My Super God QQ

Chapter 204: Xia Mo Can Yue's Showing Love


A female voice screamed and rang through the floor.

Li Qing was also abruptly frightened, not frightened by screams, but he found that his eyes were not enemies, but Xia Mo, and he was patting with a blazing flame.


When Li Qing was in a hurry, he stopped his palm in the void in the past and was swallowed by internal force. His internal organs and his internal organs swelled, and blood came out of his mouth, spitting far away.

Looking at Xia Mo Can Yue, although Li Qing took his palm back temporarily, the flames still hit Xia Mo Can Yue.

At the moment, the fire burned in Xia Mo's sleeping clothes.


She was so scared that she kept screaming and jumping around.

Li Qing was also shocked, and quickly reached out and touched her body, controlling the flame to **** it back. Fortunately, these flames were transformed by internal forces, and Li Qing pumped them all back.

However, Xia Mo's clothes have been burned out of sight.

Not to mention clothes, even the little cutie inside was burned.

She appeared in front of Li Qing almost completely.

So white, so red, so big...

Li Qing watched her still dancing, but she couldn't help but looked dumbfounded, really dumbfounded.

To say a woman is the best gift God has given to a man. This is absolutely true.

Her little sheep were beating, and the cherry was trembling, and Li Qing looked stunned, not to mention the thin water snake waist, and the mysterious valley.

It's just the devil's figure, S-shaped, with unevenness...

Li Qing felt that her nose was a little itchy. She reached out and touched her nose.

"Are you OK?"

Seeing Li Qing vomiting blood, his nose still bleeding, Xia Mo Can Yue put all his thoughts on Li Qing. He didn't seem to notice that he was almost full of fruit and shouted anxiously.

"Sister, I'm sorry, I thought it was the one who came to kill me~ Why did you come in!"

"Isn’t the uncle saying to let the little girl take care of you? Later, when you refused, they ran to the next door to look for me and let me take care of you. Then, I said that I would take care of my younger brother, so the hotel gave me A house card for you."

So this is ah!

"then you……"

"I just woke up and came over to see you..."

"Sorry, sister, I'm fine."

"You just vomited blood and it's okay, is it caused by a wound, or should we go to the hospital to see it?"

"No need!" Li Qing quickly refused: "Sister, you look like this..."

Xia Mo Can Yue followed Li Qing's gaze, only to see the strange thing on her body, screamed, she covered her chest with her hand, and covered it with her other hand. But in spite of this, she still couldn't cover up, and she was so ashamed to blush.

Also anxious and panicked, she actually jumped into Li Qing's bed, trying to block it with a quilt.

"You go out, I want to use this quilt!"

After all, the two were a bit ambiguous in bed, so she pushed Li Qing, but the bad thing was that she pushed it to Li Qing’s wound.

His eyes rolled so much that he almost passed out without pain.

In this way, Xia Mo Can Yue knew that he had touched the wrong place, anxiously apologized, and opened the quilt to see Li Qing's injury.

However, Li Qing's beast blood boiled up again, and she almost became a werewolf to suppress her.


Li Qing could hardly hold it, almost burst!

Seeing that Li Qing's eyes were not right, Xia Mo Can Yue hurriedly covered her chest and lower body again.

But what now?

Li Qing couldn't move, she had no clothes...

Almost dumbfounded.

"Sister, I close my eyes, it's okay!" Li Qing saw this embarrassment and said, he didn't dare to open his eyes, really afraid that he would do the wrong thing on impulse. Little Li Qing had already lifted his boss.


Seeing Li Qing's face flushed, Xia Mo Can Yue thought he was shy, and suddenly he laughed.

"Sister, why are you laughing?"

"You must have never had a girlfriend?"

"Who said!" Li Qingqi, how dare to laugh at himself.

"Look under you, you have betrayed yourself..." Xia Mo Can Yue giggled, smiling like a silver bell, very sweet.

"Sister, you..."

"Hey, I heard from my mother that I was injured, and the blood accumulation in other places is not good. Let me help you..." Xia Mo Can Yue's heart was constantly beating violently, and she touched Xiao Yuqing with her slim jade hand.

That's how she caught her and felt that her lower body was different. Li Qing almost burst.

So soft, so warm little hands...

She moved and kept moving up and down...

Li Qing wanted to say no, but that kind of extreme stimulation controlled him to be speechless.

Xia Mo Can Yue was also very nervous, and her heart was beating fast, as if she was about to jump out of her chest. Don’t look at her being so bold, but her palms were all sweaty.

Of course, her mind is also very complicated.

Because, unconsciously, Li Qing's shadow has been deeply planted in her heart.

At night, they went out to the night market together. She didn't know how jealous she felt. It felt like Li Qing was with her and with other girls. This is the kind of jealous psychology, she only suddenly made such a move at this time.


She wants to get Li Qing, but, women, they are always reserved.

So, she would simply go wrong, and wanted to obtain Li Qing by other means.


Li Qing couldn't take it anymore, and a big beautiful woman gave it to herself with her hands.

Suddenly, Xia Mo Can Yue grabbed Li Qing's hand again, and before Li Qing reacted, she placed his hand on her pair of sheep.

"This will help you hurry up..." she said tremblingly.

Li Qing was finally overwhelmed by desire, rubbing her little sheep into various shapes.

Li Qing is still a virgin!

It's good for him to endure not knocking down each other, so the two are like this until Li Qing is comfortable.


Seeing Li Qing showing a comfortable smile, Xia Mo Can Yue couldn't help but kiss a kiss on Li Qing's forehead.

"Thank you sister..."

"Hmm~" Xia Mo Can Yue reached out and hugged Li Qing's head in his arms: "The next time you can't beat it, you can run, don't hold on, don't you fear that your sister will be hurt, so you didn't escape. I listen Having said that, these two are very powerful."

Li Qing froze for a moment, but didn't speak.

To say whether he has ever thought about Xia Mo Can Yue, really there is.

"It turns out that my sister is paying back...but this way of paying back is too exciting!" Li Qingmei thought thoughtfully, leaning her head against her chest and licking it naughtily.

Cherry was licked, she groaned, and angered again: "Don't be naughty, keep your wounds..."


Li Qing said, but he took it in and sucked it twice.

"Ah, don't~" She can't stand it, the whole body is twisted like a snake: "You are hurt, don't, don't be okay, wait for you to be injured, you can't stand it, sister will give it to you again ."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Li Qing was originally soft, like a soft-skinned snake, and could not help but be hard and hard.

"Sister, how nice you are~"

Li Qing's heart warmed, very moved.

"You are also very good, many little girls like you~ that Tang Yanyan also likes you."

"Yan Yan likes me? Impossible, we only met two times~" Li Qing couldn't believe it.

He feels that he is getting handsome now, getting taller, getting richer, no longer the same as the previous hanging silk, can't he have such charm? To know the other party, it is also the beauty among the top beauties~

"Your psychology is the hanging thread psychology, you cured her scar, you may have planted a shadow in the heart of others..."


Li Qing talked to her again, and she fell asleep after being tired.

Xia Mo Can Yue kissed him lovingly a few times before putting him down.

In fact, not to mention Li Qing, just after Xia Mo's remnant months, the spring tide almost flooded and could not be controlled.

Seeing Li Qing falling asleep, she got up and ran to the toilet quickly, holding the paper and wiping the water faintly wetting the fragrant grass.

"Does your brother think that she is a shameless woman?" She began to feel uneasy, thinking wildly.

After a sleep, Li Qing woke up at night.

Xia Mo Can Yue was sitting in the chair on the side, his head little by little, dozing off.

"Sister, sister..." Li Qing shouted distressedly.

"Ah?" Xia Mo Can Yue woke up and asked with an eyeful: "Brother, what's wrong, do you want to pee?"

Li Qing smiled bitterly: "I can still move, I am afraid you have a cold."

"It's okay, then are you hungry and wake up, I'll order a meal!"

"it is good!"

Not to mention, Li Qing was a bit hungry after a day of sleep.

The two had a meal at the hotel.

Li Qing tried to get up and walk around a few times, and his abdomen was faintly painful.

If you lie in bed, it doesn't hurt, but it hurts when you walk, it seems that the wound cells have not been repaired and can't bear the vibration.

Xia Mo Can Yue saw him pale with pain, did not let him move, and even asked the hotel waiter to buy the kind of patient's urine, and directly to Li Qing.

Since she helped Li Qing beat her in the morning, she also let go. Instead, Li Qing was a little embarrassed.

Nine p.m……

The claw three came again, and the medicine was delivered, saying that it was a golden wound medicine handed down from ancient times.

She still looks cold.

Li Qing thanked her, and saw that the wound really could not move, so she had to recuperate at the hotel first.

When he planned to recover from the injury, he went to the minister of the technical department, which is the revenge of the Kyoto royal family.

one day……

Two days...

On the third day, suddenly, there was a killing sound outside the window, and the sound of gold and iron clashes suddenly sounded.

Li Qing was awakened and immediately guessed what.

Correct! It is very likely that has another force who sent someone to kill himself.

What blocked them was naturally the one sent by Scale One in secret.

Thinking of this, Li Qing secretly rejoiced that if he had not joined the special department temporarily, this time it was absolutely troublesome.

"Sister Xia Mo, you open the window to see me!" Li Qing thought for a while, he couldn't just look at this, he had to do something, so he shouted.

But Xia Mo Can Yue was terrified, and Huarong lost her color, hiding in Li Qing's arms.

Li Qing has a headache!

He was extremely worried that the other party would rush in, but he was not afraid, that he would be injured.

Something must be done!

It's not Li Qing's style to wait and die!


Second, there will be later

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