My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1563: The agricultural problem is serious

Many people may say, aren’t you bullshit?

Who doesn't know that the smog is caused by excessive emissions from factories, and how does it have to do with the land?

Agriculture is just looking at the sky for food and planting some land. As long as the straw is not burned, how can it be bad to produce smog?

Hey! It does matter, and it matters.

Every spring in our country, the haze weather is severe, which has a lot to do with the use of chemical fertilizers.

Because many rural areas in our country are now facing the problem of over-farming and degradation of land fertility.

Therefore, farmers use a lot of chemical fertilizers, especially nitrogen fertilizers.

The nitrogen element in these nitrogen fertilizers volatilizes in the ground and turns into nitric oxide in the air.

Nitric oxide is one of the main culprits of smog, and this is not the most serious part of the smog contributed by chemical fertilizers.

Another important element is the ammonia in nitrogen fertilizer.

Mainly in the form of ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate.

In the past, farmers also used chemical fertilizers, but when they were used normally, there was no problem.

However, in recent years, due to over-farming, the fertility of our land has deteriorated more and more severely.

Therefore, in order to ensure the output, the farmers increased the amount of chemical fertilizer.

The more degraded, the more fertilizer is used, which leads to a vicious circle.

These ammonium salts are sprinkled into the ground along with nitrogen fertilizers, except for some of them being absorbed by the land, the other part will volatilize into the air to form ammonia gas.

Ammonia floats into the air and combines with the acidic waste gas discharged from the factory to form ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate.

Such smog often occurs in the third- and fourth-tier small cities with dense small factories.

For example, North Hebei Province, Guanzhong area, and Jiangnan area.

When the smog was the most serious, someone had calculated that the concentration of ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate particles in the smog could reach 40%-60%...

In fact, this kind of haze has appeared as early as more than 20 years ago, but at that time because of the very strong winter monsoon in my country.

Even if there is smog, it will be blown away by strong winds, so smog is not common in northern areas.

In the Jiangnan area, there was a lot of rain, so the haze was photographed by the rain as soon as it floated, so it did not attract people's attention.

But until the last ten years, because of global warming, the average temperature in winter began to rise.

As a result, the monsoons in autumn and winter are no longer strong, and sometimes there is no wind for a week, which makes it difficult for the haze to disperse.

Therefore, the haze in northern my country is particularly severe in winter. In summer, because of the large amount of farmland, photosynthesis of various crops will absorb a lot of waste gas, so it is not bad.

It's only the worst in winter.

And here, the Guanzhong area is the most serious, because it is surrounded by mountains and rarely winds in winter.

As a result, the smog here is often difficult to disperse throughout the winter. The same situation also occurs in Rongcheng and Hanjiang City.

But in the area of ​​Jiangnan, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, the haze weather can be alleviated because of the heavy rain.

However, it is precisely because of the rain that the smog in the air fell to the ground and merged into the river, which caused the problem of heavy metal pollution in the area, which is particularly prominent...

This shows that our agricultural environment has endangered to some extent.

The idea that Chen Jianfeng put forward this time is to engage in soilless cultivation.

When many people hear of soilless cultivation, they certainly don’t like it, saying that these things are not all made of chemical agents?

Eh! Really not, this kind of soilless cultivation technology is very high.

The first is the configuration of the nutrient solution. It is really not as simple as mixing a variety of chemical agents.

Instead, it is made through a medium similar to physiological saline, and then various trace elements are added to it and mixed with minerals.

And the benefit of this nutrient solution is high efficiency!

For example, if you grow Chinese cabbage on the ground, the nutrients in this field may like Chinese cabbage, and some may not like it.

Therefore, the growth cycle of pakchoi will be longer.

But if you configure pakchoi with all the nutrients he likes, then it absorbs nutrients, saves time and effort, and he grows faster.

The growth cycle will be greatly shortened, and the efficiency of maturation will be higher.

And the most important benefit is that you don’t need to worry about pests and poisonous weeds.

The biggest headache for farmers in farming is all kinds of pests and weeds.

Weeds will take away nutrients from the land and hinder the growth of crops, not to mention pests.

As long as there is soil cultivation, it is inevitable to encounter weeds and pests.

This can be said to be a natural enemy that farmers can't get around.

The first generation of genetically modified crops was actually developed to resist pests and lodging.

Later, in order to increase production, gene fragments to increase protein content were added.

Although there are many benefits of genetically modified soybeans, so far, genetically modified soybeans have been repelled on the market.

It is because scientists have added toxic peptides to the genetic fragments of genetically modified soybeans.

After this toxic peptide is combined with the digestive enzymes in the pests, a poison will be produced to kill the pests.

So as to protect soybeans from pests and diseases.

Although scientific research has shown that this toxic peptide does not have any reaction with digestive enzymes in the human body.

But what people can't guarantee now is that if this genetically modified soybean is taken for a long time, it will cause other diseases over time.

Therefore, when people eat soy oil and soy products, they will try to avoid foods made from genetically modified soybeans.

But no matter how you do it, you are actually suspected of taking off your pants and farting.

Because even if people don't eat those soybeans directly, those genetically modified soybeans will be made into feed and fed to pigs, cows, chickens and ducks.

And these animals will eventually appear on our tables in the form of various meat products.

The use of soilless cultivation can avoid these genetically modified foods as much as possible.

Because of soilless cultivation, it can naturally isolate pests and diseases.

Because the eggs of disease and insects are basically hidden in the soil, it is difficult to kill them.

Every summer, it breaks through the soil and invades the crops.

At this time, farmers have to use a lot of pesticides to kill these pests.

The same is true for weeds. In order to kill weeds that compete with crops for nutrition, farmers will use paraquat, a potent poison.

Although the concentration is not high, and it will evaporate, it is inevitable that there will be residues.

If people eat too much, they will harm their bodies sooner or later.

And if you use soilless cultivation, you won't have the trouble of robbing nutrients from weeds.

Those who engage in planting do not need to kill pesticides to kill pests and diseases on crops, nor do they need to kill paraquat that kills weeds.

And because it is cultivated in a safe greenhouse, there is no need to worry about the hail and the suppression of the rain and the wind, which will cause the vegetables to fall over.

In this way, there is no need to use lodging-resistant genetically modified seeds.

And because of the fast growth cycle, there is no need to use genetically modified seeds that increase protein content.

Because even if the nutrient content of the single product is not high, it is only a medium qualified level.

However, due to the short maturity cycle and large output, it can be supplemented by quantity.

And the fruits and vegetables cultivated in this way, as long as they supplement enough carbon dioxide, so that they can carry out full photosynthesis.

Then the taste of such vegetables and fruits will be very good.

It tastes better than the fruits and vegetables grown in soil.

And as long as you add a mature control system to the greenhouse, you can also reduce the staffing and greatly improve production efficiency.

Such an industrialized mindset is used to engage in agriculture, and this is the way out for the future of modern agriculture.

And although this model of industrialized agriculture was pioneered by the Israelis and Japanese.

But where they are, they have not promoted the extinction of juveniles. On the contrary, due to a series of problems such as labor and other costs, the prices of vegetables and fruits are very expensive.

But in our country, Chen Jianfeng confirmed that this is a very promising industry.

Because first of all, one of our advantages over them is another natural big market in our country.

With a population of 1.4 billion, this is our natural advantage.

The second is our land. If calculated according to the effective cultivated area per capita, it is not even as good as Japan.

This has led to the scarcity of land resources in our country.

And because of the special land contract responsibility system, our country’s farmland is scattered in the hands of many individual is no way to engage in large-scale mechanized planting development, so our agriculture has not been realized until now. Mechanization.

This has also led to my country's agricultural production efficiency has been very low.

But if we do soilless cultivation in greenhouses, these problems will disappear.

In fact, many rural areas now have a large area of ​​wasteland. Farmers find that they don't make money from farming, so most of them choose to abandon their land instead of farming.

Because an acre of land has to be used more and more, the cost is getting higher and higher.

Because the amount of cost used has soared, so the cost of chemical fertilizer is a lump sum.

There are also seeds. Almost a large amount of seeds in our country have to be imported from abroad. This is another sum of money.

The second is water and electricity. Many rural areas have to use motorized wells to pump groundwater for irrigation, which is another expense.

And in summer, weeding, insecticide, and finally picking and harvesting, etc., are always added together.

When it comes to conversion, one mu of land would earn a hundred or so yuan.

However, each farmer's household is also supported by one mu of land. This is still the northern region with relatively large amounts of land.

If this is in the south, many households don’t have an acre of land...

Of course, except for the Northeast and Northwest regions...

So plant an egg like this?

Even if you go to the city to watch the gate of the construction site, you can get one or two thousand in a month.

If you have a lot of strength, even if you go to the construction site to move bricks, you can mix seven or eight thousand in a month.

So who is willing to farm?

This has led to a large amount of farmland being abandoned...

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