My Super God QQ

Chapter 284: Wang Lin's strange dream

"If you don't brag, we are still good friends! What kind of magic weapon are you, obviously it is only a little old!"

"Hey, what is a bit old! This quality is really okay. It has been as strong as before for thousands of years, and it is absolutely durable than a magic instrument."

"Li Qing Daoyou, let me choose it. Although I don't know if it's used for refining the immortal elixir, it's used by Xu Fu Warlock, and he has his inscription on it!"

"Hey, I don't know what you think, even those Danlu want to change a high-level magic weapon, I really don't know where you come from..."

"I will change the handkerchief for my mother-in-law..."

There are self-recommendations and others who come out to watch.

Of course, most of them are lively, such as Dingshishan people.

Now, he was lying on the bed, looking at the phone and smiling happily.

"Master Zu, what are you laughing at?" Xiaoqin asked curiously beside him.

"Watching a group of monkeys jumping up and down..." Dingshishan people said casually.

"Oh, then don't you laugh too much at the old man and pull the wound."

"Relax, busy yours!"

Li Qing saw that there were more and more qq groups, and there were all kinds of people and languages, and it was dazzling at a time.

"Li Qing Daoyou?"

Suddenly, the group owner Bai Xiaotian chatted privately.

"Hello, group leader."

"Well, I just want to ask, do you need help?"

"What do you mean?"

In fact, Bai Xiaotian came to hug her thighs, but it was not easy to say blatantly so as not to pass it on and lose face.

"Yes, I will help you choose the most suitable one."

"But they don't have a magic weapon to change?" Li Qing smiled bitterly.

Anyway, his bracelet is a high-level magic weapon. Use this to exchange it for a red furnace that is not a magic weapon. Is that too expensive? He is not stupid, it is really inappropriate!

"Uh, I actually know who has it. Bauhinia Fairy has an intermediate magic alchemy furnace. However, she once said that this alchemy furnace is the only relic left by her master..."

"Then trouble, please help me negotiate, I will thank you by then." Li Qingdao.

He used Bai Xiaotian as an intermediary, the kind of rebate. Also, Li Qing thought that he had nothing to be seen by others. Naturally, the other party needed benefits.

But Li Qing was wrong. Upon hearing Li Qing's thanks, Bai Xiaotian hurriedly didn't use it.

"Don't don't, everyone is a Taoist in the group, just like friends, don't say thank you. Not to mention, I am the group owner, of course, to serve the people in the group... Ha ha ha!"

If the people of Dingshishan knew that Bai Xiaotian had said such a thing, he would have to spit on his face with a spit.

In the beginning, in order to find a piece of refining material, Dingshishan people all asked Bai Xiaotian for help. Let him figure out where to find it. At that time, Bai Xiaotian directly sent him a word.

Therefore, this person is still realistic, even if he is a self-cultivator.

"That's it! Well, I'll bear your love and trouble you..." Li Qing smiled.

The reason for Bai Xiaotian is not to make Li Qing owe him a favor. Hearing, he was as excited as the blood of chicken blood, and helped contact the Bauhinia Fairy.

In this regard, Li Qing waited for a long time, but did not see any reply.

On the contrary, the excitement in the group gradually escalated, and some even quarreled with anger and gave an appointment.

"It seems that there is no difference between innocence and ordinary people..." Li Qing looked at their chat and thought it was quite fun.

"Dingling Bell~"

The phone vibrated and rang.

It's Miss Sister, Murong Fengrou's call.

"A Qing, do you have a place to live?"

"Yes, I have a villa in Jianjiang..." Li Qing was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately thought of the destruction of Murong Mountain Villa. The younger sister must have been a temporary failure.

"Well, if it's convenient, I'll take my mother to live with you first."

As for why she doesn’t live in a hotel, Li Qing didn’t bother to care about it. Naturally, it’s best for a young lady to live in her own villa.

Hanging up the phone, Li Qing immediately took the mobile phone to inform Wei Huang, so that he was ready to entertain the younger sister, he could not go back now, but it must be as soon as possible.

About half an hour later, finally, Bai Xiaotian sent a message.

"Originally, she disagreed. Later, after knowing that it was you, she agreed~" Bai Xiaotian's voice was a little happy.

"Know it's me?"

"Well, it seems that she has a good impression of you, and then, plus my three-inch tongue, hahaha..." Bai Xiaotian said this and laughed.

Bai Xiaotian is actually lying, and the reason why the Bauhinia Fairy is willing to change, or Bai Xiaotian explained to her some stakes, and then, mentioning Li Qing’s extraordinary potential, let the Bauhinia Fairy make a good relationship.

"Okay!" Li Qing was unclear. So, after thanking Bai Xiaotian, he asked how to trade.

"Express!" Bai Xiaotian said with a smile: "If you use air express, it will be very fast, absolutely no problem in this respect. Also, I can guarantee it to you, and I must be credible."

Bai Xiaotian had known the Bauhinia Fairy for a long time, and at the same time, knew Li Qing's terrible strength.

Such a person would not be a liar.

Besides, if anyone knows that this is a lie, basically he is afraid that he will not be able to mix up in this cultivation circle.

Those who are self-cultivators can steal and steal, but if they are cheated, they will definitely not be mixed up in the circle.

"Is this okay?"

Li Qing was a bit guilty.

This is a very valuable magic weapon!

If you take it out for auction, it will definitely be priceless.

"Anyway, this mortal weapon can’t be used by mortals. Rest assured, it’s okay. Many people in the group have used couriers to deal with each other..."


Li Qing privately asked the Dingshishan people, there are really such examples, many, I believed him.

Next, Li Qing wrapped the magic bracelet, and asked the courier to come to the door, saying that it was a handicraft, and sent it out.

Just waiting the next day, you should be able to receive the alchemy furnace.


Wang Lin and the fat man did not leave after all, so decided to wait another day to see.

It was a little cold at night, and the two discussed going down the mountain a little, picking up some firewood and coming back to make a fire, taking turns to watch the night.

Wang Lin slept first, and the fat man stayed in the middle of the night.

Confused, Wang Lin fell asleep.

"I'm so envious, why are people so rich and able to be born in wealthy people..."

At the entrance of Jianjiang Seventh Middle School, Wang Lin wore a school uniform and looked at a rich second-generation sports car carrying beautiful and **** school flowers. His eyes were full of envy.

"If one day, I can make tens of millions, no, how good should it be..."

He walked down the road in despair, his mind full of imaginary scenes.

Thinking about how he had the money, how to spend it, how to compare, how happy he was anyway, how to think.


Without looking at the front, he bumped into someone.

"Do you want to be rich?"

The man was very tall in a suit and was a little thin, but tall, but he couldn't see his face clearly, as if covered by a mist.

"who are you?"

Wang Lin ran into it and took two steps backwards.

"You just tell me, do you want to be rich?"

"Think!" Wang Lin nodded.

"it is good!"

The next second, a big golden suitcase appeared in front of him.

"The money is for you, I will give it to you when it's over!"

"Hey, but how do I find you..." Wang Lin also wanted to ask, the person has disappeared.

Dreams are weird and bizarre, and there is no logic.

Wang Lin did not delve into it, he was spending money frantically for fun while the sun and the moon were circulating.

When he bought a villa, he also bought a sports car and specially put on three sets of world-famous clothes. In this regard, he drove the sports car and used the identity of the rich second generation to rave about girls.

He even thought about making some celebrities, but he hit the wall and met the richer master. Not only did he not make it, he was also beaten, and Tintin almost got rid of it.

Lying on the ground, his nose and face were swollen and his heart was filled with hate and poison!

He felt that he was not rich enough and had no power. If he had power, why not be afraid of other bodyguards.

So, just when he gave birth to this idea, the person who gave him money appeared again.

"Do you need strength? Is there more money?"


Wang Lin nodded, nodding.

After a sudden change, Wang Lin has extraordinary power and an unlimited overdraft bank card.

After having these, Wang Lin went back to revenge.

Not only to kill the rich second generation directly, but also to wipe out his relatives and friends, as long as it is related, kill them all.

He also used violence to tie the female star directly to the mansion he bought and wantonly played with it.

Less than a month later, the East Window incident occurred, and the country finally pursued him.

A large number of masters were sent out to contain Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's strength is strong, but after all, his fists are no match for his four hands, he still seizes and is forced to confess by various tortures, so he can tell why he suddenly gave up an ordinary student, which is what he is today.

It was almost hell-like destruction...

Just when he was about to persevere, thinking that he would be tortured to death, the man finally appeared again.

"You're finally here, why I've been calling you, you don't come out!" Wang Lin howled hysterically, the blood on his face made him look terrible.

"I can give you strength!"

"Give me!" Wang Lin growled like an injured beast.

"OK, but, I have a condition."

"Say! I want strength, I want to kill those who tortured me, and..." Wang Lin remembered the names of those people, one by one, and he was almost unforgettable.

"This condition is that the power I give you is evil. You may meet someone to kill someone... the one who sees will die!"

"give me!"

Wang Lin snarled wildly.

"Okay, here you are!"

The next second, Wang Lin's bruised nose and swollen face, and the blood wounds on his body disappeared, and he was replaced by the terrifying and terrifying pressure.


All the shackles on him broke apart...

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