My Super God QQ

Chapter 642: Qing Emperor's gatekeeper welfare

Maybe it's a lot of accumulation?

This time Li Qing's strength improvement directly broke through to the heartbeat period, not only that, but also continued to rise like a rocket.

As long as they are upgraded to another level, the time required is calculated in a few years, but Li Qing suddenly broke from the foundation period to the third level of the cardiac period.

Of course, there is one more important reason.

That is Qilin Zhiren Qingyun tactics, is the supreme skill, the major is the state of mind, the realm, Li Qing as long as a breakthrough, the heart of the heart is based on the realm, naturally can quickly improve.


During the emotional period, at this time, what they cultivate is a state of mind.

As soon as the state of mind arrives, the strength will increase.

This is also one of the most difficult realms in a self-cultivation career.

Because, even if it is to eat immortality medicine, it is useless to improve the strength. The heart stage is about the realm, the realm in the heart.

The more you comprehend, then the faster you improve!

"Hoo, comfortable!"

The emotional period should have been a little irritating. This period also made many people sometimes unable to control the indiscriminate killings and vent their anger, so that they fell into the magic path and became demons.

Like Wang Lin, he is now killing like a chicken, with no compassion.

Li Qing didn't, but just felt peaceful and calm in his heart, so comfortable.

When I opened my eyes again, the world seemed clearer, and Li Qing's facial features also increased their sensitivity by dozens of times.

Due to the self-development of the veins, Li Qing only felt that his true energy was already surging, even if he met Wang Tong's father again, he dared to fight head to head.

Of course, this is a powerful feeling.

When you meet the kind of strong man in the Golden Age, you still have to win with wisdom, and it is not impossible to win with strength. That is too dangerous.

This is the advantage of Li Qing's practice of Qilin to Renqing Yunjue. There are many muscles and veins in the body, and there are many stored forces. If you add the seven-fold optimism, Li Qing is not impossible to kill Wang Tong's father in one blow.

Soul is also very powerful!

Nowadays, Li Qing dare says that if he uses the Wushuang mirror to create a doppelganger and then lose it, it will certainly not disappear, just like being hit hard, so weak.

Long-distance transmission matrix

When Li Qing came here almost a month, he was buried in a secret cave and let the villagers take turns to guard.

Here is the mother formation!

The sub-array is naturally placed in the cultivation world. If Li Qing's financial resources are insufficient, a mother array can even be divided into seven sub-arrays.

Can only wait until there is money later, and buy some more sub-arrays.

Those who wait for this formation will rotate once a month. After such arrangements were made, Li Qing walked out of this small world with a large group of men, women and children in the village.

Ten floating spacecraft were waiting outside.

Enough to hold young and old in the village, a total of more than two thousand people.

"Wow, is this a magic weapon for immortals?"

Looking at the huge spaceship, the people in the village were stunned. Even the elders who thought they were knowledgeable were stunned like dumb gooses, just looking at the sky silly.

Li Qing didn't pay attention to them, he was receiving the message from Zhinao.

I heard that when these ten spacecraft entered the territory of China, they attracted the attention of the military, but they tried to attack in a fighter plane and found that they could not break the defense of the spacecraft and then left the team.

This is Li Qing's current arrogance.

On the earth, no country dares to provoke, because they are afraid that Li Qing will become enemies with them. Now, they are all thinking, let Li Qing help to clear the monsters of the realm!

It’s nice to say that, and it’s hard to say that since the nuclear bomb of the United States of America was ineffective against Li Qing’s future smart city, they have all been in awe.

That's a city that has surpassed their technology for more than 500 years. If they fight, let's not talk about victory or defeat. I'm afraid their country will also be hit hard.

Not to mention, Li Qing's beheading action caused both Fuso and the United States to fall into civil strife.

If he goes to Kyoto and comes back for such a time, then China will be finished.

"It's okay, just don't suffer any damage. As for being attacked, I'll ask them to make a statement later! Send these people back first, then, you are monitoring them, and you can't pass on the things here, if you do, You do it yourself!"


Zhinao replied, let the spacecraft land slowly, and then dropped some ladders for them to climb up.

Because the elder in the village was too old and weak to climb, Li Qing personally drove the flying sword and carried him up.

He was so excited that he kept tears in his eyes, and straight can stand with the fairy on the flying sword, even if he died on the spot, there is no regret.

"Wow, so big, so beautiful, these things look good..."

"What a weak ground, is this brick?"

"This wall is so light and slippery..."

As soon as he got into the spaceship, everyone in the village boiled.

Because compared to their broken wooden house, the decoration in this spaceship is simply luxurious and gorgeous.

In contrast, their surprise is normal.

When they return to the smart city of the future, they are as if they have come to heaven and fairy world, exclaiming constantly.

In a trance, they really thought they were flying treasures and were carried to the fairyland.

Even on the smooth and clean metal road, they still have a feeling of unconsciousness and trance.

"Ancestors, don't bully me!"

Looking at this scene, the elder wept with joy, and bowed to the sky.

Other villagers also bowed down on their knees.

After worshiping the sky, worship Li Qing!

The whole two thousand people were kneeling down, and they had already disturbed Zhang Min.

When they came in a suspended car, they saw that they were kneeling at Li Qing's feet.

"Is this group of people?"

"Nah, flute, you help explain to them, they are people who lived in the mountains in ancient times, uh, so far there are two or three thousand people, you arrange them, and then, I will let them help you ."


Di Di looked at them curiously, and the task for Li Qing came casually.

After chatting for a while, Li Qing asked Zhang Sangou.

"What about the people from Qingdimen?"

"Don't you let them pick a house by yourself, Li Shao? During this time, they chose to pick up their own houses, and they are very happy~" Zhang Sangou was a little embarrassed about his discipline.

It was really his group of men who, after escaping from the dead, felt upset and excited, and now one by one dreams of a better life in the future.

"In this way, there is a repair hall here, you gathered them all, I have something to tell them!"

"Li Shao, you mean..." Zhang Sangou asked excitedly.

"Yes, now they are also the people of the Qing Emperor's Gate, and it is not a matter of cultivating. I will give them a training session! At that time, there will be no guardians in our city..." Li Qing smiled gently.

He has long planned to train their things and plans.

It's better to train them all to the foundation period, then he can only feel relieved with this American degree in his mind.

As for the name of the country, it is called "Star Kingdom".

His moral is that he hopes to have the same spirit of solidarity, mutual assistance and hard work as Star Alliance.

Taking this name, in fact, he is not lacking in his mind. His idea is that if Xingmeng discovered, he might also take this name for granted and let this country pass.

"Before thinking, let's think back" Li Qing's thoughts are very mature.


A teenager lay comfortably on the sofa, trapping himself in the whole, straight up comfortably.

His sight was placed on the wall, where there was a projector playing satellite TV, everything was too comfortable, this is the welfare of their Qingdimen people, a best house.

Suddenly, the door was knocked, and he reluctantly asked who, but he did not want to get up.

It wasn't until Zhang Sangou spoke that he quickly trot to open the door.

Zhang Sangou is the first person under Li Qing's men. He didn't dare to offend, let alone Zhang Sangou brought them. I'm afraid they won't get such a great situation.

He checked online, and now some people have already offered a price of 100 million yuan, asking acquaintances to introduce them, and enter the nationality of the future smart city.

One hundred million!

Now, he is equivalent to 100 million, whether he is excited or not.


He nodded his head at Zhang Sangou.

"Hahaha, don't learn what I do with Li Shao, really, what kind of character is Li Shao, what kind of character am I, close it!" Zhang Sangou came in and looked at the decoration here and kept nodding: "You The house selection is good, although it is not as luxurious as the other kids, but this style is the most simple enjoyment~"

"Brother, if you like it, let it be for you!"

"What kind of slaps do you want? Oh, I don't want to ask Li Shao for it. No, go with me. Li Shao wants to see you!" Zhang Sangou laughed and scolded.

"Ah, what's the matter?"

"Boy, in my opinion, your luck is coming..." Zhang Sangou smiled mysteriously.

(According to the suggestion of a book friend, the name is taken as "Star Country", thank you Shui You for your enthusiastic suggestions~)

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