My Super Hero Development System

: One hundred and thirty-four, successfully won

"Balls are played a lot, but billiards really haven't been played much."

Xiao Fan smiled. He likes to play basketball. He feels better when he touches the basketball, and he can knead it casually.

"Well, I'll teach President Xiao." Zhao Wen said with a smile when she came to the pool table.

Then she asked Xiao Fan to put his palm on the case again, pull his right thumb away,

Do a good job of support, and help him support the club, patiently explain the skills of swinging and hitting,

Xiao Fan seemed to listen carefully, but his eyes never left her advantage.

The two practiced and fought like this. Zhao Wen's basic skills are still very solid, and she has a good sight. Although I didn't see how she exerted her strength,

But the ball can always fall into the bag softly. Although Xiao Fan hit the ball with a bang, he rarely hit the bag.

Always walk around the case.

Of course, his mind was not on the game at all, he just drooled at Zhao Wen's graceful figure,

Seeing her sometimes lightly leaning her soft body on the ball table, and sometimes frowning while holding the pole,

Xiao Fan felt extremely itchy when he raised his hands and gestures.

After playing like this for over an hour, Xiao Fan didn't win a game.

He was eaten to death by the opponent's use of softness to overcome his strength, but he did not feel discouraged. Instead, he stood opposite Zhao Wen with great interest.

His eyes shifted from the child ball to the cue ball, then climbed up the club, and finally got into the valley, unable to extricate himself.

Zhao Wen put a ball into the pocket,

Standing up, he smiled at Xiao Fan, who was lying on the desk, and said softly, "You're almost done, how about a game?"

The game is boring, it's better to practice. "Xiao Fan shook his head, he didn't want to play games, it's better to practice and see the scenery.

"There's a bet, don't you want to hear it?" Zhao Wen smiled and sat on the bench with the cue stick, fiddling with her hair,

Xiao Fan put down the club in his hand, his eyes lit up, and asked, "What's the bet?"

"If I win, your company's future advertisements will be given to us." Zhao Wen said with a smile: "If you win, then,,,"

"How about that?" Xiao Fan felt his heart beat a lot faster, this woman is very good at it.

"Meet what you want." Zhao Wen lowered her head and stroked her hair with her hands.

"I don't gamble, and I won't win if I gamble. It's me who suffers, so forget it." Xiao Fan thought for a while and said.

"I'll give you a chance to beat me. Play five rounds and give you three goals in each round. If you're lucky, you have a chance to beat me."

Zhao Wen raised her left leg and put it on the ball table, and gently slid her fingers on her long black silk legs.

Xiao Fan pursed his lips, this woman is really confident, since he has nothing to be afraid of,

So he said, "If that's the case, then come on."

"Okay, you can tee off." Zhao Wen smiled.

Xiao Fan stood up, put the club in the corner of the wall, walked to the ball stand without haste, stretched out the five fingers of his right hand,

After fiddling with them one by one, I finally took out a heavy club and weighed it in my hand.

Looking up at Zhao Wen, he whispered, "I can't go back."

"I will never go back and do what I say." Zhao Wen's smile turned into a flower at this time, and she felt that she had won.

After confirming, Xiao Fan walked to the side of the case, stretched out his left hand to pick up the gun powder, and wiped the tip of the gun skillfully.

Then, when he placed his left hand on the ball table lightly, he made a phoenix-eye hand shape,

Zhao Wen, who was smiling originally, saw this scene, and the smile on her face froze instantly.

Xiao Fan didn't care so much, just put the club on it, and waved his right arm lightly,

The white ball spun at a high speed and flew out, instantly breaking the **** placed on the table, and three groups fell directly into the bag.

Xiao Fan didn't stop, and went all the way around the ball case,

Accompanied by the crisp sound of slaps, the globes were shot into the hole with precision like bullets, without exception.

Zhao Wen's face was a little bad at the moment. Seeing that the last ball was pocketed, she said angrily: "You lie, Mr. Xiao, you,"

"I'm willing to admit defeat." Xiao Fan smiled, he was the best at playing football.

"No, it doesn't count just now, let's start over, and you have to give me a ball, or I won't play."

Zhao Wen immediately began to cheat.

"Whatever you say, Mr. Zhao, are you not good?" Xiao Fan said.

"Mr. Xiao, you lied first, a man should be upright." Zhao Wen said bitterly.

"Then the bet has to be revised, how about adding one to do whatever you want." Xiao Fan touched his chin and said,

"Is there a difference?" Zhao Wen was a little stunned, and asked in a daze.

You'll find out later, let's tee off. "Xiao Fan smiled evilly and raised his hand like a gentleman.

Zhao Wen glared at him and walked over with the club in hand.

The game starts quickly, and the technical gap cannot be made up by letting the ball.

For two consecutive rounds, it was no surprise that Xiao Fan won.

The third game was about the same, when Xiao Fan hit the last ball.

Zhao Wen squatted beside the ball bag opposite, holding the edge of the ball case with both hands, puffing out her cheeks, and blowing hard,

She wanted to change the trajectory of the ball, but in the end the ball still entered the bag, and she was instantly desperate.

Thinking of the stake, she was a little too frightened to stand still, but Xiao Fan, who was on the side, supported her in time,

Zhao Wen dodged like an electric shock and rushed out angrily. She was very angry, angry at her own stupidity.

Xiao Fan smiled and followed slowly, he won anyway.

The two went downstairs one after the other and quickly returned to the car.

Zhao Wen sat in the driver's seat, lowered her head and said nothing, until Xiao Fan looked over, she said:

"Men are big pigs' hooves. You said you wouldn't play billiards. You lied."

"Mr. Zhao should understand that when calculating others, he may also be calculated,"

Xiao Fan smiled, looked out the window, and said, "You can also go back and regret, after all, in this era, I can't help you."

Zhao Wen did not speak, but drove the car to the suburbs.

Xiao Fan smiled, closed his eyes and touched her thigh with his left hand. Zhao Wen was only shocked, but didn't react too radically.

An hour later, the car was parked in a remote place with no one around.

A few hours later, under the light of a flash of lightning, a pair of white and tender arms pushed the door hard, wanting to get out of the car,

But it was quickly pulled back and the door was closed again.

The next morning, the sun sneaked out of the sky, the darkness was quickly driven away, and the light shone on the earth.

After the thunderstorm last night, the crops in the road farmland looked more gorgeous.

The car door was gently kicked open, and Xiao Fan walked out of the car in a good mood.

After a while, Zhao Wen got out of the car with a tired face and looked at the green farmland outside.

She said, "You drive me back, I can't drive now."

Hearing this, Xiao Fan turned around, slammed his wall directly on the door, and said with a smile, "Why don't we be here,,,"

"You're still human, I don't want it anymore." Zhao Wen refused without hesitation with a look of fear on her face.

"Just kidding, get in the car." Xiao Fan smiled and went straight to the cab.

Zhao Wen breathed a sigh of relief and got into the back row.

Mr. Xiao Fan drove her back, then went to eat breakfast by himself, and went home for a while.

After eating at noon, he felt very bored, so he opened the live broadcast app and said that he hadn't watched it for several days.

After opening the software, he began to look for a beautiful host, and after a while, he found a good one, so he clicked in.

Xiaoxue, a full-time streamer, failed to find a suitable salary after graduating from college.

So a friend recommended her to be an anchor. Anyway, she didn't have a job, so she went to learn about it. If she didn't know, she was shocked.

She found that the speed of making money as an anchor is very fast, and the news of anchor making a lot of money is everywhere on the Internet.

Many of those anchors are average-looking, and those who rely entirely on beauty and plastic surgery can make a lot of money, and she feels that she can do it too.

After all, she is also a pure natural beauty. She is also a well-known department flower in school. She does what she says. She feels that she can also make a lot of money, so she stepped into this industry.

After joining a guild, she started her career as an anchor. Because of her beauty, she was soon recommended by the guild and earned nearly 10,000 yuan in just one month.

This gave her great encouragement to work harder on live broadcasts, and in order to make more money, she also learned to dance and sing to improve her skills.

In the next few months, the popularity of her live broadcast room has increased, and the number of people who come to her live broadcast room has also increased. The more people there are, the more people will be rewarded, and her income has also increased a lot.

In the fourth month of the live broadcast, her income exceeded 60,000 yuan, and the turnover in the live broadcast room was as high as 200,000 yuan, which was the envy of all her peers.

However, just when she was going to sprint towards a monthly income of 100,000 yuan, she found that she could not make progress, not only that, the popularity of the live broadcast room was still fading.

In the next two months, her income continued to decrease, and finally stabilized at more than 10,000 a month.

Logically, dancing and singing in front of the camera, earning more than 10,000 yuan a month, should be satisfied, but people's hearts are really difficult to satisfy.

After taking more than 60,000 yuan a month, Xiaoxue is not satisfied at all, she wants to earn more.

But many times, it is useless to be unwilling. The reality will teach one after another unwilling ordinary people to smooth their edges and corners.

Although Xiaoxue is beautiful, in the circle of anchors, the most indispensable thing is beautiful girls. There are really many beautiful anchors on the platform.

If you want to really make a lot of money and become that kind of big anchor, relying on beauty will not work, you need to have real skills, and an interesting soul is the most important thing.

But it is a pity that Xiaoxue has no other skills besides being beautiful. Although he can dance, he is average. Although he can sing, he is also average. There is no direct core value.

There is no core value and no behind-the-scenes team, so she can only be a small anchor now, a prettier little anchor.

Today, she has been live streaming for eight hours, and she is very tired. She glanced at her backstage,

It was found that a total of more than 4,000 gifts were received.

If all the money is hers, then she must be very satisfied, but the money is the turnover and needs to be divided, she can only take 30%, and the rest is from the guild and the platform.

At 30%, she can get 1,200 yuan, which is quite a lot, but today, in order to increase the popularity of the live broadcast room, she gave her own live broadcast room a super hot, worth 2,000 yuan.

In this way, not only did she not make any money today, but she also lost a full 800 yuan, which is really a blood loss.

Xiaoxue really wants to cry now. She worked hard for eight hours to broadcast live, and then she didn't earn a penny, and she still lost money.

She was really unwilling. Originally, her live broadcast time was about seven hours a day.

Now it has been added for an hour, thinking about receiving more gifts, but the effect is not very obvious, so she is ready to stop broadcasting.

"Family, I've been broadcasting live for eight hours today, and I've been broadcasting for a while. The time is almost up. I'm going to stop broadcasting. See you every day."

Although she wanted to cry, Xiaoxue said goodbye to the audience in the live broadcast room with a sweet voice.

However, Xiaoxue wanted to stop the broadcast, and the bored audience didn't want her to stop the broadcast, so they started a barrage.

"Why do you stop broadcasting so early? It's on for a while, maybe a boss will come later."

"Yes, yes, after multicasting for a while, there is nothing wrong with you downcasting."

"Hey, I was just about to give some gifts to the broadcast. In this case, the gifts can only be given to other anchors."

"My rockets are all ready, and it turns out that I want to stop broadcasting, so I don't brush."

"Look, there are so many people who want to send gifts, the anchor should still broadcast for a while."

Watching the bullet screen, Xiaoxue felt amused. These people knew that she was hilarious. She was not a new anchor, so how could she not know that these people were joking.

However, she is an anchor after all, and her attitude must be good. The audience is the parents of food and clothing, so she said with a smile: "It's not impossible for me to add more broadcasts. One rocket broadcasts for fifteen minutes, and the other superstar broadcasts for one hour, how about it? ?"

As soon as these words came out, the hilarious audience immediately turned off the fire. After all, gifts need money. You can brag, but you have to really give it, and you need to think carefully. Ordinary audiences are reluctant to give rewards.

Looking at the speechless audience, Xiaoxue sighed, and she knew that these people would not give rewards. In fact, she was not very demanding. Even if there were no rockets, a little gift would still be broadcast, but it is a pity that a small gift nothing.

Xiao Fan has watched the anchor for a while, and feels that the anchor is still pleasing to the eye, so he plans to let her broadcast for a while, and one super-hot broadcast for an hour is not very expensive, so he clicks on the gift interface.

In the live broadcast room, the gift could not be seen for a long time. Xiaoxue had already moved the mouse to prepare for the broadcast. Just when she was about to click, the special effect of the gift suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room.

A super rocket quickly appeared in the live broadcast room. Someone gave her super fire, which was worth two thousand oceans. UU reading This gift has luxurious special effects, so after it rises, the screen is full of special effects .

Xiaoxue was stunned for a second, then quickly moved the mouse away. This is not a good time to stop the broadcast. She has to continue the broadcast. What she said should not be regarded as a fart.

[Large shield machine presents the anchor super rocket*10]

On the screen of the live broadcast room, one super fire after another, there are ten super fires, worth 20,000 oceans, so many super fires immediately made the live broadcast room more popular, and a large number of tourists entered the live broadcast room.

"I'll wipe, what's the situation here, someone actually gave ten super fires."

"Come here to worship eldest brother and see what kind of anchor he is, he can give eldest brother so much reward."

"Wow, the anchor is very beautiful, no wonder there are so many super-hot rewards, is this a deal done?"

"I clicked a follow, and I will come to see it next time. Now I'm going to coax my girlfriend."

A large number of new viewers entered, and the barrage in the live broadcast room immediately became hot, and various barrages continued to float by.

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