My Super Hero Development System

: One hundred and twenty-eight, Leng Shiyuan is here

, update the latest chapter of my super hero development system as soon as possible!

Dinner starts soon.

Food, wine, beautiful scenery, beautiful women, the atmosphere is extremely harmonious.

Although Xiao Fan is the vice president himself, he doesn't have much air, but he doesn't need to be high above his colleagues when he eats with his colleagues.

What's more, except for myself and a male colleague, everyone else is a girl, what's the pretense?

After eating and drinking, Xiao Fan also saw the style of the little goblins in the company.

Several girls in the sales department can be called massive, thieves can drink, twenty-two and fifty-three degrees fly,

Taking one bite, Xiao Fan didn't even take a single peanut to eat. Xiao Fan was extremely happy to see it.

If he also goes to drink, he will definitely be drunk and lie down. These women are not like women at all, they can drink better than men.

In comparison, Meng Qianting looked a lot more elegant. She didn't hesitate to eat or talk. After drinking two glasses of wine, she took off her coat.

Immediately revealing the towering mountains, Xiao Fan couldn't help but take a second glance.

Elegant and gentle, a word can attract the attention of the audience. This woman is not ordinary.

In addition, the two little girls at the front desk are very lively and playful.

Sitting opposite Xiao Fan, they secretly photographed Xiao Fan when no one was paying attention, and then took the photo up and discussed it.

Occasionally whispered, "so handsome", "this angle is good" chat is very happy.

The atmosphere reached a certain climax when the waiter came up again.

He saw that a new dish was added to the ordering table, bluefin tuna,

I got it from the place where I lived a good life. The price is expensive, and it costs 3999 for one person.

He didn't like it, but he ordered one for everyone.

In addition, there is also crystal clear fish meat, which has been matured, and the deliciousness explodes in the taste buds in one bite.

A small portion, about ten pieces, cost nearly 500 each, and he ordered quite a few.

A meal for more than two hours.

At the end of the checkout, there was a total of more than 200,000 yuan. The employees who saw it were extremely surprised. It was the first time they had met such a big boss.

Xiao Fan was used to this, but the group of people standing behind were also a little numb and shocked.

Although I know that this meal is expensive, the number of nearly 200,000 is still a bit beyond the limit of imagination.

200,000 yuan, the annual salary is less than this figure, and now I have eaten one meal, just like a dream.

"Let's go, take you to another place to play, it's still early, does anyone want to go back?"

In good spirits, Xiao Fan thought about it and decided to take them to other places to play.

"Okay, since Xiao is always interested, then we will accompany you to the end."

Meng Qianting said with a smile, her eyes were sultry, she just put on her makeup and looked very beautiful.

"Mr. Xiao, I really can't do it, I have to go home, my girlfriend is waiting at home,,,"

Several male employees rejected the proposal. Although they had a very happy meal today, men have to save face.

Tonight, the female colleagues' eyes are all on Xiao Fan, they really don't want to go.

Then you go first. "Xiao Fan waved his hand casually and looked at several female employees: "How about you?" Going back or what? "

"We all listen to Mr. Xiao. If Mr. Xiao says to go, then go there." Meng Qianting said with a smile on her **** lips.

"Where to?" Lu Yuexiang asked softly, her tone calm and calm.

"Where is there a private cinema? It's more upscale. You can drive there." Xiao Fan thought for a while and said.

Hearing this, several girls were stunned for a while.

This is... for what? Go to a private theater, alone, with so much?

"Mr. Xiao, you really have a sense of life, and you must have used this trick to impress many girls."

After a meal, I felt a lot more familiar, a girl from the sales department laughed and teased.

Xiao Fan smiled and said:

"This is the first time I've been there. You guys are the first girls I've brought with you. Don't you feel very honored?"

"That's really an honor." Several girls said with a smile.

After ten minutes, everyone arrived at their destination.

The location of the private cinema here is very good. There is a garden bar on the roof. The environment is also very good. Standing next to the railing, you can still see a very beautiful night scene.

Of course, the price here is not cheap, blow the wind, watch a movie, three hours, the price is 5,000 yuan.

It's a place for rich people.

When we got to the place, the staff had prepared a hammock, one for each person, which was similar to the foot washing city, and lay down comfortably on it.

Not far from each other, just right.

There are all kinds of flowers all around, and the fragrance is fragrant.

There are white mosquito nets all around, hanging everywhere, swaying by the wind, like a picture in a classical martial arts drama, very artistic.

There is a starry sky above your head. Although you can't see the stars, it makes people feel relaxed and happy.

In front of it is the big screen.

The private theater was very fragrant, and everyone was immediately attracted when they walked in, especially the little girl at the front desk.

"Wow, it's so romantic here, I like it so much."

"I have only heard of private theaters before. I thought there was nothing, but now it seems that I am too naive."

"Take a few photos quickly, and then you can send them to the circle of friends."

Several women took turns taking pictures of each other and chatting.

Xiao Fan shook his head with a smile, and then joked: "What movie to watch? Is a horror movie okay?"

"Ah! No! Horror movies can't sleep at night, but action romance movies are better."

The girl at the front desk said with a smile, very bold.

"You're going to die, it's up to you to see for yourself!"

"What's the matter! They're all adults, so speak arrogantly!"

"Okay, okay, let's watch a large-scale costume suspense love horror action ethics film?"

Meng Qianting said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of several girls were a bit strange. What are you looking for?

"A Chinese Ghost Story." Meng Qianting said with a smile.

This made a few girls a little disappointed, but they all agreed.

The movie started very quickly, and everyone watched it with relish and quickly immersed in it.

Xiao Fan was watching the movie with all kinds of thoughts flying around in his mind.

Today's girls are under a lot of work pressure, financial pressure and emotional pressure.

Since you have spare energy, then help them more, so that you can help the world.

Of course, in the current situation, it is really difficult to want something to happen, mainly because there are too many people.

Just when Xiao Fan was thinking about how to break through, Meng Qianting suddenly showed a painful expression on her face. She said with great difficulty, "My stomach suddenly hurts. I'll go back first, you can continue watching."

"Are you okay? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Looking at Meng Qianting with a painful face, everyone asked with concern.

"It's old, you can go back and take a rest. Don't worry about me, I can go back and take some medicine by myself. You can continue to watch, I'll go back first." Meng Qianting struggled to stand up and looked at Xiao Fan inadvertently.

Faced with this situation, as the only male, of course Xiao Fan couldn't watch, he hurriedly reached out to support her, "I'll take you back, it's not safe for a girl to be alone."

"I'll go too, I'm not drinking, I can drive."

At this time, Lu Yuexiang also stood up and supported Meng Qianting's other hand.

"No, Yaqian, you can watch it here. President Xiao can send me back."

Meng Qianting's expression changed and she wanted to pull her hand back, but Lu Yuexiang grabbed her hand and couldn't take it back at all.

"Then let's go together." Xiao Fan didn't care, and the three of them went out together.

Soon the two helped Meng Qianting into the car, and after getting in the car, Lu Yuexiang started the car.

After half an hour, Lu Yuexiang slowly stopped the car and said to Xiao Fan, "Mr. Xiao, please help Meng Qianting up, I'll wait for you below."

After saying this, she stuffed something into Xiao Fan's pocket, and then looked at her phone.

Xiao Fan shook his head, got out of the car and helped Meng Qianting go upstairs. When the two got on the elevator, Meng Qianting leaned into Xiao Fan's arms.

"Does it still hurt?" Feeling the softness in his chest, Xiao Fan felt a little funny, is this just pain out of nothing?

Meng Qianting nodded, put her arms around Xiao Fan's neck, and whispered, "Mr. Xiao, I can't walk a bit, you can take me back."

"No problem." Xiao Fan was polite, put his hand on her waist, and hugged her whole body with force.

At this time, the elevator also arrived, Xiao Fan carried her out of the elevator, opened the door of the house, smeared into the room, and threw Meng Qianting on the bed.

"Mr. Xiao, my stomach still hurts, can you feel it for me?" Meng Qianting twisted her body on the bed, looking at Xiao Fan with a charming face, her eyes full of seduction.

"Let's take the medicine first, it will be better." Xiao Fan didn't remember to move, but laughed and teased.

Meng Qianting reached out and took Xiao Fan's hand and put it on her stomach, and said, "Mr. Xiao, you are the best medicine, I'm really dying of pain, you rub it for me, I'll be grateful if it doesn't hurt. "

"Oh, thank you so much, how do you thank her?" Xiao Fan gently rubbed her stomach while observing her figure. He had to say that Meng Qianting's figure was very good, and his eyes were hot when he saw it.

Meng Qianting stuck out her tongue and licked her **** lips. She leaned into Xiao Fan's ear and blew a breath of heat: "I can satisfy Mr. Xiao for whatever thanks he wants."


"Wait a minute, wait a minute, Mr. Xiao, wait a minute."

Meng Qianting stretched out her hand to support Xiao Fan's shoulder, her voice was hoarse and weak, and there was a trace of fear on her face.

Xiao Fan let go of her gently and said with a smile, "What's wrong?"

"I can't do it today, how about another day, Mr. Xiao, I'm very tired." Meng Qianting wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked at the man in front of her, her heart was extremely bitter. This man was too strong, and she couldn't bear it.

Hearing this, Xiao Fan shook his head and said slowly: "You set the fire up, you can't put it out. When playing with fire, you must consider the risk of being burned."

After saying this, Xiao Fan no longer gave her a chance to speak.


After half an hour, Xiao Fan slowly got up from the bed. After getting dressed, he looked at Meng Qianting on the bed and said, "It's getting late, so I'll go first."


Meng Qianting was lying on the bed weakly, her eyes were a little slack, she didn't react for a while, she could only respond subconsciously.

Glancing at her, Xiao Fan didn't say anything, turned around and left.

It wasn't until the sound of the door rang that Meng Qianting's body trembled, and then she came back to her senses.

Looking up at the ceiling, Meng Qianting muttered to herself.


The next day, Xiao Fan got up and went to the company.

Turning on the phone at noon, he found six text messages stored in it, all from Leng Shiyuan, he hurried back to the past,

A fierce text message war broke out between the two. Leng Shiyuan kept chatting with him about how the latest TV series looked good.

How wonderful, which episode and which scene made her cry how many tears.

Xiao Fan didn't have the heart to talk to her about that stuff, so he played with Leng Shiyuan and ate tofu around the corner.

As a result, Leng Shiyuan's derogatory words such as despicable, shameless, obscene, stinky hooligan, stinky scoundrel, pervert, and pervert came rolling in.

Xiao Fan is desperate, no matter how she scolds, he will only use a big killer to deal with her: "Shiyuan, I want to **** you!"

Leng Shiyuan went around but couldn't get around this sentence, so she simply let it go, "Go back to your hometown if you have the skills, or don't fart."

Faced with these words, Xiao Fan felt a little helpless, so he could only change the subject, and after a few chats, he put down the phone.

As a result, just as he put down his phone, there was a knock on the door, "Dah, dah, dah, dah dah!"

When he opened the door and saw Leng Shiyuan, he was stunned and blinked in disbelief.

Soon, the two left the company and went downstairs for dinner.

In the small restaurant by the roadside, Leng Shiyuan was waving two slender hands, picking up some fresh shells from the plate.

After removing it, she threw the tender and tender meat into her mouth and ate it sweetly. The plate in front of her was already full of vegetables.

Xiao Fan lay quietly across from her, staring at her with a smile.

Leng Shiyuan was wearing a tight-fitting black cardigan with a low collar and mid-sleeves, revealing her lustrous white skin on her chest.

Two lotus-root-like forearms were also exposed, and a narrow silk scarf was tied around the waist.

It is dotted with a row of bright diamonds, emitting a dazzling light from time to time.

"It tastes good." Leng Shiyuan felt a little shy when she saw Xiao Fan staring at her, she blinked her eyelashes.

Then, he picked up a tissue to wipe the oil stains on his lips, put on the pink bag, stretched out his right hand and snapped his fingers:

"Let's go, let's go shopping, I haven't had a good time here, you can lead the way."

Let's go back to rest, the road is so bumpy, I must be very tired. "Xiao Fan doesn't want to go shopping, he just wants to do other things.

"How can I be so squeamish, or do you want to go shopping with me?" Leng Shiyuan stared.

Later, I found out that there was a candied fruit seller on the side of the road, so I couldn't help sticking out my tongue and licking my lower lips.

Seeing this, Xiao Fan had no choice but to buy her candied haws, Leng Shiyuan followed with a smile.

After buying the candied gourd, the two of them wandered off, and many people on the road couldn't help but look over, envious of Xiao Fan.

Looking at the passers-by's envious eyes, Xiao Fan felt so happy, he couldn't help but grab Leng Shiyuan's left hand,

Who knew Leng Shiyuan bowed her head and giggled a few times before breaking free from his grasp,

Xiao Fan was honest for a while, then he was itchy again, and quietly hooked one of her tender tail fingers,

This time, Leng Shiyuan didn't object, and the two of them walked all the way with their fingers hooked.

In this way, the two walked for a long time, and unknowingly they came to a bridge.

Standing on the bridge, a gust of breeze blew, and Leng Shiyuan's black hair rose in the wind, and said softly, "The scenery here is really good."

"People are much more beautiful than the scenery." Xiao Fan immediately said with a smile slick, sweet words, not a good person. "Leng Shiyuan's eyes flashed, and there was a blush on her pretty face, which was indescribably beautiful.

"I'm just seeking truth from facts and giving my sincere praise." Xiao Fan's heart burst into flames, and he couldn't help raising his hand to pat her ass.

Leng Shiyuan giggled and dodged away, then raised her foot and landed on Xiao Fan's butt: "I hate it, don't be a hooligan in the daytime!"

"Looks like I have to wait a few more hours." Xiao Fan looked at the sky and sighed helplessly.

"Hee hee, for the sake of seeing you make me happy, I'll reward you." Leng Shiyuan smiled and opened her hands.

Of course Xiao Fan would not miss the opportunity, he immediately hugged him, and then bowed his head and kissed him.

Leng Shiyuan panicked, and rushed to push with her arm, but couldn't break free, her tightly closed teeth were pried open in an instant.

She struggled hard in Xiao Fan's arms for a while, and finally lost her resistance, leaning softly on Xiao Fan's chest,

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