My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 226: Jiuhua Sect Chu Ning wins! (Please subscribe)

Chapter 226 Jiuhua Sect Chu Ning wins! (Please subscribe)

Leng Daichun, who was opposite him, also changed his expression at this moment.

 “This madman!”

While muttering secretly in his heart, Leng Daichun raised his hand and drove the yellow graphite in his hand directly towards the dagger in the air.

 It's just that the yellow graphite didn't have time to be stimulated at this moment, without the yellow glow to resist it.

Although it blocked the black dagger with red light shining in the air, the aura above it dimmed instantly.

 Obviously, it can no longer be driven.

At the same time, the huge impact also sent Leng Daichun flying backwards.

However, Leng Daichun didn't take it seriously at all.

 Because at the same time, the yellow glow had already hit Yuan Rongzhang's defensive shield.

Immediately, he looked at the other end, Yuan Rongzhang, who was now protected by Yu Changge.

At the same time, several talismans shot towards Yuan Rongzhang.

 “Senior Brother Yuan!”

The black dagger had flown back into his hand at this moment, and he actually grabbed a handful of pills and ate them.

 “Senior Brother Yuan!”

The next moment, the remaining yellow glow swept Yuan Rongzhang directly.

Even though Yuan Rongzhang's defensive shield had good defensive capabilities, it collapsed when faced with attacks from such magic weapons.

At this moment on the field, Leng Daichun seemed to realize something.

The latter was obviously shaky and unsteady at the moment, but after the late-stage Jindan monk looked over, he still grinned.

At this moment, Yuan Rongzhang, whose face was pale, with blood stains on the corners of his mouth, and whose whole body was torn apart by the aftermath of the yellow glow, had already stood up.

Immediately, the red light hit Leng Daichun's body.

On the high platform, Yu Changge and Yuan Zhuo stood up almost at the same time.

At this moment, the expression on Yuan Rongzhang's face was even more crazy. The mana he had forcibly replenished by taking many pills was quickly injected into the black dagger in his hand.

 The latter immediately flew up again, spurting out a stream of blood in the air, and then hit the defensive restriction heavily.

With this roar, the black dagger in Yuan Rongzhang's hand shot out fiercely!

 Penetrate directly through his body!

Yuan Zhuo shook his head, but now he smiled.

 He had already vaguely guessed what Yuan Rongzhang was going to do, and said to Yuan Zhuo:

“Junior brother Yuan, please bring Rongzhang down.”

Looking at the white-haired old man named Peng.

 “For the sake of the sect, I must... win once!”

Seeing this scene, Ao Langtian's body flashed and he came to the competition platform of the dojo.

 The red light on it was actually more eye-catching than the previous times.

 Seeing this scene, the alchemists in the Jiuhua Sect’s Alchemy Pavilion were the first to shout.

The talisman spells shot out from the air collapsed one after another in the aftermath of the red light!

“Senior, can you announce the result?”

This shield was obviously made of a very high-grade talisman, but when faced with a blow from this magic weapon, it collapsed directly.

 “No, that’s good!”

At this moment, Yuan Rongzhang raised his head and glanced at the high platform, and unexpectedly flew out without haste and landed on the high platform.

Yuan Zhuo clenched his fists tightly, his eyes flashing on his cold face.

He held Leng Daichun up, then quickly tapped him with magic power several times, and took out a pill and fed it to him.

Seeing Yuan Zhuo like this, Yu Changge took a deep look at the field and said nothing.

 “Uncle Yuan!”

 “Uncle Yuan!”

The next moment, the red light had flown in front of Leng Daichun, heavily activating the protective shield outside him.

As soon as these words came out, Yuan Rongzhang suddenly collapsed to the ground softly.

Ao Langtian sneered and took Leng Daichun, who was no longer aware of his identity, out of the competition platform.

The white-haired old man surnamed Peng glanced at Yuan Rongzhang with strange eyes, then nodded gently, looked up at the dojo below, and said slowly:

 “In this game, Jiuhua Sect Yuan Rongzhang wins!”

Looking at this scene on the field, Yu Changge's expression changed slightly.


Seeing that the two of them were about to rush to the high platform to save people.

His yellow graphite could no longer be used, so he stretched out his hand and slapped it, adding several defensive shields to his body.

 In the dojo below, many Jiuhua Sect disciples looked at the high platform with concern.

 Every one of them had their hands clenched into fists and squeezed together tightly.

Chun Ning and Yuan Zhuo stepped aside and came to Yuan Rongzhang's side to support him.

The old man surnamed Peng opened his mouth, but in the end he still didn't speak.

Chu Ning quickly took out a small Tian Yuan Dan from the storage bag and fed it into Yuan Rongzhang's mouth.

Yuan Rongzhang opened his eyes slightly, glanced at Chu Ning, and said in an almost inaudible voice:

 “Senior Brother Chu, I’m sorry!”

Despite the tragic victory in the last game, Yuan Rongzhang's face did not show the slightest expression of joy at this time, but was filled with guilt.

He and Lu Jiakang each won only one game in the first two rounds, which means that for Jiuhua Sect to win, Chu Ning needs to win three games in this round.

 This is an almost impossible task.

Chuning patted Yuan Rongzhang's shoulder gently and said with a faint smile:

 “Don’t worry, leave it to me!”

 After saying that, Chu Ning stood up slowly.

Ao Xuan on the other side has looked over at this moment, his eyes full of sarcasm.

 “You have won a battle with all your might, but do you think there is still a need to compete?”

Chun Ning met the other party's gaze with a calm expression, but there seemed to be a raging fire in his chest.

  Traveling into this world of immortality, Chu Ning was cautious, calm and rational along the way.

Although he encountered danger several times, he managed to avoid it.

 He rarely acts impulsively, and rarely has his blood boiling up.

But at this moment, Chu Ning felt a rush of blood.

Having been in Jiuhua Sect for more than eight years, he has seen the original intention of the sect and everyone is working hard towards the same goal.

 In today's competition, he saw that every move on the field affected the hearts of tens of thousands of disciples in the dojo.

I also saw Lu Jiakang’s guilt and bitterness after his unexpected defeat, and saw Yuan Rongzhang’s madness and paranoia in his last moments.

Chuning admitted that at this moment, he was touched!

 He wants to be impulsive and passionate!

Even if this is not his style, it goes against his original intention of always being low-key.

 But at this moment, he no longer thinks about all this.

 “Then let’s do it with a bang!”

Chun Ning muttered silently in his heart, and the hot blood in his heart surged toward his head.

He looked at Ao Xuan and said in a calm and firm voice:

“Jiuhua Sect has no habit of kneeling down to admit defeat!

Disciples of the Jiuhua Sect told me, right? "

As these words fell, all the tens of thousands of Jiuhua Sect disciples in the dojo raised their heads and looked at the high platform.


 The huge sound resounded throughout the Jiuhua Mountains.

 An astonishing aura gathered from tens of thousands of people, and even the faces of the golden elixir monks on the high platform changed one after another.

As for the more than a hundred Daluo Sect foundation-building monks on the side, many of them couldn't help but use magic defense shields under the pressure of this momentum.

 But even so, it still makes them all look extremely ugly!

Ao Xuan's face changed when he was also forced by this momentum, but he quickly turned around and snorted coldly:

 “Okay, then I’ll make you convinced that you lost!”

At this moment, the white-haired old man surnamed Peng handed the last pill recipe to the hands of the two of them.

  Immediately, Chu Ning and Nao Xuan flew up and landed on the alchemy platform.

His consciousness fell on the jade slip in front of him, and Chu Ning checked the prescription inside.

“Hey, it’s actually a spiritual consciousness elixir?”

Chun Ning couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw it.

 Intermediate and high-grade spiritual elixirs are more difficult to refine than ordinary Qi-refining elixirs.

The key is that Chu Ning also heard just now that this elixir recipe was also improved by a certain monk based on the ancient elixir recipe.

“I think that senior has a very high level of alchemy, and he is most likely a monk at the late stage of the golden elixir.”

With this thought flashing through his mind, Chu Ning quickly scanned the contents of the prescription.

This jade slip only contains the elixir prescription, which does contain the order of adding the elixir, but the specific fire control and refining techniques are not included.

However, for Chu Ning, who has developed two intermediate and high-grade spiritual consciousness elixir recipes.

This is obviously not too difficult.

 In just a quarter of an hour, Chu Ning already had a relatively complete plan for refining the elixir in his mind.

At this moment, Chu Ning's heart moved, and she put the jade slips away, and then walked to the alchemy furnace.

Seeing this scene, whether it was the many Jindan monks on the high platform or the disciples in the dojo below.

We were all surprised at this moment.

“Master Chu, is he about to start refining elixirs?”

“It seems like, you see, he has put away all the jade slips and is already cleaning the alchemy furnace.”

The disciples of Jiuhua Sect are discussing, and the foundation-building monks of Daluo Sect over there are also discussing a lot at this moment.

“What’s going on? Could this person have already mastered the contents of the jade slips?

 Even Senior Brother Ao is still looking at the jade slips! "

“He’s not bluffing to influence Senior Brother Ao, right?”

 No wonder they thought so, because Ao Xuan, who was on the other side of the alchemy platform, also noticed Chu Ning's movements at this moment.

You lowered your head and looked at the jade slip in your hand, and then at Chu Ning, with a look of astonishment on your face.

Judging from his expression, it was obvious that Chu Ning was very surprised that Chu Ning was preparing to make alchemy so quickly.

Ao Langtian who was on the high platform stood up directly at this moment and said to the white-haired old man named Peng:

"Fellow Daoist Peng, you haven't announced the official start of alchemy yet. This person must have violated the rules."

 “Why did you break the rules?”

Before the white-haired old man surnamed Peng spoke, Yu Changge had already spoken first.

“When Daoist Peng mentioned the rules just now, he meant that the maximum time required for studying the elixir is half an hour.

  But it did not say that it must take half an hour to study the recipe.

Our Jiuhua Sect disciple can quickly understand the elixir recipe. Isn’t this a higher level of alchemy skills? "

The white-haired old man named Peng nodded slightly at this moment and said:

“Peng did not say just now that you cannot make elixirs in advance. If this nephew Chu Ning can understand the elixir in such a short period of time.

This is indeed a reflection of the talent and understanding of alchemy, but in the end, the outcome is determined by the rate and quality of the alchemy. "

Hearing what the white-haired old man surnamed Peng said, Ao Langtian snorted coldly and sat down again.

However, there was no worry at all on his face.

He knew very well that Ao Langtian had enough confidence in his son's various cultivation talents.

That guy named Chu Ning didn't even mention winning three games against Ao Xuan. In his opinion, he had no chance of winning even one. At this moment, Ao Langtian was 100% sure that Chu Ning’s move was to influence Ao Xuan’s mentality.

 In fact, Chu Ning does have this idea.

 It was not that he wanted to influence Ao Xuan's thoughts during the alchemy scene.

Chun Ning is confident enough in alchemy. Unless a golden elixir monk takes action, no one can surpass him.

 What he wants to influence is Ao Xuan's mentality throughout this round.

Of course, the more important thing is that Chu Ning has indeed thought through all the steps of alchemy at this time.

While cleaning the alchemy furnace, Chu Ning once again sorted out the alchemy process, and there were basically no problems.

 At that moment, he started to play out a series of magic formulas to control fire and refine alchemy.

This elixir has not been named, but several of its elixirs have been used in Chu Ning's Concentrating Iron Soul Pill and Ksitigarbha Soul Pill.

 After the temperature in the alchemy furnace reached, he began to put in the elixirs one by one in order.

 At the same time, the fire control technique is also constantly changing.

 Because he was not sure about the level of Ao Xuan on the opposite side, Chu Ning had no reservations at this moment.

 He put all his attention on the alchemy furnace in front of him.

 Elixirs were added one after another, and spells were played out one after another.

 After all the elixirs have been tempered, the magic formula in his hand immediately changed again and began the process of melting.

At this moment, on the high platform, the Taoist priest, one of the five witnesses, and an old man with raised eyebrows from the Daluo Sect all had a hint of surprise in their eyes.

The two of them are good at refining alchemy, and they can naturally see the general process of the magic formula Chu Ning is playing at this moment.

At this time, they knew that Chu Ning had really understood the elixir formula.

 Furthermore, the previous stage of extracting and tempering the elixir was also completed very smoothly in one go.

 The old man with raised eyebrows from Daluo Sect immediately used his spiritual consciousness to send a message to Ao Langtian.

Ao Langtian was slightly startled when he heard the old man's message.

 He couldn't help but take a deep look at Chu Ning, and then his eyes fell on Ao Xuan.

At this moment, Ao Xuan has also put down the jade slip.

The alchemy platforms of the two people were built opposite each other. As long as the genius of Daluo Sect raised his head, he could see the movement on Chu Ning's side.

Ao Xuan could naturally see at this time that Chu Ning's alchemy had entered the later stages.

Immediately, his face was slightly startled, and there was a look of extreme surprise in his eyes.

“This is an intermediate high-grade spiritual consciousness elixir recipe, how could he comprehend it so quickly?

How can this be? "

 Ao Xuan's heart at this moment could no longer be as calm as before.

Chun Ning is the chief deacon of the Jiuhua Sect’s Alchemy Pavilion. Da Luo Sect knew this information before.

But firstly, Chu Ning had never appeared in the outside world, and secondly, the Jiuhua Sect Alchemy Pavilion had been weak for many years, so Ao Xuan didn't take it too seriously.

With Ao Xuan being such a conceited person, he simply doesn’t think that there is any Foundation Establishment monk in the Yunxiao League who can surpass him in alchemy skills.

Even if there is, it is unlikely to appear in Jiuhua Sect.

 But now, Chu Ning obviously understood it faster than him, which almost made Ao Xuan's mentality unbalanced.

At this time, Ao Xuan inadvertently raised his head and saw Ao Langtian and others on the high platform looking at him with steady eyes.

Ao Xuan immediately took a deep breath.

“This elixir refining will ultimately be judged by the rate and quality of the elixir.

 I don’t believe that people in Jiuhua Sect can really surpass me! "

Thinking like this, Ao Xuan simply stopped looking at Chu Ning and directly started to control the fire elixir.

On the alchemy table on the other side, Chu Ning has completed the steps of melting the liquid.

 Over the past six years, his alchemy skills have also improved.

If it had been six years ago, Chu Ning would not have been able to be so comfortable with the intermediate and high-grade elixir that he came into contact with for the first time.

 But now, pills of this level are no longer a problem for him.

 Dividing liquid, condensing elixir, gathering spirit…

Chuning completed all the steps flawlessly.

At this moment, even across the alchemy furnace, the aroma of the elixir has already overflowed.

The ban only has a sound insulation effect, so the aroma of the elixir naturally spreads outside the alchemy platform at this moment.

 Coupled with the explanations from the people in the Alchemy Pavilion, tens of thousands of Jiuhua Sect disciples in the dojo also looked happy at this moment.

“Uncle Chu has finished making the elixir, and it’s time to get the elixir!”

“It has such a strong elixir aroma, it must be of high quality!”

 “Look how many pills there are!”


At this moment, tens of thousands of people looked at the alchemy platform with wide eyes.

Chun Ning was not like Leng Daichun before who finished refining the elixir but did not take the elixir.

Stretched his palm towards the alchemy furnace and pressed it into the air. The lid of the alchemy furnace in front of Chu Ning opened and several pills flew out.

Chun Ning wanted everyone to see it, so he made the elixirs float above the alchemy furnace.


 “Uncle Chu made nine pills!”

 The next moment, the entire dojo was boiling!

Many people in the Jiuhua Sect have already seen the quality of Chu Ning's elixirs.

At this moment, seeing Chu Ning's success rate, they already knew that Chu Ning would definitely win this battle!

 On the high platform, all the Jindan monks from Jiuhua Sect all smiled.

 But Da Luozong and the five witnesses all looked surprised at this moment.

 “The rate of becoming a pill is 100%?”

The old man with raised eyebrows from Da Luo Sect could not help but murmur at this moment, his tone full of disbelief.

 At the next moment, there was another murmur in his mind but he did not say it out loud.

“Even Ao Xuan may not be able to achieve such a success rate.”

Thinking of this, the old man with raised eyebrows looked at Ao Xuan.

To his slight relief, Ao Xuan didn't seem to notice Chu Ning's number of pills, so he wasn't too affected.

After Chu Ning and others had seen the number of pills clearly, he reached out and put the nine pills into the jade bottle.

 The next moment, he took the jade bottle and flew out from the alchemy platform and landed on the high platform.

 “This disciple has finished refining the alchemy. Please take a look at it, seniors.”

Chun Ning spoke and handed the jade bottle to the white-haired old man named Peng.

The white-haired old man surnamed Peng glanced at Chu Ning with a smile, then reached out and took the jade bottle.

“Then let’s take a look at the elixir refined by nephew Chu Ning first.”

A few people were indeed curious about the quality of this intermediate and high-grade elixir that Chu Ning had refined so quickly.

 Especially the veteran who is good at alchemy, was the first to come out at this moment.

 When the white-haired old man opened the jade bottle and poured out the elixir.

 “What a high-quality elixir!”

 Lao Dao had a strange look in his eyes and let out a low cry.

The white-haired old man naturally knew that the old Taoist was good at refining alchemy, so he directly handed the jade bottle to the latter.

 “Fellow Daoist Qu, take a closer look.”

 Lao Dao took the jade bottle and poured out the elixirs inside one by one. After reading it himself, he showed it to the others.

 Immediately, he looked at Chu Ning, full of surprise.

“The elixir has a 100% success rate, and the quality of each elixir is of the highest quality. This elixir is already the top quality of an intermediate high-grade elixir!

 Even if we and other Jindan monks take action, they can only refine it to this level.

Jiuhua Sect Master Chu's alchemy skills are really amazing! "

As soon as Lao Dao named Qu said these words, the expressions of Daluo Zong Ao Langtian and others changed slightly.

The alchemy skills of Lao Dao named Qu are very famous in the entire Yunxiao League. They naturally know the meaning of his words.

 On the alchemy platform on the other side, Ao Xuan could not hear the words of the people on the high platform.

But how could he not see such a big movement from Chu Ning.

 No matter how good your mentality is, you can't help but have some fluctuations at this moment.

With this fluctuation, something abnormal suddenly appeared in the alchemy furnace.

This made Ao Xuan's face change slightly, and he quickly cast several spells to stabilize the alchemy furnace.

 Then he gathered his mind and did not dare to be distracted again until the elixir condensation was over.

At this moment, the eyes of everyone in the dojo also fell on Ao Xuan.

When they saw seven pills coming out of the alchemy furnace, the disciples of the Jiuhua Sect suddenly burst into cheers.

Ao Xuan put away the elixir and happened to see the movement in the dojo.

Although I couldn't hear the cheers, I could vaguely guess something from everyone's expressions.

 The expression on his face immediately changed slightly.

However, after taking a look at the high platform, he still held the jade bottle in his hand and flew out and landed on the high platform.

 In this way, he naturally saw the strange expressions on the faces of several Jindan monks from Daluo Sect.

 Immediately, my heart skipped a beat again.

However, he still handed the jade bottle towards the white-haired old man named Peng.

 Several witnesses had seen Chu Ning's elixirs before, and then saw that Ao Xuan had only made seven elixirs.

 I already have a rough judgment in my mind.

 But at this moment, everyone still poured out Ao Xuan's elixirs one by one to identify them.

 Immediately, the old man named Peng announced the result loudly.

“Ao Xuan of Daluo Zong made seven elixirs, and Chu Ning of Jiuhua Zong made nine elixirs. They are of high quality.

 In this game, Jiuhua Zong Chu Ning wins! "



As the white-haired old man surnamed Peng finished speaking, the dojo suddenly erupted in cheers!

At this moment, Ao Xuan's face changed drastically, and his eyes were full of shock.

 “Nine pills? How is that possible?”

 He has just refined this elixir, so he naturally knows how difficult it is.

 When the rate of elixir formation reaches more than six, each additional one is a huge improvement.

 Even though he had just passed the reactions of everyone, he already had some guesses that the situation was not good for him.

But he doesn’t think that Chu Ning can achieve a 100% rate of elixir formation!

At this time, the white-haired old man named Peng smiled and opened the green jade bottle.

“All the fellow Taoists on this stage have just seen it, why don’t you, Master Nephew Ao, use your spiritual sense to sense it?”

Ao Xuan's consciousness immediately swept over him, and the next moment, his eyes towards Chu Ning were extremely complicated.

 There is jealousy, anger, loss, disbelief...

“It’s really nine coins. How could it be nine coins?”

 (End of this chapter)

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