My Super God QQ

Chapter 203: Cultivate confession, want to carry

A more chapter, thanks to Xie Xin Deacon was born! Thanks to the brothers who support this book, only you have the author to eat a bite!


"Fanfan, what kind of flower is this? It's so beautiful~ are you giving it to me?"

The little man sitting on the sofa saw a slender little hand reaching for the box, and quickly restrained her.

"I can't send you this, my baby, your favorite bags, lipstick, cosmetics. I can send you. But the flowers are extremely precious, but I can't send you~" Xiaoye looked at and sat on the side Beautiful girl smiled evilly.

He is now in the presidential suite of a hotel, on a beautifully gorgeous sofa, wearing only a pair of boxer briefs.

Apart from Yifan, there are two top beautiful women who look exactly the same.

"What kind of flower is this? Is it so precious? People don't care, they just want it~~" The beautiful woman on the side said coquettishly, hugging the arm of the young man for a while.

"Hahaha, this flower is not for fun, it is for killing."

"Ah? Murdering?" The beauty was slightly stunned, and then smiled Yan Yan: "Yifan, you will joke."

"Who's kidding you! Don't look at this flower so beautiful, but it will kill, just like your cherry mouth~" Speaking of which, the young man pointed his index finger at the beauty's lips: "That would kill It's ~"

"Who am I killing~ giggling~" The beauty smiled tremblingly.

"At least, you can kill countless of my grandchildren!" Then, the young man suddenly reached out and put it on the back of her head, pressing forward.

The beauty's head was pressed down and reached his hip directly.

When the beautifully embroidered eyebrows are wrinkled, they must resist, but after hearing the master say "ten limited edition bags", her eyes flashed with joy, and let him continue to press down.

Until it was pressed under the crotch of the young man, she stretched out her slender five fingers and pulled away the young man's pants, letting his murderous creature pluck out his head from the side, and contained it fiercely.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's it. Isn't this your murder of my tens of millions of grandchildren? Hahahaha... Then, baby, you come too!" The master laughed happily and comfortably. : "Darling, didn't I give you a lipstick? At this moment, you will give me back a little bit!"


As soon as the other twin sisters came out of the toilet, they twisted the water snake's waist and walked over. The young man gave him a white look, sitting on his side and licking his mouth against his chest.

Feeling the constant twists and turns of the above and below, the young man moaned comfortably and leaned on the sofa to close his eyes.

The twins were discovered by accident after playing with countless beauties.

In the past, the job they did was a network anchor, the kind of an economic company. Later, he accidentally bored the Internet, and at a glance, they used money and momentum to continue to smash them, let them get on the plane and send them over thousands of miles.

On the Internet, they are still very pure and lovely. However, after a lot of brand-name bags and costumes and makeup mouths of the lord, they became the most tempting female goblin. For several days, The master was sucked up and the bone marrow and soul were almost lost.

"It's great to have money and power~"

The young man said with emotion, after the events of these two twins, he seemed to have matured his whole mind.

Before switching to his, his thoughts were very impulsive. He moved forward and arrogantly. However, recently, he deliberately kept a low profile, for safety and to enjoy life more.

So, this time, he was not prepared to appear in front of Li Qing.

"It's still too dangerous. This guy is growing fast, and I don't know if there is really help from behind. I still have to be careful and avoid it well..." Thinking of this, he looked at the following and swallowed the murderous thing seriously. , Licking the two beauties around her chest, the same pretty face: "After all, it is still life, the most important thing to live ~ Okay, just when I am afraid of you, Li Qing..."

He admitted for the first time that he was afraid of someone because Li Qing had brought him a breath of death.

No one has ever given him such a breath, but it was Li Qinggan, so the young man was really scared, even if he was looking at this flower, there was a plan of murder in his heart, he was still thinking hard To contemplate these plans many times, and strive to achieve the best results, and to protect yourself.


"Brother, do you really know any superhuman beings? Otherwise, how can you press so many things in my mind!" Wang Lin and Wei Huang, and Zhang Sangou, They all sit in the lobby on the first floor of the villa.

The sofa is large and wide, and through the bright floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the small garden outside.

"That's right~"

Li Qing nodded with a smile.

When he was going to teach them, Li Qing thought of the questions they might ask, and simply answered them.

"Li Shao, is your master a stranger?"

"Master, is my grandfather the high-seal world?"

Zhang Sangou and Wei Huang also asked curiously.

After feeling their own changes, it can be said that their minds and even every cell of the body are excited to the extreme, and they are constantly trembling to open and close.

"You are all my closest people, so I might as well tell you, my master who calls himself cultivation, you can understand, this cultivation is cultivation of immortals!" Since I want to tell them, Li Qing simply said thoroughly.

Anyway, the three people in front of him certainly would not betray him. After time's proof and his own investigation, Li Qing trusted them.

Such as Zhang Sangou, he is very loyal, and he can almost not fight back, scold, or return his mouth.

Like Wei Huang, he put himself on the disciple's identity wholeheartedly, without self-confidence and old age. Many things Li Qing didn't expect, he can even do it for you.

Another example is Wang Lin, a brother for several years. Naturally, it goes without saying that, besides being lascivious, he is very serious. Others, Li Qing dare not say that, at least, when he was poor, Wang Lin had a thousand dollars in his pocket and could borrow 900 yuan from Li Qing. He was not afraid that Li Qing wouldn’t pay it back.

Sometimes, Wang Lin will deliberately buy some snacks, what to eat, as if it is not finished, let Li Qing help to eat together. Such a brother, hard to find!

After learning that Li Qing’s master was originally a cultivator, that is, a person who cultivated immortals, the three people reacted completely differently.

"Ah! Immortal cultivation..."

Wei Huang exclaimed in silence, disbelief in his face, and doubts. This is caused by his many years of knowledge and life experience. He believes in science and is not superstitious.


Zhang Sangou didn't believe it either, but remembering that this was what Li Qing said, he forced himself to believe it. Seriously, if someone else said this to him, he could slap him in the face and laughed and bragged, but Li Qing said that he is a believer, he must believe, and he must believe if he doesn’t!

"Really? My God, really? Really, you didn't lie to me?"

Compared to their suspicions, the young Wang Lin believed most of them instantly.

Because from Li Qing's help to him, what is most special is the change in his appearance, what he felt.

Before, he couldn't figure out why Li Qing could help him change his appearance and change his voice, even if he wanted to break his head. But if Li Qing is a person who cultivates immortals, all of this is enough to explain.

Immortal man!

Their methods are strange and endless, and they can change themselves. Is this not purely normal?

Wang Lin is also a person who loves to read novels. He doesn’t know much about Li Xian or Li Qing. So, after learning about this, he was very surprised, as if a bomb hit his heart, making his heart ecstatic.

He had to ask, to be sure, to get the answer from Li Qing’s mouth, if Li Qing is really a person of self-cultivation, then Wang Lin cried out in his heart, he must firmly hold Li Qing’s thick leg, even if it is Leg hair will do...

A great excitement, great fear hovered above Wang Lin's heart, and his heart was beating fast, reaching hundreds of times a minute.

Wang Lin's pupils are expanding infinitely, and his breathing is extremely extreme. Compared with the other two, his heart has infinite desires and cravings.

"calm down……"

Seeing Wang Lin's breath starting to be chaotic, it seems that there is a kind of emotion reaching the extreme, the body may be unable to bear the Li Qing quickly patted his shoulder, secretly passed a trace of true energy to reach his heart Trying to stabilize his mood.

In this way, Wang Lin suffered a lot. Just inadvertently, he felt he was so nervous that he had to stop breathing.

"It's true, brother, how do you say? I have good luck, so I really met a master, he is a person of self-cultivation, so now I am also a person of self-cultivation~" Li Qing nodded, to Wang Lindao : "Don't be excited, really, don't be excited, I am just getting started now, and I will teach you how to practice the truth after I become more familiar with it."

Cultivation is true and powerful. In addition to this idea, Li Qing also wants to bring his own brothers and relatives to practice together.

Eternal life!

If he really can live forever, then he has the power to of course pull his dear ones and live together forever.

Of course, he is a stable man, and he will not make any promises. He can only tell them temporarily, and he will take them to the path of self-cultivation after he is familiar with them.


After being confirmed, Wang Lin suddenly burst out laughing.

This childish behavior has never been done since he was five years old, right? However, this time, he relied on instinct and was extremely ecstatic, so he jumped up and laughed happily.

Wang Lin was young and it was normal to make these moves.

However, Zhang Sangou and Wei Huang were older and more secure. After believing in Li Qing, they all showed ecstasy, but they all controlled it very well and did not make a move that they thought was ugly.


Can I really cultivate myself into a fairy?

In their hearts, they all thought in unison, the light of excitement in their eyes, looking forward, looking forward.

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