My Super God QQ

Chapter 641: Strengthen and break through

The object is contained in a red jade box, and the red looks as if the blood is about to drip down, which is very gorgeous.

"What is it?"

As soon as Li Qing held it, he felt a bit cold and biting.

It's kind of yin as if it's yin.

"Everyone step back!"

When the box was handed to Li Qing, the old man with the old dragon's order ordered that everyone back away one mile away.

"you guys?!"

Li Qing looked at them in puzzlement, puzzled, as if instead of holding a box in his hand, it was like a time bomb with an unpleasant change.

A **** smell slowly diffused from the box.

If it were not for the group of people who really wanted to leave here, Li Qing dared not open the box and thought they would hurt themselves.

Very evil door!

The **** smell grew bigger and bigger as the gap between the boxes, and finally Li Qing's eyes were rounded. Inside was a doll made of straw, covered with blood.

Pocket version of straw dolls!

There are three silver needles on his head, and there seems to be light in the heart. Li Qing looked closely, but it was an unknown gem.

The gem was cut into a heart shape, as if the heart was beating, blinking, and somehow Li Qing felt that it was alive.

"Hey, there are notes?"

Li Qing carefully pulled out a yellowish brown paper strip under the scarecrow.

The instructions for using this "magic weapon" are written in ancient seal characters. It turns out that this is a "replacement scarecrow", which was handed down from the Wu people.

"Really there are Wu people?"

Li Qing's eyes widened.

It turns out that there are really Wu people practicing in ancient China!

If you think about the strange and bizarre utensils that the Wu people often use as magic weapons, such as animal bones, animal skins, etc., then it is not impossible to replace the dead scarecrow.

Quite a magic weapon!

If it is used, it must be sprayed with the blood of the heart before it can be used.

Li Qing had no choice but to secretly hurt his heart with real qi, and then take this blood out with real qi and spray it on the dead scarecrow.


After the blood was sprayed on the dead scarecrow, the jewels on the dead scarecrow flashed faster, and the scarecrow's mouth merged together, seemingly absorbing the blood greedily.

Li Qing seemed to be a little out of strength, and felt weak, so he sat down quickly.

The painstaking effort is the most precious thing in the human body.

Some strong people, why the blood is strong like a dragon, is full of hard work, sufficient natural strength and coercion are many times more than ordinary people.

Like the legendary big witch, what he cultivates is essence blood.

The most powerful war witch, with a strong heart and great strength, is like a monster.

The legend is like this, Li Qing is also watching this scarecrow quietly, he is waiting...

About half an hour later, Li Qing gradually had a strange feeling in his heart, as if he had a feeling, and he had another heart and body.

"Then start the second step!"

Li Qing put it on his eyebrows and kept meditating on the spell.

For a long time, Li Qing did not dare to say whether his syllables were accurate.

Unsuccessful once, not twice, and still the same three times...

Just when he thought about it dozens of times and almost gave up the idea of ​​giving up, the Scarecrow finally "swimmed" and got into Li Qing's eyebrows.

The Scarecrow is in Li Qing's knowledge of the sea, that is, in the spirit of knowledge of the sea, like a flying sword, stored in it.

All right!

One more life, this is Li Qing's search for the teleportation site, an unexpected surprise!

However, this is not enough. The elder also said that he would give the space here to Li Qing to control.

This is the fairy confession!

So as not to be taken by bad guys, as long as Li Qing gets this space, then all changes in this space will not escape Li Qing's induction.

"Not bad!"

"Does he have a way to stay?"

"Yes, but we don't understand. Shangxian, please ask here."

The old man invited him to the clan house of their clan, which was inside. Li Qing saw a dazzle.

In addition, there is a stone on the side, which explains in detail, as long as the eyes are made into their own bodies, then this space will also become Li Qing's.

"This time is too long?"

Li Qing was a little depressed after seeing clearly.

It actually took a month!

He almost wanted to give up, but think about it, he has nothing else for now, so stay here!


One day of Li Qing is to practice.

Normally, when the village cooks something delicious, it will send Shangxian a serving first. If they don't eat it, they think it's the serving. If they can eat it, they will be ecstatic.

The white smoke cooks, the dog barks and the bird chirps. Every evening, Li Qing will occasionally take a rest and lie on the elder's bench, leisurely watching this unpolluted world.

Seems like a paradise.

The people here are very simple in character. Maybe they are all the same ancestors. They are more or less related.

Because it is an ordinary distribution, such a situation, so that there is no interest relationship between them, it also causes them to be very friendly.

What a comfortable atmosphere!

After staying for about ten days, Li Qing looked at this situation in his heart, and inexplicably had a touch, and the whole person closed his eyes.

Slowly, he fell into a wonderful state.

Seems like an epiphany!

And the veins in his body that were just created from "Kirin to Ren Qingyun Jue" were actually one by one, and they will continue to appear automatically without any obstruction.

An aura of incomparable peace diffused from his body, not as overbearing as coercive, but moist and silent, affecting the surroundings.

The villagers who live here only feel inexplicably comfortable in their hearts, extremely happy, and have more smiles on their faces.

The surrounding vegetation is also growing vigorously!

As if there were endless life forces promoting their growth, grass is like this, and the birds and beasts here are even more so.


Wu Fei went to Li Qing's vicinity, and seemed to like his breath.

One, two, three...

Gradually, more and more together!

The white clouds in the sky also turned blue, like auspicious clouds.

Li Qing is about to break through the heartbeat period!

"Is it caused by the fairy?"

The villagers also discovered these miraculous phenomena and continually gathered from all sides.

"It must have been a fairy, you see, the clouds in the sky turned blue!"

"That's auspicious cloud! It represents blessing!" The elder looked at Li Qing: "I don't know what fairy law is practiced by the immortal, but I can be so blessed. !"

"Cultivate luck?"

"Yeah! I heard from my ancestors that the former immortal had left immortal words and said that he came to us. He is a person with good luck and blessing, as long as he is under his protection, everyone can enjoy it. Blessed."

"Then we will take the blessing of Shangxian, is this bad?"

An aunt was worried.

A simple person will think of others and not take advantage of others.

Obviously, a group of lovely people live here.

"No, we are blessed under his hands, so we won't! Moreover, this Shangxian will have infinite blessings, and we can only use a little bit, no harm. Yar ~ hahaha!" Elder Yue I want to be happier and laugh.

"Tai Gong, is the blessing true?"

A young man asked cautiously.

"Nonsense, Shangxian is here, haven't you seen it with your own eyes? As the so-called Qingyun goes straight to the sky, Qingyun represents blessings, and people with great blessings can rise to the heavens!" The elder was slightly annoyed. Tao: "The ancient books that made you memorize, where are you going to memorize? I remember this record in "Tian Zi Yue"!"

"Tai Gong..."

"Stinky boy! Forget it, let you stay here. It is good for us to get some blessings. I believe we will be able to leave here soon and live a happy life. When the time comes, our ethnic group will spread out. Ye, it’s not a problem to spread the world!"

"I have long thought of playing outside~"

The young hippie smiled authentically.

"Well! It's always bad for young people to be trapped here. We follow Shangxian. The sky outside is so big that we can break out of our own sky!"

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