My Super Hero Development System

: One hundred and one, a woman's weakness is comparison

After negotiating, several people walked towards the jewelry store together.

Along the way, Shu Hui also looked at Xiao Fan curiously. Among the three men present, he was the youngest and most handsome.

"Shu Hui, your boyfriend is right next to you. Do you disrespect me a little by looking at other men like this?"

Of course Liu Fei discovered this, so he could only whisper in Shu Hui's ear,

Shu Hui glanced at him and said:

"So when we went shopping together, you didn't see the other young ladies, you can't see me?"

"That's not the same, and this man is not a good person at first glance. Xiaoyu obviously has a boyfriend, but she still goes shopping with her. This is too much."

Liu Fei whispered, he is still very hostile to handsome men.

"Maybe they are just ordinary friends. Don't guess anything, we can't be nosy about this kind of thing."

Shu Hui retracted his gaze and said very calmly.

"Of course I know, so I'm just telling you."

Seeing that his girlfriend was not watching, Liu Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, he is very envious of Xiao Fan's appearance. His girlfriend is very beautiful, and he looks ordinary. He really has a sense of crisis.

If I had Xiao Fan's appearance, I would definitely feel a lot more secure.

"Xiaoyu's friend has strong economic strength. I guess the relationship between the two is not easy." Shu Hui said in a low voice.

"He looks so young, the economy won't be very good, right? Maybe he's still studying." Liu Fei didn't believe it.

Shu Hui shook his head and said, "Look at his clothes, they're all branded, and they cost several thousand yuan a piece, and his watch is not cheap at first glance."

"Maybe it's a high imitation. Now people want to save face, and it's normal to buy a high imitation." Liu Fei was unwilling to believe it.

Xiao Fan is already so handsome. If the conditions are so high, then he really feels bad.

"Maybe, but his relationship with Xiaoyu is definitely not normal." Shu Hui said.

Liu Fei shook his head and said, "It's just to deceive little girls by being handsome, it's useless for a man to be handsome, he needs to have the ability.

Look at me, although I look a little short, but at a young age with an annual salary of over 10,000 yuan, I am still very capable. "

"You're amazing, you're the best." Seeing her boyfriend's smug look, Shu Hui had no choice but to praise him.

After walking for a while, several people entered the jewelry store.

As soon as they entered the store, the clerk walked over with a smile on their faces. Three men and three women were very high-quality customers.

"Wife, how about I buy you a diamond ring?" Long Lingyu's cousin looked at his girlfriend and said with a smile.

When Long Lingyu's sister-in-law heard this, she immediately shook her head and said, "It's all over the years, and I still believe in capitalism.

Buying diamonds is the stupidest act. I want to buy jade, this thing will keep its value, or gold is also fine. "

"Then buy a gold bracelet, what do you think?" Cousin Long Lingyu said immediately. In fact, he didn't like diamonds either.

Most of the people who buy diamonds are taking advantage of them. Tens of thousands of dollars to buy a piece of high-concentration charcoal is really speechless.

"Okay." Sister-in-law Long Lingyu smiled and nodded. Gold is a store of value. Gold is better.

"Take us to see the gold bracelet." After the discussion, cousin Long Lingyu immediately said to the clerk.

The clerk smiled and nodded, and led them to the gold bracelet area, where various styles of gold bracelets were placed.

The two chose for a while, and finally bought a bracelet worth more than 50,000 yuan.

"Does it look good?" Long Lingyu's sister-in-law, Li Yu, wore a bracelet to show off to her best friend.

"It's so beautiful, Li Yu, I really envy you. With a boyfriend who loves you so much, I'm a lot worse in comparison."

Shu Hui looked envious and looked at her boyfriend at the same time, the meaning was self-evident.

Liu Fei was in a cold sweat at the moment. He now regrets agreeing to go out shopping with his girlfriend and watch the two women sing and reconcile.

He knew that he had been tricked. If he didn't buy one for his girlfriend today, he would have a hard time when he went back.

"Shu Hui, you should buy one too. You will definitely look good when you wear it." Although he was distressed, Liu Fei still acted generously.

"Hee hee, thank you husband." Shu Hui was overjoyed, looked at Li Yu, and then happily chose.

Well now, two of the three women have bought it, and the remaining one, Long Lingyu, is pitiful, standing aside with a look of envy.

Soon, Shu Yun bought the bracelet and spent about 50,000 yuan, which made Liu Fei feel extremely distressed.

This time, not only did he lose his savings, he also owed his credit card, which made him want to vomit blood.

But Shu Yun didn't care so much. After buying it, he and Li Yu immediately started to murmur about which one was happy.

"It's so beautiful, I really envy you." Long Lingyu stood beside the two women and looked at the gold bracelet with great envy.

Li Yu smiled and said: "No hurry, wait for your boyfriend to make money, let him buy it for you."

"He? I don't know if it's the year of the monkey and the month of the horse." Long Lingyu sighed. Although her boyfriend worked hard, it was useless.

Money is not so easy to make.

Xiao Fan has been looking at, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com until he saw the envy in Long Lingyu's eyes, he knew that the time was almost up.

The comparison of women is really their biggest weakness. Today, I was lucky and met two people to assist.

Otherwise, it would be a bit difficult to win.

Since he had the opportunity, of course he wouldn't miss it, he immediately began to choose Qilai, isn't it just a bracelet, what a trifle.

"Xiao Fan, do you want to buy jewelry too?" Liu Fei, who was feeling distressed about the small money, saw Xiao Fan choosing jewelry, so he asked curiously.

This is a golden area, there is no cheap thing, how can Xiao Fan be able to afford it at his age.

"Well, just buy one." Xiao Fan nodded and responded casually,

"Uh uh," Liu Fei was silent, looking at Xiao Fan's serious look, he couldn't tell if it was true or false if he had time.

However, Xiao Fan didn't care about him, he quickly settled on a bracelet, so he asked the clerk to take it out.

The bracelet he chose was larger than the previous two, and the price was more expensive, at more than 90,000 yuan.

Holding the bracelet and weighing it, Xiao Fan looked at Long Lingyu not far away, "Come here."

"Ah? What's the matter?" Long Lingyu looked puzzled.

Xiao Fan didn't explain much. After she came over, he took her hand and put the bracelet on her directly.

"Xiao Fan,,," Looking at the thick golden bracelet on her hand, Long Lingyu was a little overwhelmed.

"Does it feel right?" Xiao Fan asked with a smile.

"It sounds appropriate, but, this, that,,,"

Long Lingyu was very nervous. She wanted this bracelet very much, but she was also very embarrassed. After all, she and Xiao Fan were only classmates.

"It's fine." Xiao Fan nodded, and before he refused, he paid the clerk directly.

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