My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 227: Chu Ning wins the Nine Luo Essence Refining Method! (Please subscribe)

Chapter 227 Nine Luo Refining Method, Chu Ning wins! (Please subscribe)

“It’s really nine coins. How could it be nine coins?”

That Ao Xuan was suddenly greatly stimulated, and he almost shouted the last words.

Even those with a little keen hearing and eyesight among Jiuhua Sect disciples in the dojo below can hear it.

 Immediately, several shouts rang out from the dojo.

“That’s naturally because Senior Brother Chu’s alchemy skills are better than yours!”

“People named Ao can’t afford to lose!”

Following the shouts of several Jiuhua Sect disciples, there was also roaring laughter in the dojo below.

 After three rounds of competition, Jiuhua Sect finally had a hearty victory!

 The emotions of all the disciples were completely vented at this moment!

Hearing the shouting and laughter, Ao Xuan's face couldn't help but twitch slightly.

“We only won three out of seven games. Don’t the people from Jiuhua Sect even know how to count?

“I just said that the people of Jiuhua Sect have no intention of admitting defeat on their knees!”

Ao Xuan looked at Chu Ning and said with a sarcastic smile:

 He is better because of his strong talent, while the opponent has already gained considerable experience in refining weapons.

Given the power of Qi Zun's spiritual body, Chu Ning believes that compared with Ao Xuan, Chu Ning believes that he is only 50% off from learning such a single method.

The voice of this late-stage Jindan monk rang throughout the dojo.

Chuning shook his head at this time and said calmly:

Chu Ning, who was originally proud of his most proud alchemy, has greatly stimulated the Da Luo Zong and even the Tianjiaoman of the Yunxiao League.

Ao Langtian suddenly snorted coldly at this time.

 After saying that, Chu Ning looked at the middle-aged Confucian scholar who was previously responsible for the weapon refining competition.

“Senior, can we go back and compete in the next game?”

  There is no time to learn the relevant knowledge of weapon refining.

“Weapon refining? I’ve never learned it before.”

“I would like to see how you are at refining weapons.”

Upon hearing Chu Ning’s words, the joy that had just appeared on the faces of the Jiuhua Sect disciples in the dojo instantly receded.

The monks of Jiuhua Sect have also remembered at this moment that they have never heard Chu Ning talk about this weapon refining technique.

Although he had refreshed his spiritual body three months ago, in the past three months, Chu Ning had been focusing on training to reach the later stage of foundation building.

So, for the next time, Chu Ning was immersed in the study of this jade slip.

 “So, you still don’t want to admit defeat?”

Chuning followed and flew back to the forbidden area. Then he picked up the jade slip that recorded the Nine Luo Refining Method and looked at it carefully.

After reading it once, I combined it with what I saw when Lu Jiakang and Leng Daichun were refining weapons.

At this moment, being laughed at by tens of thousands of people made his mentality almost explode.

"Who said you have to give up if you haven't learned yet?" Chu Ning's eyes and face were extremely calm at this moment.

This time, Chu Ning did not stop reading the jade slips early, but read them for half an hour.

 But now it is an opportunity for him to try this refining method.

Everyone naturally knew that the next scene was actually the real test for Jiuhua Sect.

Ao Langtian laughed.

 The middle-aged Confucian scholar glanced at Chu Ning strangely, but nodded and said:

As soon as Ao Langtian said these words, the dojo immediately became quiet.

At this time, Ao Xuan also took a deep breath, his face became normal, and he looked at Chu Ning with a hint of pride again.

 It's just that some of the fire control techniques and forging methods do have some skills and mysteries in them. "

Xuan'er, let's discuss the art of weapon refining with this nephew of Master Chu! "

If Chu Ning was really asked to complete the weapon refining, Chu Ning would definitely be a little over the top.

After repeating it for a few rounds, I have a rough idea in my mind.

 Not to mention other things, Chu Ning did not dabble in many weapon refining materials alone.

 “Then let you really give up!”


After Chu Ning Jiang began to browse the jade slips, he felt a lot more at ease.

“This Nine Luo refining method is only the first step in refining a weapon, and it does not require a very systematic understanding of the refining process.

At this time, Ao Xuan was the first to fly up and chuckled at the same time.

 It was not until the middle-aged Confucian scholar prompted him to start that he stood up and took the materials thrown by the middle-aged Confucian scholar.

“This seems to be a piece of mica iron?”

Chun Ning held the material in his hand that was larger than his fist and muttered to himself, not being very sure.

“Fortunately, in order to be more precise, the Nine Luo Refining Method provides a method that can sense the tempering degree of the material.

 Otherwise, I am not familiar with this material, but I don’t know when to temper it and when to forge it. "

Chun Ning muttered secretly in his heart at this moment.

 This is actually a higher requirement for other weapon masters, but for Chu Ning, it is actually advantageous at this moment.

While thinking like this, Chu Ning raised his head slightly and saw Ao Xuan opposite him who had already started to control the fire and tempering.

I also saw the worried eyes of the other Jiuhua Sect disciples below the dojo.

Immediately, several magic formulas were fired into the refining furnace in front of him, and the refining of this material officially began.

Down below, when everyone saw that Chu Ning finally started to make some noise, many people also let out a sigh of relief.

 Although everyone was still interested in Chu Ning's weapon refining, they still wanted to see if a miracle could happen.

 But at least Chu Ning moved, which gave all this a glimmer of hope.

However, this scene made many foundation-building monks from Daluo Sect have proud smiles on their faces.

 After all, what Chu Ning showed at that moment was obviously not as comfortable as when he was refining the elixir before.

He is not as calm as Ao Xuan on the opposite side.

 When Chu Ning officially started tempering, especially the forging, the smiles on the faces of the Daluo Sect monks became even brighter.

  After all, whether Chu Ning's fire control technique or the hammering technique behind it, they don't look very natural.

 They saw it, and Ao Xuan on the other side naturally saw it too.

 Because of the failure in the alchemy just now, Ao Xuan was more concerned about Chu Ning's activities.

In addition, the materials are only preliminary refined and are not as precise as the many elixirs that need to be controlled when refining elixirs. He can also be more distracted and take a look.

 After a few times, when he saw Chu Ning's obviously unfamiliar movements, Ao Xuan was completely relieved.

“There is no threat at all, I just need to show everyone how powerful my weapon refining talent is!”

Muttering in his heart, Ao Xuan no longer looked at what Chu Ning was doing, and just tempered the material in front of him professionally.

At this moment, Chu Ning, after completing the first round of tempering, had a smile in the corner of his eyes.

“The tempering and forging of the weapon refining materials is completely different from that of alchemy, even though I am extremely proficient in the art of controlling fire in alchemy.

 But it’s just about being able to draw parallels, it’s about re-understanding and mastering.'s not as difficult as imagined. "

 The powerful talent of the spirit body brings super understanding, plus powerful mana that far exceeds that of ordinary monks in the late stage of foundation building.

 After two rounds of familiarity and adaptation, Chu Ning immediately had a very good grasp of this refining method.

So, after starting the third round of tempering, Chu Ning immediately became more comfortable.

This piece of material is also shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, under Chu Ning's induction, the impurities in it are also rapidly reducing.

 After three back and forths, Chu Ning's eyes focused and began to change again. Because he knew that he had been delayed a little bit earlier, at this moment, both the fire control technique and the forging speed were accelerated.

After all, every time it is tempered and forged, the purity of the material can be improved.

But this also means that Chu Ning needs to have a stronger grasp of the overall rhythm.

 And consume more mana.

It's just that Chu Ning doesn't care that much at this moment.


At this moment, on the high platform, Ge Liuyang couldn't help but screamed in surprise after seeing Chu Ning's actions.

Chuning had already surprised him slightly in the first three rounds of tempering.

 Because Chu Ning gave him the feeling that his proficiency had improved visible to the naked eye.

 However, it was still within the scope of adaptation, so his feelings were not deep.

 But at this moment, when Chu Ning's tempering speed increased significantly, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

 At the same time, there is a little bit of expectation.

Ge Liuyang knew that Chu Ning had never been involved in weapon refining, and everyone in the Jiuhua Sect also knew that.

But at this moment, Ge Liuyang couldn't help but feel a little longing.

“Could it be that Chu Ning is not only an alchemy prodigy, but also a weapon refining prodigy?”

Ge Liuyang and other Jiuhua Sect monks were a little excited.

As for the monks from Daluo Sect, they were obviously a little stunned.

Even the witness, the Confucian scholar surnamed Chen, began to have a hint of astonishment in his eyes at this moment.

Because Chu Ning's technique at this moment is so proficient, it doesn't look like he has just come into contact with it.

As for Lu Jiakang, who was sitting in isolation and confinement, his eyes were a little bright at the moment.

 He had used the Nine Luo Refining Method to temper and forge a piece of material before, so what he saw now was more touching.

“Junior Brother Chu actually knows how to refine weapons? It was a bit unfamiliar at first, but now he is so proficient.

 This pace is actually a few minutes faster than his own just now. "

 Thinking about this, Lu Jiakang couldn't help but get a little excited.

 While everyone was looking at her like this, Chu Ning's rhythm was getting better and better.

 After five more rounds, he had tempered and beaten this piece of material until it was even smaller than an egg.

“It seems to have reached the limit, but it is not absolute. I always feel that there are still some flaws in some places.”

While thinking this, Chu Ning began to use his spiritual consciousness to explore inside.

 The powerful distraction technique allowed his consciousness to lock on to several places and perform more precise and targeted forging.

After repeating this twice more, just when Chu Ning felt that he could reach the most perfect state after one or two more times.

"time up!"

 The voice of the middle-aged Confucian scholar has passed through the restriction and fallen into his ears.

Although Chu Ning felt a little regretful, he had to stop.

On the other side, Ao Xuan looked over at this moment, with a look of pride and disdain on his face.

The middle-aged Confucian scholar said at this time:

“You guys should take the refined materials to this high platform, and you can also have an understanding of each other’s materials.”

Hearing this, Chu Ning and Ao Xuan immediately flew to the high platform with the materials.

 Then they were all revealed at the same time and handed over to the middle-aged Confucian scholar.


 When he saw what Chu Ning was holding, Ao Xuan's expression suddenly changed slightly.

Before this, he clearly saw that Chu Ning didn't know much about the art of refining, and was very unfamiliar with both tempering and forging.

 But at this moment, when he saw the mica iron that Chu Ning took out.

However, he found that the size was almost the same as the one in his hand.

 Refining is the process of removing impurities and retaining the essence. After refining, the impurities in the original materials will be removed by refining, and the materials will naturally become less.

  To a certain extent, the final size of the material remaining can also represent the quality of the refining.

Of course, this is not absolute, because some people who are not skilled enough will also lose the main materials during the refining process.

 So this identification method can only be intuitive impression.

 What is really going on is for the refiner to identify the purity of the materials.

 But at this moment, Chu Ning was able to refine this piece of mica iron into such a size, which was beyond Ao Xuan's expectations.

But he quickly reacted and smiled contemptuously.

 He has already determined in his heart that Chu Ning must have refined a lot of mica iron itself.

The middle-aged Confucian scholar glanced at the hands of the two men at this moment, and then took the lead in picking up the materials in Ao Xuan's hand.

He checked carefully, then nodded and said:

“Yes, the purity of this piece of mica iron has reached 96%, which is very suitable for refining magic weapons.”

 Hearing what the middle-aged Confucian scholar said, Ao Xuan smiled slightly.

 And Ao Langtian and other Daluo Sect monks all had smiles on their faces.

 In such a time, the mica refined iron can be refined to a purity of 96%.

 Ao Xuan's mastery of the Nine Luo Refining Method is undoubtedly very high.

 As for everyone in the Jiuhua Sect, especially those who know how to refine weapons.

 When they heard that this was actually mica iron, and that Ao Xuan's refining purity had reached 96%, they all changed their minds.

 Lu Jiakang's face flashed with a hint of disappointment at this moment.

He was not able to achieve the 96% purity just now. He only refined it to 95% purity.

 Don’t underestimate this slight change in purity, it’s a world of difference at this level.

“I didn’t expect that while this person was so accomplished in the art of alchemy, he also had such an outstanding talent in refining weapons.

Junior brother Chu was familiar with the refining method just now, but it is too difficult to achieve such purity, alas!

 In this competition, the sect may..."

 There are many people from the Jiuhua Sect who think like Lu Jiakang at the moment.

 For a time, the entire dojo was silent.

The momentum that was originally high because Chu Ning won the alchemy was somewhat relieved at this moment.

 Because everyone knows that if you lose this game, you will also lose today's competition.

 This undoubtedly put smiles on the faces of the more than a hundred foundation-building monks of the Daluo Sect.

At this time, the middle-aged Confucian scholar picked up the mica iron in Chu Ning's hand.

 Suddenly, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He confirmed it repeatedly and showed it to the white-haired old man named Peng, the Taoist priest, and the woman in palace attire.

The middle-aged Confucian scholar surnamed Chen's behavior caused Ao Xuan to be slightly stunned.

  also attracted the attention of more than 10,000 people at the scene.

 “Is there something else that can’t happen?”

While everyone was thinking this, the middle-aged Confucian scholar finally finished their discussion and looked at Chu Ning.

 Then he slowly said something that shocked everyone present except Chu Ning.

“The purity of Jiuhua Zong Chu Ning’s mica iron refining is 98%. Jiu Luo’s refining method, Jiu Hua Zong Chu Ning’s, wins!”

As soon as these words came out, it was like a huge boulder smashing into the lake!

 Suddenly, everyone in the dojo and on the high platform was shocked with different expressions!

 (End of this chapter)

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