My Super God QQ

Chapter 167: Big brother wants to meet

"Li Qing, are you busy?"

"Uh, it's okay now, just to design a name and details, I am discussing with some designers in the factory!" Li Qing replied.

"My dad said, someone wants to see you, don't know if you are free?"

"Someone wants to see me? That won't let him come to see me..." Li Qing said casually, working, and the king called him, and he didn't want to care.

"This person who wants to see you is the leader above, how to say? It's business management, so if you have time, can you take the time and meet up, you know, we do business, just I’m afraid these people will disturb. On the contrary, if I have a good relationship with them, then there will be a green light.” Xia Mo Can Yue felt that Li Qing’s temperament was not so easy to succumb, so he entered from the side and tried to move Li by reason. green.

"This way..." Li Qing really thought about it.

"Yes, the legs and feet of the old man are not good. We are not respecting the old and loving the young, so it is better for us to take the initiative to meet others." Xia Mo Can Yue again chased after the victory.

"Okay, okay, haha, you can persuade you so much to persuade, this old man seems to have a lot to do with you, then, I'll go to see you once, why not."

"Well, I'll let someone pick you up."

"Okay, I'll wait in the factory."

After hanging up the phone, Li Qing continued to be busy.

Suspension motorcycle as his first shot into a commercial company, he hopes to start it well.

After a while, a military vehicle carried Li Qing away.

Where did he think he was going, who knew that the military vehicle took him directly into the airport.

Good fellow, there is a special channel for direct access, even without inspection.

Sitting in the helicopter, Li Qing was a little stunned. This treatment made him guess where he was.

It took a few hours to fly. Finally, the plane landed at Huaxia Kyoto Airport and changed into a car, where Xia Mo was sitting, and there was a middle-aged person.

"I'm sorry, let you run so far~" She sat on the edge of Li Qing, saw him sit in, gave in, and apologized.

"Haha, just for fun. I have never been to Kyoto before. I heard that the consumption is high here, and I have no money. I never wanted to come to this place." Li Qing said with emotion.

In the past, as a purebred hanging wire, where he had been to this place, I heard that it would cost more than 500 to stay in a hotel for one night.

"Yes! The consumption here is a bit high, who can let the entire Huaxia people squeeze here, there is no way. However, now that you are fine, you don’t have to think about money, let you stay in a five thousand hotel one night I don’t have to think about it."

"Hahahaha!" Li Qing smiled, and then saw the middle-aged man sitting in front of the co-pilot turned his head: "Hello, uncle."

"it is good!"

"Right, I forgot to introduce you. This is my dad, Xia Mofeng."

"Oh, hello, uncle."

Others are called uncles, but this is a friend's father, it is better to call uncles.

"Young people, you can develop anti-gravity suspension technology, it is really young and smart. However, where you wait, you must speak carefully, don't be smart~" he smiled, but In warning Li Qing, be sure to speak carefully.


Li Qing nodded.

All the way, they took their car straight into the city center, and finally stopped in a heavily guarded military sanatorium.

There were four soldiers with submachine guns guarding the entrance of the compound. It seems that this place was not for ordinary people.

Under the leadership of middle-aged people, namely Xia Mofeng, they came to a small courtyard.

In the small yard, there are two young people, one man and one woman, and four old people basking in the sun.

The weather is a bit cold. This is a good time to bask in the sun. The four old people are sitting on the lounge chairs, chatting and enjoying the wait of the man and the woman.

The man was very handsome, but he was a little sullen. He was wearing a casual suit and looked like Gao Fushuai.

The women are also very beautiful, slim and tall, with picturesque eyes and long hair like immortals, not losing at all to Xia Mo.

"You are here..."

Seeing Li Qing coming, one of the old men with white beards and black suits said.

This old man, Li Qing seems to have seen it on TV.

"Yes, it seems that it is China's BOSS, which is responsible for people's livelihood issues. It is the second BOSS in China." Li Qing tightened his mind and immediately recognized the identity of the old man.

Well, the rest of the elderly seem to have a low status.

No wonder, Xia Mo's father, Yue Yue, had to speak carefully.

No. 2 BOSS!

If you want to change to the previous one, Li Qing wouldn’t see it even if she wanted to see it, let alone talk, but this time he actually wanted to see himself. For this old man respected by the Chinese, Li Qing felt a little honored.

Xia Mofeng's father and daughter went up to see the ceremony, and Li Qing also bent slightly to see the ceremony.

"Hahaha, young and promising! Not bad, but the old man asked you to come to see me, but it's a bit rude, young man don't blame it~" The old man is not as serious as it is on TV, but instead has the approachable gesture of the grandfather next door.

All of a sudden, Li Qing gained a lot of favors.

"No, I used to be poor. I didn't dare to come to Kyoto. Now I can take advantage of this opportunity to play, haha!" Li Qing scratched his head and said haha.


Hearing his words, the beautiful girl could not help but smile, and quickly covered her mouth with that white jade-like slender jade hand, her face flushed.

But the young man saw the girl so, her eyebrows were deeply frowned, and she seemed to look at Li Qing very uncomfortably.

"The boy is very honest, okay, okay! Ayan, you go find a chair and let them sit." The old man commanded the young man.

The young man nodded and moved two chairs.

Seeing this, Li Qing was a bit dazed, but let Xia Mofeng's father and daughter sit on it. He is the youngest and a man, so it should be so! But it was against this young man that he felt a bit of hostility ever since.

"Oh, you're a real person, why did you get two chairs, I'll get another one!"

The old man hadn't spoken yet, and the beautiful girl said that she would go get it again.

"Why let me take it for him, he won't take it by himself?" The young man blocked her way, and was agitated.

Upon seeing this, the old man shook his head: "Ayang, people are guests, let alone I invited them, why are you? Give me honestly, or wait for your skin!"

The young man took an indignant breath and pulled away.

"No need, the chair is in the back room? I'll take it myself!" Li Qing was so embarrassed to let the lady do it, so he said.

"Don't be polite to me, younger brother, you are a guest~" The girl smiled gently and took Li Qing's arm, so she went in to get it herself.

It was this approach that Li Qing found that the girl looked beautiful from a distance, but there was a scar on the right side, which split straight from the neck to the ear. If it was not close, it was just her high-necked clothes. Can't see it.

"Boy, don't mess around!"

Seeing that Li Qing had been staring at the collar of the girl, Ayang warned.

Li Qing's eyes were white, and he didn't want to care about him.

"Ayang, let's go, you're not going to repair the car, go..." The old man couldn't stand anymore and drove him away.

"Good!" Ayang said uncomfortably, and was about to find the woman, but was obviously rejected, and came out angrily.

"Why don't you leave!"

When the old man saw that he had been making troubles, he couldn't be serious, and his tone began to get worse.

"Grandpa, if I don't go, can't I do it without talking?" he said with embarrassment on his face.

The old man turned his head impatiently and looked at Li Qing with a smile.

"I heard that you developed the suspension technology yourself. Is this true or false?"

"Well, yes." Li Qing nodded.

Then, the girl took the chair, and Li Qing quickly took it and said, "Thank you chair."

He just said casually, but the girl smiled again: "I don't call the chair, I call Tang Yanyan."

Only then did Li Qing realize that he seemed to be wrong and blushed suddenly.

"Giggle~" Tang Yanyan saw it, only to feel amused as a younger brother, but also smiled, making Ayang's eyes angry at Li Qing.

"Excuse me, thank you!"

"Okay, both of you go away. I'm going to talk about business, and if you disturb you, it's imprisoned!"

Tang Yanyan just tongued out and walked behind him cutely.

"I now represent Hua Xia and would like to invite you to enter our National Academy of Science and Technology. I wonder if you would like it or not?" The old man said quietly again when they saw them.

Li Qing shook his head.

"Why, enjoy the academician's allowance, our country's private rooms and chartered cars, you are not satisfied yet?"

"Sorry, grandpa, I still like to be free." Li Qing didn't want to do any work. Besides, he didn't like this technology. He only studied suspension motorcycles just for money.

"In this way, how about I give you the rank of third-class noncommissioned officer?"

Li Qing still shook his head.

"Okay, now the country hopes you can make sacrifices and teach us the suspension technology, is it okay?" Finally, he opened the door to see Qing suddenly fell silent.

Others want his own skills, of course he refuses, but this is facing the power of a country, can he refuse it?

Finally, the sense of crisis he had once came to mind.

He is not willing to let his technology go out in vain. When the time comes, if others have this technology, will he make wool money?

"Sorry, no!" Finally, Li Qing gritted his teeth and shook his head firmly.

Hearing this, Xia Mo's father and daughter took a breath.

The old man was stunned!

The people on the side also felt a little weird.

The atmosphere of the yard suddenly condensed and looked very heavy.

Today is the third

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