My Super Hero Development System

Chapter 100: , a relative of Long Lingyu

Long Lingyu sighed and said helplessly:

"Nowadays, there's not much competition for jobs. In comparison, the chances of being an anchor earning high wages are much higher.

But you, how long has it been, you have become a big tyrant, spending money on live broadcast websites,

The level of your account must have been rewarded a lot. "

"When you make money, you have to spend it. Otherwise, what about you streamers? This is how society is."

Xiao Fan smiled and said: "There are more people with high wages, and those people will consume, and follow their consumption.

A lot of middle-wage jobs can be created. I pay you to earn it, you spend it, and ordinary people earn it. This is a virtuous circle. "

"I don't understand the big truth, but I still want to thank you for giving me so many gifts. I'll give you a toast."

Long Lingyu picked up the wine glass and drank the red wine in one sip.

After drinking, she put down the glass and asked curiously, "Are you running your own company now?"

"Why are you asking this, do you want to be my secretary?"

Looking at her red face, Xiao Fan sighed that it would be better if her **** were bigger,

"Can you? It's really hard to make money now. I want to buy a house, but the price of the house is rising too fast."

Long Lingyu looked expectant.

"No." Xiao Fan refused with a smile. He planned to open a company, but not now. This kind of thing is not urgent, just take it slowly.

Hearing this, Long Lingyu pursed her mouth and whispered, "You are too ruthless, you can't just pull the old classmate."

Xiao Fan smiled, didn't say much, and ate his meals on his own.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Long Lingyu had no choice but to change the topic. She didn't want the atmosphere to get colder.

Half an hour later, when the two were full, Long Lingyu took the initiative to call the service industry to pay.

"Hello, ma'am, you have spent a total of 7,300 yuan. Do you think you should pay by card or by mobile phone?"

The waiter smiled and had a very good attitude.

"How much?" At this moment, Long Lingyu was a little confused, and the price exceeded her expectations.

From her point of view, this meal is about 1,000 yuan, but she didn't expect it to be more than 7,000 yuan. She couldn't accept it.

"A total of seven thousand three hundred yuan." The waiter repeated with a smile.

"Uh uh, why is the food here so expensive, show me the bill."

If it was two or three thousand, Long Lingyu would hold her nose and pay, but if it was more than seven thousand, she was really unwilling.

"Yes." The waiter took out the bill and handed it to Long Lingyu.

Long Lingyu picked it up and took a look, only to find that the most expensive bottle of wine was over 6,000. If there was no wine, the meal would have been more than 1,000.

She glanced at Xiao Fan resentfully, because he ordered the wine, so she was hurt when she first met her.

"Pay with your mobile phone." Although she was very distressed, Long Lingyu still chose to pay.

After paying the money, the two left the hotel, but unlike the beginning, after leaving the hotel,

Long Lingyu's eyes are full of resentment. She has a total of 10,000 savings, and now she has spent more than half of it, which is really distressing.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Xiao Fan found out that something was wrong with her, so he asked inexplicably.

Long Lingyu shook her head with a smile on her face, and said, "It's nothing, I'm just thinking about going there later, have you thought about it?"

People's consumption outlooks are different, maybe 7,000 is a lot for her, but with Xiao Fan's current situation, it's really nothing.

So she felt distressed, but she couldn't really blame Xiao Fan.

"Go shopping, don't you women like this?" Xiao Fan's eyes stayed on Long Lingyu's face and long legs for a few seconds.

Afterwards, he took out the general skills to deal with women, and there is nothing that cannot be solved by buying things.

From the contact just now, Xiao Fan has already felt that Long Lingyu has nothing against her, so if that's the case, let's play.

It just so happened that I couldn't sleep at night when I was tempted by Leng Shiyuan. It's okay to vent, or else I'd be suffocating my body.

"That's fine, I'll listen to you." Of course Long Lingyu would not reject such a proposal, she agreed immediately.

Soon, the two came to a large shopping mall. As soon as they entered the shopping mall, Long Lingyu immediately became more energetic, her eyes constantly patrolling around, and a woman's instinct was activated.

Xiao Fan didn't speak, and followed her for a walk in silence. After ten minutes passed, the two came to the third floor and were just about to go to the jewelry store.

At this time, Long Lingyu suddenly encountered a few acquaintances. Those people also saw Long Lingyu, so they came over immediately.

"Cousin, sister-in-law, Shu Hui, Liu Fei, I didn't expect to meet you here." Long Lingyu greeted with a smile.

Xiao Fan was also looking at the four of them. Among them, Long Lingyu's cousin he knew, but no one else.

"It's really a coincidence that I can meet you here." Long Lingyu's cousin greeted with a smile, while looking at Xiao Fan.

He knows very well that his cousin has a boyfriend, and the man in front of him is actually shopping alone with his cousin, UU reading

"Xiaoyu, is this your friend next to you?" Long Lingyu's sister-in-law asked curiously, she had also met Long Lingyu's boyfriend.

"Well, he is one of my classmates. I just met him today, so let's go for a walk together." Long Lingyu nodded with a smile.

After talking to his sister-in-law, Long Lingyu pulled Xiao Fan and introduced to the other two:

"His name is Xiao Fan, my high school classmates, one of them is Shu Hui and the other is Liu Fei, who is my cousin's friend."

"Hello." Xiao Fan nodded with a smile, and looked at the other side at the same time.

"Hello." Liu Fei responded with a smile while pulling his girlfriend.

After greeting, Long Lingyu's sister-in-law said with a smile:

"Since we met, why don't we go together? There are more people."

"Xiao Fan, what do you think?" Of course Long Lingyu had no opinion, but she still wanted Xiao Fan's opinion.

"Yes." Xiao Fan looked away from the two women and said with a smile, "What are you going to buy?"

"Xiaoyu and I are going to get married, so I'll take a look at jewelry today and buy one if there's a suitable one."

Long Lingyu's cousin said with a smile.

"Wow, cousin, you are so kind, sister-in-law, I really envy you." Long Lingyu on the side heard this, and immediately made an assist.

Long Lingyu's sister-in-law smiled and didn't speak, but out of the corner of her eye, she looked at Xiao Fan's watch.

As soon as she approached, she found that this man was not ordinary, and the clothes he wore were not cheap.

Of course, compared to this, she is more curious about the relationship between this man and Long Lingyu. After all, her boyfriend, the sister, has a boyfriend.

Some different ideas came to her mind.

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