My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1564: The breakthrough direction of modern agriculture

In this way, a contradiction arises.

That is, as the income of our people increases, people's requirements for the quality of life are also increasing.

The people want to consume more healthy agricultural products, but on the other hand, farmers in the countryside are facing the problem of farming without making money, leaving their land unused, and going to work in the city.

As a result, my country will inevitably import a large amount of agricultural products from all over the world every year to smooth out domestic shortfalls.

In order to balance the price of food in the world, we also need to encourage the enthusiasm of farmers and let them free their hands and feet to cultivate.

But at the same time, we must also ensure that the prices of crops cannot rise rapidly. After all, this is the basic material related to the national economy and the people's livelihood.

Therefore, a price range has been set for grain purchases, which further reduces farmers' enthusiasm for farming.

In fact, Japan, South Korea and other countries have also encountered the same problem, but how did they solve it?

First, they set up a farm machinery, unified procurement and sales channels.

The second is that the state will issue a large amount of subsidies to farmers to increase their enthusiasm for farming.

The second is that other people's agricultural machinery has the right to set prices, and coupled with the influence of the propaganda's unique mindset, the prices of local high-quality crops are not cheap.

The most typical examples are Wagyu and Korean beef.

Although a few are exaggerated, you have to say that the products of these two modern agricultures are indeed benefiting farmers.

However, such a situation does not work at all in our country.

Just one pricing power can make people sad.

And as the degree of urbanization is getting deeper and deeper, some domestic scholars have actually proposed it.

We don't need to stick to the 1.8 billion mu red line. In fact, we can let the market adjust.

In China, as long as the basic planting of staple grains is guaranteed every year, the state-owned grain depots can be harvested every year.

It is possible to stabilize international food prices. In fact, many of our land can be abandoned.

After all, with the development of our economy, we have the strength to completely get rid of the agricultural society.

Although this is a bit of a risk to the world, Xiao Feng very much agrees with such a proposal.

The reason why he agrees with this statement is indeed from another perspective.

That is the land in our country, now it is really unbearable for farming, and it is really necessary to recuperate.

Although we have another 9.6 million square kilometers of land.

But in fact, there is very little arable land available to us, and fresh water resources are also very scarce.

Especially in recent decades, due to some previous wrong directions, many areas have been severely deforested and the ecological environment has been severely damaged.

Therefore, the soil has insufficient nutrients and the soil condition is very degraded.

For example, in Inner Mongolia, overstocking has led to the problem of grassland degradation.

There are also serious problems of compaction in the North China Plain, North Hebei Province, Southern Henan Province, Dongshan Province, and many places.

It is caused by the over-cultivation of the land and the excessive use of chemical fertilizers year after year.

It really takes years, even decades, for these lands to recuperate.

And if we go to the country of the United States, Europe, and learn about their agriculture, we will be afraid of their agricultural potential.

Take the United States as an example. The United States now uses only half of the country's arable land, and its annual output can feed a quarter of the world's population.

In other words, just one year of agricultural output in the United States can feed 2 billion people!

This is what people have achieved with only half of the arable land.

So why American people never worry about eating meat, because it's not just people who can print US dollars and rob the world.

In fact, the truth concealed under hegemony is that they have super-developed agriculture.

And how did the Americans raise the land power?

After a piece of land has been cultivated for a few years, a professional agricultural company will be invited to measure it.

Once the land is found to be insufficiently fertile, it will stop farming on this land, and then open up a new wasteland for farming.

It must be an extravagant way to be able to use the rotation system...

In addition, how do people maintain the forests?

How do they deal with their crop stalks?

Do you know what the American wood shredder is used for?

Every year, forest rangers in mountainous areas cut down various broken branches and dead trees, and then use wood shredders to break them up.

Then spray the broken wood into the forest, or where there is bare soil.

According to others, this is to protect the ecological environment and form a new ecological circle.

And we can also see it in many other European and American countries, especially in the forests, where there are many pieces of wood.

This is how these pieces of wood come from.

This kind of broken wood, combined with the leaves and weeds in the forest, can be turned into biological fertilizer within a few years.

The U.S. people attach great importance to these fertilizers, and no one is allowed to come and mine them easily.

The Japanese are even more straightforward and directly import from country H.

Yes, it is imported from our country in large quantities...

As for straw, Americans will not directly burn it like our farmers.

Instead, it is broken up with a wood chipper, then mixed with cow dung collected from the cattle farm, and put on a large open field for composting.

After fermentation, these fertilizers are sprinkled back to the ground.

And every year they burn a wave of weeds on these livestock-raising land.

Then use tractors to plow the burned land deeply and repeatedly mix and fill the land.

This is the process of raising land for people and animals in the U.S. This kind of scene is very common in the Midwestern Plains.

This is also the main reason why the U.S. agriculture is extremely developed.

On the other hand, on our side, if other regions don’t talk about it, they just talk about the land in the Central Plains.

Many of them have been cultivated for thousands of years.

If this is the past, without the intervention of too many modern scientific methods, the common people would have no good solutions.

It can only be said that if you have a meal depending on the weather, you will charge more if the weather is smooth.

But once there is a flood or drought or something, the people can only flee the famine to beg for food.

Now, with the emergence of various fertilizers, the people in the past few decades have made up for the shortfall of the original hundreds of years.

It is true that the yield per mu has increased, but the soil power of the land has basically been consumed.

Especially in the last two years, experts have said that if you cannot burn straw, it will cause serious air pollution.

In this way, the common people would not even have the last point, the way to raise the fertility of the land.

In this way, in order to ensure the fertility of the land, a large amount of fertilizer can only be used.

And the food and vegetables grown in this way are far worse in terms of quality and taste.

So Xiao Feng actually agrees with the professor's statement that our land really needs to be recuperated.

Anyway, nowadays a large number of peasants have also entered the city to work, and those who remain in the village are the elderly and children.

These people generally only need to grow some rations, and most of them are unwilling to grow too much land.

Because if you plant more, you don’t need to be tired, and the investment is also big.

In the end, if there is a flood or hail or something, you will have to lose money in the end.

So it's better to let those lands go to waste and raise land power.

There is also land that cannot be left uncultivated. We can grow some staple foods, which is enough to stabilize food prices.

As for vegetables and fruits, how to solve it?

That's easy!

Fruits are generally grown in the mountains, but the demand for land is not special.

In terms of vegetables, it can be solved by the greenhouse of soilless cultivation.

As long as building such a few large-scale greenhouse agricultural bases with soilless homes close to each city, the problem of eating vegetables throughout the year in the city can be solved.

Moreover, the vegetables here are more hygienic, clean, green and healthy because they do not use pesticides, paraquat, and no bulking agent.

In terms of taste, as long as Xiao Feng and others can provide enough carbon dioxide supplements to allow crops to fully photosynthesize, the taste is not a problem.

Because after research by foreign agricultural scientists, a large part of the taste of crops comes from the dry matter and sweetness of crops.

The dry matter and sweetness of crops depend on whether the carbon dioxide is sufficient during the growth period and whether the photosynthesis is sufficient.

And now Xiao Feng wants to develop those helium-containing carbon dioxide gas reservoirs, in fact, he is preparing for this.

Take the provincial capital of his province, for example, a giant city with a population of 8 million.

The daily consumption of vegetables is calculated in tonnage If several large-scale agricultural planting bases are built around the city, glass greenhouses are installed, and carbon dioxide mediation and supplementation systems are installed.

The vegetables that are grown are enough for the consumption of the entire city.

And because of the high demand, even if it takes the route of small profits but quick turnover, it is enough for the company to make money.

And this is exactly what Chen Jianfeng thought.

Therefore, after Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun read his business plan, they immediately asked Quanye Fund to inject 100 million yuan into his Shennong Agricultural Company.

He even helped him take a piece of beach land near the new sports city they developed.

Now several large greenhouses have been buckled up.

As far as modern agricultural planting is concerned, we really lack high-precision technology.

But in these infrastructure areas, we are still very good.

For example, building the steel frame and glass of the greenhouse, as well as the construction, we have very mature plans from materials to design and construction.

As for Chen Jianfeng himself, because of years of immersion in this field, he himself has a very good set of nutrient solutions.

You should know that the nutrient solution formulations for different crops are completely different.

At present, there are many nutrient solutions on the Internet, and the proportions of these nutrient solutions are all the same.

However, in general, there is still a slight gap compared to the nutrient solution prepared by foreign companies.

And Chen Jianfeng himself is very good at this. The level of the nutrient solution he formulated can basically compete with the industry leader, Yamazaki of Japan.

There are even a lot of fields that have slightly won.

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