My Super God QQ

Chapter 285: The Truth of Heaven

Kill kill!

Endless killing intentions burst forth from him, rushing upwards like a tornado, crushing Yunxiao.

At first glance, he saw that it was this person who gave him his strength. He punched straight, even smashed the void, and hit his head.

The void kept breaking apart, as if he could not bear his power.

At this time, his eyes were magnificent blood.

However, the man was expressionless and disappeared instantly.

Wang Lin went out from this prison and saw someone and killed...

Man, kill it.

Woman, kill!

Beautiful women, have to play around and kill again.


He also hesitated for three seconds, but still killed.

Wang Lin has a feeling that if he kills without seeing anyone, he will lose this supreme terror force.

He killed a lot of people. If they piled up, it was enough to fill up a football field. He killed the city and killed the whole country...

Guns, guns, tanks, fighters, even with nuclear bombs in the back, could not hurt Wang Lin.

Finally, he floated and stood in the sky, looking down like a **** of death. It was a rolling sea of ​​human heads and a **** sea of ​​corpses...

A silence!

The wind blew through, bringing a thick, disgusting **** breath to his nose, Wang Lin was indifferent, and seemed to be thinking about where to kill and where to kill.


The sky suddenly split a golden lightning.

The lightning, with a terrifying atmosphere that destroys everything, seemed to turn this world into nothingness and split it on Wang Lin.


Wang Lin raised his entire upper body and exclaimed.

Only then did he slow down, everything just now was a dream.

"Wake up?"

A strange sound appeared in his ear.

It is strange, but it seems to have been heard.

Yes, the sound from the wooden sign.

Li Qing looked at the source of the voice, and a middle-aged man with a black-faced face and thick eyes was standing not far behind him.

He wore a black cloak, and he was wearing a set of black. His long hair fluttered in the wind, revealing a bohemian spirit.

"you are?"

"Yes! I'm the one calling you here!"

"See the teacher..." Wang Lin was clever and stood up and wanted to bow down.


He pointed to the fat man. The fat man seemed to have fallen asleep sometime. In his dream, he kept drooling, and his face looked sour and mean.

"He is this?"

"This is the nightmare magic ball I brought from above! You can measure your character and thoughts from the dream!"

Wang Lin looked at the ball carefully. It seemed that he saw a fat man in the ball. The fat man was grinning cheaply at a shy, uneasy young woman.

"Kill your unconscience husband, now it's time for you to repay me!"


"It's nothing. I said yes at the beginning, and now I want you!" Then, the fat man rushed up, stripped the young woman's clothes, and covered the clouds.

"Everyone will have desires and their own personalities. But to what extent this personality and desires are achieved, this is the result that this Demon Sect needs to test. If you can pick up the fate, you must be related to my Devil Sect. Ideally, sorry, please go back!"

"That teacher... Senior, can I do it?" Wang Lin thought of his dream, his heart throbbed fiercely, and asked agitatedly.

The middle-aged man ignored him, but continued to watch the nightmare ball.

After the fat man finished with the young woman Hu Tianhu, Wang Lin saw that someone came to avenge him.


The fat man committed a crime and was searched by the police.

He kept hiding from Tibet, exhausted everywhere, and was eventually captured by the police.

Like Wang Lin, he was tortured by inhumans.

Seeing that he was tortured all over with bruises and bruises, when there was no half-man, a figure appeared in front of the fat man.

Wang Lin was a bit creepy when he saw the figure, because it was the person he had seen in his dream.

"Nightmare Magic Ball? Is it a legendary magic weapon?"

The fat man hesitated. He heard that he had strong power, and he would see someone kill one person. He began to make difficult choices.

"I will!"

In the end, he was willing to gain this terrifying power, but the only condition was to see one kill one.

After gaining this power, the fat man looked at this person, but did not shoot, but killed the person in the prison, and after going out, he also killed the woman, but even when facing a little girl, he could not get off. hand.

Lightning strikes...

The fat man finally woke up from the dream.

In the same dream, the fat man and Wang Lin had almost the same choices in the front. However, in the end, due to a little girl, they made different choices.

Wang Lin was nervous.

This may mean that only one of the two will be taken by this middle-aged person.


"I announced that one of you two will be eligible to enter my demons..." The middle-aged man said this and paused, making both of them extremely nervous.

"This man is Cheng Ming!"

It's fat!

For the first time, Wang Lin only felt that his eyes were dim and the sky was spinning.

Because, he failed, he tried hard, with full of longing, but in return for such a result.


He was unwilling to question this middle-aged man.

"Because, even if it is my Demon Sect, killing will choose the target instead of omnipotence. Killing is right, but only against your own enemy, even if you kill innocent people, it is against us. The purpose of Mozong. Even if killing can make you more and more powerful, I also support you, but killing innocents indiscriminately..." Speaking of which, he shook his head, his face full of disappointment to Wang Lin.

"However, I also wanted to maintain such a powerful force all the time!"

Wang Lin was not convinced and argued.

"This is unrealistic. If you have such a powerful force, after killing all the creatures, why do you still keep it? Don't you feel contradictory?"


Wang Lin is mad!

"No need to say, there is nothing to do, you go down the mountain! You have passed the training of strength and courage, but you can't pass this item, sorry..."

"I do not!"

Wang Lin only felt that the unwillingness turned into a kind of power, and let him roar from his throat.


Suddenly, this middle-aged man sinks his face.

With the word "rolling", a terrible killing spontaneously emerged, as if taking the sand off the rocks.

This murderous intention gradually turned into a black, like a substantial whirlwind, twisted around its periphery, set him extremely fierce and grim.


There seemed to be ghosts shouting around him, crying and howling.

In an instant, Wang Lin only felt a timid chill pierce the bone marrow, such as falling into a cold cellar for thousands of years.

It was at this time that he realized that what stood before him was not a good boy or a believer, but seemed to be a devil.

"I'm leaving!"

Wang Lin looked at him bitterly and turned away.

"Since you still dare to show such eyes, then don't leave, die here!"

The killing intent of the middle-aged man soared, and he shot towards Wang Lin with a slap.

His figure didn't even move, and his palm became black like ink, and was photographed on Wang Lin's back. Wang Lin suddenly vomited blood and flew tens of meters forward...


Wang Lin screamed, flew directly out of the mountain, and fell to the dark woods.


After receiving the alchemy furnace, Li Qing took it happily and entered the third floor of qq book city.

Here, there are many cultivation methods that teach people to practice alchemy.

"Nine-Nine-Nine Success!"

"The Truth of Heaven!"

"It's really good to go to the original!"

"Nine-nine to one solution!"


There are countless exercises in this category.

In the end, Li Qing picked the truth of the heaven.

This is a huge smorgasbord that can basically turn a novice into an alchemy master.

Yes, apart from alchemy, there is also a refiner.

This exercise method is recommended by the qq system and is the most practical one.

"100 million..."

Fortunately, Li Qing received another billion of funds from Xia Mo Can Yue. After Li Qing paid a price of 100 million, he obtained the right to learn this practice.

Point this jade jade to your eyebrows and Li Qing will immediately be able to consult the exercise method.

First, after three days, Li Qing learned the basic knowledge and took out the red ready to try it.

The red furnace is very simple, similar to the earliest three-legged furnace.

Probably as tall as a child, just Li Qing's hands can be rounded, with the green spots left by the era, engraved with all kinds of beautiful patterns.

After Li Qing dripped blood, this magic tool recognized the Lord.

Enter the true gas, and flames ignite in this blaze.

Since it is just an ordinary magic weapon, the level is probably not high. Only the most common red flames and blue flames with a higher temperature can be used.

"Pui Gu Dan is such a way of refining? It seems that you have to purchase some materials..."

Because Li Qing had this scale on his forehead, he did not want to go out, so he let one of his guards go out to purchase.

However, ordinary Chinese pharmacies cannot purchase all these materials.

Li Qing had to find Lin Chengxing.

With his help, Li Qing only considered purchasing raw materials and preparing for the first alchemy.

Pi Gu Dan, this kind of immortality medicine may not be a big deal in the realm of truth, but Li Qing feels very magical, eat one, enough to withstand half a year without hunger.

To start a fire, Li Qing added the herbs one by one according to the order.

He began to manipulate the flames in the alchemy furnace according to the knowledge he had learned, and slowly burned these herbs.

"This is the alchemy of the first level, so there is no need to form a handprint. It seems that in the future, you have to learn the handprint again. This pair of alchemy and refiner can be used..." Li Qing pondered, looking at the alchemy. The medicinal materials are constantly changing.

"Square wood is yin, Tianyang grass is fire, both can produce water, water can congeal medicine as a pill, plus Tianjianhua, and ginseng for gas..."

He muttered, while refining the alchemy, at the same time, he felt the wonder of this hearth.

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