My Super God QQ

Chapter 168: Girl in love

Even if Li Qing is patriotic again, he would not let him devote all his stuff and technology to nothing!

If it is good for the entire country, he will still consider it, but the premise is that this can only be used by the country!


It cannot be used by the country alone!

He knew clearly in his heart that if the technology was acquired by the state, it would also be acquired by some businessmen.

When the time comes, can the suspension motorcycle still stand alone?

Therefore, his character made him say "no" without hesitation and courage.

"Boy, are you sure? You know, this is the request made by the country, don't you feel unpatriotic?" The old man's expression became serious, and the breath of the upper class was born spontaneously, unlike the old grandfather next to him, It's more like an official with great power.

The other old people looked at Li Qing seriously.

"Boy, don't get cheap and sell well. If the country wants you, you have to offer..." That Ayang was on the side, suddenly proud.

"To shut up!"

A deep drink interrupted him.

The old man pointed to the door again: "Get out of here!"

He was really angry, and Ayang did not dare to resist, so he was so frightened that he left in a hurry.

"Grandpa Zhu, the doctor said you can't be angry..." Tang Yanyan saw it, worried.

Li Qing looked at this scene, and all kinds of thoughts kept in mind.

Is this a face change?

If they don't agree with each other, they will change from the kind old man to the position of the superior. Forcibly ask for it? !

If he is really like this, Li Qing might have to hand it over, otherwise what can he do? In this China's territory, everything is dominated by China, and he is still unable to fight the state machine.

This made Li Qing feel a little weak in his heart, and his heart to be stronger became more determined.

Just when he thought he was about to face a ruthless request, the old man suddenly laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha... Yan Yan, it's okay, I'm okay!"

Tang Yanyan only gave way.

"Young man, are you afraid?" The old man asked Li Qing with a smile.

"What are you afraid of?"

"That is, are you not afraid that I am in a high position, forcibly asking for your things, or just grabbing you directly?" asked the old man with a smile.

Li Qing really wants to say fear, who is not afraid? There is light and darkness in this society. If he is locked up, no one can really control it.

But can he say it?

Do not!

Therefore, he lied and said: "No, I know that Grandpa Zhu is very good to the country and the people, and he will not forcefully ask others for things."

"Hey~" The old man sighed deeply: "Yes, Taizu his old man once said a famous saying, we are the public servants of the people, we can't take the people's needles and threads, I always remember that. You don't need to give I wear a high hat, you say you don’t want it, and I don’t force it, just, I want to know, are you not patriotic?"

"Love, I love this country and this land deeply, but I don’t love those who use power for personal gains! If it is good for the country, then I can contribute this technology to the country, but I am afraid of this Technology flows out of the country and turns into something that harms my interests!" Li Qing said seriously: "If the country can use it, of course I am very happy, but if I donate selflessly, but it is still hurt, then, I think like that, I feel sorry for myself."


The old man was silent.

"Hey, this guy is right. Now many people are using power for personal gains. It's really ridiculous." Next, an old man nodded with deep feeling: "This seriously affects our credibility."

The other old people also said a few words, and they thought Li Qing made sense.

After all, people can’t give you a knife, can you stab them again?

"Seriously, you guys are right, I'm afraid I can't solve this in a short time. But if one day, if you can solve it, can you contribute this technology?" The old man stepped back and asked for something. Tone of voice.

Li Qing thought for a while and nodded: "Actually, I want to say that if in the commercial aspect of transportation, our company can claim this patent alone, and only our company can manufacture vehicles with suspension technology, I also Can give this technology to the country."

"This, I am afraid it is a bit difficult!" The old man thought, "I dare say, if you come out of this thing, there must be a lot of companies that will learn your technology from the cottage. You let me this old man, under such great rights For you, I have to endure a lot of pressure!

"Huh~" Li Qing said with a sneer: "As long as it is not the technical staff of our company who has revealed the secret, then I can guarantee that this technology will never be learned!"

For this matter, Li Qing let those technicians be divided into ten batches, each mastering the technology of the ten processes, and wanting to steal this technology, unless they are all in one hand, otherwise it is really difficult. Not to mention research, even if they have samples, Li Qing dares to guarantee that they will not be able to research them in fifty years.

These fifty years are enough for him to make an endless amount of money.

"Really?" The old man lit up: "If it works, then after a while, we can talk again after your product is released."

"Good." Li Qing nodded.

The next step was chatting. The old man asked Li Qing’s development plan and technical safety issues, but Li Qing was concerned about this and had to launch Xia Mo Can Yue.

This made Li Qingqing idle.

"Little brother, you are very smart! The advertisement of the suspended motorcycle is really great!" Tang Yanyan saw Li Qing idle, and seemed afraid that he would be bored, so he came to talk. It seems to be a good girl who understands.

"Haha, okay, but can you call me my little brother, sister..." Li Qing would like to say that I am very big, you can't call it that way.

"Okay! Come and eat fruit!" Tang Yanyan handed over a bunch of crystal grapes.

Li Qing was also polite, and she was just thirsty. When she took it, she swiftly drew it, causing Tang Yanyan to smile again.

"Sister, what's going on with your neck?" Li Qing thought that the girl was quite destined and asked casually.

Tang Yanyan was startled, and his entire face was pale, and it seemed to tremble when he remembered something very bad.

"I'm sorry, I just asked, I'm sorry!" Seeing her reaction so strongly, Li Qing realized that it was wrong and quickly apologized.

"Actually, it's okay. I was kidnapped when I was a kid, so I left this."

Was kidnapped as a kid?

Li Qing thought that he had the same experience when he was a child, and suddenly felt distressed.

This reminded him of the younger sister.

"Sister, are you okay? I will definitely find you as soon as possible! As soon as possible!" Li Qing swore secretly.

He is now a congenital strongman, and he has thought about going to her, but he must plan ahead and prepare a way for himself!

The QQ system is the golden monster!

If he didn’t make a lot of money, he wouldn’t have enough strength in the process of looking for the younger sister, and he needed to upgrade to more levels. What will he do then?

"Why don't you talk? I don't blame you~" Tang Yanyan seemed to worry that Li Qing felt ashamed when he didn't talk, and comforted him.

This made Li Qing feel the kindness of the girl even more.

Perhaps that is the case, Li Qing thought of something, and said: "Sister, you scar, I may have a solution, or try it for you?"

"Ah, really?"

Her beautiful eyes light up.

"Have you heard of tonic lotion?"

"I seem to have heard of it there. It seems very magical. It is a kind of magical medicine that can be used for beauty and beauty. It is very expensive and rare. Do you have it?"

"Haha, that's what I sold, and there is a bottle."

Li Qing said, pretending to take something from his trouser pocket, he took a bottle from the QQ hard disk space and gave it to her.

"You can try it on the spot without charging you money!" Li Qing smiled.

He felt that he was a bit close to this girl, this was his first time feeling.

"Thank you~"

Li Qing didn't find it. When Xia Mo Can Yue was answering this, he was a bit jealous when he saw this, and there was a fierce spark in his eyes. The eyes seemed to kill Li Qing.

Li Qing didn't notice her and explained to Tang Yanyan the method to use.

"Then I used it?"

"Hmm!" Li Qing nodded with an encouraging look.

Such a kind and fateful girl, she shouldn't always carry this painful scar.

She poured out a little and applied it carefully.

The old man occasionally pays attention to it, but he has no control.

Maybe it was so, she was so bold, plus she wanted to wipe off the scar as soon as possible, so I used it.

Before they finished talking, Tang Yanyan had taken out the mirror from the room. She felt a little itchy and kept trying to scratch it.

Li Qing told her not to move.

ten minutes later……

The magic Her scar seemed to be moving, and then, it seemed to be molting.

After Li Qing's permission, she gently tore it, and the scars were gone, and she was replaced with white and flawless skin.


She cried with excitement, tears in her eyes.

"Thank you, thank you brother!" When she was happy and excited, she held Li Qing in her arms.

"I'm going to stop~"

Li Qing felt the tenderness and the fragrance of his nose, and he was really embarrassed, and his face was ashamed.

But the girl didn't know whether it was pure or something, or if she didn't let go, she kept thanking her and crying excitedly.

The situation here shocked the people next to me.

The group of elderly people, even Tang Yanyan, who was watching the scars of the second boss, were dumbfounded and could not believe it.

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