My Super Hero Development System

: One hundred and thirty-three, female boss?

The next morning, after breakfast, Xiao Fan walked slowly to the company and the office.

Just when he sat down and was about to fall asleep, Lu Yuexiang walked into the office.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Fan put down his phone and asked.

"Mr. Xiao, about the advertising company's affairs, today three advertising companies have organized pitches, would you like to come and take a look?"

Lu Yuexiang said while holding the document.

"Advertising? Don't go." Xiao Fan refused without hesitation, taking things too boring.

"Mr. Xiao, after confirming the announcement of the company, we still have to choose actors or models for the commercials. Are you sure you won't go?"

Now Xiao Fan was interested, touched his chin and asked, "How much do you know about advertising?"

"We are a new company, so the company's advertisements are still very important. This matter has been documented for a long time. I have prepared a few plans here. You can take a look at it first." Lu Yuexiang took out a stack of documents and prepared Show it to Xiao Fan.

"You don't have to show it to me. I believe in your ability. If you think the best one, choose that one."

Xiao Fan refused directly, he didn't want to waste time on this kind of thing, anyway, even if the company went bankrupt, he wouldn't care.

Lu Yuexiang had no choice but to stand there and say her suggestion:

"“Now that the short video field is rising, I think we can invest more money here. In addition, the subway entrances with large traffic can also be placed in advertisements,,,”

Listening to her words, Xiao Fan fantasized about the various scenes of the gold master's father unspoken rules of Party B.

This can't be licked to fly? What kind of actor, model, etc., this is a great opportunity.

In the past, I didn't have to choose, but now of course I can't miss such a good opportunity,

"Cough, cough, since that's the case, then I'll go and see the situation." Xiao Fan couldn't wait.

Lu Yuexiang was a little surprised, she didn't want to go just now, but why did she change her mind now.

But the boss said go, of course she has no opinion.

Soon, Lu Yuexiang brought up the documents. There were three documents in total, representing the three companies.

These three were carefully selected by Lu Yuexiang.

In fact, the method of "commissioning" has always been criticized by advertisers, and there are often cases where creative ideas are prostituted for free.

But there is no way, if you really want to run into a big list, you still have to compare.

"Mr. Xiao, which one should we start with first?"

The information of the three advertising companies has been put in front of Xiao Fan, and Lu Yuexiang asked for his opinion.

Xiao Fan touched his chin and looked at it seriously. He wanted to see these three companies, which one had better beauties.

The first company, which is good at getting publicity resources at low prices, is a traditional advertising company.

The second company, with video, short video, social media marketing, is a new-age advertising agency.

The third company is an Internet model, an advertising company dominated by Internet celebrities, which is a more modern company.

Of the three companies, Xiao Fan is most optimistic about the last company, because the Internet celebrity company has more resources, especially that kind of resources.

"Let's go to the third company first, I'm a little more interested in them."

Putting down the information in his hand, Xiao Fan made a decision.

In fact, the order is not too important, the main thing is that there are more beautiful women in this company, so I can just go and see the situation.

"Yes." Lu Yuexiang nodded and said, "This advertisement was personally followed by their boss. The boss is a beautiful woman."

"Beautiful beauty?" Xiao Fan immediately grasped the point,

"She's pretty, but she's smart, but she seems to be married," Lu Yuexiang said.

"Why are you talking about this?? I'm here to discuss business, it doesn't matter if I'm pretty or not." Xiao Fan said sternly.

"I just said it casually." Lu Yuexiang pursed her lips.

"Pay attention next time." Xiao Fan glared at her.

"I see, I'm going to invite someone in." Lu Yuexiang shook her head with a smile, and walked out quickly.

After a while, the door of the conference room was knocked gently.

Lu Yuexiang walked in with a woman and said with a smile, "This is Zhao Wen."

Hearing her introduction, Xiao Fan looked up and saw that Zhao Wen was dressed like an elite woman in the workplace.

White shirt, black silk, pointed high heels.

Pretty is indeed very beautiful, with the elegant atmosphere of a mature woman.

There was also a little assistant behind her, who was also quite good-looking, but she was much younger and looked a little nervous.

"Mr. Zhao, hello, nice to meet you." After taking a look, Xiao Fan took the initiative to stand up and shook hands with her.

After being polite to each other, everyone sat down and started talking about business.

Zhao Wen turned on the computer, projected a ppt, and began to slowly explain their company's plans and plans.

Xiao Fan was not interested in listening to this proposal, so he handed it over to his secretary.

Soon more than an hour passed.

"Mr. Xiao feels okay?" Zhao Wen asked with a smile.

"It's okay, Mr. Zhao, let's think about it, you go back first." Lu Yuexiang said with a smile.

She knew that Xiao Fan didn't listen, so after listening to the other two companies, she decided which company to choose.

"Mr. Xiao, it's just time for dinner, why don't we go have a meal first?"

Zhao Wen didn't want to miss this opportunity. So I looked at Xiao Fan.

"Okay then, I happen to be hungry." Xiao Fan thought about it and didn't refuse.

"I know there is a Shandong restaurant, where the sweet and sour carp is still very authentic."

Zhao Wen stretched out her fair and delicate fingers and fiddled with the wind-blown hair in front of her forehead, looking charming.

"Then I will trouble Boss Zhao." Xiao Fan smiled.

Zhao Wen breathed a sigh of relief. Now that the market is not good, this order is really important. It is really good to be able to make an appointment.

There was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, "Mr. Xiao, don't be polite."

Although the little secretary felt that this was not good, but there was no way to stop it, he could only watch the boss and Zhao Wen leave,

Soon, the two came to the underground parking lot, Zhao Wen suggested to be her car, Xiao Fan had no opinion,

Soon the car started and slowly drove out, Xiao Fan glanced out of the corner of his eye.

I just feel that Zhao Wen, who is wearing a white shirt and black silk high heels, is extraordinarily sexy, showing maturity in her charm.

Although she is not wearing pink, her eyes and brows can always reveal a charming charm inadvertently. She is really a rare beauty.

His eyes moved down from his straight neck, and the two openings on the white shirt were not fastened, revealing a wonderful scenery.

Looking down, the white and somewhat transparent fabric is gently attached to the graceful and soft body.

Xiao Fan couldn't help swallowing, the young woman beside her was like a ripe peach.

Although I haven't tasted it yet, I can feel the saliva secreting when I smell it closely. It is really a fine product in the world.

Zhao Wen was concentrating on driving, of course she didn't know that Mr. Xiao beside her was peeping at the moment when she wanted to get into trouble.

The saliva in his mouth kept secreting, and he wanted to eat her wholeheartedly.

After the car left the company, Xiao Fan found that a large swath of dark clouds had squeezed in the sky outside the window, and the sky quickly darkened.

The originally bright sky became pitch black in an instant, and the visibility on the road also dropped a lot.

Zhao Wen originally wanted to chat with Xiao Fan, but out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that Xiao Fan was leaning there with squinted eyes.

It seems that she is dozing off, she can only give up the plan to chat a few words,

At the same time, reduce the speed and try to drive the car more smoothly.

Of course Xiao Fan didn't sleep, although he narrowed his eyes,

But his eyes overflowed from the gap between his eyes, and he kept staring in the direction of the cab.

He was uneasy at this time. He wanted to eat this woman, but he still knew her temperament.

After all, the other party is not a frivolous woman, and the time they spend together is too short, so he doesn't dare to mess around.

But the more difficult it is to succeed, the more exciting it feels.

Boldness and success are two different feelings.

In comparison, Xiao Fan prefers the previous one because it is very exciting.

After driving for more than half an hour, they came to a high-end hotel.

When they came to the restaurant, Xiao Fan took a seat by the window and sat down, while Zhao Wen sat by the wall.

The waitress first went to Xiao Fan's side to pour tea, and then handed over the recipe,

Xiao Fan took the recipe, opened it, flipped through a few pages, and ordered a few random dishes.

"I ordered a bottle of wine." After ordering, Xiao Fan said with a smile.

"Mr. Xiao, I can't drink while driving." Zhao Wen quickly shook his head.

"There is a driver, what are you afraid of?" Of course, Xiao Fan ordered wine for different purposes, but wine has different functions.

Men who drink too much will be bolder, and women who drink too much are the same. Without the help of that thing, it would be a little difficult to get Zhao Wen.

Soon, the waiter brought red and white wine on the table,

Zhao Wen had no choice but to nod and say, "Then I'll drink a little, but I'm not very good at drinking, so I can't drink too much."

"You can drink as much as you want, it doesn't matter." Xiao Fan said with a smile.

"Yeah." Zhao Wen nodded.

"In the future, our company will need to continue to advertise, but this time we are actually looking for one to try."

Xiao Fan said with a smile: "In the future, it is estimated that there will be 20 to 30 million advertising fees every year."

Zhao Wen's heart was tight. Originally, because this order was only about one million yuan, she had no idea that she underestimated it.

Obviously, the advertising business was decided by the man in front of him. If you have a good relationship with him, the advertising fees after that may be all hers.

Thinking of this, she intends to talk about family affairs and get closer. "Mr. Xiao, what sports do you usually like to play? Can you play billiards?"

"I'm very interested in billiards, but I haven't had time to study." Xiao Fan said with a smile.

"I'm good at playing billiards, and this hotel has a pool table." Zhao Wen said with a smile.

"Oh, Mr. Zhao is very good at billiards?" Xiao Fan asked along with her words.

"I haven't played for many years, I really miss that time." Zhao Wen smiled, took a sip of tea, and observed Xiao Fan at the same time.

Her idea is to ask Xiao Fan to offer to play billiards, so as to bring the relationship closer and negotiate a bigger contract,

Xiao was fiddling with the teacup in his hand, and out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that the thumb of Zhao Wen's left hand was slightly raised.

Those fingers were round and fair, exquisite and lovely, and for a while they had forgotten God,

Zhao Wen quickly noticed Xiao Fan's gaze, she quickly put down her fingers, and her face was a little red.

"The dishes are here." This is again, Xiao Fan said with a smile when he saw the waiter coming.

"I just happened to be a little hungry." Zhao Wen was a little angry in her heart, but there was a smile on her face.

Xiao Fan didn't expect that when he was racking his brains to get the charming young woman across from him,

The other party also wants to get him and take down the big list in his hand.

I didn't put my mind on the food, this meal was a bit dull,

After taking a sip of wine, Xiao Fan put a few pieces of meat into Zhao Wen's bowl with a smile, "Try it, it tastes good."

Zhao Wen unknowingly drank two glasses of red wine, and felt a little hot on her face.

She put the cup on the table, took the chopsticks and put the jujube-red meat into her mouth, only to feel soft, rotten and creamy, mellow and delicious.

Seeing that she was eating with relish, Xiao Fan smiled and suddenly said in a low voice, "The braised bullwhip tastes really good, it tastes better than other dishes."

Hearing this, Zhao Wen's face instantly turned red. There was something in these words. She was embarrassed to answer, so she got up and said, "I'm going to the toilet, Mr. Xiao, you eat first."

Xiao Fan put down his chopsticks, picked up a napkin and wiped his greasy lips, watching Zhao Wen leave, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

The words just now have been a little clear, so now it's up to the other party's choice.

If she just left after she came back, then today's thoughts would definitely be impossible.

But if the other party still talks to him when he comes back, then the chances of success will be much greater.

A few minutes later, Zhao Wen walked back slowly, the blush on her cheeks had not yet faded, and she looked shy.

Xiao Fan saw that his heart was beating wildly, and he felt that there was a drama. Today's opportunity is very big, very big.

So after Zhao Wen sat down, he stretched out his foot and gently stepped on Zhao Wen's toes.

Zhao Wen thought a lot in the bathroom, but she never thought that Xiao Fan was so courageous, she hurriedly pulled out her feet,

Seeing her reaction so fiercely, Xiao Fan's mouth twitched, feeling hopeless again.

So he stood up and said, "It's almost time, let's go back first."

Hearing this, Zhao Wen was extremely anxious. She knew that there were still people waiting for him in Xiao Fan's company.

If you don't want to sign the contract now, you might be robbed by someone else.

So she ignored her restraint and shook her head with a smile: "Don't Mr. Xiao want to learn billiards, we can play two strokes."

Xiao Fan was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and realized that something was wrong. Zhao Wen seemed to want to get closer to him.

"Mr. Zhao, I haven't learned it before, so I really don't know how to fight." He was a little puzzled, but Xiao Fan didn't show it on the surface.

When Zhao Wen heard this, UU Reading smiled, with a knowing smile on the corner of her mouth: "It's okay, it's actually very simple, I can teach you."

In order to prevent Xiao Fan from refusing, Zhao Wen gritted her teeth and gave a wink.

Seeing this, of course Xiao Fan couldn't refuse, so he smiled and said, "Then go have a look."

Soon, the two came to the VIP pool table. There are only two tables in a room, and no one can come in when the door is closed.

After entering the room, Zhao Wen handed a straight club into Xiao Fan's hand: "Mr. Xiao, then you can tee off first."

Xiao Fan took the cue, walked to the front of the stage, stared at the white cue ball and dribbled for a long time before putting his right hand on the table, holding the cue in his left to aim for a long time, and then hit the ball hard.

However, due to poor technique, the white ball rolled and finally fell into the bag, which made Xiao Fan a little embarrassed.

Zhao Wen stood aside and couldn't help but laugh when she saw it.

"It seems that Mr. Xiao is not humble and has never played football." Zhao Wenqiang said, holding back his laughter.

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