.

The other people are also good at the art of combined attacks, and when their strength is comparable to that of Jin Dan, everyone's expressions, including Yu Changge's, can't help but become extremely serious.

Shang Xiaohan was already very grateful to Chu Ning for saving her twice. Speaking of it now, it was inevitable to exaggerate Chu Ning's performance.

When he heard that Chu Ning took the initiative to lure away the golden elixir monk, he couldn't help but feel slightly moved.

 Everyone is becoming more and more curious about what will happen next.

After all, facing the strength of Daluo Sect, it is obvious that more people cannot be decisive.

Yu Changge and Ge Liuyang, on the other hand, vaguely guessed something at this moment.

  But I’m not sure.

At this time, Shang Xiaohan continued:

“The three-color light shield formed by the formation of the five members of the Daluo Sect was really powerful. With so many of us taking action, several of us were injured in the end.

 Just when Senior Brother He and others launched an attack to hold the opponent back, we were all preparing to disperse and flee.

Senior Brother Li appeared again. It turned out that he had killed the Jindan monk from Daluo Sect and rushed back to save us! "

 “What did you say?” Fu Lihong interrupted Shang Xiaohan directly at this moment.

“Li Qun killed the golden elixir monk? Sun Shifan had been forming elixirs for five or six years, and his magical powers were not weak.

He actually died in the hands of Li Qun? "

 “Master, it’s true!”

 Seeing the unbelievable looks on the faces of Fu Lihong and these Jindan elders, Shang Xiaohan couldn't help but speed up his tone.

“We didn’t know it at first, but later Senior Brother Li took action and broke the three-color light barrier, killed a monk, and broke their formation..."

Shang Xiaohan continued to talk and talked with Chu Ning and Feng Xianwu. The latter was so stimulated that he gave up resistance.

 Then everyone saw Sun Shifan's body and said it again.

At this moment, all the Jindan elders looked at Chu Ning with extremely complicated eyes.

Among the nine golden elixir elders present here, except for the first elder Gong Yuyuan and the second elder Yuan Zhuo who are in the late stage of elixir formation, there are also three mid-stage elixir formation elders after Ling Cang was promoted.

 The remaining four Jindan elders are all in the early stages of elixir formation.

At this moment, everyone was naturally shocked when they heard that this "Li Qun" actually had the means to kill the golden elixir monk.

 At their level of cultivation, they naturally know that it is extremely difficult to defeat the golden elixir.

 It’s just that I don’t need to wait for anyone to ask any more questions.

Shang Xiaohan thought about quickly talking about the inheritance later, so he started talking again.

When I heard that Chu Ning broke the ban again, led everyone into the hall, and obtained the inheritance compiled by the sect's seniors.

Even Yu Changge couldn’t help saying at this moment:

 “Where are those things now?”

 “Here I am!”

Chun Ning opened his mouth and took out the storage bag containing the things. After using his magic power, he took out all the things inside.

 Suddenly, the meeting hall was filled with rows of things.

Even the late Jindan monks such as Yu Changge, Gong Yuyuan, and Yuan Zhuo could not help but show excitement at this moment.

Ten golden elixir monks walked to these shelves one after another, either picking up jade slips, or pieces of magic weapons or weapon refining materials.

“The inheritance of alchemy in my alchemy pavilion is complete, finally complete!”

“Heaven-level exercises like the Nine-Yuan Divine Fire Technique, and the method of cultivating and refining the Golden Phoenix Feather Bamboo, I can refine the Golden Feather Sword Formation!”

Ling Cang, Ge Liuyang, each and every golden elixir monk, were either excited or in tears...

Even Yu Changge, who had always been extremely calm, could not help but show a hint of excitement on his face at this moment.

“Yuehua Xuanling Pill! There is still a Yuehua Xuanling Pill in the sect!

 This elixir is also very useful for the Supreme Elders. Taking it may extend your life for a hundred years! "

Hearing what Yu Changge said, everyone in the hall showed excitement on their faces.

 The Supreme Elder has been extended his life for a hundred years. They know very well what this means to the entire Jiuhua Sect!

 Everyone is excited!

At this time, the Great Elder Gong Yuyuan's eyes fell on Chu Ning, and he seemed to be vaguely aware of it.

At this time, he opened his mouth and said:

“Sect Master, this nephew of Li Qun has made great achievements this time! We didn’t even know about such cultivation before.”

Yu Changge laughed when he heard this.

“Master Nephew Chu, please show your true face to all your fellow disciples.”

Hearing this, everyone looked at Chu Ning with a "swish" look.

Chuning smiled at this time, and took off the mask on his face with a swipe of his hand, revealing his true face!

 “Chun Ning!”

Ling Cang, Gong Yuyuan and others made unexpected noises.

As for the more than ten Jiuhua Sect monks, they all exclaimed in surprise.

 “Senior Brother!”

 “Senior Brother Chu!”

Until this moment, everyone had a look of surprise on their faces.

Shang Xiaohan looked at Chu Ning and murmured to himself.

“No wonder! I asked why there is such a strong person in our sect, and it turned out to be Senior Brother Chu!

 No wonder! "

 (End of this chapter)

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