My Super Hero Development System

: One hundred and twenty-seven, company secretary

But after discovering that Xiao Fan is gentle, considerate, and handsome, her desire has grown bigger without realizing it, so a series of problems have arisen, and what he needs to do is to remind him first.

Lin Yining was silent. In fact, she didn't need Xiao Fan to remind her. She knew that she had crossed the line, but it is difficult for people to control their own desires, so she had a series of reactions.

At the beginning, she just wanted to stay in the magic capital and own a house of her own in this prosperous land, but obviously she couldn't do it by her own ability.

So there are two ways in front of her, leaving or looking for foreign aid.

In fact, she has been tossing between two choices, unable to make a decision for a long time.

Working in a bank, she met many rich people, but she did not compromise, because she would not compromise only for money.

A rich, greasy middle-aged bald man is not something she can bear, so she is still watching.

Until I met Xiao Fan, this young, handsome, and rich man was really excellent.

Not only can Xiao Fan easily accomplish her dream, but she is also the type she likes, so she made a choice.

But after contact, she found again that this man was so gentle, she really fell into a bit of a trap, and was a little unwilling to share it with other women, so she felt aggrieved and uncomfortable.

"Do you understand what I mean?" Seeing that she didn't speak, Xiao Fan asked again patiently.

"I see." Lin Yining bit her lip and whispered.

Xiao Fan nodded and said, "Of course I won't treat you badly, I know you want a house in this city, and I will buy you a house for no less than 30 million within two years and two years later. house."

Hearing this, Lin Yining trembled, "Can you only be with you for two years? After two years, you will be tired of playing with me, is that so?"

"Of course not, just buy you a house in two years." Xiao Fan touched her face, "Also, I respect you very much, don't say it's so ugly.

I'm just giving you a choice. After two years, if you want to leave, I won't stop you. Remember that we are equal. Don't demean yourself. If that's the case, I will hate you. "

"Then I don't want to leave you. Although I have known you for a short time, you feel completely different to me. I want to be with you for the rest of my life." Lin Yining hugged Xiao Fan tightly.

"Don't jump to conclusions so early, but if you really want to be with me for the rest of your life, I will keep you there." Xiao Fan said calmly.

Lin Yining raised her head to look at Xiao Fan, and the tears were left uncontrollably again. This time, because of the touching, she felt sincerity and equality in this man.

"Why are you crying again?" Xiao Fan blinked, he didn't say anything murderous just now.

Lin Yining did not speak, and directly blocked Xiao Fan's mouth with her lips. Although her body was still a little uncomfortable, she wanted to use the most primitive communication to express her inner feelings at the moment.


After a full two hours, Xiao Fan came to the living room to lie down on the sofa with Lin Yining, who had just taken a shower.

Looking at Lin Yining with a trace of pain on his face, he asked very gently, "Does it hurt?"

"Yeah." Lin Yining said pitifully. After all, she broke it yesterday, and she hasn't recovered yet in the morning. It's normal for her to hurt.

"Then let me knead it for you, okay?" Xiao Fan smirked, his energy is still very strong, for some reason, his spirit is getting better and stronger these days.

"Forget it." Lin Yining shook her head, she didn't want to move at all, she just wanted to lie quietly in Xiao Fan's arms.

After staying at Lin Yining's house for a long time, Xiao Fan drove home.


The next day was sunny, the weather was very good, and nature was full of vitality.

Xiao Fan was in a good mood today, and he was looking forward to what it would be like to be a boss.

I don't know what a vice president looks like, but it must be much more comfortable than a manager or something.

If this is done comfortably, Xiao Fan is ready to work for a few more days and experience the boss's life well.

After coming under the company building, Xiao Fan met Jin Sishen and Mao Lifeng who came to greet him.

The three went upstairs talking and laughing. When they came to the floor where the company was located, they walked out of the elevator.

Xiao Fan saw that a charming young woman in a dark green dress was standing there, seeing everyone walking over,

Busily stepping on her high heels, she greeted him with a 'pat-ta-ta-ta', and greeted with a smile, "Leaders, please."

When Xiao Fan saw that this woman was beautiful, he couldn't help but take a second glance.

Seeing this, Liu Xue whispered in his ear, "Her name is Lu Yuexiang, and she's the company's assistant."

Xiao Fan nodded, looked away, and went to the office with Jin Sishen to chat for a while, and Jin Sishen pulled Xiao Fan into the company group.

"Welcome Mr. Xiao, join the company, let me introduce to you, Xiao Fan is the new vice president of the company, in charge of public relations and marketing work, with excellent ability, everyone is welcome."

There are many people in the company group. After seeing this, they immediately sent a message to welcome it.

"Welcome to Mr. Xiao!"

"Thank you, Mr. Xiao."

"Welcome Mr. Xiao +1, it's a pleasure to work with you."

"Welcome welcome, warm welcome!"

After a few simple polite words, Xiao Fan walked out of Jin Sishen's office.

When she came outside, she found Lu Yuexiang wearing a dark green dress standing at the door, as if waiting for him.

After seeing her, he smiled at him and said, "Mr. Xiao, your office has been sorted out, do you want to go and have a look now?"

"You lead the way." Xiao Fan nodded.

Following Lu Yuexiang out of the office door, the two walked around in a circle, and then came to an empty office.

"This is your office." After bringing Xiao Fan into the office, Lu Yuexiang made a cup of tea for Xiao Fan and placed it gently on the table.

Xiao Fan sat on the boss's chair, picked up the teacup, took a sip, and caught sight of a "Vice President Xiao" sign on the table,

I feel quite a sense of accomplishment, the corners of my mouth are slightly raised unconsciously, and my mood is also relaxed.

At this moment, Lu Yuexiang turned around and sat on the sofa, and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Xiao, what else do you need, I will help you."

Xiao Fan raised his eyes and scanned the office. Seeing that the office equipment was complete, the desk, leather sofa and long solid wood sofa and coffee table were all brand new, so he nodded and said, "No need, thank you for your hard work."

Lu Yuexiang glanced at Xiao Fan and said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao doesn't have to be polite with me, this is my job, you can just tell me if you have something to do."

Hearing this, Xiao Fan glanced at Lu Yuexiang, thinking a little bit in his heart, while he was happy, he was overjoyed for a while, and the ambiguous smile on his face was caught by Lu Yuexiang.

Seeing Wang Siyu smiling strangely, Lu Yuexiang didn't know what he was thinking, so she felt that the ugly words should be brought to the front to avoid future troubles. The voice said:

"Mr. Xiao, I only work as a secretary, and I still have other jobs. In addition, I can do some work of serving tea, pouring water, and filing documents, but I will never light a cigarette for the leader, or accompany drinking and eating."

As soon as Xiao Fan heard that the other party's tone was wrong, he knew that his expression just now seemed to be inappropriate, he quickly put away his smile, and nodded solemnly:

"Secretary Lu, you don't have to worry about this at all. I'm not the kind of person you think, and I also have a girlfriend. You can rest assured about some things."

Lu Yuexiang felt a little embarrassed when she heard it. She smiled and said, "Mr. Xiao is embarrassed. I've thought too much. If I'm not thoughtful enough, you can criticize me."

Xiao Fan picked up the teacup, took a sip, and nodded, "Don't be nervous, I'm not the kind of mean person, you'll be fine."

"Thank you Xiao Zong for your understanding," Lu Yuexiang nodded and breathed a sigh of relief, Xiao Fan's smile just now was indeed a bit scary.

"I'll invite everyone to dinner in the evening. It's a team building. The location is a big hotel. Go and prepare." Xiao Fan said with a smile.

"Mr. Xiao, then I'm going to arrange it now? Communicate with the hotel to book a private room, according to what standard?"

Lu Yuexiang immediately went to work.

"Well, let's go, the standard is the highest." Xiao Fan said with a smile,

Lu Yuexiang nodded and called with her cell phone. She quickly arranged things.

Then she returned to the office, came to Xiao Fan and said:

"I want to ask, what kind of drink, coffee or tea do you like to drink, I have a reference when I buy it, I won't buy something you don't like."

"In terms of diet, are there any special taboos, and what I like to eat, I will pay attention to it when I order food for you in the future."

Lu Yuexiang took out a piece of paper with various items listed on it. She seemed very careful, and it was not easy to be a secretary.

Xiao Fan was a little dazed, and at the same time a little surprised. He didn't expect that being a boss would have such a kind of treatment, and a kind of comfort came out of his heart, no wonder so many people wanted to be a boss.

After becoming a boss, someone will rack their brains to consider your needs, and many things do not need to be thought about by themselves.

After answering all her questions, Xiao Fan took out his phone and started playing. He planned to talk about work later.

Soon the time came to 5:30 in the afternoon, and the company got off work.

The employees who had packed their things long ago left the company in a mighty manner, preparing to go to the big hotel for dinner.

Several bosses didn't go because they had entertainment, which made the employees happier, and no bosses can have fun.

Going downstairs, Xiao Fan threw the car keys to Lu Yuexiang, then got into the co-pilot, "You can drive."

"Wow, this is the boss's Lamborghini, so handsome."

"How much does this car cost?"

"It's going to be tens of millions, it's definitely not cheap."

A few girls chattered and looked at Daniel with a curious look, with stars flashing in their eyes.

"Mr. Xiao, what did you do before?" An employee asked curiously at this time.

This employee's name is Meng Qianting, her voice is nice, and she's pretty good looking.

"What else can a part-time worker do? Everyone is a part-time worker, it's just whether it's easy or not." Xiao Fan said with a smile.

"You should be in your twenties. You are really young to be able to do this." Meng Qianting is very good at speaking.

"Good luck, that's all," Xiao Fan didn't lie, he was really lucky,

"Luck is also a part of strength. Everyone has their own luck." Meng Qianting is really good at speaking.

Mr. Xiao is so young, so handsome, and so successful. He must have a girlfriend, right? "Meng Qianting asked curiously.

Hearing this, everyone else was stunned, if the previous words could be said to be flattering, but this sentence is different.

"Not yet." Xiao Fan replied very casually.

In this society, all rich men don't have to say whether they are married or not.

In the eyes of many girls, they are the flesh-like existence of Tang monks, not to mention Xiao Fan is still young and handsome.

For a while, several good-looking female employees looked a little wrong.

After talking about this, everyone got in the car and set off, and an hour later came to the hotel,

The business here is very hot, and at this point, there is no parking space downstairs.

But the parking space is like a shaping underwear, squeeze and squeeze, there are still some.

It mainly depends on whether your car is expensive enough and the lights are bright enough.

When the Lamborghini appeared, the security guard vacated one,

Of course, other people's cars are willing to have nowhere to park, and they need to find a place by themselves.

After parking the car, a group of people, led by the waiter, came to the box that had been reserved a long time ago.

In the box, the dishes were all ready, and slowly a table was full of dishes, and it was a bit too much to put down.

King crab, Australian lobster, Canadian geoduck, foie gras and more.

A variety of precious ingredients, packed in beautiful tableware,

The smashed ice evaporated the mist, and the crystal lamp above the head shone brightly.

These ingredients are placed on the table, and people are dazzled, and the employees of the company are stunned.

Although I knew that when I came to a five-star hotel, the ingredients would definitely not be bad, but I didn't expect it to be so good. This table costs a lot of money.

A few girls took out their mobile phones to take pictures for the first time, a very rare opportunity that they didn't want to miss.

"Don't look at it, just find a seat and sit down." Xiao Fan said with a smile.

"Sir, what kind of wine should we drink?" The waiter in a suit and leather shoes was I don't have any drink. I'm afraid you won't be used to it, so just order what you want without worrying about money. "

After everyone sat down, Xiao Fan said with a smile.

After saying this, he sat by the window and looked at the night scene outside the window. It was very comfortable. The location here is really good.

Today, he is mainly exploring the bottom. The female employees of the company are all good looking, of course, they are not in a hurry for the time being.

I just came to the company, so I will stay for two days and see what's going on.

The company is not a night show. After the night show is over, slap the **** and leave. If there is no shit, the company can't do it.

Soon the wine ordered came up, each ordered the wine they liked, and then chatted and laughed.

But no one moved the chopsticks for the time being, they were all looking at Xiao Fan, the boss didn't move, they didn't dare to move.

Xiao Fan also knew that if he didn't eat it, the employees would definitely not eat it, so he picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

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